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I Have A Lot of Debt and No Retirement!

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Title :  I Have A Lot of Debt and No Retirement!
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Comments I Have A Lot of Debt and No Retirement!

I'm 70 yrs old and have never owned a new vehicle I put 4 kids thru college and retired at 58 yrs old My kids are following in the old man's footsteps and are looking to be retired in their late 50's
Comment from : @rogeranderson3278

I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for
Comment from : @YinusaSaheed

Mmmm Donuts! - Brian
Comment from : @brianinthepark5429

Dave refusing to break his hatred of "paying off the balance at the end of the month" crap
Comment from : @nick2s

Sloshing hillbilly hog!!! Lmao😂
Comment from : @Beverlyshillbillyhomestead

Pack up and leave for tge woods buddy Go hide
Comment from : @tonytoloczko5243

This is one of the more promising calls They are not in terrible shape He just needs knowledge
Comment from : @user-xp9ry8yh9z

itsbrmind boggling that people work their life and do t have a dime saved
Comment from : @ericprieto4348

I want to reallocate around $80K worth of stock in my portfolio, but I'm unsure of what the feds are doing with the interest rate and with Inflation roaring what's the best strategy to do this and set up my financial future?
Comment from : @JhonJhon-p1p

I need a way to draw up a plan to set up for retirement while still earning passive income to meet my day to day need and also get charged lesser taxes even while in a higher tax bracket i want to invest around $250K savings
Comment from : @RaymondKeen

I'll never understand why people borrow money they already havebrbrAnd if a slick dealer is offering you 29 or 19 or 00 APR congratulations you just signed a contract to pay most of your interest in advance by adding it to the principle
Comment from : @July-qo7jp

According to the Ramsey calculator he will not be a millionaire by retirement, he'd have 560k
Comment from : @DMBVR4

I think the retirement crisis will get even worse A lot of people can’t save because of low paying jobs, inflation, and insane rental rates And now that home ownership is out of reach for middle class Americans, they won’t have a house to retire with either
Comment from : @dianemoore-

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family
Comment from : @BrandonIvan-c6e

750 a month, but invest in what
Comment from : @lesmav3759

Retirees who struggle to meet their basic needs are the ones who could not accumulate enough money during their active years to meet their needs Retirement choices determine a lot of things My parents both spent same number of years in the civil service, but my mom was investing through a wealth manager, and my dad through the 401k My mom retired with about 42 million, but my dad retired with roughly 18 million
Comment from : @ChristopherAbelman

I just bust out laughing at work lmao Not "fat as a hog" 💀💀💀💀🫠🫠🫠🫠😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Comment from : @Bumblebee-jl3ur

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family
Comment from : @Lourd-Bab

110K in cash saved, that's no chopped liver money Issue I have is a truck you still 40K towards and a wife who isn't working Unless they have a kid or two she could be working a job making a secondary income towards their mortgage They're not in dire scenario unless he gets sick and or can't work, but the truck needs to be paid off or sold
Comment from : @victorkreitner754

Self employed people need to wise up and invest there is a common theme here with those who are self employed They forget about retiring
Comment from : @bhollingsworth

When he says invest 800 a month After 20 years How would he be a millionaire
Comment from : @jenniferevans5973

This comment section is filled with scams for financial advisors One person says, "I'm having trouble" and another gives a name and fruity sales pitch First person says how wonderful and that they'll look So and So up Don't be a dumbass and fall for these scams
Comment from : @cg-1973

They are so off-base when it comes to credit cards It makes sense for most people, but for people who have any sort of self-control, credit cards are a tool I don’t know how Dave sees real estate as a tool for wealth, but credit cards are not a tool for controlled spend
Comment from : @JacksonMeyer

At least he called and realized there's got to be a way out Keep your faith
Comment from : @tubenachos

There is always some giant, stupid truck loan “But I need it for work” If you really needed it as a work tool, you could write it off They wanted it so they bought it
Comment from : @DCcivilian

investing requires good experience and knowledge to carry out a good and successful trade, I have lost a lot trying to trade all by myself May I ask which investments are good??>>>>>
Comment from : @Madlyn55

It's ALWAYS the truck!!
Comment from : @dummgelauft

“Sloshing hillbilly hog” 😂
Comment from : @emilyh6293

Get the wife off her ass and they will be set in half the time
Comment from : @christopherpaige406

if you use a debit card and there is theft, the money will disappear from your account and they will take their sweet time returning it if they do the same with a credit card, it doesn't matter that it takes them a month to straighten it out, because it's not cash they have wiped out
Comment from : @tdub102

