Title | : | Theories of Counseling - Person-Centered Therapy |
Lasting | : | 18.03 |
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Views | : | 112 rb |
lovely video summarising everything thanks Comment from : @anwvererere |
Late to the party here but this is a very, very good summary and extremely useful Comment from : @SimmaSinger |
Great presentation! - I highly appreciate the whole series "Theories of Counseling" 💚💙🧡💜 Comment from : @tommyX808 |
Thank you dr grande Comment from : @calboy2 |
Dr Grande, this is such a great help for my studies! After I read the litterature I watch one of your videos and it gives me a much deeper understanding og the subject Thank you so much for this🙏🏻☺️ Comment from : @volveracasa26 |
This was really good! Thank you! I’ve been in the field for 5 years now & need these refreshers & this is so clearly stated! Comment from : @khandygurl01 |
Thank you for your videos, they really helped me with my studying !!! So clear ! Comment from : @nicolegill3485 |
Thank you Dr Todd Grande We are learning to apply the therapeutic modalities in our Therapeutic communications class for nursing, and you articulate yourself well Thank you again Comment from : @Virtuewz |
Hello I have seen several videos with Rogers counselling a client, and he has given some sort of advice The advice he eventually gives is one suggested by the client And, indeed, he does give his opinion of what he thinks of the client, but in a way that is nonconfrontive I'm not sure if you've seen his "interviews" as he calls them I think his hallmark on his theory and contribution is his keen ability to empathize I have never really seen therapists communicate as effectively I feel books do not really give the jist, or accuracy, unless there is observation from Rogers's works One of the observations I saw in his "suggestion" to a client was when they made a comment: "If I tell everything, I'm going to be sick again" Rogers repeats what the client says and the client realized his statement as nonsense These little notices tell me Rogers uses the client's thoughts, feelings, and knowledge to help form their own suggestions He creates an environment in that people can express what they think, and he seems to see if it matches the experiences, and would it make sense to them One thing that I criticize about most therapy practices is the fact that it can be so directive, and most therapists lose sight of what the client is there for in the first place Comment from : @miraarcilla170 |
Dr Grande, you are a wonderful teacher, thanks so much for this video, you make everything so clear! Comment from : @bonniewisnewski475 |
This is a great presentation It is informative, well paced, understandable language, and applicable examples Thank you! Comment from : @GigiCat6 |
What does nondirectiveness mean? Comment from : @muhsinjega41 |
I really like person-centered theory and believe that all clients can benefit from the approach and techniques in this therapy I agree with the non-directiveness of the counselor in this therapy I believe that clients who set their own goals will have a greater involvement and commitment towards achieving their goals Comment from : @ashleymegahan5966 |
I believe that Person-centered therapy is useful and presents the most humanistic aspect of counseling However, personally, I think solely Person-centered therapy is not enough for significant therapeutic change, especially under the pressure of the tendency of brief therapy I think it works best integrated with other therapies and approaches Comment from : @kikixiong6156 |
This video was very insightful! I gained a better understanding for self-actualization and why some people never achieve it In my opinion, no one can ever reach the optimal level of human functioning because a child is likely to experience some type of incongruity whether it be at home or at school Comment from : @janicedixon2051 |
I thought this was a comprehensive overview of person centered therapy These are supplemental to the reading and really help solidify the information I guess because this is the the theory being taught to me I have a bias towards it and the its effectiveness but overall I fell it is useful Comment from : @andreanichols7950 |
Person-Centered Therapy's focus on the person and the therapeutic relationship is the foundation in which to build upon, but I can see how this can be a limiting theory and may not work well alone It seems this theory is best to use as a basis in which to expand with a client, but it is key to establish unconditional positive regard and a non-judgmental approach These two components alone can prove to be most useful in establishing a healthy therapeutic alliance Comment from : @lauraleslie4240 |
I agree that with the fact that Person-centered therapy would not be effective with clients that need guidance or direction I could certainly see how the client would be frustrated with the therapist for not directing them or offering some advice They may feel as if they are stuck and are relying on the therapist to guide them Comment from : @rbells5173 |
