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How To Develop Spoken Fluency Through Reading | Extensive Reading Conversation 1/4 With Jared Turner

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Title :  How To Develop Spoken Fluency Through Reading | Extensive Reading Conversation 1/4 With Jared Turner
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Comments How To Develop Spoken Fluency Through Reading | Extensive Reading Conversation 1/4 With Jared Turner

I disagree with this in Chinese because you have get the sound/ pronunciation right in Chinese or it will mean something completely different…
Comment from : @misscamay

To truly master a language you must learn the grammar rules and that means writing above all
Comment from : @bassmannausaugsburg

Comment from : @user-yo7fx2xn8m

Beautiful discourse Thank you
Comment from : @ismayilarifoglu6226

Reading improves language skills, DUH! Seriously? Also, I can’t respect someone who lived in a country for two years and could barely speak “broken” after all that time
Comment from : @ladyelainefairchild3546

This is so encouraging 🎉
Comment from : @johnlee1850

I think reading is a very good method for learning a language, but you also need to listen and speakbrA child learns their native language through listening, but they still need to speak to aquire native fluency This guy read a lot yes but he also practiced speaking with people in his job brbrSame with people that just concentrate on grammar On paper they'll do really good but when it come to listening and speaking, they'll have big problems I agree on input / output You need to get a lot of input before you can give any output
Comment from : @Vamos1969

Found you randomly but really glad I did! I started attempting to teach myself Icelandic since 1976, obviously I have given up and taken up many times over these many years With the first lockdown in 2019 I committed to daily serious practice and have noticed quite an improvement The grammar is quite a headache in this highly inflected language, and recently an Icelandic friend told me that reading a lot helped him 'get' English grammar and that I should read a lot of Icelandic Sure enough, the grammar is beginning to feel natural and I pick up a book and am shocked that it just makes sense Thanks for this terrific advice, I am excited to read heaps now! And to watch your further vids
Comment from : @vikingsuperpowers

Hello sir!brThank you for your dedication, I wanted to know that what were the 10 books that mr Gerard had read it Since the level of books are also very essential, I need to know which books he started from? Thank you!
Comment from : @aminullahfaizi9801

Oh wow cool to "meet" the author of that series It was SOOOOOO helpful in getting me to learn the characters I remember when I finished my first book (My Teacher is an Alien or something like that) I was so proud!
Comment from : @brownrowntown

From now on I will start extensive reading on my target languages: Spanish and Portuguese Thanks so much Lord Snow!
Comment from : @maharlikanggwapo

I completely disagree But I liked listening to these guys and I believe they are not lying Reading is actually very good It’s better than doing nothing When it comes to English, reading doesn’t help that much because the pronunciation is rather unpredictable
Comment from : @MATHEW94061

He leído tantos libros como una enciclopedia británica y me pasa que reconozco lo que leo al 99,8 inclusive distinguiendo las sutiles diferencias en los estilos de escrituras y las nacionalidades de quiénes escriben Pero cuando trato de hablar no recuerdo ni el 10 de ese vocabulario
Comment from : @yeizzycastro6303

My reading is at 0 comprehension after studying for over 8 years now so I don’t think that reading helps me much I have to translate everything into English to understand what I’m reading What should I do? I have classes, I practice every day with my girlfriend who only speaks Portuguese and I’ve visited Brazil 18 times I watch movies and YouTube videos and I read books and use apps I still can’t converse It’s frustrating
Comment from : @patfromamboy

I can’t read after studying for over 8 years now I have to translate everything into English to understand so how does reading help me learn? Do I have to be able to read first? Thanks
Comment from : @patfromamboy

What does it mean to think in a language? I have people telling me to do that with Portuguese but I don’t understand what they mean because I don’t think in any language I think in images and ideas like I’m watching a movie I have to translate everything into English to understand even though I’ve been studying for over 8 years now I practice every day with my girlfriend who only speaks Portuguese and we’ve been doing it for over 5 years now but I still can’t understand her
Comment from : @patfromamboy

I didn't understand how Reading has a clear impact on spoken fluency, sorry
Comment from : @JT-qw9cr

The most incredible part of the video is reading a whole chapter in 4 minutes
Comment from : @victoroliveira2259

Thanks for the motivation!
Comment from : @ilyashmyrin8977

Expansion of friends
Comment from : @mintusaren895

Why is it that so many of the comments seem to have been written by people with no English language skills? What's up with the unpunctuated, ungrammatical run-on sentences passed off as commentary?
Comment from : @TheRealJanKafka

Please send me a list of books designed for extensive reading
Comment from : @antoniogirgenti7573

Dreadful bearded face! Scary!
Comment from : @mariaroncara2132

This is just "comprehensive input" with a different name
Comment from : @ToMaSsS10

