Title | : | Restricted Stock Units: The Basics u0026 Taxes |
Lasting | : | 7.18 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 116 rb |
RSU are a joke unless u qre on the high endbrI remember NQS optios - much easier to deal withbrRSU was bcuz govt wanted money soonerbrWatch out re IRAsother Iras are pre-taxed, on the basis Comment from : @billwood8093 |
Johnson George Robinson Margaret Garcia Carol Comment from : @DobbinZachary-m3r |
Hall Larry Hall Mary Gonzalez Christopher Comment from : @MalachiEleanore-s1t |
Hernandez Dorothy Rodriguez Sarah Perez William Comment from : @HarringtonWebb-l5d |
Thomas Margaret Smith John Hernandez Linda Comment from : @GallacherKelly-o6e |
Martin Patricia Jackson Robert Lee Shirley Comment from : @hkgyguhuviChbjn |
Young Robert Taylor Kevin Williams Amy Comment from : @AudreyMalia |
Moore Dorothy Jones Steven Wilson Anthony Comment from : @oliviawhitefera9237 |
Thomas Kevin Hall Laura Garcia Kevin Comment from : @RobertAugustine-e5d |
Hernandez Jessica Anderson Lisa Davis Barbara Comment from : @RayleignMarcus-v9i |
Jackson Daniel Lopez Daniel Lee Susan Comment from : @JackMaxwell-y6t |
Wilson Margaret Clark Jessica Wilson Jennifer Comment from : @WoolleyStanford |
Gonzalez Scott Harris Angela Jones Angela Comment from : @HeadingWatch |
Just sell, put in ROTH and trade SPY options (sell puts/calls -> wheel strategy) !😎 Comment from : @brisca3301 |
Martinez Kevin Martinez Charles Anderson Timothy Comment from : @RushBoys-e6v |
What if your company do a stock split on your 2000 stocks promises brIn a 1 out of 10 ratio ? Comment from : @lawaxmanda |
Great video! Clear and to the point explanation of the RSU process My one question is if we can sell our vested RSUs if the company is private? Comment from : @JessicaOBell |
Can you help me understand how the RSU share tax withholding would appear on a W-2? I am afraid that my shares are being withheld but the withholding doesn’t appear on my w-2 and I am paying taxes twice on them Comment from : @yacquelincervantes3296 |
How can I perform my calculations if the Company didn't grant me in terms of number of stocks but instead gave me a value in USD? Comment from : @jlecampana |
What happens when your company withholds shares but the total price of those shares are bigger than your tax amount? Ie your shares are on each 1k you got 4 shares and your tax income is about 30 so your company withholds 2 shares (2k) to pay 12k usd Do you lose the other 800 usd ? Is there a way to recover them? Thanks for your video ! Comment from : @Erramanivel |
this helped me so much Comment from : @stayhungry3091 |
When your employer sells RSU shares to cover withholding, do they report that withholding on the W-2 in the same box as withholding for wages? Comment from : @eljeffe8806 |
Excellent video !! Thanks Comment from : @mohammadmohagheghfaghih8313 |
My company is doing the cash bonus option and I can't wait until my 1st grant date! Comment from : @oreosk8ter |
Very good video Thanks for the breakdown Comment from : @Ann-MD |
Helpful, thank you! The thoughts on sell or not was very useful to evaluate for myself Comment from : @clunkclunk2099 |
Hi! This is super helpful Thanks for the video One Question plz - When I sale these 13k shares in future, will my basis for these 13k shares should be 20k (gross amount on my w2 that I paid taxes on) or will the basis be 13k only? brThank you so much! Comment from : @amit173 |
I have a hard time interpreting my 1099b for rsu’s cause my company withholds 1/3 of my shares for taxes Do I just need to report the capitol gains cause on my w2 it reflects earned income from my vested stock If I enter total net proceeds from my stock sale on 1099b it wants to double tax me?! Comment from : @Dhughe9 |
Great video In summary, the government taxes me on stocks that I've received after paying taxes on them and if I wait any longer to sell them I simply have to - you guessed it - pay taxes on the sale Comment from : @rahulpillai1271 |
Another perspective of RSUs along with multi country taxation is here brbr youtube/83wk3puQ1IM Comment from : @BanyanFA |
If I work for a company with shares that historically increase in value, is their an option to pay the taxes out of pocket to preserve as many shares as possible and what other considerations might go into that decision? Comment from : @SUNNofODIN |
Very helpful, thanks! Comment from : @jacobovertime |
Thank you so much for this - I wish employers would set up learning opportunities for those folks who get RSUs and do not understand them as not everyone is financially savvy You broke it down so easily and I am forever grateful! Comment from : @QuerkieGal |
It’s crazy that the government taxes RSUs like this… it should be capital gains so that ordinary employees can benefit like owners Comment from : @benknosby2758 |
Thanks for this video Comment from : @Almediale |
Would you mind if I messaged you about some specifics with regards to my first years RSU, I am still a little confused as to what has happened😢 Comment from : @emilyyyjw |
