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How I Succeed with ADHD at Harvard [CC]

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Title :  How I Succeed with ADHD at Harvard [CC]
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Comments How I Succeed with ADHD at Harvard [CC]

this is very helpful!
Comment from : @capydream

Comment from : @sweetbutpcycholuna

I’m jealous of you I could’ve gotten into Harvard or Yale or sum but I was mentally unwell during school so I stopped trying Fml The fact that we are judged based on our grades from 14 YEARS OLD is wild I am highly intelligent and deserve to be in there Ugh 😑 🥲
Comment from : @Feminazi1dc

"Just anything that can be hung, I'll hang it" lol 😹
Comment from : @shreyayadav9910

You are such inspiration, just your finishing Harvard is music to my ears that a lot is possible with dedication, efford Thank you for the tips!
Comment from : @Sophia-hj3ko

DUDE HOW TF ARE YOU ACTUALLY IN HARVARD HOW?!?!? YOU’RE MAGICAL I can’t even get through my AP classes…
Comment from : @Ihatepickles4578

But I don't understand voices like when person talks I don't know what they are saying I just see their faces haha
Comment from : @Imfinealways-yz7ls

I write too fast
Comment from : @Imfinealways-yz7ls

I love earrings
Comment from : @Imfinealways-yz7ls

You look beautiful
Comment from : @Imfinealways-yz7ls

You are such an amazing human being You are such an inspiration to me and my family
Comment from : @Beriabi

Thank You ❤
Comment from : @pruthvisairajubalagam9156

I've heard this advice in bits and pieces here and there as I'm trying to learn how to utilize my ADHD Thank you for putting it all together At the very least, this video validates all the stuff I've been doing just to try and cope with my life (I've only been diagnosed recently I'm almost 40) I really appreciate it, thank you
Comment from : @Q2neptune13

Very good tips Thank you
Comment from : @lanaa198

Yes: earpluggs Absolutely great tip!!!!
Comment from : @Miss_Annlaug

As a adhd person: i NEED instrumental, calm music to focus No noise is torture and extremely unsettling ❤❤❤I can relate
Comment from : @Miss_Annlaug

Foam ear plugs is so smart
Comment from : @wongimayekiso7454

Do you have inattentive ADHD or hyperactive ADHD?
Comment from : @MysticDivinerLJ

Thanks for your helping video
Comment from : @YAS-vm8ko

i needed this so much i started to feel like i wont succeed in life bc of my adhd ass ;PP thank you
Comment from : @omzpob

Those who say listen to music,brI tried all kinds of music but non of them help me instead they always distract me
Comment from : @realityisboring24

Those tips are so helpful!!brAND…Yes every issue you describe, is literallly what i face as an ADHD
Comment from : @fishienemo0516

Does anyone have tips on how to be successful in college with ADHD and being a parent? What are your things to do and things to avoid? Ex: Music to listen to, routines, note-taking tips I really appreciate any help you can provide
Comment from : @harveyday

Hey, the fidget cube helped me too! The only problem is making sure I’m being quiet with the clicking haha
Comment from : @khloecarver1246

I wonder does android have something like habit finder
Comment from : @RobertSpiller-gv4qf

Nobody:brMe: playback speed 125 while checking comments
Comment from : @justcause_996

i need more tips i zoned out like 5 times during the video and than watched the tv while it was playing☹
Comment from : @nom8018

could you possibly organize your video in chapters? I have anxiety too
Comment from : @exferrofides

Comment from : @SKhan-2926

What do you do about procrastination? I can't beat it, that's probably my biggest issue with ADHD
Comment from : @gerardoglezc

Thank you
Comment from : @xavierorsini7876

5:50–she takes an ssri that helps with her anxiety disorder
Comment from : @nanostar7660

To have ADHD and be at Harvard is something to be proud of I think you are beautiful and very smart! I wish you all the success you deserve for working hard and also for trying to help others despite the lack of time that you really need to study! Kudos! May you be THE STAR of Harvard :)
Comment from : @linaarafeh7280

esta chica es dios
Comment from : @Marielish

Why’s it soo hard to find useful advice like this on other ADHD related vids? 😩 I’m doing IGCSE’s this year and i’ve been recently diagnosed with ADD I do take medication but i don’t want to depend on meds all my life Your tip on the “imagery subtitles” is my personal fav, because it makes me more mindful and focused in a fun way I’m yet to adapt and master it completely but i know that practice makes perfect so i’ll try my best 💯
Comment from : @alisalman5917

This helped me alot, i went from a 17 GPA to a 39 GPA
Comment from : @TealEdizz

grrrmy ADHD is so bad that I only lasted about 5 minutes watching this before I forgot what I was doing and moved on to cleaning the cat fountain and giving my kittens treats 😕even watching a movie that I am totally interested in must be done in short increments Luckily, my job involves working with a lot of different things in a rapid pace
Comment from : @Matt_McFaul

have an exam in 2 hours, still haven't started preparing🥲
Comment from : @Jose-wt7ve