Currently studying a Diploma of Counseling so this is all new to me I find this approach interesting and could see how it could work but I think it would be hard on the Counselor to control their non-directive stance Being a new student my opinion is probably irrelevant but I can't see this approach working well for most people That's mainly due to the fact that you go to counseling under the guise that the counselor is going to direct you and help you and set goals for you This approach relies entirely on the client themselves to recognise the incongruency, be congruent and self actualise without any direction Of all the approaches I think this is my least favorite Maybe? Or maybe because there are no real 123 etc guidelines to follow As a beginner it is a bit daunting I think it would take many many years and clients to master (like any approach I guess), but I think the hardest part would be to be non directive Awesome video though Really glad I watched it In theory it sounds like a simple approach yet I think what is required from the counselor is vastly underestimated by the casual observer of this approachbrApologies for the long commentits an issue I'm working on! haha You better pray I don't get your voicemailcould waffle on for hours! Comment from : @spacestalker |
wow, this video really helped me a lot with my preparation for test the text book was really frustrating me and I understand much better by watching this video than reading a text book thanx a lot Comment from : @Princess_Ngokz |
This is the one theory that I am most familiar with Carl Rogers emphasizes the importance of the client-counselor relationship In order to help the client change their must be an alliance developed first with trust I feel as though this therapy is not enough for me as far as just reflecting the clients feelings I like therapies that have more techniques Comment from : @corinne7324 |
After hearing Dr Grande speak about the many people who discounted Rogers's theory regarding non-directive therapy being beneficial to a client last class , I felt kind of defensive Partially because we read so much about Rogers in our Tools 1 class I like this theory and the type of therapy and think that it is key in building the therapeutic alliance Many people don't want to be told what to do or even have someone suggest what they could or should so Most people just want someone to listen and show them genuine positive regard For those that want that, this is definitely the type of therapy for them Comment from : @charmainequarles5863 |
I really like the theory of person centered approach I can appreciate how the foundation of facilitating a positive change and growth in someone starts in building a supportive and enriching counselor-client relationship In my opinion, the nondirective approach is useful in that the client is in control and makes the decisions To me, this is helpful for a client especially one who feels powerless or victimized to gain self worth and esteem Comment from : @heather7927 |
I really like person-centered therapy, overall I think that the concepts behind this type of therapy are great This type of therapy wants to support the client fully and allow them to self-actualize This type of therapy also wants the client to realize their capability in achieving self-directed growth I will definitely incorporate aspects of this technique during sessions Comment from : @brittbell15 |
Although I appreciate and like Person-Centered Therapy I do have a hard time grasping the idea and fact that the counselor is supposed to be non-directive throughout the entire counseling process I understand that it is possible to be be semi-directive through asking open ended questions and asking a client to repeat or rephrase a statement they just made however wouldn't that interjection be seen as directing the conversation? Comment from : @tommyfisher-klein8768 |
I completely with agree with this theory's demand for a complete therapeutic alliance However, I'm not sure I understand the techniques I think they contradict each other For example, one technique is active listening (paraphrasing, reflecting, and summarization), but this theory does not support using interpretation Correct me if I'm wrong, isn't the previously stated techniques all forms of interpretation? Also, I'm not sure how much progress this type of therapy would provide, without being able to ask questions, which could allow the client to more effectively reflect on their issue Comment from : @katybethhern6167 |
One of the ways that a counselor shows unconditional positive regard is by taking a nonjudgmental stance It made sense to me not to judge a client negatively but I had not considered that judging a client positively could also be disruptive Making any kind of judgment places conditions of worthiness on the client which will effect the therapeutic relationship I can see that at least initially in this relationship, I will need to suspend any judgment Comment from : @angiegrimes7265 |
