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How to remember anything FAST with THIS ONE TECHNIQUE!

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Title :  How to remember anything FAST with THIS ONE TECHNIQUE!
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Description How to remember anything FAST with THIS ONE TECHNIQUE!

Comments How to remember anything FAST with THIS ONE TECHNIQUE!

I have my geography and economic exam tomorrow and it has so many numbers and place names and characteristics that just does not sit in my brain 😢 idk what to do i am overwhelmed and confused and i feel stupid 🥲brbrCan you give me some tips jun yuh ??
Comment from : @P-R-A-N-U-M-E_prananna

Wiza Fields
Comment from : @HowardJoy-h2l

Great video coverage staying abreast of the latest trends and strategies is crucial for traders to stay ahead and make well-informed decisions Beginners in trading and investing must recognize that success in these fields demands technical analysis, emotional maturity, and self-discipline Thanks to Shea Ardolf’s insights, daily trade signals, and my dedication to learning, I've been increasing my daily earnings Kudos to the journey ahead!
Comment from : @mattdan5238

I did this when i was back in my other school, i'd get home and re teach my notes and do homework to the imaginary students I ended up stopping because I thought I was going crazy, who would've known it was the reason i was able to pass my tests :)
Comment from : @kaileyjc09

I talk about the nervous system to my dog
Comment from : @cottonswab8010

Thanks from somali ❤❤❤
Comment from : @zabriinaadanizmaciil8974

Love your vid it helped me a lot tq sm ❤❤❤
Comment from : @YashaswiniKR-g2c

So in couple of weeks I’m going to start my undergrad for engineering What is your advice for taking notes in class? What’s the best way to never be confused in a calc class or physics class?
Comment from : @superstardanny9287

Would like to apply some techniques on a subject like corporate law, problem is it is harder to remember the sections over the language written specially when I'm not a english speaker Any suggestions?
Comment from : @usamax7564

Hello sir I'm from India Watching your videos are so helpfulbut can you just tell me how to remember any topic for long termI just got blank after the few days of that topic please help me sir please 😢
Comment from : @kanchanbisht6732

Hi Jun brI’m a 17 year old girl from Iraq brAnd I want to study at medical colleges later brI’m in grade 12 now and I need to score 99 or 100 to get accepted brAnd my problem is I understand well but I memorize too slowly brAny tips for that?
Comment from : @Rav1ile

Thank you for information please tell use best tips for phd students and how to take a notes from test book and rewrite article please help me
Comment from : @vatharaelizabeth7979

Hi Jun do you speak Korean by any chance, I just stumbled on your content I just love itI have a 9th grade son who is under immense stress (maybe you know about the Korean edu system which is just horribly intense) and want him to watch your videos to be motivatedyou are the big brother I always dreamed of for my only son, thank you so much!!!
Comment from : @hidden-r2s

I’m like 4 days away from my finals!! brI don’t think I’ll get good grades but hope to pass brAnd from next academic year I really want to follow all these and improve myself br(I just neglect a lot to study🥲)
Comment from : @Oh-hh89

Hey bro so how did u search for internship can u give me any advice
Comment from : @sonicawoods

Hey man i just wanted to ask what should i do! I really don't knowi know all of my classmates are reading next grade's books and reviewing the previous grade's books and studyingand i really don't know that if i should do it or not I really like to study and i organize my day and i write many schedules but i never can applyactually my question isn't related to this video and I apologise but I just know you
Comment from : @Osamunojo

You got to have a brain to even start some of us have no brain
Comment from : @sugarcan1110

"If you can't explain it to a 6 year old, you don't understand it yourself"- Albert Einstein
Comment from : @chloemolimard5140

Jun yuh is a wise being filled completely with great wisdom Luv ur content bruh ❤
Comment from : @rohinithagnar8956

hi i am a student i currently don't have the money for buying your book i am collecting the little money that my parents gave me sometimes bri have a request can u provide the pdf for less money so that i can read it please bru helped me a lot , i want to do something and take my family out of please do it for me your little sister from kashmir 🥺 please broooooooooooooooooo i am dieing for this book , it is one of my dream to have your booook i dont think u will see it but hope so
Comment from : @gooddoctor524

Hii , your videos are very effective I am watching your every single day I started watching your video like 3-4 days ago but this is very effective i love your videos Big thanks to you ❤️
Comment from : @santorytudu2939

thanks I applied this technique and it worked really well
Comment from : @HarshaRathnayake-i3e

