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How Much Does The United States Owe China?

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Title :  How Much Does The United States Owe China?
Lasting :   10.08
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Comments How Much Does The United States Owe China?

Debt trap from China 😂
Comment from : @KBellate

So profit and profit for nations and we all win brHowever america will always own debt and sell debtbrSo america works for the world 🌏🎉, or america would cut spending, maximize profit and pay the 15 X or interest or a profit percentage to nations that invested into America for a twenty to thirty year goal? 🇺🇸 🇨🇳 😎
Comment from : @Wizard19977

This is still relevant 4 years later
Comment from : @TeeSpells

U s a is the most poorist country in the world such a shame 😭😭😭😭
Comment from : @mohammadayub2760

Why would the US borrow from China? Did they borrow chinese money is that what they're telling us? Unless there is something we don't know
Comment from : @g4be01estuar

Comment from : @mutav2166

COVID-19 is a virus that originated in the US military and was brought to China like the Vietnam war they don't want to admit defeat but cover it up well they are hypocrites who were exterminated
Comment from : @五月五月-s8k

COVID-19 is a virus that originated in the US military and was brought to China like the Vietnam war they don't want to admit defeat but cover it up well they are hypocrites who were exterminated
Comment from : @五月五月-s8k

Usa credit score 300 brChina im waiting to get paid
Comment from : @jeffreyxiong205

Pay them back ASAP WTF dumb as a box of rock's
Comment from : @josephbobell4676

So how can the us put sanctions on China if they're in debt them Can someone explain this In dumb
Comment from : @adrianeyre3630

27000000000 Trillions US Dollar 💵!
Comment from : @MenteLiberta1980

i dunno what it is but i hear your words and yet the sound of your voice makes it difficult to digest
Comment from : @kartergrey80

Any radiation coming across the USA from testing of nuclear weapons
Comment from : @danadronen9361

Education is a waste of cash because the school principles are stealing cash and paying bribes to get out of dodge this is bullshit Fuck the humans
Comment from : @jollycanna701

Let's just admit the humans and others who rebelled are terrorists and this shit parade ends with everyone in a pain suffering seat for ever more and yall are like yeah!
Comment from : @jollycanna701

The usa is so corrupt its scary and no one will do anything because you have a bunch of psychopaths protecting even worse psychopaths
Comment from : @jollycanna701

Your species is a terrorist and needs to end
Comment from : @jollycanna701

Isn't it weird how we went more into debt and thr ghetto and shit if filled with low end Dexter's but for some reason there is rich like millionaire folks who default on millions and more and never seem to be held accountable until they die and rot in hell
Comment from : @jollycanna701

Define a fucking idiot ruining a country because of revenge for slavery while working for and taking bribes from exslave owning famlies fucking crazy shit They closed my accounts when I went negative a few hundred how the fuck do i owe china!
Comment from : @jollycanna701

Comment from : @kudamaye1357

I dont understand 4:15 and 7:30 totally can someone please explain it, and what is GPD????
Comment from : @RoyalLegend1000

big thing this video left out is the fact america is hated by many nations across the globe and cutting military funding to build stuff on our american soil is a big risk, Remember 9/11? what if that happened more and more to different establishmernts like buildings with new tech to build infrastructure or a giant school
Comment from : @cameronrodriguez2730

Were even now ??
Comment from : @alfredoruvalcaba4670

So that means u s a is bankrupt now thats amazing I don't think thay can pay because thay don't want to
Comment from : @mohammadayub2760

It's more complicated and China has and making more trillions of dollas in trade united states and is no yoyo in America right now give back yoyo
Comment from : @kylebailey485

Comment from : @LifeForUndead

This is why I’m tired of hearing about chinas debt trap to Africa from US people Mind your business
Comment from : @msgordon3802

The best time for fixing the problem of debt Is make it hurt at the highest levels of power That way maybe they will see the light that has told them all along But they will never let sten to the real truth
Comment from : @geraldjyrkinen4276

That's what I care about and the Biden administration is fucking it all up!
Comment from : @geraldjyrkinen4276

Successes of the administration of President Trump: 1_ Incentives for US companies outside the United States to return to US soil 2_ The largest tax cut especially for the middle class in the history of this country 3_The unemployment rate fell to 35, being the lowest rate in the last 60 years 4_ Never have blacks, Hispanics and women had as many jobs as in the Trump administration 5_ The Stock Market doubled during the Trump administration 6_The United States became the world's leading oil exporter 7_ No war during his administration by him 8_ He got several Arab countries to sign peace with Israel 9_ He recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel 10_Elimination of the terrorist group ISIS in Afghanistan 11 Restoration of Christian values 12_ Renegotiation of all commercial agreements to achieve greater benefits 13_ Vaccine in record time to save millions of lives when a large part of the Democrats said it was impossible to get it 14_ Border security, construction of a wall of more than 450 miles to prevent the entry of gang members and traffickers 15_Creation of a special military force called THE UNITED STATES SPACE FORCE so that this country continues to be the main military power in the world 16_Reduction of the cost of medicine like never before with 4 executive orders 17_ Creation of a commission to promote patriotic education in schools so that our children grow up loving their country and the founders of this great nation
Comment from : @horaciozapatacastillo6594

Debt is slavery since roman times
Comment from : @velazquezn

Folks r only peasants No rest for the wicked no elite Forget these losers and move the new world order forward Batteries U start leave others behind?
Comment from : @tablethome2739