I'm a Senior in HS and was just diagnosed Don't know if I should let colleges know if I have ADHD or not My GPA is good, and ACT scores are good except math and scienceSome have said that my smaller essays to schools should include my experience in dealing with ADHD as that may help show them the reason for the good GPA and lower test scoresI value your opinion - what do you think? Thank you and I love your channel
Comment from : @foxdaledigital

Thank you so much!! The Tipp with working back and forth in essays is Just awesome and it helped me Start my thesis so easily!! ♥️
Comment from : @fatimabudak1842

Hi! I’ve listened to a lot of videos/podcasts about managing ADHD as a college student with little success, but your advice really resonated with me and it was exactly what I needed to hear after a particularly difficult day in class Since you posted this 4 years ago, I hope that you are doing well and that you continue to succeed
Comment from : @megaham

why is no one talking about the earrings? I love them!
Comment from : @raquelalbuquerque6840

I was always the top student in school before but it's two years since Corona came I can't study and I even failed my final exams but now I know why BC I can focus when I'm studying and it's so boring for me
Comment from : @fateme8368

Are you from iran?
Comment from : @amirpakdin7563

Hii thank you so much for your grateful tips actually im struggling with adhd and i start to studying after 2 years and its so hard for mebrYour talks give me some view of what should i do and what it is happeningbrThank you so much pretty💕
Comment from : @sayehsadeghi2693

I don't even know if I have ADHD, but I relate to a lot of things people with ADHD say about ADHD and since I struggle a lot at university bc of things like my attention span, I've decided to learn a bit on what helps neurodivergent people with that I hope it's not offensive to say that, I'm just looking for things that might help 🙃brAlso- I use the Finch self care app to help with things like brushing my teeth and other everyday things (you can also write journals there, which I found very helpful when I need to vent)
Comment from : @noname-ur4gr

miss-place for extended periods of time lol
Comment from : @notarealtrad3r

Weirdly enough I will get distracted by random noises during class but not during tests because during tests my brain becomes superbrain and I’m like sucked into a deep hyper focus and I love that, I hope I’m not jinxing myself rnbrbrAlso I just found out that I have adhd last October, sadly I dropped out of Highschool right before that because I was so overwhelmed and stressed with everything and I tried to do it like everyone and it never worked for me and I didn’t know why, I’m going back to school next semester and I’m hoping that by working with my adhd I will be able to succeed in graduating It’s a different Highschool and everything so I’m scared but I can do it Anywho I hope everyone is doing well mentally and has a great day :)
Comment from : @janak8552

This gives me some hope I'm going to attend Columbia University, and I've been concerned that my ADHD may interfere with my ability to attend my ideal school Thank you very much Also, my other concern is my Dyscalculia :(
Comment from : @thewriterwithinme38

I can't even imagine how hard it must be for you college students I am just doing some language learning on skype with a tutor before my retirement as I want to travel abroad and I am struggling so bad I literally forget most of what I study by the following morning And I find getting motivated extremely hard
Comment from : @jlcsr9163

Hi , I was gonna talk about my journey with ADHD in the essay , is it okay since they might consider it a mental challenge and reject me ?
Comment from : @rahmakacem2209

One day when I either have the right insurance or have enough money, I’ll seek an ADHD eval For now, I’ve started non-stimulant medication for symptoms that I can only technically say are like ADHD, but for the first time in my life I’m able to push through and understand difficult academic texts My spoken thoughts are more coherent I am starting to make more of my time I still struggle with a bit of prioritization but life is so much easier I’m 23 and I’ve withdrawn/retaken a handful of classes for reasons related to my symptoms I’m in thousands of dollars of debt because of this and impulse spending But this video gives me hope to continue to pursue a higher education after I complete my bachelors degree in Child and Adolescent Development
Comment from : @kimmazariegos9686

make a listbrCC on lecturebrWhite noidebrpomodor
Comment from : @Dun4times

I am really surprised I am not hearing more about Harry Lorayne memory techniques for ADHD sufferers This is the key in my opinion and got me through graduate school
Comment from : @sl5311

The music choices! Definitely without lyrics as you said ;) you’re a great inspiration, thank you for the video 😃
Comment from : @youradhdgirl

One thing that really helped me in college was getting an IPAD to take notes on I was always losing notes or forgetting to bring binders so having everything on my iPad was a game changer
Comment from : @elliotarnesen6994

تشتت التركيز وفرط الحركه عند الكبار وليس الاطفال من تعالج منه ارجوكم فيدوني قربت اتجنن وجربت كل الادويه والقرع والسباحه وعلاج كونسيرتا وريتالين١٠ واسترايترا ومخي مشتت وانفعال حادbrبنت رجاء لاتجيني خاص الا عندها تجربه في علاج المرض وليس من لديها اسئله brانا جدا اعاني نفس فرط الحركه وتشتت التركيز عند الاطفال ولكنها عند الكبار صعب جدا علاجهbrانا عمري فوق ال٣٠brوجربت كل الادويه والرياظه واكل القرع والمشي في الترابbrارجوكم من تعرف احد تعالج في جده يفيدني اوعلاج مناسب عن تجربه
Comment from : @ameeralameer845

