Title | : | Ex-Professor Reveals Way to REALLY Learn Languages (according to science) |
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👉 If you want more language learning tips every week subscribe to my newsletter: matt-brooks-greenckpage/5c3f11e6e3 Comment from : @matt_brooks-green |
The moment when you understand a joke in other language is awesome 🎉 Comment from : @Toto_1400 |
He gives absolutely nothing as what exactly to do What exactly do you do starting to acquire a new language Comment from : @GeorgeDeCarlo |
Slam Alikm All , I am Really want to thank DrJeff McQuillan an you Mr Matt about this topic at in video I benfitted from this discussion a lot and this was exactly what I concluded when I tried to learn EN as Ascend Language from my First Language Arabic You are Great My lord Allah How He created the Brains of Humans and How they work to acquire things especially In Languages Comment from : @mntation6329 |
Thank you Comment from : @carlaraimer718 |
Who may I call on to teach language that reveals the acquiring method of learning?Ready to start learning a language now Comment from : @CarlAllen-zp1dt |
One aspect of memorization that at least worked for me is toning it WAY down I totally agree that trying to learn a dozen words in a sitting is pointless and you will forget it the next day or next week However what has been really helpful to me is focusing on a single word, a couple of words or simple phrase, and repeatedly reviewing it and using it all day long That tends to stick It may seem like slow learning but there is 365 days in a year, if you did just 2 words a day that's 730 words in 1 year I find this less overwhelming and I can slowly build over weeks and months Comment from : @-Zevin- |
Comment from : @sinsdeville1 |
The acquisition of the 2nd language gave me the most trouble After that the 3rd, 4th came pretty easy to me The more you learn the easier it becomes I agree with this professorbrIt's all about neuroplasticity!brDon't give up peoplebr🖖🌻💙 Comment from : @lunainezdelamancha3368 |
In linguistics there is another distinction which is useful the distinction between prescriptive and descriptive Prescriptive approaches presume they have some concept of what is good language which you must follow - BBC English might be an example Descriptive approaches just describe what language is Languages arrive via patwas, lingo in market places and linguistic communities Most of linguistic studies are not prescriptive languages change with cultures Comment from : @Notmehimorthem |
Bulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllshit Comment from : @ignatiusjreilly2124 |
A good point Incrementation clearly illustrated when reading a difficult foreign text Successive readings will help reduce the number of obscure morphemes, possibly down to zero br Comment from : @liguobu229 |
I knew what he was saying about his hands because I know some Italian It sounds very similar Comment from : @carldubcats3385 |
Riding? Ladder? Comment from : @LockBits-ts6eo |
I totally agree with the first part, but disagree that words cannot be memorized and that memorizing vocabulary is not helpful The problem with memorizing words definitions is that they cannot be too far above your current vocabulary level Vocabulary is like a ladder and you cannot reach too high above your current level, but you will pick up words that are in reach Comment from : @vidnovoc9815 |
Dr Krashen needs to go and teach American high school teachers how to teach language Does anyone become fluent or language curious after taking a high school language? I bet the percentages of people who benefit much are very low All language study in the US is an emphasis on form It was tedious and boring I think I would have learned more by reading child books like doctor Sues books in a foreign language than from conjugating verb tenses Comment from : @vidnovoc9815 |
Fin - Eng - SwebrtekisinköhänbrI ponder if I should do lots of smokepuffsbrJag funderar på om jag ska göra even more smokepuffsbr" Jag funnderarpå amm jag ska jöra "brluebrread singularisbrläs sinularisbrlukekaa brread pluralisbrläs pluralisbr uisittekobr Would you swim , pluralisbr Skulle ni simmabrkaupaltabrFrom the shopbrFrån affärenbr järvellebr To the lakebr Till sjön " Till chönn "brhuopaabrMake boat go backwards with the oarsbrBacka båten med årorna ( båten " bååttän ") Comment from : @vesarintamaki2712 |
This dude is a 🔔end Comment from : @tomthomas9708 |
Great advices thanks a lot🙏🏻 Comment from : @yadigarklckaya5989 |
The best explanation I've heard yet of how you really ideeply/i connect with a language Comment from : @goldeneddie |
What about koine greek, or any dead language? Comment from : @michaelcytuarte9498 |