Nice information well presented Thanks
Comment from : @rschennai6997

Blokuja Pana Giuliani na mojm czats messenger tak sie boja zeby Swiat prawde UswiatczylThe Lord has "Chosen this Place " USA Brawo Sheryfie Donald Trump Polacy Prawdziwi to Kluby idz pod prad Na zywo tv internment wspieraja I Modla sie Amen messenger czats blokuja kazde przemowienie Prezydenta Donald Trump na mojm czats messenger to dopiero karlu nie morale Modlimy sie zeby Wrescie Prawda Zwyciezyla
Comment from : @ryszardpokrzywa243

Covid reversed that, china's going broke
Comment from : @19leeryan

Obama is shit
Comment from : @natk5598

We don't owe them anything After what they did to this country
Comment from : @sharonconner6644

Who cares how much we owe China, come and collect it bastard
Comment from : @astroredd7895

for the lies and cover ups over the virus they owe the world trillions for damages
Comment from : @chrisjones-tp6cl

This is why they want Biden in office
Comment from : @dennisthomas4251

Maybe people are murdered by a virus to pay the debt by Life Insurance Birth Certificate🔥🥴
Comment from : @jeanettejamison1045

Thanks for making this video but you don't know much about economics saying we need government spending because it's a big part of the GDP is crazy GDP is only important if it signifies that people are coming out of poverty You'd need to know about the Broken window fallacy if they didn't take the money from me in taxes, I'd be spending it so I don't need the government to spend my money for me There are many intellectuals who laugh at the current way we measure GDP we should be looking at it without government spending as that's simply a snake eating itselfbrbrWe know how to grow the economy we have data we even have the Romer and Romer study out of Berkley we know that we need to reduce taxes to grow the economy Raising taxes shrinks the economy this was found in Hauser's LawbrbrGovernment spending creates temporary jobs so saying infrastructure spending produces the highest number of jobs per dollar literally doesn't mean much
Comment from : @marcusdavenport1590

The US owe Communist China $000 Communist China owes the US forfeiture of the CCP's power over China The elected government of Taiwan is the legitimate government of China
Comment from : @Englishkin

How much does China owe the United States? Ps they have paid nothing
Comment from : @williamvaughan1218

All we literally have to do is cut money going to the military They have way too much
Comment from : @bryanalexismoya397

Comment from : @budlong335

Guess what territory the us just gave up as collateral because of debt to China in 1871 hmm hmm I mean 2019 😖
Comment from : @christopherkleinbach5237

China owes the us more than what the us owes china the only difference is we are paying our debt, they are not
Comment from : @benh580

Central Banks are the powers behind the governments they financially support Banking cartels run the world Hence the plutocracy we are enslaved to as citizens Debt is slavery
Comment from : @aqjr6205

Love from IndiabrVery less views of your videos Your videos are very good
Comment from : @vasudwivedi9692

I wanna know how will it feel if we stop spending money for the president an military
Comment from : @JFromDaA

I now what exactly the United States 🇺🇸 need to do to become more strong economic growth to surpass this situation
Comment from : @benmontenegro6632

The US owes China 14 trillion dollars in US treasury bonds
Comment from : @corrinetsang1478

Trump has used no money from our booming economy to pay back China or any other creditors We have not even raised any taxes on wealthy, but on the middle class to pay for government Under Trump, our debt will go to double if he is allowed 4 more years Trump cut spending on welfare and way outspent on defense that was doing fine
Comment from :

Jesus loves us Please watch my new video 😀
Comment from : @sunilv9654

US should say to China, i'll give you the Coronavirus cure if you clear my debt, Genius
Comment from : @SuperEman500

ATMbrAmericabrTobrMaobrbr(Anyone get that reference)
Comment from : @yungchangsta

Good video
Comment from : @shaowang5149

cut milytary cost
Comment from : @lowfans

China holds US treasury bonds denominated in US dollars Tell me how US is in debt to china? Don't say because they own US treasury bonds, they don't When it matures, they get US dollars back, not Yuan Let that sink in for all the dumbasses
Comment from : @therealnoodles7638

how do you collect from someone who makes the guns that you have to collect the money with
Comment from : @tomastobler6161

Stop wasting your money on wars and destruction and fixup renew your infstructure will make America great again
Comment from : @malletor

You owe me i owe wtf ??? All of this sounds like bullshit Buf still we should cut military
Comment from : @Mrinvestors11

What is this a propaganda video, I knew it as soon as I heard Social Security
Comment from : @greghill118

I under stand it the way you explain it and what will happen if they (China) desides to start a war or take over the country
Comment from : @bubblegumpop078

China is the real number 1 economybrUSA is never number 1 economy with their 22 trillion debt
Comment from : @NightcorEDM

The US owe more than half the worlds GDP? That's crazy!
Comment from : @fabiosunspot1112

In the history of mankind, which debtor declared trade war with its principal creditor? Such action belongs only to the underground world
Comment from : @dsyip81

I forwarded and watch for total 60 seconds still a waste of time
Comment from : @lets-get-better

America is solving this problem by shutting down oil production all over the world and take it over by selling its own oil to replace the vacant demand
Comment from : @newborn6

Afghanistan made Soviet collapsed
Comment from : @lvjinbin28

Good video brI wish you success
Comment from : @ghbjghbnj4189

Very good video brobrGettings from Mexico city 😎🇲🇽
Comment from : @alvaradorodriguezerick6504

Comment from : @gatosabortortuga7278

excellent video imperium 👍😎👍brgreetings from Mexico🇲🇽👏👏👏
Comment from : @eaglemexhicoault1677

First comment like
Comment from : @antoniodipersio3477

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