One thing that had been helping me is stand while I take notes or at least sit down I'm a weird way that I can move It's life changing!
Comment from : @Amandasbarros

The picturing the words in my head is so true! I used to do that as a child, before the whole "I want to be normal" phase and it would help me so much! Thank you for reminding me, I'll definitely try to do that again
Comment from : @Amandasbarros

Thanks a lot for this video, it felt pretty short though! I don’t feel alone in the world anymore 🥰 All the best for you and everyone reading this comment with adhd :) xx
Comment from : @CarlosMiau

omg you've read my mind
Comment from : @cw4933

i wish i could thank you in person! thank you so much! 💓
Comment from : @leiah3524

i appreciate the efforts you put in this and the fact that you were even able to post it ;) i was struggling pretty hard i have my college entrance in 2 months and i really didnt have any idea how to work my way around this newly diagnosed disorder that i have i have something to get started with , thanks kind angel ;)
Comment from : @devrajsrivastav49

Hey , Thank you so much for this video , It helped me a lot and discovered these are the exact work arounds I needed , you are a life saver , BTW its been 4 years , these particular measures still keep you going ? or have some of them evolved? I want to know not just the solution but how how you devise solution in response to a new/more difficult situations you often find yourself in , I heard you are a Law student now , Congrats!! Would be more grateful to you if you were to make a video on how you deal with ADHD as a Law student especially given the order and detail that profession demands
Comment from : @Prashantreddy80

This is funny I listened to many students say how they organise and I never understand wat they say but if I listen to an adhd student I can listen clearly haha
Comment from : @sugarcan1110

your voice is so cute
Comment from : @tofu1396

How you write, omg thank you for saying this! I write like that too
Comment from : @jordanashleycreations

how do you manage the guilt? I've had extensions for pretty much all of my assignments ever since I have started uni I've been in a foundation year, and got extensions for pretty much 70 of my assignments, 1st yr of philosophy pretty sure I just didn't get them bc they were all exams, but I failed one exam and left an assignment behind changed courses, now in my second 1st year and getting extensions again how!
Comment from : @NatashaCpbc

I want to say thank you because your tips about putting the notes at place that i can see/hanging things act really works on me🥺💜 for the first time,i feel like i can finish my tasks completely
Comment from : @farah_807

You were so good at breaking down the video and speaking about each topic clearly Thank you so much :) relatable of course and you have a friendly sweet vibe even just through a camera 😇
Comment from : @rivkasarabeshari2226

Alright - first let me thank you for such engaging and helpful content Also, downright Revolutionary how you injected the bit about forced sterilization in Canada THANK YOU 🙏 You're a hero on many levels
Comment from : @sarahyazdi5106

this gives me hope
Comment from : @SheTouchedGrass

MY Favorite white nose that helps me focus is Vaccum cleaners lol I know it sounds crazy but it's the most comforting noise for me and I tend to het more done this way 😅
Comment from : @preshizpink4340

"I should start eating vegatabales in the evening" 🤣🤣🤣
Comment from : @perpetuallyirrelevantgamer7124

I haven't try all of your tips but I know that music and lozenges tips work for me, so I might as well try the others!! Thanks💕
Comment from : @saltysowl7386

11:00 Me too!! I personally love listening to soundtracks from kirrby games and other nintendo games!! ^^
Comment from : @Sunflower-xx4fs

one of the biggest things that helped me in school, particularly in math but it applies to every class and especially for online classes, try to remind yourself that there is no one watching you over your shoulder, no one is judging you for the order you work or for how long
Comment from : @jeanette3915

ok but you are so pretty like????? and I love this outfit
Comment from : @allupinyomine

I can’t visualize captions, that ability sounds cool as fuck though 😭😭😭 the second someone is talking im spacing out in my heaD argh I don’t even want to space out it just happens!
Comment from : @heffthehecked

Thank you for putting closed captions, im not deaf, its just really useful to stay focused on the video
Comment from : @notschmebulock5447

Maybe this is weird but I would have the entire Shrek the Musical on Netflix in the background I have that musical memorized and know the scripts like the back of my hand Kept my brain entertained and still got shit ton of work done! So something you've seen many many times is great as background noise
Comment from : @Zorriel

are you on meds?
Comment from : @samh9353

Thank you for this videobrLove your earrings too 🥰brEdit: Some accommodations include being able to take a test ALONE Not all classrooms are being used at all times you could be set up in one by yourself while taking exams
Comment from : @xxxcxxx2253

I came here cause I literally failed in 2 semesters in a row hahah
Comment from : @stg2040

Harvard University will take anyone nowadays
Comment from : @Saidoromo2024

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