Let's assume I have 400 RSUs granted 2 years back and 200 RSUs is vested Now I want to quit the company, will I be able sell after quitting the company? Will vested RSUs be in my account? Comment from : @pythonwithpankaj3469 |
Thank you; this answered all of my questions with my sign on RSU award One question is it normal for a company to provide a target bonus and sign-on RSU award? Comment from : @jayfitzgerald6700 |
crystal clear, thx from France! Comment from : @soshhhhhhhhhh |
This was extremely valuable man The best and most retainable explanation I've heard yet Comment from : @timothydavis9940 |
If it's performance based is it better to sell them and what if you don't sell them on the date they vest? Comment from : @victoriah9458 |
Are vested stocks included in adjust gross income? Comment from : @ikechinwankwo7993 |
Great video My only critique would be that, the stock price probably does matter when you are granted your RSUs if your RSU's are determined as a percentage of your salary or as a dollar valuebrbrExample: You get a job offer for $100,000 and your RSU is matching your salary, vested over 4 years The stock price for ABC company is $100 when your RSU is granted, which means you will receive 1000 shares Comment from : @zuxzux |
Hello,brbrLast year my company gave me some RSU They sold some of the stocks to cover my taxes During 2022 I haven't sold any stocks and did 0 transactions But my trading account shows a capital gain The stocks my company sold to cover my taxes show as my capital gains I'm not sure if is it right or not Can you help me to understand thisbrThank you Comment from : @meetshah9747 |
Helpful video! Per your example, say the first year I receive 2,000 shares at $10 and the following year the stock is at $15 do I receive the next 2,000 shares at the $15 price? Comment from : @tylerdarwick6802 |
so if my company sells the stock or whitholds it for say 22 Federal tax (plus other state etc tax) and my tax bracket is say 30 I would just SELL some of the stock that was vested to me and keep that until tax time? I would not pay any other tax on that sell because there would not be very much capital gains? Comment from : @iliketurtles536 |
Excellent explanation! Thank you! Comment from : @moniquerogers2474 |
Very useful, thank you very much Comment from : @TanyaTsukrova |
What is the difference between stock awards vs option awards columns on summary compensation table? Comment from : @asimig |
thanks, great video and explanation Comment from : @EricB-somejibberish |
This was extremely helpful! Comment from : @Taangxx |
Thank you I needed this , new subscriber btw Comment from : @BouK-tkt |
So I will always pay ordinary income on the discount no matter how long I keep the shares? Comment from : @mmmmx17 |
Great video, thank you so muchbrI just have a few questions, base on your example, there are 6k left that they will invest at a certain date if you stay at the company Lets say the grant date is September and the first vested period is also september (same month), the future vested date will be sept 2023, sept 2024 and sept 2025 What's gonna happen with the 6k RSU's if you left the company before the next vested date? Will the company going to take back all the RSU's left? Thanks in advance Comment from : @rb1613 |
What happens if you are granted RSUs in a private company and cannot sell your shares? brbrIt appears you'd still be required to pay tax even though the bonus you received cannot be realised as cash In such a scenario, how is the value of the stock calculated? Comment from : @DavidAlsh |
The beginning price would matter bcs that’s what determines how many shares you getbrbrFor Ex a company will say we will give you $50k when being hired and depending on share price point when starting will determine how many shares you get Comment from : @augustuswetzel |
Thanks Mike! What is someone offers a dollar figure RSU vs number of shares when you join? Comment from : @genwe1894 |
Can you talk about what happens for taxes when the price is below the RSU grant price? Is it considered a loss? Comment from : @ndubsphotography |
This was super helpful One question I have is if I am in a lower federal income tax bracket than the standard supplemental 22 withholding rate that companies seem to use, should I be expecting to get money back when I file my taxes? Or for compensation like this does it work differently? Comment from : @andrewmackenzie47 |
Very helpful stuff Mike! Thank you so much! Comment from : @mykagarcia1323 |
My company offered me an RSU of 15 lakhs with a vesting period of 4years, what does this actually mean?brDo we need to calculate the number of shares for Rs 15L based on the stock value on the grant date Comment from : @vijayakumarj1207 |
Does the value of RSUs usually get taxed as income on your W-2? I know most companies do partial sales to cover tax, but what is the risk of getting double-taxed on this value? Comment from : @cfletch85 |
So do you pay tax also on the units the company sold on your behalf to pay payroll tax for you for the vested units? Comment from : @hcamry |
