Title | : | Who Is the US In Debt to? |
Lasting | : | 12.18 |
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Views | : | 444 rb |
When are we going to be honest about the largest holder of domestic debt? The federal reserve No more federal than federal express, i wonder why we have to borrow money we could print ourselves Comment from : @CarterLee-jv4ky |
Tax the rich at 80 They got us in this with their constant greed! Comment from : @Cwilly68 |
Most of the US debt is owned by the American people Every time an American is born a birth certificate is signed and a social security number is created and the we unknowingly have a loan taken out in our name (our ssn) that we will payback throughout our lifetime in taxes to the government This is how the Government is able to keep printing more and more money without worrying about ever having to pay it back because the American people unknowingly pay it back for them Comment from : @ItsBig5ive |
Rubbish analysis As percentage USA holds 70 of its own bonds Don’t debate me, do ur research Comment from : @johnmeinhardt-jensen7713 |
China haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa Comment from : @garywillier4303 |
A YEAR AGO 🤫💲〽🙃 The problem with logic 🤔 on one hand hopes to have Russia pay for Ukraine 🥀🎬 "why "📲🎥 AIPAC Washington ISRAEL have them pay for GAZA Lebanon pay the reparations creative destruction of Lebanon🤔 / That is the problem logic 🤔 reason illogic, unreasonable, "orgueil" facts do not fit 🤔💲🥀Later governments wonder why they cannot govern🤔💲〽 properly🎥 When the Jews Blamed Jesus Romans in 🎥70 AD destroyed Israel/ Logic of JEWs blame Jesus Logic of Rome consequences blame ISRAEL 🤔 Trosky 🎬 Stalin same plot same end 🎥💲〽 Americans 🎬 created helped Trosky they ended up with Stalin, 800000 Dead Russian Europe ended up with 63 million dead 🤫☠ World War 2 lots of dead people 🤔Logic 🤫🙃Consequences 🙃🤫〽💲 Comment from : @TheNoblot |
The US economy cannot survive without continuous credit and debt creation The FED will print more money and the average American will go just that much further in debt Meanwhile, foreigners lust for the greenback Their economies are in worse condition than the US if that's even possible Someone is going to be left holding the bag Comment from : @Agathawayne0 |
Block cein 1briks 2024😊 Comment from : @angelevstatiev8522 |
Anyone with half a brain can clearly see that this is Trump's fault and remember to vote for Harris in the next election Comment from : @charlesjurden5871 |
LUCIFER!👹 Comment from : @jairohunter1234 |
So the US Creates treasuries out of thin air Foreign countries buy them and the debt creates money supply by the Federal Reserve That is the biggest racket in the history Comment from : @horaciocorral8193 |
The US economy cannot survive without continuous credit and debt creation The FED will print more money and the average American will go just that much further in debt Meanwhile, foreigners lust for the greenback Their economies are in worse condition than the US if that's even possible Someone is going to be left holding the bag Comment from : @mthreezo |
Way too go traitor Joe and blue plague, you to Cackler! Bidenomics just keeps giving! Comment from : @DennisBeckwith-m8o |
This video is obfuscation The debt is owed to the international banksters The money is fake but your bondage is real Comment from : @Joe-mk3ii |
From C-note too shining C-note 😆😂😨😰 Comment from : @crusamajour1241 |
Buy real stuff like gold silver Comment from : @waiyee1995 |
Translation - you own us debt worth x , the US robbed you for x and you hope they grow a conscience Comment from : @teosandev6116 |
Lorenz😂o Quesada admits it is Private SEC is filling in self Spic Comment from : @MASTER_SECTORIQ |
TO THE WALL STREET BANKSTERS!!!!!!!!!!! Comment from : @Funkydood |
Any form or fashion cannot escape forfieture canot pay debt you put yourself in tell that to the w e f you crashed them also 😢😢😢❤ Comment from : @CarlRoberts-h2v |
Explain it in any fault or fashion forfiet is now america destination 😂😂😂 Comment from : @CarlRoberts-h2v |
Ja Ja wie alle Grosskotzimperien, brwird die USA an ihrerbreigenen Dekadenzbrganz schnell zugrund gehen bravo USA USAbrha ha Goodbey!!! Comment from : @mikeluczakowski4074 |
DEBT Comment from : @hilwaamanamankiyar-pp5bf |
lol you guys have no idea what debt is and they are fooling you with these videos Comment from : @x1zigzag1x |
So this guys have a huge dept and they can still give aid to other countries??ooh God😅😅 Comment from : @charlesmbole |
fools and there money are soonparted countries who do not invest in there own countries are first class fools Comment from : @stuartneary3067 |
this country needs to stop all aid and repair this problem Comment from : @ricsmith4182 |
The UK didn't give anyone anything They just printed and infused that fake money into our economy Which is why and how they will succeed in destroying the US economy Belgium is broke; but the BBC will write them into some sort of relevance Luxenborg is also broke; clearly the mason's have had a meeting and decided how they will restructure control over the US Think again and prepare for a proper American response! Comment from : @carlrutledge6536 |
Lannisters always pay their debt, if they don't they war you! Comment from : @artmaknev3738 |