Hey Jun Thanks for your guidance brI want to ask for help, that how to stop comparing yourself with the other person who is better than you Cause in my recent test it has happened with, though I know shouldn't but still my mind puts that thing on rewind that why I am not better than those toppers So please can you make video on it or reply the solution if you are reading brLove From India 🇮🇳
Comment from : @VirajDhanwate

Hey Jun Hoping that you'll see thisI feel drained out and can't study anymoreit's like I want to study yet I can't concentrate wellcan you suggest some tips to overcome this problem!? It's tiring thoughThank you Jun!
Comment from : @Moonluz145

Hi Jun thank you for this video because earlier today I was on Pinterest and I saw this post about how to improve memory and it was a sign because today I had a test and I didn’t get the score i wanted and that was on me but it’s crazy because once I jumped on here this video popped up and I clicked it and now I feel that I can do better with memory focus because I can apply these tips to my life 😋🤗
Comment from : @Simplydiisy

Comment from : @777_____kia

Everytime when I watch his video at 144p his eyes disappeared 😂
Comment from : @chuimei666

Hello Jun! I bought your Learning System I just wanted to ask For some topics that seem small, how do I assign titles or link it to the bigger picture? brbrAdditionally would you recommend using all the study techniques? I actually find myself lacking in time when I'm done and even when I finish doing that, the next day I have to revise againbrbrI'm doing Computer Science
Comment from : @tahamurtazaali6498

Can any body translate it in hindi pls
Comment from : @mohammadzaidmulla9012

It's efficient but i get so tired after teaching one topic
Comment from : @samifti6852

thank you for this video jun yuh i am continuing my pre uni next week so this is definitely helpful!
Comment from : @shavinamohan9714

Hey is there a promo code right now for your course? cause i cant afford it (i know its not expensive but i am a student with no job yet)
Comment from : @Xcrizzud

Hello I am now just entering high school in one more month For my whole life everything about me was just average grades I have no academic achievements at all But now in high school I actually wanna get serious with this stuff I just want to ask what stuff should i focus on other than good grades to getting into universities Like maybe I should start getting involved in student council or getting into competitions and etc Currently I want to pursue engineering but I am not really sure what kind and if I even should pick engineering So I also ask on how to pick degrees and finally are there any things that I can start doing to get scholarships in universities?
Comment from : @Ace_21212

I like to make jokes or funny/silly comics when it comes to learn new vocabulary :D when i can laugh about it I often can remember it more easily It also makes learning a lot more fun!
Comment from : @Cakekx

Can you make a video about second brain , actually I don’t understand how to make a second brain , how to use it properly please
Comment from : @AshuFatima-g8l

Thank you so much 🙏
Comment from : @sowmiyaan6044

The system in my country Pakistan is so bad like it's we have to right the same exact word same exact line everything same from the book and most of the in the board exams the Marks depends on the invigilator's mood and i am in 9th they changed one system They removed the subject Pak studies and its religion of 9th class and Religion of 10th class we have to prepare these both In one year which makes more than 40 or 50 chapters Hope it will change
Comment from : @Kleiwn

thank you Jun! Your advice has opened a new approach of studying for me! Will support you in all things! for once in many years of being told id never be anything in the future or just plain "ditsy" I feel motivated and actually see improvement in my education and new career Thanks again !
Comment from : @MariaaPaolaa

First video of yours I’m watching and I’m hooked I really want to do good this semester so I want to start implementing these techniques in the summer so that I get practice for the fall
Comment from : @EmilyAraujo-xx4yx

Great video
Comment from : @elinabek2373

Sir wht to do for maths subject?
Comment from : @poushalimukherjee7611

Actually sir my English is not so good but i wanted to know how to solve questions from physics and mathematics as i am studying for an exam called neet in India after cracking this you are able to get a government medical college for mbbs,problem is that i memorize every theory , concept and formulae but when it comes to the question part i messed up always can you please tell me how to do it ??
Comment from : @Mannat_who

Jun Yuh, can you make a video about time blocking because I am extremely bad at it and I need some tips I have tried to do it before but I never seem to get effective results I hope you see this comment and I love your videos
Comment from : @lupitamunoz3381

Hi Jun, I discovered your channel a week ago, and I'm thrilled to report that I applied your techniques to my recent exams with great success! With only two months left until the MDCAT, I've already begun preparing, but I haven't covered as much material as I'd like I'm feeling anxious about the exam, and I desperately need your guidance Jun, please create a video addressing exam-time anxiety and sharing effective preparation strategies specifically tailored for entry test preparation Your techniques have been incredibly helpful for exams, but I'm struggling to adapt them to entry test prep Your support would be invaluable,I know you have a lot of content to create, but I would really appreciate your guidance on this Please help me crush the mdcat! Thanks for guidance you provide sending love from Pakistan!
Comment from : @msyaseen597

