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How Indian Immigrants Get Richer Than EVERYONE

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Title :  How Indian Immigrants Get Richer Than EVERYONE
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Comments How Indian Immigrants Get Richer Than EVERYONE

“Back in India, the economy is dumpster fire”brbrI said that in this video and am getting a lot of Indian bros disagreeing, so … was it fair?brbrPeople have pointed out two facts, which are undeniably true: 1) The Indian economy is large, and is (or is soon to be) the world’s 4th largest And 2) in the last handful of years, it’s been improving at a good ratebrbrYet my “dumpster fire” has some data to back that upbrbr– GNI PER CAPITA: I believe this is the fairest way to judge an overall economy, since it doesn’t allow people to cherry-pick good/bad data Despite the massive size of the economy – they have 14 billion people, after all – on a per person basis, it’s still pretty poor, with a GNI of $2,200 per person That places it #123 in the world, on par with countries like Jamaica and Namibia or some others I hadn’t heard ofbrbr– INCOME DISPARITY: In the world’s biggest country, there are billionaires who throw parties for more dollars than I’ll ever earn, and there millions of people in abject poverty The last stats show about 140 million people living under $215 per day That’s both improved from the past, and still horriblebrbr- RECENT STATS: Some are improving, but we’re still looking at a 92 unemployment rate in June, lowered savings, substandard healthcare, education, labor participation rates, and India still has a yearly net-out migration of about a half-million, which is proportionally small but more people are still leaving the country than entering itbrbrSo … is that a good/large/improving economy or still one that’s still Third World, despite being one of the earliest civilizations on Earth?
Comment from : @ElephantsInRooms

thanks for your journalistic work
Comment from : @tomtomtom5963

It's hindus immigration
Comment from : @Moonuuu

India economy is growing very good it's a 4 th largest economy in the world
Comment from : @Moonuuu

Indian will takeover America in long term
Comment from : @Moonuuu

Brother there are lot of nice place in India yet you chose to show slums of India, so does america dont have any slums area or streets having homeless and substance abusers do you show that side of America too ? Stop this biass bro !! Every country have some plus some minus even though there is high indo-fobia in western countries we Indians still chose to look at Positive sides of western countries , despite of negative !!
Comment from : @MedicosAssemble

Comment from : @tylerpham3051

Deportations are needed
Comment from : @calidawg111

Corruption and hatred is on rise in India
Comment from : @asubhan9489

Indians dont want to become boss of anything,rather its integration and coexistence with everyoneBoss is a very egoistic term
Comment from : @TheMotorman1981

No wonders Americans are crying on social media 😂😂😂 🇺🇸🇺🇸 ameeica is being no 1 in being gay 🇺🇸🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Comment from : @anshulshukla5494

They are not afraid to scam
Comment from : @uuxxuu5002

You reminded me of what Thomas Sowell says about success The key is to have a good culture which the Indians have
Comment from : @armorbearer9702

Immigration better than Occupying a Nation
Comment from : @rajibsharma491

Keep sharing that knowledge & wisdom my brother
Comment from : @BrJD-ii4iv

The majority of Indian migrants are from the middle class It would be more accurate to compare their incomes to middle class whites There are many undocumented Indian migrants on lower incomes not reflected in the average income stats
Comment from : @fredkanis6857

One day indian President of United States of America 😂
Comment from : @MohHus-r7o

😂😂😂😂 hahahah bro why are showing undevelope placecome and visit Mumbai and see what's the develop
Comment from : @subashkherkatary6671

This guy talks from his ArsebrIf he has not visited India he should not bark like a dog
Comment from : @omkardutt3755

When you l!ck boots of J*ws, what's problem to get higher position
Comment from : @manjushagongale

Why not show your poverty in USA how many of your citizens are without home , and live on streets who said it's substandard education in india do your reasearch sir
Comment from : @kamalab2718

Why do Americans always say india dirty poor
Comment from : @Venu-oq7dp

Not all people live in slums in India Majority live in nice homes with every convenience that you have in America If you drive from one end of Kerala which is a southern state to the other end of Kerala you will see the houses they all live in
Comment from : @leenakalathil295

This man is incompetent, ignorant and arrogant- like many Americans he blames Indians for their misery - not understanding that Indian contribution to America's prosperity is humongous brbrHe also comes across as a man with poor values from the way he deliberately portrays a false image of India brbrSuch people as he, can't get far on the path to progress
Comment from : @kaushalendraraomannava4578

How can you watch this guy brHe is so idiot brI can’t even watch the moment he said that brAnd I stop
Comment from : @lomeshbrahmbhatt3653

Profitable education, Family unit, Frugality and Cohesiveness
Comment from : @kingmufasa366

STOP SHOWING SLUMS TO REPRESENT INDIA This is so stupid, stop showing only slums while representing India India has a diverse community with poor, lower middle class, upper middle class, rich and filthy rich people too Most of the indians in any category utilize Education as a key factor to improve their life While other rich nations spend their time enjoying parties every weekend, Indians spend really hard investing their time in education, saving each penny of their earnings to reach this level brbrRemember, a few centuries ago, India was one of the biggest economies in the world, but the invaders had looted each and every thing and collapsed our economy brbrEven most of the middle class and upper middle class have a certain amount of gold ornaments as their saving as a pride
Comment from : @rajgopalmanoharan

