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Reading a Weaving Draft

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Title :  Reading a Weaving Draft
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Comments Reading a Weaving Draft

This was so helpful!! Thank you I’m in college and in a weaving class and I’ve been so lost
Comment from : @kiritoee8525

This was incredibly helpful! Thank you!🥰
Comment from : @alittlelight569

très bien fait facile a comprendre même traduit merci beaucoup
Comment from : @nicoleraymond

Perfect I had been reading left to right and top to bottom 🙄
Comment from : @stephaniebenson2501

Brilliant explanation brYou are great at teaching weawing patterns
Comment from : @marctorrades1760

Thanks four your explination Its perfect Helping a lot
Comment from : @amandahattingh1189

Hi Chris, is it possible to use this pattern and draft of a fourshaft Table loom? NO TREDDLES
Comment from : @amandahattingh1189

You have a way of understanding what the newbie weaver is struggling with It its truly a gift You made this so simple to understand I can't thank you enough You are an excellent teacher!
Comment from : @TinyWeaverLori

THANKYOU YOURE so clear and enthusiastic I love it
Comment from : @ninasolomon-p2f

Is it possible to use this pattern on a loom with 4 Treadles?
Comment from : @AnnZick-el9ks

So brilliant!!
Comment from : @ttbetatesting

Thank you for a great explanation, it’s been a few years since I’ve used my loom and i needed that
Comment from : @jasondeeley797

Oh my word! Thank you for such a clear explanation You made it so simple brYou are a delightful teacher
Comment from : @marymacbrooks5247

I am just getting started with weaving on a floor loom and was so intimidated by patterns and how to read them You have made this incredibly easy to understand and I can not wait to get my, new to me, loom home tomorrow, get it cleaned up and start weaving I am signed up for a weaving class in May, but after watching your videos, I might not even need that! Thank you so much!!!
Comment from : @aquav5

I am a brand-spanking-new weaver being taught by an extreme expert—which means sometimes the little stuff just goes by the wayside This concept was giving me fits So glad to have found you!❤
Comment from : @sms4g2

I was totally baffled by the drafts in that book I just couldn't wrap my brain around starting at the bottom of the treadle portion of the draft Thank you so much for clarifying this for me!
Comment from : @karlahernandez5750

Let’s do it
Comment from : @linday2009

Is it possible to weave plain on the right and left of a pattern Will it mess up the pattern?
Comment from : @MaryG-hy4qo

Thank you thank you thank you 🙏🏾
Comment from : @linday2009

I could hug the stuffing right out of you! ❤ You made that sooooo simple to understand I have read and read and read and all I got for my trouble was a headache Watching you explain, it all makes perfect sense Thank you, times three!
Comment from : @stollenmaker

Lawd someone save me
Comment from : @lindaakers2991

I also have Anne Dixon's book, but I am terribly confused When she shows any of the threading, warp, weft, etc, she always writes "3×2/16" What is this? It's the same with plain, twill, overshot weaves I want to begin using this book, but I'm not sure about this Thank you I always enjoy and learn a lot from your videos!
Comment from : @Jill4Today

what loom do you have? :)
Comment from : @cosmichippie7595

Great explanation! Can you also explain how to read a draft from Anne's book that has more treadle tie ups than 6?
Comment from : @stellaweaver79

I'm setting up a simple thin wool blanket with 402 warp ends using thin 2 ply wool Halfway through threading the warp i notice now that the metal heddles are slightly angled 200 warp ends are threaded wrong The metal is shaving the warp 😮 I have to redo them😅 that teaches me to look properly first!
Comment from : @Brik-in-the-sticks

Couldn't be more clearly explained!😊 brThe treadle setup is for a jackloom (rising) to convert this to a counterbalance (sinking loom) Do I take a "negative" of the treadle setup Ie 1) 4-2 2) 3) 3-1 4) 4-3 5) 4- 1 6) 3-2 ? Thanks
Comment from : @Brik-in-the-sticks

Thank you SO MUCH for your excellent explanation of what can be a complicated topic Your explanations are great - not too short and not too long and drawn out You are an inspiration and a great teacher to all of us I agree with the comment below that this is the best explanation of a weaving draft that I have come across
Comment from : @scaldiej

Awesome visual, thank you!
Comment from : @gretchenhoff7220

I am sooo happy to have stumbled across one of your videos You are my go too for weaving now You are informative, easy to understand and have a great personality so it makes the experience fun!brThank you!
Comment from : @holly3442

Thank you for the clear explanation and demonstration I have this book but am using a 4 shaft table loom, not a floor loom (yet) So if manually working the levers would it be easier to write out the pattern instead of looking at the chart? 👍👍👍
Comment from : @marinamartinez6886