This process is either WAY WAY too slow, or just doesn't work altogether And for me, one who's studied for YEARS, I haven't found a method that works Brute force seems to be the only one that works for me, but it's also WAY WAY slow Comment from : @joebonds3072 |
Does anyone have any thoughts about using Jump Speak or Pimsleur for language learning? Comment from : @fek6878 |
I read Krashen about 25 years ago and have been teaching English for 30 years A lot of truth in the theory, but, as many comments note below, the "natural approach" is definitely not the whole story for most adult learners Definitely, plenty of more-or-less comprehensible input (reading books, watching movies) is a key ingredient - if you have the level But trying to learn grammar and especially vocabulary explicitly - as far as I can see - does seem to help most people There is no "one size fits all" approach, as there are so many possible variations in language learners' contexts, but for many of us, explicit learning will be an important part of the mix Let's not forget practising speaking, being motivated, having useful tools to hand (good dictionaries, good textbooks), and access to a teacher (at least from time to time) By the way, this 15 minute video was interrupted about 10 times by extremely annoying ads YouTube-Google certainly want their pound of flesh for the content they host Comment from : @larskirk6268 |
Lower expectations Comment from : @久保聡一朗-s7l |
I still see professors argue back and forth on this acquisition method Some call it a discredited theory of nonsense while others seem to think it's the only way Comment from : @Zucr_ |
Two years of Latin, 1 yr of French and 1 yr of German All seemed to focus on grammar and vocabulary It just didn't work for me and I was very discouraged As you describe in this video, my difficulties were not necessarily within me but more the way the languages were presented For example, attempting to learn all the forms of Latin verbs can drive you nuts! Comment from : @mrspock2al |
there's another thing you don't cover - how many ppl having moved to another country and acquired the language still are grammatically inaccurate, they do speak but with tons of mistakes and there's no way to rectify them, so skipping that part of acquiring the forms too is very dangerous Comment from : @МанэЕпремян |
adults do not learn the language the same way as children thoug Comment from : @МанэЕпремян |
German is a good language for incidental acquisition This is because it is filled with compound words that you can often decipher within that 10 you can figure it out Comment from : @elizabethmead2852 |
What about for kids knowing that we avoid screens Comment from : @aoulmisamia8700 |
🧄ex-professor? Comment from : @ismayilarifoglu6226 |
How do you create your own comprehensible input that work for you or resonates with you? Comment from : @GilletteDBG |
English language uses HINDU numerals Comment from : @martinmartin-t6b |
By using or living in the environment everyone learns happily easily Comment from : @martinmartin-t6b |
English language needs a new alphabet with a new concept Comment from : @martinmartin-t6b |
rubbish quickest way to acquire words is mnemonics use the words, fully, and hopefully it will stick of course, if you don't use them, you'll lose them Comment from : @j2shoes288 |
should we avoid practicing sets of vocabulary and pre-teaching specialized language to boost vocabulary knowledge when studying a language at school or university specifically for improving reading ability Comment from : @mariekelly6001 |
Basically he said nothing special other than you need visual learning If you’re learning Thai watch Thai tv shows What a revelation Comment from : @SamathaVipassana93 |
all the people who spent 1000hrs on dreaming spanish and can't form a sentence 😂 Comment from : @narcoblings4728 |
Excelente 🎉 Comment from : @LearnLanguagesDrAlex |
A language acquisition expert speaking only one language? 😂 Give me a break 😅 Comment from : @this-is-bioman |
How do I read a book in a language I don't know? Lol Comment from : @theglamthropologist |
You should add some transition or short title animation to structure a bit his saying/the interview visually and not just by listenning even though we tend to listen it i believe on second screen or while doing something this great to follow with some glances Thx for the content Comment from : @raphael39 |
You dont try to learn its completely automatic Comment from : @techtinkerin |
THis is beyond stupid So much so that I was entertained Thx Comment from : @PaulDelker |
The problem of this acquisition method is that you can't find the material at each level for you to acquire They always told you to find it but never give you a specific list because they don't have it Comment from : @beijingchef2745 |
Learning a language is like learning anything Practice practice and persistence Comment from : @foreignwarren7361 |
Just more sales Comment from : @richardleslie410 |