Completely disagree with the credit card perspective here
Comment from : @Seldz1

To each their own, but I can't stand Dave's opinion on credit cards You're flat out wrong I only charge exactly what I'd spend out of my checking account, except I get great benefits from my prestigious cards I have no annual fees and pay my cards off every month, paying no interest I get on average about $7500 a year in perks If you just used the points for statement credit, sure, it'd be much less than that But that's the whole points/miles game There are all kinds of promotions and programs for different things, and you can maximize the rewards I get how some people may not manage their cards/points well, so they are losing money in the long run But not many other people who do it correctly There is no universal, adamant "how to" in finance Stop being so 'my way or the highway' Dave Jeez
Comment from : @chadgraber4575

People grappling with the difficulty of meeting essential expenses often encounter this situation due to inadequate savings during their working years The decisions taken in readiness for retirement carry extensive consequences, as demonstrated within my own family dynamics Differing investment approaches yielded disparate results Guided by a financial advisor, I'm currently retired
Comment from : @ryanwilliams989

I'm struggling in this market Stocks that I have held for months and made profits from are not behaving the way I'm used to so I’m quite indecisive on how to tackle this market, any advice would be grateful
Comment from : @MaryOlson7

Being a contractor (self-employed) @46 yo making $90K a year A mortgage and a car loan is not that bad Open a self-directed 401k with Vanguard or Fidelity Put your part ($100k)of your $150k savings as a start to Vanguard ETFs (BNDX,BND,VTI,VXUS) Being self-employed you have to pay 124 to SS contribution to get SS pension at 66 (FRA) You will be a millionaire at retirement
Comment from : @MBihon2000

This guy is in good shape with a good income and a large cash account
Comment from : @genglandoh

I notice when I go to lunch or dinner with friends I am the only one who pays using cash It seems almost abnormal that I dont use a CC
Comment from : @Sky1

100k saved is decent but yes he could if had over a million dollars by now if he invested into stocks like 20 years ago
Comment from : @TharsanJeyachandran

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Comment from : @ayseceliksoy2360

Dave acts like we all him lmao making millions to talk to people 😭 nigga
Comment from : @wizkhalifa9401

His car payment isn’t twenty years Ramsey is a joke
Comment from : @miketheyunggod2534

Tried that debit card system a few years ago Perhaps I'm just disciplined, perhaps I like the 28 days float, perhaps I know it's just easier to reconcile daily expenses on one account vs recurring monthly expenses upon another account Perhaps I'm just a nerd Somehow, I'm retired and have too much to leave to heirs and charity Stop it with the credit card crap All it takes is discipline
Comment from : @scoutandscooter

The thing about credit cards is people assume they will never get fired Because let's be honest most people don't have a 3-6 month emergency savings because if they did they wouldn't be in as much debt to begin with brNumbersbr80 of Americans are in debtbr84 of Americans have a credit card 35 carry a balance from month to month 51 have less than 3 months savings 23 have a 6-month savings C'mon, people wake the heck up!
Comment from : @Rashaadthegr8

Since watching this video I have really put the pedal to the floor on retirement savings this past yearset my automatic withdrawals for 2023 to max my 401k and ROTH IRA accounts I make under $150k a yearpaid off our vehicle and my wife is babysitting 1 child from church which has helped me pull the trigger to max everything out
Comment from : @stevensmiddlemass2072

He can do it!!!!!
Comment from : @JakeSpradlin2

Always find it funny how people find their way to call into the show before learning or reading about the Ramsey methods
Comment from : @flch95

Dave’s snoozin for the first minute of that call 🥱
Comment from : @stevebeaver6529

Caller says they have no savings for retirement than a minute later says they have $110,000 in savings???
Comment from : @joeyking2765

This guy isn’t going to change crap
Comment from : @juliaweeks1729

AVp br basicly noit to listen to y'all / and , move the chain / it I get that / death before dishonor/ get em /
Comment from : @J3llyBean423

This show always gives hope That's why I keep listening ♥♥♥
Comment from : @mmp495

Does he pay into SS ?
Comment from : @PInk77W1

Mmmmmm I disagree with cutting up your credit card IF you have self control I earn about $1,000 a year from points for Christmas by charging everything BUT paying it off each WEEK
Comment from : @4Him4Ever

When you study millionairesdo they have credit cards?
Comment from : @ChicagoTRS

one dave still looks overweight to me Not morbidly overweight but certainly not thin or fit two Idid some calculating at 750 saved a month for 20 years does not equate to a million dollars
Comment from : @sunsetatshabooms4558

