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How the rich get richer - Money in the world economy | DW Documentary

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Title :  How the rich get richer - Money in the world economy | DW Documentary
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Frames How the rich get richer - Money in the world economy | DW Documentary

Description How the rich get richer - Money in the world economy | DW Documentary

Comments How the rich get richer - Money in the world economy | DW Documentary

We need updated video
Comment from : @Student17625

And do you really think that public banks are more honest just because they are public banks? They also have the same hunger for money so I don't think there is any escape from this system
Comment from : @Onethingtosay

Why does the narrator have such a patronising tone, these are youre people
Comment from : @jamesbyrne9312

❤❤ Revenge 😮f the SHY@ gridlock 🎉
Comment from : @AlecSylvester

Who is watching 2025
Comment from : @tejaswale8049

I am Watching 2025
Comment from : @NOOBGAMER-xw8dq

Look like 1929 coming soon👀👀
Comment from : @Maheshchoudharyofficial

I need money
Comment from : @Newera-sn2gx

नो मानी पावर
Comment from : @SantoshKumar-oh4uu

Only stupid people give their money to the banks, for any reason!
Comment from : @ode6105

Watch to learn rather than form opinions on the character of others
Comment from : @BrandonMcCurry999

Money 💵 attracts Money 💵 Magnetism
Comment from : @haadbajwa7565

At weacher on matt you sigmentes a brook written ais of Clement there witten is Berg thaets ad brick trown in München here are swift caméléon into Seb and Brest there queen for moment as cleet on Yesterday and Bradley yos are broik tomorrow
Comment from : @sousosisi316

Why I prefer NVIDIA is that they are better placed to maintain long term growth potential, and provide a platform for other AI companies I know someone who has made more than 200 from NVIDIA
Comment from : @ChristopherAbelman

Sophisticated - or not - aspirational advertising, that's the main reason why the poor defend the super-rich Making us all believe that we can be millionaires at the same time is the greatest trick invented by man
Comment from : @Jan70901

The whole system is all about inflation control, whatever the cost
Comment from : @sanjaisai8418

Almost 2025 and we are still feeling this 😢
Comment from : @MachariaPatrick-wb1lu

the BBC is flogging a political agenda not news,but in all honesty most people should know that cheap money makes the rich richer,why?they can access it we cant
Comment from : @jonpeters9148

The ticking bomb already exploded however they just muffled the sound Just so they can buy a bit of time to get in a safe spot when the bubble bursts
Comment from : @cristiancaprar5506

bthank you everyone TQ/bbrb八八八九八三九五/bbrbMr Koh in Singapore/bbrbCome to find me come/b
Comment from : @lawrencekoh

the bailif deseves all of the misery he helped to facilitate for others
Comment from : @bitcoinenergy1

Anderson Sandra Perez Jason Martinez Angela
Comment from : @ИринаКим-ъ5ч

"cómo los ricos se hacen más ricos es, cómo los pobres se hacen más pobres,,,"
Comment from : @ilatfen28

That's the natural course of Capitalism! What's your discovery? Continue worshiping it
Comment from : @horacioventurino7497

Comment from : @shinobi339

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill the best financial book 📚
Comment from : @MadManVideoGame

Way? they Sad I can't pay house way ? I'm make Lot of money I can't pay house something it not right I don't wat to bonk rop sgisn with this people in front of me family pasreans😢
Comment from : @Lazarus-z6v

Thonk u god for are future living rich hmen
Comment from : @Lazarus-z6v

Comment from : @1or2there

This video is actually kind of silly and it's entirety if you stop to think about it for more than 3 seconds Many of these companies that are taking advantage of low borrowing rates are the exact same companies that we the people are able to invest in as well Maybe instead of pointing the finger at Central Banks and large companies, we do the exact same thing they do and invest in those companies If they make a profit, we make a profit
Comment from : @lukemiller1385

Comment from : @ff11dream

Sad to say it , signs the world is heading towards WWIII
Comment from : @raffiartinian4527

The Cantillon Effect 😈😈😈
Comment from : @dev4statingx90

Money printing by USA, EUROPE What's new?
Comment from : @CaifuYuFanrong

Tax the rich has much as possible!!!!! The poor are paying for everything and lending money to the rich How dose that work
Comment from : @Rasidawg77

Making money on money is called Riba, which is forbidden in Islam This ability to print money at will is Riba on steroids This is clearly a way to transfer real wealth into the hands of the rich, especially the banks
Comment from : @saleemganiy7684

Fascinating Thanks very much I always enjoy opportunity to learn One is never too old to find out what one ought to have learned in high school Google and youtube and the other tech giants are a greater benefit than a risk So far
Comment from : @donaldwhittaker7987

saveers are losers
Comment from : @senpai-username-isnt-available

@Dereval are a laki asset Dereval bawer full as Dereval791
Comment from : @DerevalareAlakiassetDereval

