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Doctor salaries exposed: are they overpaid?!

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Title :  Doctor salaries exposed: are they overpaid?!
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Description Doctor salaries exposed: are they overpaid?!

Comments Doctor salaries exposed: are they overpaid?!

Medical insurance is a racket FR!!!!
Comment from : @Private-wj4nd

One caveat: Many multipractice doctors hire all kinds of administrators for taxes, insurance, etc Pharmaceutical reps present new drugs being developed to doctors I worked for a doctor who was told about the first drug to raise an erection He promptly went out and bought a shit load of the stocks Made a bundle from that Doctors don't usually charge another doctor or their family for office visits Just things to think about
Comment from : @sheribrown312

This spoiled brat needs to “get a grip” The nerve of some people criticizing doctors who Improve peoples lives, save peoples lives and have to deal with the stress of wondering if they made the right decision for our health ?? There are “streamers” or “content creators” that make that a month and can barely spell their name In my opinion doctors do not make enough Nowadays they should be making more than ever! Not only do they have to be a doctor and diagnose difficult illnesses they have to be accountants to keep up with all the bs imposed on them by the legalized scam called insurance companies!!
Comment from : @BekimKastrati-x5r

so you're saying you put a price on your life but happy to watch overpaid actors
Comment from : @andrewishmael3276

Insurance is “scammers” 😂
Comment from : @DerekKjorvestad-o6l

Its not the drs salary its the insurance costs that suck all of our money! And youve earned your 350k a year you went to school for 80 years lol
Comment from : @ashleymccowen1566

Ok jerk now let me explain how insurance companies don’t pay much to doctors and the amount of money doctors pay for liability insurance is ridiculous bc so many people are sue happy Ignorance drives me crazy Sure plastic surgeons and pathologists make good money and a few others however ask them how much their debt is from medical school, how many hours they work and so on
Comment from : @Bamabchgrl

They spend many years in school and keeping up with their education over their careers and they spend a lot of time with patients They spend the first years of career with low salaries - they deserve their salaries as long as they remain caring doctors
Comment from : @rschoof1

I don’t think you’re over paid at all!
Comment from : @nicholehackett4571

MD salaries are ridiculously low Insurance (life, health, ,business, property and permanent injury) plus staff, fees, mandatory education and a huge variety of other professional licensure programs Never mind the frivolous lawsuits and managing equipment and other expenses related to hospital affiliation And none of this includes their own personal property People need to quit complaining and be grateful and educated medical professionals is willing to work crazy hours for a few good vacations every year
Comment from : @emmabovary1228

Most doctors are crap, and charge a fortune
Comment from : @nick21501

This arguments this doctor made are so idiotic You’re college friends are not making $350,000 You’re lieing That type of pay is extremely rare Doctors wouldn’t work for less? That’s also bullshit
Comment from : @baskinsmichael

Sports players are way over paid First responders deserve to be paid too dollar
Comment from : @Mainelyfowl

That guy should get a grip for sounding like a complaining white girl at a starbucks
Comment from : @rave400v6

The average gp doctor doesn’t need that much if I’m being honest At least for their work I just think most of what they do can be achieved by the average person It’s just the field is so saturated only the brightest go up top
Comment from : @googlefaps5883

Cut the political big pharma bullshit, double doctors salaries so they do the best work possible and feel rewarded, and prices will probably let drop by 50
Comment from : @mrapter7

Three words universal health care
Comment from : @duecevenue8525

I’m more concerned with those third parties that are scamming people of their much needed healthcare & avoiding paying out the doctors who perform necessary & at times life-saving procedures I hate insurance companies in healthcare, it’s such a scam for everyone
Comment from : @aracelylopezpsyd5794

Dr’s shouldn’t be paid that by the mere fact that so many of them have just continued to prescribe pills that destroy peoples lives for decades now, all because they get a cut from the drug manufacturers
Comment from : @ironmountain7907

Administrators make too much and theres too many of them and not enough doctors
Comment from : @willhunting8733

On disability I get les than 20,000 a year , and I'm treated like a criminal for being poor on disability , my Dr's all have been very bad and usually are hostile towards me , so yes it is alot of money and yes the whole medical system here needs to be changed , I can't get medical treatment that I need , can't even get a colonoscopy as I have no one to take custody of me after , so it is hard to take the Dr's side on this for me , maybe if I was rich and could afford to buy a good Dr but I can't
Comment from : @timc333

No more best and brightest now we have the gridiest There are no more real doctors
Comment from : @nutragardens6632

I’m sorry if you charge me $250 for one visit and you do nothing but say I’ll see you in six weeks… you don’t deserve $250brIt’s all dumb… the insurance, the hospitals and doctors should focus more on the patient and not their wallets
Comment from : @Papa-bk4il