I think it is safe to say that the influence Carl Rogers has regarding the therapeutic relationship is very relevant in counseling today A therapeutic relationship is very essential when it comes to promoting client change and growth A client cannot be expected to gain new insights and ideas in order to accomplish the things they have sought counseling for to begin with in a confrontational, apathetic, or judgmental space Instead, a client is more likely to give up, rebel, or simple refuse to show up In counseling, these are the least favorable outcomes a counselor wants to be responsible for I fully support the importance of developing a therapeutic alliance Comment from : @nakeshatucker6844 |
I like person-centered therapy because it is all about the client The counselor simply needs to form a therapeutic relationship with the client What I find to be difficult about this theory is that the counselor needs to be non-directive at all times I think I would struggle with being completely non-directive I also find it hard to not be able to ask any questions at all or give interpretations In my mind, these things are necessary in order to gather information as well as make progress with clients I believe that my counseling style is not suited for person-centered therapy although I could see myself using bits and pieces from this theory Comment from : @melissahansbury6522 |
I like a lot of the aspects of Person-centered Therapy I appreciate that the theory of personality works towards positive growth, "optimal level of functioning", and self actualization I think this fits nicely into the wellness model of treatment that we learned about in Ethics I also liked the idea of congruence and the relationship between a client's idea of self and experiences I encounter individuals with low self esteem frequently who engage in unhealthy behaviors in an attempt to seek approval from others From this perspective, the incongruence from experiences of conditional worth could explain why these individuals act out in the ways they do Comment from : @anahgalloway2740 |
The goal of person-centered therapy is for the client to become fully functioning and congruent, in other words, self-actualized For this to occur, the client must fulfill their need for positive regard from others and also have positive regard for themselves as well However, this can become threatened when the client experiences conditional worth from others and accept the views and beliefs of other, while disregarding their own, in efforts to win the positive regard of others This can result in the client experiencing incongruence and can produce anxiety and as well as other negative feelings and experiences Comment from : @priscillaj3072 |
Person centered therapy speaks a lot to what we are learning about the benefits of having a therapeutic alliance with our clients to be successful I fully believe in the potential for change with all individuals Having a nonjudgmental stance is something we can all benefit from in out daily interactions The theory is limited due to lack of directives by the counselor, some clients enter theory for the insight of others The skills utilized in this theory does make us better listeners Comment from : @pearlbutler9377 |
Coming out of the dredges of Psychoanalytic therapist traits (removed, blank slate, etc), Rogers' theory of full, nonjudgmental involvement was a nod in the direction of allowances: the therapist was allowed to feel human nature just as their client does As Barbara noted, the theory by itself does not stand the test of time, though its inclusion into other theories, both developed and developing, is more important than ever The biggest note I've taken in reading about Person Centered Theory lay in actually reading one of Rogers' texts for Tools--to hear his own words is encouraging and reminiscent of a kind grandfather gently guiding us back to the unconditional life Studying his work in the Scharf text, however, has proved much more drabseemingly inappropriate for both modern lifestyles and insurance claims alike Comment from : @kyarapanula1002 |
Rogers focuses on the connectedness between the client and helper He gives permission for both the client and helper to be their true selves In addition, this approach offers counselors the opportunity to enhance their basic micro skills which includes listening, reflection of feelings, paraphrasing, and summarizing which is required before real change can begin Comment from : @kimeeshareed-walker8419 |
I really like the work Carl Rogers has done on the relationship between the client and the counselor I like that person centered therapy is all about the client and that through there capacity of awareness they have there own ability and potential for change What I don't like is only using this therapy to expect results, especially in this day and age I feel like clients aren't looking only to be told how they feel and at a point after building a good therapeutic rapport directive is at times necessary The incongruence aspect is interesting because to me it can make a lot of sense to having unknown issues due to an unknown awareness of feeling unbalanced on a subject Comment from : @scottmartin7764 |
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