Invest in Germany 🇩🇪 Germany is expected to grow exponentially ☕
Comment from : @gbaili

Like 2008
Comment from : @namenlos2838

Comment from : @shyamalbanerjee64

And still this idiots believe in capitalism 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @thomaspt8687

Time to take it back from the rich
Comment from : @NoneofyourbusinessForgetit

This was 6 yrs ago the gap between the rich and the poor is bigger now its visible
Comment from : @fitnessmtaani

I recently cancelled my credit card at my bank here in Australia, one month later and the bank sent me another one in the mail 😂 The housing crisis here is terrible Rule of thumb is never spend over 30 of disposable income on basic living debt
Comment from : @julianshalders6047

Stay away from deregulated banks, avoid them like the plague, you will loose your money 🤑 Physical gold in your hand is best way to guard against inflation
Comment from : @julianshalders6047

6 years Later oooh My
Comment from : @KenyanGhost

There is no securityever You can lose everything you have at all time Actuallyyou dont even ever poses anything They can take away everything you have if they make up a good enough reason So stop chasing money and material It wont save you from death
Comment from : @batman6540

Well, if you can’t trust bank, who can you trust?
Comment from : @nicholasgovernale9146

Simple They steal from the poor
Comment from : @overthehilldill3626

The World 🌍 should implied Shari'a Banking
Comment from : @boi9677

Not even the makers of this video understand how money work 'Only the Central Banks should be allowed to create money' : WRONG National (Central) Banks are at the heart of a failed monetary system Money should not be 'created' by nobody Whoever can control de issuance of money has the incline to corruption and world domination Money can only be 'created' by mining it with a considerable effort as it should be a scarce commodity generally accepted as a stock of value, unit of account and unit of exchange No central entity allowed to issue it or to determine who and when we can have it and not, and at what cost Even a non-fractionary reserve system would fail if we stick to the existing fiat currency concept (which is not money, it is currency, the makers of the video keep referring to the 'currency' as 'money') A complete substitution of existing currency with real, hard money will eventually take place Problem is that this will not be possible without a collapse of the existing ponzi scheme lead by a crazy leveraged, derivatives-based financial system So yes, we are all doomed, the world has to fully collapse before adopting a real, hard money Timing? Impossible to know, but in my opinion not more than 20 years being optimistic and 10 being realistic, it will all depend now on geo-politics and credibility of the USD which has commenced to decline in an accelerated manner The makers of the video claim for a reduction of debt by States, good luck with that wishful thinking Reducing debt will derive in huge recessions In the meantime a wave of slow, progressive poverty will expand across the civilized (call it western) world pushing millions into unbearable limits As someone said, 'food and lead' will be the most demanded goods when shit hits the fan
Comment from : @frankjoy2455

Uk calling Germany,let’s get together and ban the private banksWith our financial expertise and history we could start a Revolution in finance for the POOR
Comment from : @Andy-x3e4z

Easy: Because it is the natural course of capitalism
Comment from : @horacioventurino7497

32:08 here is trying to confuse the concept of M0 (cash) and M3 (credit), if no cash, how can the system creat credit lol
Comment from : @jasonsiu6368

Money is just paper If no one is producing things and services you can buy, they are useless
Comment from : @jhonybighorn7683

Things you can print, why need to pay interest by renting from others? 😂
Comment from : @LiakatHossain

yet its soo simple, stop the bank havens , trusts and shell companies, all those trillions will be found again, but UK would never allow it , cant loose 8 of GDP
Comment from : @slavomirdzugan8539

I have question -brbrWhy developing countries have higher interest rates than developed countries?
Comment from : @bhagyeshmali5714

Why help one another on the way, no one can take anything out of this world, we live together we grow together as a human kind
Comment from : @matalita-u7d

Lol at the boomers complaining they dont get 7 on savings accounts anymore lol
Comment from : @JamesRockefeller45

Residential realistate needs protecions from speculation and foreign investment Supply should be subsidized with tax incentives to push growth and drive prices down while creating legislation that will restrict landlords and investment
Comment from : @JamesRockefeller45

no, this is spreading misinformation private banks do not create money from nothing this is false and a myth private banks get the money from its clients and investors (bank accounts, bonds, shareholders, selling financial products, ect), by investing such money, and lastly by borrowing or depositing from/to the central bank, with an interest rate, today is 45 but it varies
Comment from : @MikiMaki76

We had to realize how war affairs are used as well for further hostile financial speculations increasing public debt, fuels prices, inflation, do you mind to include these financial transactions in the list of national security as well? When huge ammouts of money can buy and bring to bankruptcy a whole country like Greece Brasil or Argentina, isn't it about national security? How can they buy London bit by bit without paying taxes? How can be political power so blind? So weak and absentat least asking investments in further projects of young inventorsthis cannibalism is disgusting guys😢😢😢
Comment from : @melaniamonicacraciun9900