After three months of intense learning and acquiring Spanish, I can attest to the power of language acquisition However, I completely disagree with the views on vocabulary Taking the time to learn approximately 2,000 words, mostly by heart, through extensive practice and repetition has significantly enhanced my reading abilities While I’m not sure how long I will continue this practice, it has been invaluable during the initial stages of my learningbrbrThat said, I often find that when people speak around me using those 2,000 words, I still struggle to understand much of what they say This indicates to me that those words aren’t yet ingrained in my subconscious, making them somewhat ineffective when I need them most However, I can use those same words—albeit slowly and with difficulty—to express myself and start conversations, which allows me to acquire more of the language Comment from : @michaelsager5688 |
I don’t agree with the statement about not focusing on grammar While in some languages you may get by with this, but for me, this was not the case when learning Russian brIn the Russian language every word has grammar embedded into it, so in order to say something correctly, you need grammar knowledge brbrFor example, just changing the subject from a woman to a man the whole sentence changes:brbrThis is that young woman who was readingbrЭто та молодая женщина, которая читалаbrbrThis is that young man who was readingbrЭто тот молодой человек, который читалbrbrbrNeedless to say I lost years of progress by not worrying about grammar Once I realized the problem, I took a language course that focused more on the basics and grammar I’m just now starting to put all the pieces together of acquiring the Russian language brbrI do agree that having comprehensive material is a must for any language learnerbrbrThank you for this video, it is very interesting Comment from : @_eugenelearnsrussian |
I'm curious how this approach works for beginners He speaks as if the learner already knows a good amount of the language, but if they're completely fresh how can they understand 95/98 of a text? Even with visuals, there's often filler words and some languages like Chinese use metaphors to describe stuff that may be more difficult to parse than in another I'm seriously asking because I don't understand how this relates to beginners Comment from : @jaxolantern99 |
L'alliance francaise is the best place for french Comment from : @masahirogo3330 |
When your mum says we have Stephen Krashen at home Comment from : @OwenAdams |
I'm autistic, almost hyperlexic (got a perfect score on the GRE verbal section) and have auditory processing disorder I'm wondering if the video applies to me I doubt I could learn much from the visual story approach, for example Comment from : @rhyothemisprinceps1617 |
Dear Mr Language Professor:brI’m sorry to say this, but in your simple Spanish example at the beginning, it’s “la mano mía” and not “la mano mío” A professor should know that! Comment from : @Guckuslongus |
Great ideas, but some of his suggestions don't really work for learning Chinese I can't just sit down with a Chinese book and work my way through it and pick up (through osmosis) the meaning and context of new words, because if I don't know the character, I don't even know how to pronounce it Comment from : @richw6832 |
I'm so anxious to fill out the paperwork for my visa, and the paperwork has a picture of a name tag with a "#1", not the words "First Name" And how long does it take a baby to learn "daddy"? Who knew that practicing makes things easier when you "go live" in front of a person? Why would anyone think that practice matters? That vocabulary matters? That reading and writing are different because of grammar rules? I guess I'll just memorize every sentence that can be written by a human No understanding needed Comment from : @Rising_Pho3nix_23 |
I can read and listen pretty much everything, which is a passive ability - To conjure up something to say in a proper way is the hard part Comment from : @bruceleroyhoffman |
Yes I generally agree, but finding comprehensible input when you really know nothing, not a word in the new language is at least not easy For me it worked well to combine learning and also grammar learning (because I'm interested in it and I'm enjoying to understand the patterns) with a lot of acquisition, of course with the goal to understand the message I also read very difficult texts and searched for many words to understand it, and for me that was very helpful I think looking up words can also be useful, when the main goal is to understand what is written there But maybe the reason was just, that the comprehensible texts were boring for me and so I had no other way than reading complicated ones, because I think that maybe the most important thing is, that the input is really interesting, whether it is easy or not Comment from : @ilexcookii2627 |