America is made up of hard working intelligent legal immigrants from all corners of world with Germans making 10 British making 8 which is among the highest population from European countries but new British and Germans are not good as their old generations and gone backwards in quality however Asians maintain it so its not about race here its about country's growth that's why president trump said America needs intelligent hard working legal immigrants its not numbers that matter here but their quality and hard work🙏🏻
Comment from : @cosmos3-z7u

Modi should expelled 1st From India to America
Comment from : @domariomarso4301

Education is subpar and cheap in india I have never met an indian who wrote good code They smell and they lack basic hygiene, which is why they soak themselves in cologne On top of this they also lie steal and cheat to reach the top These CEOs inherited already successful companies, and they have not built anything worth remembering since they took charge
Comment from : @zerodays64

Indian households collectively holds gold weighing more than 275 tonnes Holding gold, silver, gems, precious stones and diamonds is in our tradition
Comment from : @kushagrasrivastava6326

bruh Guys request you all to google 360 camera Goa It looks nothing like the above video clips yet again the foreign media depicting a false image of my country
Comment from : @SSaldanha

One more point: 9999 Indians do not purchase lotto tickets
Comment from : @mrdhaliwal8228

Oh really? Have you ever even seen India, or are you just busy telling the whole world a fairy tale? Sure, we’ve got our issues—name one country with a ‘perfect’ economy! Go on, we’ll wait Spoiler: even utopia’s got inflation these days 😉
Comment from : @gouravmukherjee7457

It is the unimaginable competition back home (India) that creates competence
Comment from : @sandeepshetty1589

Showing slum 😂 and assuming india is just slum ,no sir our some of bright student leave for usa bcoz of our caste based reservation and India not that bad the way you are portraying 94 people access toilet , a thriving middle class and upper middle class family ,the people who are poor on govt paper are incoming 2-3M inr per year example like momo wala , panipuri wala etc we have both good and bad side showing everything bad in india 😂 and i want our indian to return to india from usa
Comment from : @MNayak-d6z

For indians : work,earn and leave America don't stay here! I'm a proud American 🇺🇸
Comment from : @watsongarrett196

First visit the country and understand before making statements GDP per capita is not the right metric
Comment from : @anoopsanjeeva3786

It is not dumpter living in India It has rapidly changed in the past decade You are welcome to India, particularly the southern part of India and experience the lifestyle there in the cities brbrIt is not the homeless, drug addicted, crimecridden lifestyle that you find in San Francisco
Comment from : @striker44

Excellent video and explanation! Why so many negative comments?
Comment from : @VandanaRajaram

It is because you don't see the resources and opportunities under your own nose
Comment from : @angelananandadas8267

United family under extreme circumstances is the key It takes generation to build the mindset to be acquired White Americans can never replicate that
Comment from : @raul44321

Seems to have touched all the bases 😂
Comment from : @pjdilip

Did you travel to India before making this report? Looks not You did a lazy job of picking up readily available data and slapped on it a few pictures from the Internet Actually the more you Westerns disparage India the county and its people who live there, the more you will take your eyes of this emerging superpower (The Economist calls it so) And one day, it will be too late
Comment from : @subhasisghosh66

In India its a constant reminder to us how rich India was, its ancient civilization, spirituality, knowledge, etc By design Indian society cultivate high aspiration What we lack is opportunity America fills this gap
Comment from : @BiswaRSingh

I didn't get the flag with Indian colour shown at intro Can somebody help me understand that
Comment from : @akhileshakhil4390

If am not wrong after 20 years later indians will dominate the whole world
Comment from : @Detect46

That is just because us$ is the global currency It doesn't reflect the reality of poverty in both us and India
Comment from : @activelife9888

This video is more about the spilled mess in india than going on with the title!brbrBut exaggeration too has some limits!
Comment from : @SomeoneRandom-d2f

They realize their American dream by bringing down American corporates, look Boeing as an example
Comment from : @user_uif_ghg_wer_das

They play dirty scams They build their own network in US corporate Soon you'll find all new employees are Indian They play nepotism brazenly They hire their own nationals in the name of DEI, but they never give chance to people of any other kind
Comment from : @user_uif_ghg_wer_das

Indian diaspora is the highest tax-paying minority They never claim any government welfare in USA
Comment from : @chavaamu

Which planet is you live😊
Comment from : @rajvasava9058

These days any money with a camera and a mic thinks he is a great journalist or a podcaster 😂😂 Dude first travel to India before posting some random pics you find in the internet abt some poor places in India Even in USA or EU you can find these kind of distressing places Yeah majority of Indians are economically weak but there are more number of millionaires in India than the USA’s entire population and more than 200m-300m of Indians live a lifestyle which only Americans like you only dream off😅 I understand you are desperate to make a living by bringing traffic to your channel by talking about 13billion people but atleast get your facts straight The way you talk that all the Indians living in India are poor and FYI Indian economy is the 3 largest now and 3rd powerful in the world
Comment from : @nandhaa410