I have like a really important exam of my life which needs many skills like legal knowledge ,comprehension skill ,mathematical skills and like my life really depends on it and I'm really nervous about it its like after 5 months do you any tips for it it would be really helpfulthankyou love from India
Comment from : @Capt_kdramaeditz

Hello, brI'm from INDIA brI have been working hard since some years bt still I couldn't achieve what i wanted brI can't understand what should i do brThe only thing is coming in my mind that I'm not worthy nd i should die now since couple of months still dealing with this situation bt i don't how long i can deal with it I'm very depressed now Plz reply if uh can brThank you
Comment from : @Ks_11124

Hi Can you make a detailed video about spaced repetition please
Comment from : @AryaRadhakrishnan-t5j

Both feynman and pomodoro technique gonna save me And i have to put myself really into studies now Thank you Jun for the guidance!
Comment from : @GimHi

Love from UP, INDIA ❤💐
Comment from : @hahahasnehaa

I will try to perform this technique with my today's classes, hope this helps me retain the info for a long time Thank you very much! ❤
Comment from : @vishakhatripathi9108

you are helping me alot in studies thank you soo much
Comment from : @SabaAnsari-t7v

Will implement everything you said in my studies Thank you❤
Comment from : @Aaron968

Am I too late to start? Idk how to study I failed in my masters program and currently I am trying clear my papers I don't have much time left But I am literally in lots of confusion I don't know what to do
Comment from : @Remya2k24

Hey Jun! I have a question, so in some of your videos you emphasise the technique of focusing on the big picture of our topics and creating diagrams and linking topics but what if the topic is heavily detailed focussed and doesn't focus on the big picture as much? Would you still apply the same techniques or do something different? brbrAlso just wanted to thank you for the confidence you're giving me to do well in my studies😃💪
Comment from : @kaylap8101

Thq for these type of wonderful and usefull vedio❤ its really help me to improve my consistency,learning and revising levelbrUr vedios means a lot!brLove from india❤
Comment from : @Nid-o3e

Hi I am going to start my professional classes from tomorrow So I want a video on how to learn from day 1 My classes are online and I don't know how to study I really need your help!!!!
Comment from : @arunasreeanusuri8518

Comment from : @AbigailRDNM

i do feynman techic explanation that we learn to AI like Gemini or ChatGPT
Comment from : @dreezet2220

well can i get your e-mail like sorry if it's too much but i am in some problems and i thought that it will be extremely helpful for me if i can get your guidance so please if possible 🥺
Comment from : @Sol-shi

hey junbri am a neet aspirant currently in last year of high school my studies are getting worse i am not able to focus nor learn anything , even after watching ur video which i am not even able to watch for more than 5 minnn bri keep on procasinating plzz helpp me
Comment from : @Jigyasaneet

Hey, bro can i ask did you do business and School or university at the same time?
Comment from : @AgelioTheGarcia

Before you I used to do my work without any to do list or any techniques and honestly I did not even know about any of these study technique but from the day I watched you and got to know pomodoro and parkinson's law now I complete more than I used to do before and if I see my previous self and now there is a really big differencebrThank you so much ❤
Comment from : @Deendiaries711

@Jun Yuh I am 20 years old, I moved away from my parents and cooking began to take a lot of time I think the best way, in my case, is to cook food for the whole week on weekends How did you handle it?
Comment from : @UbiycaCrabov

I just wanted to say Thank for existingbrbrI am what my family , peers and teachers call a failurebrbrThis is the most important year of my life as i am going to giving the board exam which basically decides your whole lifebrbrThank you so much Your videos motivate me and your techniques help so much in studies brbrYou are an amazing inspiration and i want to become just like youbrbrI fate ever allows it I would love to meet you in person to thank you but this is adequate for now brbrYou have no idea the impact you have had on my lifebrbrThank you so so much brbrMay you have a good day and and even brighter future
Comment from : @uroojshaikh7898

Thanks, just thank you brobrbrMuch of love from Nigeria
Comment from : @Umarepistemix

dude why are you so nervous while youre speaking
Comment from : @Streamy_0shorts

straight As amen
Comment from : @timotiten

so I was reading this book about data and networks (I am doing engineering in AIML) Can you tell me how to read it effectively and efficiently?brI was reading the book for extra knowledge for my future (it has around 500 pages)
Comment from : @anjalianand3280