Why is convenient for companies to offer this type of awards instead of cash bonus? Comment from : @matymzh |
In what form should the tax withheld appear? Comment from : @kimberlyrobledo929 |
Best video I found on the topic Thank you! Comment from : @Genivaldo_Gueiros |
I am new at RSUs I am trying to understand what does "Stock Offset" on my paystub mean I had $89,000 of RSUs vested through out the year On my paystub I also see "Stock offset " in the deductions for last year in the amount of $64,000 What is it? How to deal with it What is its significance? You also mentioned brokerage sold a particular part of RSU stock to pay for taxes? I am really trying to understand what I am dealing with and how to correctly handle the RSUs Thank you Comment from : @KS-hm7fl |
Fuck taxes theft cunts Comment from : @halason1 |
Thank you for sharing It is very informative Comment from : @lien-chinwei4815 |
Another risk of holding vested RSUs is that the stock price could fall 50 or more I still have to pay taxes on last year’s inflated stock price before it fell In my case, it’s thousands of dollars that was added on my income and raised my tax bracket that I will potentially never see again The government still takes their cut and taxes me at the higher amount Tax loss harvesting would take years to recover the amount that I am being over taxed since it’s capped at $3,00000 a year Comment from : @depechebeckas1 |
Seriously great video I read a bunch of explanations on various sites, but this broke it down perfectly Comment from : @brodie659 |
Thank you!!!!!!!!! Comment from : @JalisaWhite |
What about the Section 83(b) exchange? What if stock value goes down after vesting, do you report a loss on something that has been nothing but paper all along? Comment from : @sleddy01 |
Brief and on point! Thank you Comment from : @kevinchoi6792 |
Thank you so much This was the best explanation I've come across by far You also answered a question I had regarding whether or not to keep the shares or sell them once I receive them After listening to your explanation regarding concentration risk, I'll probably sell around 80 of them in order to diversify Comment from : @jbailey3390 |
my question is does the RSU have to be liquidated? can I hold the RSU until i want to sell it or do i need to sell it and get taxed? Comment from : @thekiller500099 |
Tem em português ? Comment from : @taismotasouza601 |
So, using smart asset, I figured that my marginal tax rate is around 35 If I sell $10k worth of RSUs right at the vest, $22k (22) should have already withheld for me at the vest My actual tax responsibility was $35k (35) So this means that I would need to withhold $13k of what I sold to pay taxes at tax seasonbrbrIf my usual tax return is about $1k, I'd now owe $300brbrSo on that sale of $10k, I actually keep $87k If I didn't sell, I'd still be responsible for paying the $13kbrbrAre my math and reasoning correct here?brbrIe, I'd need to always sell an extra 13 of my shares to pay for taxes at vest; I keep 87 of what I sell Comment from : @lxnny2357 |
Thank you so much This is really helpful! I love how it's so easy to understand for people like me 😂 Comment from : @jj3322 |
This is the way to make good money if the salary isn't so good! After only a few years employees can cash out on big gains Workers complain about Amazon but that's a pretty sweet giveaway especially if you're just starting out in the work force, talk about 6 figures in only 5 years Comment from : @travisgodbold8899 |
On proxy statements, what's the difference between performance shares and PSUs? Rsu awards automately reflected in one's Common Stocks How does one track vested PS/PSUs in CS? Comment from : @mermaidlifeonearth |
Would you invest 13,000 $ to your company's stock?brBrilliant question! Comment from : @nhansieu377 |
Thank you very much How is about the case that you keep and sell these shares 2 years after vesting? Let's assume you sell at the same price Do you have to adjust your cost basic? Comment from : @giothudong |
I have RSUs which vested in 2020 Shares were used to cover tax withholdings (sell-to-cover) on the vesting date and I've sold the net shares 2 months after the vesting date (in 2020) I've received a 1099-B from the broker and it lists the 1) sold sell-to-cover shares on the vesting date; 2) sold net shares 2 months after the vesting date To me it is clear that I need to report the capital gains linked to the sold net shares (price/share on the vesting date - price/share of the sales date x # of shares) What is not clear to me, is if I also need to report the sell-to-cover shares on Form 8949? If so, do you take '0' as a cost basis (that's included on my 1099-B) or the price/share on the vesting date (fair market value)? Comment from : @Mikevermunt |
If it wasn’t graded, do you only pay taxes once you actually get the shares (at the end of 4 years)? Comment from : @Ray101ray |
Very informative! Keep up the good work! Comment from : @epicmotorcyclechannel307 |
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