Federal Reserve is as federal as Federal Express Federal Reserve's name is a deception create back before the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 to make Americans 'think' that America's Central Bank operates in the publics interest The truth is, that the Federal Reserve Bank is a private bank, owned by private stockholders and run purely for for their private profits
brRepresentative Charles A Lindbergh Sr predicted that the Federal Reserve Act would establish “the most gigantic trust on earth,” and that the Fed would become an economic dictator or, as he put it, an “invisible government by the money power” Comment from : @deadave100 |
More and more people might face a tough time in retirement Low-paying jobs, inflation, and high rents make it hard to save Now, middle-class Americans find it tough to own a home too, leaving them without a place to retire Comment from : @kortyEdna825 |
Im in debt and trying to get back to tekamah 😊 Comment from : @daviddavis9727 |
The US economy relies on ongoing credit and debt generation for sustenance The Federal Reserve is expected to increase the money supply, leading to further debt accumulation for the average American Meanwhile, foreign nations continue to desire the US dollar, despite their own economies facing significant challenges, some even worse than that of the US This situation raises concerns about who will ultimately bear the consequences of these economic dynamics Comment from : @barttfisher |
lol christians we save money pay tax Comment from : @rodney73991 |
Netanyahu apparently Comment from : @Cestmoi_8 |
Donald Trump will make the default Comment from : @PapiRaza |
Um Mrnarrator you do know that the term Luck of the Irish actually means bad luck right ?? it refers to being slaves and the potato famine and coming over to the us and facing prejudice and also ending up sent to Australia on prison ships Comment from : @Daria_Morgandorfer |
What is Bondbr??? It useless paper that prints some wording on it Worth $100 MILLIONS, but you get the same amount only 100 years from now Why so stupid to buy these bonds?? Comment from : @Jwalker0075 |
O$$-P$$ Comment from : @Jwalker0075 |
ALL THIS WEALTHY COME FROM AFRICA BRICS CHANGE THE GAME 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🤣🤣🤣😜😜😜🤗🤗🤗🤣🤣😜😜 GAME OVER Comment from : @southafricaismyhome814 |
Is US a parasite? Comment from : @prakashanpillai7487 |
The US economy relies on ongoing credit and debt generation for sustenance The Federal Reserve is expected to increase the money supply, leading to further debt accumulation for the average American Meanwhile, foreign nations continue to desire the US dollar, despite their own economies facing significant challenges, some even worse than that of the US This situation raises concerns about who will ultimately bear the consequences of these economic dynamics Comment from : @PatrickLloyd- |
Federal Reserve is not Federal It’s a Privately owned bank owned by Foreigners Comment from : @AJ-lf6ho |
Don't fret, the debt ceiling always goes up I wonder if 2008 crisis survivors had it easier I'm concerned about the stock market, I've lost $35,000 this month, and my income is down Worried I won't save enough for retirement as I can't add to my savings Comment from : @ClementRusso2 |
Sadly this video doesn't fully answer the question posed Look up who owns the Central Banks and you'll find the answer Comment from : @bicyclist2 |
Since Biden took office, there seem to have been more unfavorable results in America These results include effects on the markets, such as price declines and sharp increases in inflation, as well as bank failures I wonder if the sudden increase in interest rates will help value investors or if it would be wiser to stay away from the stock and financial markets for the time being Comment from : @dianemoore- |
The world is royalty screwed! brJesus is comingbr1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Comment from : @dennisneo1608 |
Unless every country cash their bonds, the US will never pay their debt Comment from : @jeromefitzroy |
Foreign debt isn’t so bad since most creditors aren’t asking for the money back ever Comment from : @jeromefitzroy |
US is in debt to it's ownersalmost all of them are Jews Comment from : @Uprising771 |
The Rothschilds ? Comment from : @chriskappert1365 |
Every major country in the world is in debt up to there eyeballs just like america The whole god damn world economy is a rigged ponzi scheme for the ruling class Comment from : @TheJoker6789 |
Look up the seven richest family's Rothschild is one of them Comment from : @JoeSmith-wz9kr |
Somebody, with s couple of cells brain, in the Biden's admin should show this to Joe Comment from : @EduardoKing-p8u |
What an utter garbage video 80 of US debts is to US social security This is because USSS collect the most money from tax payers The only country trade in chinese yuan are those heavily sanctioned by the West Namely, Russia and Iran, and both are fucked as they can not use the yuan to buy anything outside of china The recent yuan devaluation was caused by Russia dumping yuan for other currencies because china does not make high tech components Russia needs for their military weaponry All the oil producing countries do not settle their trade in chinese yuan because they don’t buy anything from china due to low grade goods, and therefore, no reason to hold chinese yuan Comment from : @ForTheFLOL |
Get bitcoin yo Comment from : @40GTV |