Can I share a history that happened to me? I was being bullied in school by two boys, for 3 years I was in the same class that they were When my class finally got separated from theirs I got really happy and relieved, it was a very good year But at the end of this year a teacher said that she would mix my class with theirs I got really nervous, started praying the rosary which is (4 times the prayer “Our father” and 50 times the prayer “Holy Mary”) I did that during vacation And what happened was: the mix of the classes didn’t happen, they didn’t bullied me even on the hallways, the supervisor who didn’t allow the mixture had his Facebook profile a picture of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and I spent the vacation praying almost 50 Holy Mary’s per day That’s my testimony, thanks for the ones who have read until this point!
Comment from : @julia84483

Ah they probably should have mentioned Professor Stephen Krashen and his comprehensible input hypothesis
Comment from : @tukity

5:00 Extensive reading had better results 8:40 14:50 ¿CÓMO ES QUE LEYENDO TE PERMITE HABLAR? 17:04 automatic processing 17:50 it takes alot of comprehensible input to do it
Comment from : @fernandocortes1187

I use Libby which connects to my library card I got an audio book and ebook of the same book It was tough at first but now that I'm 50 through the book, things are starting too make sense I'm noticing similar phrases and picking up on vocab if it's repeated in the book
Comment from : @BryActive

Oké so what was he reading? Was it actual books or graded readers? Why is this conversation so superfluous Get to the point man
Comment from : @Noname304y2u2

Reading French has probably improved my overall ability in the language over the last 8 monthsbrWould it have equally improved if I had gone to classes for 8 months?
Comment from : @Kitiwake

like it so much Bro, hopefully you can happen to learn Bahasa Indonesia too
Comment from : @gabrielgkabelen9824

Speaking from my own experience Reading really improves speaking fluency I personally do not enjoy reading and have not finished any book aside from the ones I read at school but reading in Italian helped me learn Italian very fast The feeling is great when you’re able to read I recommend reading out loud
Comment from : @rcc8347

My rule of thumb, if you are at b2 and you want to reach c1: read 10000 pagesbrTo reach c2 read 20000 pagesbr(A1-b1 pimsluer, b1-b2 assimil)
Comment from : @JungINFJ

I used to think I can speak just by having a lot of input, but boy was I wrong It's definitely not like that for language like German which has a difficult sentence structure and an odd way of constructing its sentences in every fifth sentence
Comment from : @rollingdownfalling

I started reading in English a year ago and it took so much conscious effort, but now I can read it almost as fast as when I’m reading in my native language Our brains can just get used to everything so long as we train it every day But in terms of whether reading has a big impact on my spoken English, I still can’t see many connections between them yet
Comment from : @harperho9158

I align with much of this, but I think the "reading primary" folk are in the minority -- The other major school of thought is the auditory/spoken path: given that we all learn by listening and babbling as we grow, literacy is not primary But my brain prefers to lock this stuff in visually to really comprehend the structure before I speak
Comment from : @BASEDinMaine

Hi! What about speaking skills? I mean, how to pronounce the exact phonemes and not make your phonemes wrong?
Comment from : @lilomouradenilsonkaiowa5195

What does reading help, when I don't know the pronunciation? How can I become a fluent speaker in this way??
Comment from : @hugofindenigg1269

Watching today, 2 years, 2 months later on a Friday December 2nd, 2022 How odd!
Comment from : @natagh

🍊🍊🍊 the best way to learn Mandarin is by drinking mandarin juice 🤣🤣🤣
Comment from : @bantorio6525

This works best for people who are primarily visual (about 65 of the adult human population) But not for people like me who are auditory (about 25 of the adult human population),
Comment from : @lugano1999

Fascinating, but guys… 7 minutes into the video and you have not yet said exactly what extensive reading is?!!
Comment from : @PabluchoViision

Do I hear a slight Dublin accent in the host?
Comment from : @AntonSlavik

How do you learn to pronounce something by reading without correction, especially in a tonal language like Chinese?
Comment from : @830118

I have got two kinds of experience Learning English and learning German One English book brought me to almost full fluency I started communicating without big troubles I have already read over 100 of German books and I still cannot communicate properly What can be the issue?
Comment from : @SilviaPallova

Stephen Krashen…
Comment from : @haraldodunkirk1432

This is our exact approach over at weeve languages! My name is Evan and I'm the CEO of weeve A language learning company promoting the learning of languages entirely through reading We would love to partner and work together Let me know if interested
Comment from : @thegiantsshoulder

Read, listen, writejust ALL IN method is the best
Comment from : @landlord5552

Extensive reading- that‘s such a vague notion…and you don’t really talk about the impediments many might encounter It’s all about wow and eureka!
Comment from : @namor637

But watching video of a suitable level, (beginner level, intermediate, advanced) with subtitles in the language is the way to go
Comment from : @Kitiwake

Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooring There is nothing to learn here The "How to" section is NOT "How to" The rest are their personal chit-chat on their boring personal stories And: 20 minutes of that? Do not waste your time with these two, dudes!
Comment from : @hexenex

Audio books are excellent to learn a language
Comment from : @MrS65

Wht sort of books to start with? Fictional? Informative? Self help? Sub oriented?
Comment from : @jaeepandit8129

I am extroverted in Spanish but introverted (I observe and think more) in French and English
Comment from : @withxio