Its funny how he thinks its the medical insurance companies that are the scammersbrbrTons of clinics, lawyers, admins and doctors will milk the system out of billions too Ask Rick Scott about how you profit from healthcare
Comment from : @mobrocket

They deserve that and more Why should footballers earn disgusting amounts of money in their millions and Dr's and other health care professionals earn the salary they do These people save lives! It should be the opposite way round
Comment from : @jodieweiss8774

Pretty sure when he's half dead and needs medical attention his tune would change very quickly
Comment from : @im_095

"Ahem scammers" Amen
Comment from : @Venusleaf

Malpractice insurance costs for you guys are crazy too brDo you support universal health care instead of for profit insurance/health care?
Comment from : @nundisclosed7135

Who says doctors do not need good money should not complain when they die of stupid mistakes
Comment from : @darkseeven

Well but the salary and bonuses of the health care CEOs Problem solved
Comment from : @BethCrafts

Americans voted for a government that recieves brib- lobbying money
Comment from : @teinmeizeshi5209

Kind of a biased opinion if you are in the medical field Of course a doctor doesnt think a doctor get payed enough 😂
Comment from : @asleepcloud

Minimum wage residents don’t exist anymore They are paid well
Comment from : @Smoshylife

On average 350k is wild man like that’s a lot of money
Comment from : @Nickfulcrium

What needs to adjust is the insurance and medication costs!!! When insurance refuses to pay for services, limits care, and denies care until certain criteria are met is taking away the right to medical care The other significant cost is medication!! Drug companies have cost of meds to a point which people cannot afford it & insurance will not approve it nor pay for it Plus other in the healthcare scamming the system wasting $$ which puts our healthcare deeper in debt and more at risk I am an advanced practice nurse who provides psychiatric care to children & adolescents It is very sad to see what is happening in our world
Comment from : @Kathyroyer01

Comment from : @Pinkielover

Well the AMA caps residency through talks with the government so if we need more doctors, they aren't helping Honestly I don't get why anyone take america seriously At this point I'm praying for a European man so I can escape this country People shouldn't be going bankrupt because of a medical condition or got sick once! Medical bankruptcy is purely a american thing!
Comment from : @liesel16

Bro if u cut my salary I am straight up leaving medicine
Comment from : @areufkingkiddingme

Drs are completely complicit in the USA insurance scam And don’t pretend that your “ college” buddies all work on wall st or didn’t have loans or worked bad hours in shitty jobs,
Comment from : @hairybeermonster

That is the problem in many fields - oversized administration
Comment from : @TT3TT3

21??? Dude when they graduate
Comment from : @tkdevlop

Makes 350k a year complains about 250k in student debt lol
Comment from : @Rich_ard

I'm getting increasingly demotivated by working in a hospital, wasting my health and weekends for other people's health for a lesser salary than what I could get as a gp, who also have much better work/ life balance
Comment from : @Permuh

Doctors perpetuate the corrupt system by become professional prescribers of unnecessary drugsbrbrNot specialized doctors but rather your general practitioner Treat with diet and physical activity first should be the baseline instead of pill popping
Comment from : @You_Already_Know

I’m studying medicine because I want to PRACTICE medicine I was smart enough to get into medical school, I went to a top undergrad, I don’t know anyone from my undergrad that isn’t making over 150k just 3 years out If I just wanted money, I would’ve studied economics like my friends and would be making my future salary already The “high” salary of doctors is thankfully there because I and many of my classmates simply would not have followed our calling if there weren’t adequate compensation
Comment from : @antonioecruz

Heck no, everyone in healthcare should be getting paid more
Comment from : @petermujica4012

The more our best minds go to med school for the money, the less passionate they are for medicine, and the less down to earth doctors are Most doctors don’t levy their brilliance to tend to what their patients needs, so why not make the practice overall less competitive More doctors may currently be better than smarter doctors
Comment from : @blazingazong

Let’s just ignore the fact that doctors are the ones that work most closely with insurance companies and could have the biggest voice in changing health care systems and yet they are how they are I understand that most are controlled by the “business” side of the hospitals but doctors could make an effect if they all banded together but they make plenty enough money not to give a shit about an average person coming in to the clinic
Comment from : @joshuaelsberry9287

That’s not an argument it’s deflection You people have the attitude of “what’s your life worth to you” instead of “how can I most efficiently help the patient”
Comment from : @Dust_Thou_Art

Doctors should be making millions They should be making more than any other job
Comment from : @HalfNHalf

Doctors, nurses, AHPsbrbrYou can have crap equipmentbrCrap facilitiesbrbrBut with a good team you can move mountainsbrbrYou gotta pay to get that team, and you want to pay for that team because that’s the cheapest and most effective option
Comment from : @AzzaRudd