usdebtclock Comment from : @aljawisa |
National debt seems like card game waiting to collapse how can nations in debt buy other nations debt Comment from : @sly2792004 |
if USA had a FICO it would be 340 Comment from : @4040Collective |
China? China Comment from : @WingedHassar |
We're exporting jobs to Asia, banning the production of domestic fuel sources while importing fossil derived fuels from abroad, swamping the country with illegal aliens that we cannot afford, importing the raw materials, such as cobalt for lithium batteries from China,brletting our military and industrial secret inventions be stolen by hostile foreign powersbrAnd we express surprise that as a leading advanced global nation we're sinkingbr''MAN, MAN OH MAN'' Comment from : @Berlitz81 |
I'd love a video about how hostile takeovers work I've never understood it Comment from : @aliciaeakins2578 |
They owe it to me Comment from : @54Potato |
Belgium colonised one of the most mineral rich countries in the world, maybe that’s how they got their wealth Comment from : @sphelelekhumalo6407 |
US in debt to Rothschild's, they own the Fed print money out thin air, lend it to US government and charge interest on the loan,A major criminal act they can't stop Comment from : @dennissavage4007 |
Since Biden took office, there seem to have been more unfavourable results in America These results include effects on the markets, such as price declines and sharp increases in inflation, as well as bank failures I wonder if the sudden increase in interest rates will help value investors or if it would be wiser to stay away from the stock and financial markets for the time being Comment from : @darnellcapriccioso |
No one brSeriously think about it brWho would allow a debt to go that far and not demand payment of any sort brIt's all a fugazi Comment from : @GodMicronation7OD |
Well I’m sure all the Investments US is doing by “giving” billions of dollars 💵 to Ukraine war will be done with high interest repayments back into the US pockets Comment from : @ZEDNANREHIGH |
I have a business degree & that was essentially an entire class, how to move your money overseas and not get taxed Comment from : @AllanAdamson |
surprises bitches, it's me Comment from : @AllanAdamson |
It isn't US debt, it's US government debt Unfortunately media outlets rarely seem to make this distinction very clear, and politicians seem at times to deliberately confuse the issue! Comment from : @MikeFisher-123 |
In debt to the elitists Comment from : @FjbVotersInflation |
US doesn't owe money to anyone It's you the citizen that is in debt to all the government spending Comment from : @filipebernardino2152 |
The Jews Comment from : @princeyoung9079 |
Me Comment from : @sixone3877 |
The US is in debt to black pplbrbrEnd of story Comment from : @JKyRei |
Q Who Is the US In Debt to?brbrA The fake & false "Jew" 😂😂😂😂 Comment from : @joysboy6588 |
If the US government was a business it would have been declared bankrupt a long time agobrThis is a very bad situation and can't go on forever Comment from : @ricklayeux5688 |
If money is created by a computer program, how does the program know if we have to pay it back? Comment from : @JeremeyHowlett |
US owes to aliens and reptilians and so many unknown creatures that's why all UFO fly on US Comment from : @rayuduraavan8187 |
the fed is no more federal than fedex USG is in debt to holders of u s bonds brsame is true globallybrbrCBD central bank dynasty own all central banks brCBD print all currenciesbrCBD bribe & BLACKMAIL all gvt admins to let CBD central bank dynasty continue to print the currencies of all nation states and sell these bogus currencies to gvts for their bondsbrnation states are forced to buy their own currencies with illegitimate govt bonds gvt bonds are a criminal debt in the pplbrbrin USA alone , the debt is in tens of TRILLIONS astronomical end to end 38 TRILLION usd would extend beyond 3 billion miles neptune is 28 Comment from : @duggydugg3937 |
One way to pay off debt: Force people to pay to enter buildings, use the bathroom, talk to people in the different services like the police, banks, grocery stores, Etc There's plenty of money there Comment from : @musicman76enator |
The juice Comment from : @Faisaldegrt |
If the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand got together and formed a currency it would be an agricultural power house If it got Mexico, Argentina and other Later American countries on board it would be a currency backed by most of the world's surplus food supply The BRICS currency is going to be in instant trouble if countries ask for physical gold rather than the currency A food backed currency would pull gold out of them faster than it possibly be mined in them Raw resources could dictate the future Comment from : @kendallkahl8725 |
The debt belongs to US Comment from : @davidsonowski414 |
Check the politicians bank accounts and put two and two together you'll see who took the money Comment from : @rickcoleman8903 |
Tx so much for this revelstionbrbrSo when does tax hsven becoome money launderingwhen it is non facta compliant such as swisssnd msybe luxemberg snd belgiumbrbrAnd usabrbrWhite men speak with forked tongues on facta 😂 Comment from : @petrabridgemohan7006 |
Mostly to China, bidens buddies !!!!! Comment from : @craiglittlefield9956 |
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