In today's economy, assistance is critical if we are to survive I was really hopeful about my investments this year but all my plans have been disoriented, I've been studying the stock market and I realized some investors made millions from the recent recession and I was wondering if such success rate could be achieved in this present market Any recommendations?
Comment from : @robertharvel6482

David is a TERRIBLE listener
Comment from : @patty109109

2:26 Why is John sitting so much higher than Dave? 😂
Comment from : @emoney1231

Love the Ramsey show and agree with everything except for when you have a responsible person paying your card every month the points are so worth it for travelers 99 dollar annual fee card that can get you a trip to Europe and back which would be about 700-1000 out of pocket Completely agree not having cards for people in debt/irresponsible spenders
Comment from : @vincentnatch

He should buy some gold Buffalo coins as a forced savings
Comment from : @erickisel8668

110k in savings making 90-100k a year Is very impressive imo
Comment from : @Bankaimg

If you pay your credit cards off by the end of the month, I don't see the problem
Comment from : @TheSportsCritic

I want to see pictures of Dave fat……
Comment from : @TruthBtold81

John, I think George Kamel recently coined what should be the name of your next band Dorsal Coin Hole! 😂
Comment from : @truthseeker6370

I think this is the first time I've ever heard Dave mention HYSAs Usually he gives the stock Boomer suggestion of CDs or brick-amd-mortar savings accounts, either locking your money up or paying you squat
Comment from : @robloxvids2233

"I'm 46 with house, car, and CC debt" Dave: "So house and car is your only debt? How old are you?" Dave needs to pay attention This is a caller to HIS radio show, not a door to door salesman
Comment from : @robloxvids2233

Same old playbook Credit card bad blah blah blah Ancient advice
Comment from : @jasonjason5325

Stack some gold or silver
Comment from : @Joyful-213

Dam 110k in savings that's good
Comment from : @ronaldharris53

Was this callers house paid for??
Comment from : @TMoody

My coworker just turned 50 and has a net worth of negative $650,000 He keeps borrowing and spending well beyond his means He has zero dollars in his 401 K and loves to take lavish vacations His kids dropped out of college and he has multiple dependents They all wear designer clothes, have the latest iPhones and drive new cars They look like millionaires but are flirting with financial disaster He thinks the government will support him when he retires His kids do not want to work and are already having children of their own Who will care for the parents and support them when they age? I am sure he will get bailed out by Uncle Sam
Comment from : @mocheen4837

I love how Dave uses that button to hang up on the caller, yet continues to talk to them like they’re still there 😂
Comment from : @kellyreid2636

I have a great idea Pay off the truck todaypay off the credit cards and stop using them The wife starts earning $1200 a month max, just doing part-time easy work and use that $1200 as retirement He can put money into it as well BUT she could be helping with retirement by earning just a little They're doing great but he's alone
Comment from : @robr268

Keep working till ur dead About all u can do
Comment from : @King_TuTT

This guys gonna make it No prob
Comment from : @4funner66

All I have is my student loans I’ll admit myself, I’m not the smartest guy when it comes to the stock market, but I do invest into the S&P500 every month All I can do is hope by the time I’m ready to retire in 40 years, I’ll have enough in the bank to live comfortably
Comment from : @blueflameSM

Credit cards are fine if you can control and pay off every month I got so many extras with the points and NEVER had a balance !
Comment from : @slf5141

What are some good investments to put into in a roth ira?
Comment from : @boomn216

Deloney loves his poncho shirts man
Comment from : @bryan9604

I think you are full of it ramsey… You telling your listeners that you owe nothing on your new $250million studio??
Comment from : @gonegolfn1475

I have 5 mil in student loans, i make 20k a year and my broke uncle has more money than me
Comment from : @sess9561

I wonder why Dave did not suggest the caller's child should get a job and help pay for their college education?
Comment from : @thebastardgift

The millionaire thing is simply not true
Comment from : @jds3535b

The best plan is to jump down Dave's baby step staircase head first
Comment from : @Fred1294

Ramsey keeps spewing this misinformation regarding credit card users that pay the balance monthly He is very uniformed or has blinders on Using a credit card for cash back, points, rewards, extended warranty, and/or purchase protection on day-to-day purchases that would otherwise be made on a debit card tied directly to your bank account only makes sense There is no intelligent counter argument to be made
Comment from : @fncrued

My Wife Stays home
Comment from : @johnmitchell2741

Comment from : @johnmitchell2741

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