Sir, What is your height??
Comment from : @TejpalMer-zi8fn

I am studying medicine in a foreign country,so I have to learn medicine and language simultaneously,do you think this technique will be enough for both or I have to something different to learn a language?
Comment from : @stein002

It's really helpful thankyou Jun
Comment from : @artgallery1742

I want to be Batman, can you help me
Comment from : @whozitoverlord2348

Hiii I just graduated high school and I’m going into biomedical engineering Do u think it’s possible for you to make a video about your journey, experiences, regrets, courses you took and that are meaningful , tips for people that are getting into this field I need as much information I could possibly get
Comment from : @NatashaChigumira

Dear Jun you're so inspiring I'm 26 y/o from India struggling to keep consistency in studies Your study techniques helped me a lot in remembering things I hope one day I will get my dream job and send you my success story I wish more sucess and strength to you🎉🎉🎉
Comment from : @sreekeerthidonipati9741

Thank you brother love from INDIA ❤
Comment from : @meghanasiri2973

I wanna talk to him personally I'm tired mentally just don't know what to say further
Comment from : @sinchannanako6270

I found your channel this year Let me tell you i was a really big procastinator and the fact that ive spent less time on my phone or laying down and more time studying, journalling, researching or cooking is absolutely impressive Thank you man Ive always wanted someone to give me advice on just getting life together and dealing with emotions and self growth Im glad i found you Trust me youre making a huge change Dont stop❤❤❤
Comment from : @aarchasudhi887

Hey jun❤ How are you😊? Can you make video on how to be focused😢 on the studies whether getting distracted by other things?
Comment from : @Success-555-AR

Thanks bro brLove from Uzbekistan 🇺🇿
Comment from : @b33l0l

What’s your recommended books your read? Any favourites, and why?
Comment from : @JOHNCLOSA_

Thank you, Jun, for sharing the videobrI needed it to better prepare for Term 3 Hoping to be consistent with this study method 🙏
Comment from : @MarkThomas-m5g

not the type to comment on youtube's video but you really deserve thisthis month i found your channel and it has changed my whole perspective towards studyi feel really lucky to be part of your communityi was going through a breakdown and at this essential time i found u as my miracle thank you so much junyour each and every video motivates me so much u changed me from a lazy person to an active onei really appreciate your effortsi also recommended ur channel to my frnd and even she is obssessed with ur videoosreally thnku u so much and lots of love from indiafeeling proud having you as my mentor❣❣🙇‍♀🙏
Comment from : @yo_sr01

Thank you sm you are reallyyyyy helping me in my studies<3brLove from Pakistan 🇵🇰
Comment from : @AbeerFatima-se7dg

I have one of my important exams in a few days And i was so tensed and scared You definitely helped with this one I hope I'll be able to follow this
Comment from : @thesphinxxx

I wanna be better at answering critical thinking questions , so how do I do it?brBtw new subscriber your channel is really helpful, thanks and lots of love from uae❤❤❤
Comment from : @Moon_Walker000

Thank you so much bcz of you I got my dream college In future if I get to meet you, I will definitely touch your feet 😊
Comment from : @suchitradas4279

Please make detailed video on three pillars and also explain How do we fit these in our 10 hours study routine
Comment from : @Nandenitomar

Thank you so much for ur videos They are really helping❤
Comment from : @Nandenitomar

Got biology finals tomorrow, its the subject i struggle the most with, i did everything i could today: active recall, past papers, thorough reading
Comment from : @douma8037

I took bio science it’s really tough 😢
Comment from : @banggo9306

Hi, I have been following you for a while and have found out that I learn best when I have questions about the topics and can answer them The only problem is that my notes Are handwritten and in order to ask me good questions I have to write everything digitally and send it to another platform so that I get very good questions but that is very time consuming I spend more time doing it digitally than actually learning Is there anything I can do? brLove this Video ❤
Comment from : @lina-vt6nw

Hey! I found your videos a few days ago on my fyp and loved them! I wish I had found your channel a bit earlier I have a request for a video on a thorough guide through high school , kinda like the do’s and don’ts I would really appreciate it! Thank you! Love your vids! 😊
Comment from : @StrayKidz-t3m

I have an exam the day after tomorrow Pure math theory and I have 70 more pages to go Plus I need to do all the revision of previous information Your videos are always on time!
Comment from : @dianamorzhak5831

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