You showed the least part of india this my type of situation also can be on America's some areas I am not talking all is good but you showed is not correct
Comment from : @jay-qg7ui

Joullous people just cry on other It's more like a g
Comment from : @vamsiparuchuri7936

This is the real white dog
Comment from : @user-yu1fm9ze3c

Hindus of India were always great and hard working, innovative people till invaders from Isl@@@@m and british made Indian society poor and impoverished in last 1000 years Being pecaeful is not the silution that hindus learnt
Comment from : @ravihello11

Mate, u r right and u r wrong education, culture, rise in economy and hunger to succeed are inherent to Indians Spending power of India is massive
Comment from : @dheerajaggarwal8875

You are no less than a joker & live in a bubble of your own assumptionshow you can judge a huge country like india based on some slum area or poor people which are very less in population percentageit shows your hypocrisy & jealousy towards indiansby showing only slum areas you are showing that you have no knowledge of india
Comment from : @soni_sahab_76

They are allowed to hire and help their own while others can't
Comment from : @Nicokash392

Comment from : @SELMONKHAAN

Very well researched video almost ticks all the checkboxes
Comment from : @bhlk

You are misinformed Indian economy is doing better than what it used to be The quality of life for the middle class has been better However, it's never perfect though
Comment from : @sabyasachimaity5792

Why Indians are doing well than Americans? Because frog in the well like you are overtaken by smart ones Your knowledge and painting picture about India is sick and sinister
Comment from : @madrasman8883

If Indian Education System is bad, how this many Techies coming to all over the world?
Comment from : @AlluSrinivasu_1972

California is now dumbster fire, check the facts before postingbrWhen tou have 13 billion people and when your invaders made poor, you need time to get back to dominatebrWell over half the Indian population have much better standard than the whole of American populationbrYou need Indians, for America to exist, worst culture any country can have on Earth
Comment from : @greengrandiose

Do one about Kpop or Korean culture becoming more mainstream and the consequences
Comment from : @ecxstasy347

Super honest analysis
Comment from : @crazyprob

Calling Indian economy a dumpster fire 🥱 Could have used more appropriate language🇮🇳
Comment from : @thondupandrugtsang

“Back in India, the economy is dumpster fire”hahagood half informed joke😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Comment from : @thejackalhound

"Are we losing potential Artists, Musicians, etc" is a wrong statement You are not Lots of Americans think that Indians are under-represented in the Arts This is true on the surface, but only if you don't take an international view India has a bigger Performing Music, Film, Arts, and other such industries than the US Some of the worlds most popular actors are Indians, they don't need to come here to do acting Now combine that with the fact that there are zero, nada, zip, H1-B Visas in these professions and you will understand why Indians don't need to and don't choose to come to the US in those fields In classic American fashion, the world view is entirely US centric and so you think that Indians are missing from these fields and "Are we losing potential Artists, Musicians, etc" brDo your full research It's almost as uninformed as saying that there is an under-representation of American Tech workers (not Tech companies) in Europe The biggest opportunity and pay in Tech is in Silicon Valley, the US West Coast and NYC, so why would an American choose to go work in that field in Europe?
Comment from : @ALs4Cents-b4d

If h!ndμ is in a way gonna be peop]€ b0$$ in w0rk than its so awesome they r super hard working, empathetic who always care about othersbr,i would liv a indian h!ndμ to be My colleague or boss any day
Comment from : @RehneDo-lb6yt

The answer to your question is H1B visa requirements
Comment from : @preapple

Islamic and British invasion damaged india veey deeply
Comment from : @royalkutun5699

Indians have an intrinsic understanding of spirituality of finding Peace and tranquility and Bliss
Comment from : @sankarn451

Indians revere education, Indians schools do a great job of teaching math & science really well! Parental Expectations of kids are high & kids know it & also are confident that parents have their backs!
Comment from : @snair8448

Great analysis
Comment from : @ksrinivasarao3623

I've had a different experience To me they're the most insular, uncouth, and cheap people I've ever seen
Comment from : @ret4kind

back in INDIA is like that cause 99 are LOOTING tax money and people money and selling resources its just Thugs and Thieves rule india with their looted money even with 90 loot going on INDIA is 5 largest economy , just think if all the govenment staffs , judiciary , politicians did not take bribe it would be worlds richest country , so many talents are in south india , yet entire world speaks of north indian pan walas we are unable to even talk against government or politicians in INDIA , you will just be targeted Hope and its just a hope that one day india would have ZERo corruption
Comment from : @Ganganadhi

You are not showing the modern India, India is very modern with top class infrastructure I definitely agree there are places which are not that developed Because India still developing Its fastest groing economoy of the world Its 5th largest economy going to be the 3rd largest soon You must visit India before showing only bad things in India India has a lot of billionaires and millionaires its growing very fast Please research more about modern India instead of going biased
Comment from : @PriteshPaul

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