Everybody get involved and ask for social justice please, wealthy companies must share a cut of their profits with employees and workers, let us know, First May, the International Workers Day everybody will be rewarded and have an extra salary therefore they will be happy to spend their fortune and make rich people get richer😂😂😂😅😅😅
Comment from : @melaniamonicacraciun9900

I was fortunate enough to at least learn about how money is created from lending in an economics class
Comment from : @JohnGeorgeBauerBuis

It's all a scam
Comment from : @MicheleDamato-co7vh

Money is far important than to left alone in banks
Comment from : @bgbgbgs

This video is 6 years old and there is still a scary amount of people out there who have no clue what money is or how it works It's a shame the video doesn't mention IBC (Infinite Banking Concept) as a potentila solution but I suppose not every place in the world has that as an option Don't do business with banks!
Comment from : @andrew_murdoch

Educate yourself about personal finance and you will find a way Even if you can save only 100$ per year, you would end up richer if you invest it in like S&p 500 index fund
Comment from : @signedelacroix7213

And here we now are in 2024 and the world has more Debt now than ever before, as the FED and central government Banks continued Pumping more cash into the market due to the Pandemic and are still pumping more money into the system The world is heading for a cliff and when it goes over the edge the world is in for a massive crises which has never been seen before
Comment from : @magnolia430

Greed, Greed, Greed
Comment from : @carolined3058

Money creation is a continuous recycle of new interconnected financial product value creation!
Comment from : @adtiamzon3663

DW Documentary sheds light on the complex dynamics of global finance and the consequences of central bank policies As real estate prices soar and interest rates plummet, the rich benefit while the average citizen faces challenges A thought-provoking exploration of the implications of cheap money on our economy and society
Comment from : @soscreativity

You got the title right for this upload 📹 10 million views it surely has been a money deluge 🙂
Comment from : @Geometric-Rate

" 'How the Rich Get Richer - Money in the World Economy' offers a thought-provoking examination of the mechanisms that perpetuate wealth inequality globally Through compelling analysis and real-world examples, this video sheds light on the systemic factors driving the concentration of wealth among the elite It's a wake-up call for society to critically examine the structures that allow this cycle to continue unabated As we navigate these insights, we're compelled to question our role in shaping a more equitable future for all"
Comment from : @PaulWheeler-xb3fu

dont take the poison shots, dont accept central bank digital currency, dont go along with your speech being censored and dont ever give up your guns my fellow Americans TYRANNY will not prevail
Comment from : @BigfootAlienTimetraveler-uo8gb

Next 22:39
Comment from : @mdmainulislam4490

Priced in
Comment from : @tamarinds

Its called CAPITALISM Ok give me 1000 dollars Lol at the old no brain taxi driver who thinks its good that they pushed the local people out sorich no name mafia controlled companies can take all the housing
Comment from : @GreatRedGeneral

Fast forward 6yrs and the ones controlling the money, have taken this to a whole new level of bs
Comment from : @williamramos3350

Old people can not invest by definition Because they aim at "quick buck" otherwise they will die first The only investment plan for them would be to buy a big chunk of SP500 and lock it up for 40 years, so that their GRANDkids will be VERY well off Any other scenario is nonsense In short, they are too late to invest for themselves This documentary fails this simple common sense truth
Comment from : @dimitristripakis7364

Its ok Biden and dems are in office, things are much better now
Comment from : @ToGuyFor

Allah mujhe halal mujhe Haryanvi halal Ishita Sharma way to Amritsar se bheja hai to main tere Hukum ke mutabik usko Kabul karunga aaja tere bande aur mere bhai pareshan hai vahan vahan galat karunga RCB mere Naseeb mein tu likha hai ismein se bhi kuchh likha hai to main jarur lunga Allah Hu Akbar Allah Hu Akbar sallallahu alaihi vasllam sallallahu sallallahu
Comment from : @mohammedwaheeduddinafsar9482

selfish societies will always have this challenge
Comment from : @Sahibaathaiji

This is a similar situation and shape in almost every developed country today brThe limits of the capitalist financial system are slowly becoming visible brOur current financial system and capital is inevitably corrupt and has a stationary endbrWe must recognize that the capitalist world is reaching the end of its shelf lifebrIn order for it to be refilled and regenerated, the powers that be create wars How many people understand this?
Comment from : @bunker1303

Indeed, those who do not expect the meeting with Us and are satisfied with the life of this world and feel secure therein and those who are heedless of Our signs -For those their refuge will be the Fire because of what they used to earnbrbrQuran 10: 7,8
Comment from : @faizan27984

The only constant in the world is change and you gotta position yourself to benifit from the change Money can be made from a boom and also from a bust U just gotta look for the opportunity For this active learning is very important which most of the world doesn't do Hence they remain poor
Comment from : @s-qc9ns

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