It's a great video Many thanks Comment from : @mouhcine8459 |
Great interview I agree with Jeff about his views on acquisition of a language I speak a few languages and I acquired them, learning to use them mostly via unconscious picking up the syntax, vocab, etc Comment from : @cjoe6908 |
I before e except after c isn't a thing Comment from : @larrynelson4909 |
I am curious whether resources exclusively designed for foreign learners or native children are as effective as the language that native teenagers or adults speak and write every day I personally think that to achieve acquisition, you have to use the latter But here comes the question: such resources contain a huge vocabulary, and you probably need to have a correspondingly sizable vocabulary to comprehend them at the level required for acquisitionbrI totally agree that acquisition is the most essential part of language learning, but I think you first have to go through a step of learning before you can advance to the step of acquisition Comment from : @luckyxjy |
In atempting to learn 4 languages I have intuitively come to these same vonclutions But how fo I find these comprehensable resources? Comment from : @Filip_Wessman |
About finding a speaker with lower speed of speech it is a great advice, and I actually see a shortcut solution to this: go to youtube settings of a video you are watching, and just change speed from x1 to x05 or x075! Comment from : @br7485 |
Not a waste of time if you enjoy it Comment from : @Havagood1 |
I am sorry but what do you mean by "If you only read and listened?" Before reading and listening, you should know those words, otherwise you will not understand anything With Chinese, for example, only consciuos learning works Learning is everything, actually Textbook and real books, study texts and real life conversations Comment from : @annushkasinger |
What advice for learning Thai which is tonal and not romanized script Comment from : @antoinette4729 |
This is all good, unfortunately we don't have people treating us like this all the time, speaking to us and presenting the message even though we don't speak back Learning as a kid is NOT the same as learning as an adult We aren't in the same setting Comment from : @astropgn |
Some of the things in this video are completely wrong I learned English as a second language in a year when I was 12 years old I'm trying to learn Turkish now It's definitely not going to take a year Comment from : @carlosgravil3325 |
The one thing I'd correct him on is the notion that flashcards aren't useful - they are! BUT, this comes with a caveat Always use short but complete sentences in your flashcards, that way you learn the new words contextually and by applying the undeniable power of spaced-repetition combined with comprehensible input Comment from : @CunningLinguistics |
At 3:06 he says “La mano mio” 😱brThis might be a good example of the pitfalls of ‘acquisition’ of a languagebrThe learner might recognize the rule which is the adjectival form is predicated on the gender of the noun, but the chalón who learned enough English to keep his job washing dishes(respect) doesn’t know when he says something wrong brWhen he said children and adults acquire language in the same way I knew he was a true believer, who would ignore how many differences exist between the two groups Comment from : @cmleoj |
A lot of talk about acquisition BUT what about expressing yourself I lived in Holland a long time and aquired a PASSIVE knowledge I could understand a Dutch person BUT could not speak dutch at all Comment from : @MoreChannelNoise |
totally agree and this has actually happened to me it was a very weird moment i used to live and work in germany back in 2019 and the main language i used at work was english (not a native speaker) for this reason, i never bothered to try and learn german at all but after 2 years, when a german randomly asked a question to me at a train station, i felt that i could understand him idk what exact words he used but i sort of grasped the meaning answered him in english and my friend were shocked, saying "i didn't know you could understand german" and i was like "yeah me neither" :D as you are exposed to meaningful content, brain subconsciously acquires parts of the language Comment from : @onuremrecanozcan4400 |
So the short answer is practise Comment from : @DavideV101 |
Learn the same way a child learns how to speak Comment from : |
Esta es( not esto es)mi mano La mano mía ( not mío) Comment from : @bienvenidospanish7463 |
Just drink with locals This is the best way Comment from : @bruthoma-ib5np |
Do not use Duolingo under any circumstances, it's a game and a huge waste of time Comment from : @ristoleppanen302 |
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