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1 oz silver fake kookaburra coin

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Information 1 oz silver fake kookaburra coin

Title :  1 oz silver fake kookaburra coin
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Frames 1 oz silver fake kookaburra coin

Description 1 oz silver fake kookaburra coin

Comments 1 oz silver fake kookaburra coin

Only buy from real vendorsgo figure!
Comment from : @branned

It's not fake probably comes from famous Canton Mint
Comment from : @robertnowak1267

The old hand in front of the camera trick
Comment from : @E-BikingAdventures

Is this test accurate if you do it in grams?
Comment from : @Georgie84923

Dont buy silver buy a camera that works
Comment from : @dutchsilver7661

Very informative!brbrSubbed!
Comment from : @silverfalkon9687

Subscribed Its a shame that no one tries to track down these counterfeiters You would think the governments would be upset by this but no action has been taken that I'm aware of
Comment from : @AlmostCirculated1

Morale of the story - NEVER BUY FROM EBAY
Comment from : @spyknife

i thought they would only fake those coins that are more common like maple leaf?brOr is the kookaburra also more common coin?
Comment from : @SurvivalSquirrel

absolutely true I have done additional research and the element Molybdenum pretty much is the exact same density as silver However its magnetic Also, it has an extremely high melting point which makes manipulation expensive, albeit that its relatively cheap I saw someone selling molybdenum coins on ebay for 40 a pop The density is so similar, you could not mix the proper alloy to not be magnetic however So you could have a 10 oz bar that has 5oz of Molybdenum inside scary
Comment from : @upgrader99

At current silver prices 1 ounce density match "alloy" fakes are rare/missing due to low/no margins 10 oz and above you start seeing alloy fakes very commonly that are very difficult to detect For 10 oz and above it's best to use a UTG (ultrasonic thickness gauge $200 to buy a decent one) to test it A new technique that the fakers use is to make the outer plating very thick so that the scrap test will even be fooled with the exception of drilling a hole and testing the dust/chips
Comment from : @clairishe

Please do not do a magnet test, I have one giant 999 silver round ( fake ) it even said clad on it and the magnet slide just like yours
Comment from : @YOLO4949

I don't recall the name but I believe another viewer posted their username 6 months ago
Comment from : @upgrader99

Thank you sir Education is what I hold most dear "Its not what we don't know that does us wrong, its what we know that ain't so" - Will Rodgers
Comment from : @upgrader99

Right - you'd have to use a mostly Pb alloy But there would be so much, that the coin would bend Now a W based alloy That's an interesting thought if mixed with Cu However, W is paramagnetic and thus no matter what non-magnetic substance you mixed it with, it would fail the magnet test Also, W has the highest melting point of any metal, thus making the process too expensive Perhaps? I don't think the dimensions are possible to fake (this kook was much thicker than a genuine)
Comment from : @upgrader99

Hi Clairishe So lead is the only thing that can come close to the density of silver do you have any examples? I'd love to see Go look at your periodic table and led would be the only thing you would be able to use with a silver plate although I could most definitely be wrong
Comment from : @upgrader99

has anyone recieved fake silver from ampex for gainsville?
Comment from : @onerugrat

I do not remember if it came in a capsule I want to say yes, but i'm only 50/50 on that answer
Comment from : @upgrader99

did the kook come in a factory capsule?
Comment from : @braveheartwarrior

Thank you for your input! I now have added confidence in what I'm buying
Comment from : @TheInternetBlows

1052 - 1065 is absolutely fine Unless you have scientific scales, and some way of keeping the tested object completely still, you won't get an accurate reading Also, you must use distilled water This test for silver is pretty much 100 The reason being is that the only other compound that could get the specific gravity right while maintaining shape would be lead with the right nickle or zinc alloy, and that would be WAY obvious unless silver plated This is NOT a good test for gold
Comment from : @upgrader99

Thanks upgrader! I've also noticed a lot of discrepancies with the Silver Maple Leaf as well Of course the weight is always different, but the specific gravity measurements on mine have been between 1052 and 1065 Hardly the "four nines fine" silver that is touted! I would imagine for them to be counterfits they would still have to be roughly 80 silver, so I'm not really worried about them
Comment from : @TheInternetBlows

thanks for letting us know of the crook that sell the fake Kooks
Comment from : @MrVegiita

atleast u got ur cash back bro, one of the lucky few an my bad if my BS comment sounds like a ahole reply n ur r right about trying to fake all those tests but what they do now is they add a higher silver content to those good fake ones to get around those tests those aussie bird coins r notorious for that my friend got 1 that was around 40 999 n copper with some other stuff in it,,, take care an good eyes on the actual appearance of the coin itself
Comment from : @PAprepper1

I agree 100 with you - however many of us don't want to invest in ultrasonic gear As far as calling the tests BS, well That's your opinion, and I respect it All 3 tests *can* be faked, but follow the properties of silver, which is really the main point I was trying to make Faking 3 tests will be difficult I didn't add in the video that the coin was way too thick to be real (dead giveaway)
Comment from : @upgrader99

yo people every single one of these tests are BS the magnet test, the new state quarters do the same n so do filipino pesos the gravity test, easly faked nowadays by good counterfieters the ONLY true way to tell a fake one from a real one is a ultrasonic depth gauge u cant fake it there around 300 bucks to alot hand held n batt operated buyer beware buy only from places like west minster mint or POW or apmex ts the only way to b sure n alsoNEVER BUY SHIT FROM OVERSEAS
Comment from : @PAprepper1

Appreciate the info I will use it Take Care !
Comment from : @lowpross11

yeah, that Kook looks fake as soon as I laid my eyes on it I'm no expert, but I have seen enough coins to spot a fake I always weigh them & put my strong rare earth magnet next to them I only deal with people I trust on ebay The Christmas Kook is good in my book I appreciate you showing the gravity test What is the range I'm looking for in order to tell if something is in question ? Thank You & Subbed
Comment from : @lowpross11

do a specific gravity test on any you might have! I'd love to see more of these Since that test is one the chinese will have trouble getting down, it should be the standard for getting a pretty good idea of what you're working with
Comment from : @upgrader99

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