Reading is just massively important to attain that correct focus mindset to learn a language It helped me improve my German, English and French understanding Written texts open the mind and allow the brain to decodefy information without a dictionary, with little cues, and that, along writing is fundamental to develop the skill to form models on how the language works grammatically without a reference nor anything to limit your understanding and opinion on the language
Comment from : @TheGrmany69

When I started reading magazines in Italian, one of my Italian friends said “that’s too advanced for you” “yeah o know but it would help me with vocabulary” Within a short period of time my knowledge of Italian increased I not only read books 📚 but also watched online movies I’m doing the same with German
Comment from : @lmusima3275

I definitely agree with what he said about every one has his own way to make it work and my thing was imitating and shadowing native speakers before my target language was English and IAM so happy that I am listening to that video in English without subtitles at all and right now my target language is German and definitely i will try that intensive reading methodology thank you so much for your inspirational videos
Comment from : @nadaothman7580

Comment from : @acquirearabicbylistening

I started reading "the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" in English, because I really want to improve my English skills, like speaking and comprehention Someone could say if this is a good book to start? I'm 600 TOEIC
Comment from : @churusalmao

do you start at the very beginning?
Comment from : @melodywilson

I have been trying to find books in Norwegian for months and I can't order anything online unless i have a norwegian address Very annoying when you like to read
Comment from : @katmandu6228

But if you are a beginning learner, you will spend most of the time looking up words instead of reading
Comment from : @batgirlp5561

As an English learner I do actually both, the extensive and the intensive reading, but I think that intensive reading is the best especially when I want to study some words and phrases (phrasal verbs and idioms) closely And to be honest it's really tiring but I quit enjoy it since my goal is fluency
Comment from : @joebadger2409

yeah, I know, here's this crazy idea that reading a ton improves your language skills :)
Comment from : @juleslefumiste9204

What Rob is talking about at 15:14 is particular to Chinese for English speakers because it is so head-final- all of the modifiers come before the head noun and so you end up forgetting what you're reading until you get used to it
Comment from : @cmmndrblu

Robin has a great personality
Comment from : @mohammed96011

I must be doing something wrong because I have read 2 books in English each one with 1,000 pages and i have realized that my English has not improved, at least not like I'd like to :((
Comment from : @anderjimenez7664

That’s what I did 40 years ago when moved to an English speaking country, just read whatever I could put my hands on
Comment from : @annaal7480

What is extensive reading?
Comment from : @olgapereverzeva9145

I really enjoy your conversations!!
Comment from : @waleskatorresdiaz

I am reading your video in my target language via subtitles without the english volume on
Comment from : @juliusjohnson5967

Thanks for your videos! So how u can find a right word/phrases when learning a language by yourself? I mean, even in your language you don’t know how to express? 🤪
Comment from : @DeutschFlex_TiengDucDiDong

this seems interesting since I don't like to talk at all :(
Comment from : @raidengmv6307

Interesting, but notice that he already had practiced a lot of speaking before extensive reading
Comment from : @fndTenorio

10 books in three months with only 30 minutes of daily reading on a foreign language that has a completely different alphabet that you were used to??? don't try to fool us
Comment from : @michaelenns8872

Reading out load?
Comment from : @floydlawton5072

Well, I'm learning German and I bought "Thus spoke Zarathustra" by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, completely in German, and I think that's a really complicated book to understand I don't know how to understand it, maybe translating the words I don't quite get?
Comment from : @agustinamansur5665

I might be crazy but I kinda think Robin sometimes pronounces words as a foreigner when speaking English Not to worry, that happens to me in my mother tongue, especially when I try to conjugate verbs and sentences all along Btw, this video is great material for introverts! ❤🙈
Comment from : @agustinamansur5665

Hello so what are you saying is to start reading books in what we we language I wanna learn (French do me ) and will help me learn the language ?
Comment from : @teodoracoman6598

How does this work? How can you read a book if you dont yet understand the language? When you get to a word you have no idea of what it means, how does this improve your ability to speak and understand the language?
Comment from : @aaronfitzgerald9109

Have been looking for books in intermediate French to readCan't find any Ideas please
Comment from : @camillehill8795

I mean 👀 no offense, but this guy was working there, living there, and had access to the people there even though he was just reading 📖brbrOne must have the desire and that guy just looks smart!
Comment from : @duallinguallady-aishaahmed1812

I think what made me really learn english was reading a lot of manga and books in english (after I got the grammatical basics in school) brI also learned how to speak through that brBut my pronunciation is lacking so much that I am very self conscious about speaking and my listening abilities were also really low so I struggled to understand other people in conversations 😅
Comment from : @ducklingscap897

Covid-19 made us try to learn alone That technique of talking to your self has worked for me Thanks for Introvert learning way
Comment from : @HonoreDeutsch

Not working for German Most books are in Praeteritum , that it is not used in normal oral German I have read a lots of german books : Zweig, Durrenmatt, Remarque and others with very little success in speaking
Comment from : @sergeibogolepov3920

for me I don't like graded readersBut I agree reading is very powerful
Comment from : @osamahabbas3443

Die Vorschlägen sind sehr gut
Comment from : @femscorpt8127

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