Oh my gosh, your explanation is the best I’ve seen It all makes sense now! Thank you💕, I love your videos
Comment from : @chrissywinters9817

Do you always read the treadling from the bottom up?brSo it’s right to left, left to right and bottom to top?brThanks
Comment from : @janstoll8881

You did such a wonderful job explaining this👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Comment from : @deejcarter2003

Love your videos they are right for me because you get straight to the point brCan you help with a piece on a variety dent heddle and working out how to manage the complexity just a thought
Comment from : @kimchatwin-smith891

I thought you should read the treadling on the right from right to left rather than left to right Now I'm confused
Comment from : @carolynadams2275

Your video has been very clear and easy to follow I've been scratching my head all morning looking for this exact information I've just bought the 4 shaft quartet attachment for my Schacht Cricket loom and built it all and installed it yesterday Now to figure out how to do 4 shaft Thanks for the book idea too! I've just ordered one of those I'm assuming because there is no treadles but levers that the same treadling applies? Please correct me if I'm wrong Thank you so much for sharing!
Comment from : @RedBloodyDog2023

Great videos In case I missed it, the Davidson tie up is for a sinking shed, so weavers on a rising shed loom lift the unmarked boxes in the pattern
Comment from : @amencke1145

Thank you! Your presentation of this matter is very fun to watch Your humour (humor) is very contageous 🙂
Comment from : @maresolaris

Newbie question here- my new loom is 4 shaft/4 treadle Is there some way to use a pattern that shows 6 treadle tie up on a 4 treadle loom?
Comment from : @sandradelvecchio6894

Thank you for the vid, I have a table loom and have 8 heddles How would I do that pattern you used on my table loom?
Comment from : @gloriaknight4098

Wonderful explanation! Thank you!
Comment from : @loistschaepe2835

Thank you! so helpful and clearly explained Loved that you got on the floor and talked about the treadles as i had no idea how they actually work I have a 4 shaft tabletop loomno treadles, so all this talk of treadles in other videos (with no explanation) was doing my head in! I think I'm able to read the pattern in front of me with a bit more confidence now, so thanks this helped alot
Comment from : @comfortableskin1

Thank you so much this was so super helpful 🙏👍👍👍
Comment from : @betzaberojasmena7237

So very helpful, thank you for your clear explanation
Comment from : @kynancekynance

why wouldn't you step on the second treadle instead of the third treadle/paddle?
Comment from : @Happyknitter2

How would this work with a table loom? I’m looking to get this book but not sure if it would work with my 4shaft table loom? Thanks!
Comment from : @kellinmyfeels5068

How would these patterns work with a table loom? I recently got a 4 shaft table loom and want to get this book but not sure if it would work Thanks!
Comment from : @kellinmyfeels5068

Comment from : @nifthaider8783

Oh my goodness…you’re so cute and informative! I’m a beginner and this was so helpful Thanks!
Comment from : @kimmcirvin3186

Very helpful thank you !!
Comment from : @bjork-sp4jg

I would like to see how to read a tabby with overshot or korberguard patterns
Comment from : @loyannmunyan1174

Thanks 😊 mam
Comment from : @rajumall6176

That is the best explanation of reading a draft that I have ever seen Thank you very much
Comment from : @belindasilver8430

Thank you so much! This made so much sense and I now totally understand how to read the chart ♥️
Comment from : @mirkahoppari2425

Thank you, thank you, thank you I finally get it I have her book I turn to the page that you were working with followed along happy that you actually got on the floor and showed how the tires worked because I am new at this only one month now and I have a floor loom and I’ve watched so many videos on how to read a draft and everyone talks about it differently but you made it so simple and it worked again thanks I’ve subscribed to your channel and look forward to more of your videos A Canadian friend that lives on a little island, Pelee Island
Comment from : @mikethewoodworker6194

Thank you!
Comment from : @carolinac7628

That was SO helpful Thank you so much!
Comment from : @richiewildelopez4428

Excellent! Very clear! I'm a beginner
Comment from : @shirleybewley6646

Soooooo helpful!
Comment from : @fortuknitone

Do I have to do anything different if I thread my heddles from the left side? I'm a lefty and I'm having trouble with twill diagonals going in the 'wrong' direction (maybe not wrong but unexpected!)
Comment from : @kimdaniel3421

Beautifully explained👌👌🥂
Comment from : @michellegilder1558

Best explanation ever, thank you!
Comment from : @Jamie9979j

Great explanation!
Comment from : @jennifercongdon4583

Would you read the same way with a balanced loom?
Comment from : @carolegilles1

Very helpful Thank you!
Comment from : @chrisgorball3166

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