I think doctors should be paid well for all the shit they go through Insurance companies and the money printing hospitals need to be totally reworked from the ground up Tear the whole system down
Comment from : @whitebenjamin75

Lol complain about the one profession that actually more than earns their good salary
Comment from : @TheArnoldification

Figure out the hourly rate that a resident makes and the hours they work?!
Comment from : @kathypants123

If someone says a complex issue boils down to one thing, that’s not good Too much nuance that gets ignored
Comment from : @kriscarrithers1606

Doctors are underpaid it’s the program that makes the money It’s a joke I need a 1099 dr
Comment from : @mikewatn2572

Doctors should be paid a lot of money It’s a highly skilled job that takes an incredible investment of time and money That being said, we need universal healthcare that still prioritizes pay for doctors while eliminating the instance middlemen who truly add nothing to the mix
Comment from : @flundyyy

Doctors should be getting paid the same as footballers
Comment from : @laurastatton1411

Nah let’s cut the admin salaries, and nationalize the insurance industry Honestly doctors deserve a raise
Comment from : @Leonardo-cs9ij

You can blame the doctors or the insurance companies all you like The reality is that your country is a fucking joke The purge looks more and more like a documetary every year with you lot
Comment from : @rosslockhart8919

In other countries theyre not overpaid It depends on the type of contract
Comment from : @Liitebulb

Ignoring that a doctor completely disregards their personal life while going through school, and that they make less than 100k a year for at least 4 years after school, and that most of the money a patient pays on the bill isn’t going to them, and also that they usually have debt coming out of school that amounts to several hundreds of thousands of dollars… yes they make a ton of money
Comment from : @leblade499

Doctors save livesbrRich corporations destroy lives
Comment from : @michaelattia9834

Everyone's just f***ing entitled
Comment from : @_ICE_VR

The whole system is just completely upside down
Comment from : @dustin628

Money aside the best and brightest are not going into medicine just because you can get into medical school doesnt mean much if you : have poor bedside manners, poor communication skills, engage in punting, minimally spends time with patients, are racially biased, have low empathy and poor soft skillsand dont really actually care about being a doctorexcept for the title , money , and your mothers approval 🤔YepI think she might be onto something
Comment from : @Dorothyredshz

Everybody is making less Quit crying
Comment from : @slavaukraine963

People have no idea how wages are set Try learning about supply and demand
Comment from : @beefsupreme4671

Cut administration
Comment from : @zedmak

it’s a shit ton of money the issue is that for some reason we make doctors have so much in debt for the school in the first place and we don’t pay them for like anything they do until they’re fully through personally i think at a certain point if you’re actually dedicated enough to going th right that much school you shouldn’t need to pay for it
Comment from : @grandmabiscuits

Nothing but respect Doctor!
Comment from : @mrshatfield1451

Insurance companies are the problem
Comment from : @fromra8569

It’s not doctors They are honestly so abused during medical school and residency and underpaid and absolutely bled dry financially That paycheck is necessary to recover from the financial hit of becoming a doctor It’s insurance and pharmaceutical companies 100 that cause the problems They hurt patients and doctors too
Comment from : @Emily-me

Ya this its captialism nonsense They want to cut the workers pay so more do nothing owners can continue to sit on their fat asses and hoover up the money brbrMore pay to workes Doxtors are workers
Comment from : @Glacierlune

Lets not forget malpractice insurance and the sheer staggering cost in time and money of medical school
Comment from : @ernestmorgan5924

Being jealous of other peoples fortune, especially when those people save lives
Comment from : @panzerofthelake506

Medicaid and “affordable” care acts only hurt us The mixed system is broken, either go single payer or abolish it and go back to being a private system
Comment from : @luck3yp0rk93

That's what I thought for a long time until a friend of mine went through medical school and became a doctor Even after her fellowship, I was making more than her Most doctors are horribly underpaid It's the hospitals, insurance companies, and pharmaceuticals who eat us alive Not the doctors
Comment from : @mohammedgt8102

It's not doctors, it's investors and owners
Comment from : @kimrussell1155

Wow This reminds me when people tell me nurses make too much money People who say things like this have no idea what it is like to be a healthcare worker In a world post Covid it shocks me people say stuff like this Healthcares workers deserve more money all around Especially public service like cops and paramedics People in all of these categories are literally saving people’s lives in one way or another and you think they make too much? We need to make these jobs more appealing so people continue to go into these jobs We currently have a huge shortage in all of these fields even doctors
Comment from : @KP-us5pq

Doctors should be paid well but i expect them to actually care instead of just thinking about money The newer doctors only care about money so ive lost respect for them but ive only met a handful that actually genuinely care and therefore definitely deserve to paid well
Comment from : @rs1389

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