Title | : | Hands-On: Lyman Universal Case Trimmer |
Lasting | : | 8.55 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 59 rb |
I like your content but this video didn’t really help me figure out how to adjust the coarse abd fine adjustment Comment from : @NordofWar |
Looked at the Forster It does more stuff…but is it really necessary? I like the simplicity of the Lyman Comment from : @samrumade9429 |
I have one but it will not hold tolerance, went to a Lil crow Comment from : @mikerussell6212 |
Would be nice if you included explanation on how to gauge and set the length adjustments to get the desired length Thanks for the video though Comment from : @nathanielkelley4056 |
Muy bien explicado, gracias Comment from : @LuisSanchez-ef8hp |
Wow you don’t measure the cases Amazing Comment from : @brucewalker1908 |
What are the recommended power sources? Comment from : @dougrybarczyk4449 |
I've been " trying " to use the rcbs case trimmer witch is a peace of junk I'm going to buy the lyman universal case trimmer Comment from : @REB-forever |
I thought I was going crazy with him just magically changing the length and I missed something, thank god other people were also confused Comment from : @UnknownGamer40464 |
Hello, can you tell me what trimmer pilot number for a 300 BLK caliber ? Comment from : @homeiswhereur9617 |
You sir are an great instructor! I bought the Lyman kit and I am watching all the videos you put out on it That is very much, I am a newbie in the reloading process and I know it’s important to pay attention to detail Watching you makes this so much easier and I fell safe with the knowledge you put into your videos Thanks again👍 Comment from : @johnvoelker8227 |
Terrible video! You will learn nothing unless you just wanted to watch someone do something they know how to do Comment from : @ZacheryCummings-on5xo |
Is Lyman definitely as quality as the other name brands? Comment from : @dougrybarczyk4449 |
He didn’t show how to do the adjustment to determine tho much brass to be trimmed didn’t show in detail how to do the adjustments Comment from : @ClayPruett-en2wf |
Worst case trimmer ever I use the Lee case trimmer on the Lyman case prep express That's works and is repeatable Comment from : @MrOneHotDog |
Thanks for the advice! Comment from : @danielmatthews3420 |
Can you do neck turning on the outside and inside with interchangeable pieces sold separately Comment from : @nickh1598 |
Bought one of these used off of flebay for cheap, it has 1997 stamped on the bottombrMachined a new bronze bushing for a close fit and some pilots, even with a dull cutter, it cuts square and dead nuts length Going to get the carbide cutter I think Comment from : @tmurray1972 |
He incorrectly identified the knurled adjustment stop collars The larger collar, closest to the trimmer is the fine adjustment The smaller collar, closer to the handle, is the coarse adjust Here are directions from the users manual:brbrTwo knurled adjustment rings, located on the cutter shaft provide for both fine and coarse adjustments Before making any adjustments, hold the large ring with your finger and turn the small ring counterclockwise, four full turns This will leave about 3/32" space between the rings and allow room for fine adjustment Make certain the cutter face is still positioned against the case mouth and slide the adjustment rings in tight against the side of the base casting Tighten the lock screws in the small ring Later models have a series of indicators each representing 001 inch of travel on the shaft Used as reference marks, they enable the user to return to an approximate setting for various cases without time consuming trial and error testing Comment from : @tc6818 |
Can we have a year later update on the kit? IE what did you switch out, what you kept, how much use it's gottten Comment from : @Syntherius |
For those who simply cannot figure out how to adjust this tool There are pretty good instructions in the orange booklet that came with it Starts on page 34 in the copy I have Comment from : @davewattles7237 |
My father passed way in 1986 I still have and use his Universal Case Trimmer Comment from : @douglasmcneil8413 |
on the adjustment wheel, I see there are notches cut into it How do these read? eg each hash mark will remove a thousands of an inch?? Could you please explain Thank you! Comment from : @Navigatorbythestars |
Mines brand new and a piece of shit, it freakin doesn’t work for shit Comment from : @richardkeithplank3472 |
Hi! Can I trim 93 x 62 Mauser with this please? Comment from : @joeturcotte2810 |
Which one for 65 Comment from : @michaelraine8681 |
Just bought one of these to replace an RCBS trimmer I opted for the carbide cutter, hopefully it lasts longer than the high speed cutter Comment from : @chriscosby2459 |
I have this case trimmer and it has been so easy to use I am currently reloading 25-06 and 308 I have a 30-06 as well but have not reloaded for that yet Comment from : @JesseStJohn-sv9dq |
Sooooo,just take a little off? We dont measure the cases? Comment from : @dirkdiggler1747 |
Finally a quality case trimmer video I was thinking of the Hornady cam lock and the RCBS This Lyman is a winner I;m buying one tomorrow Comment from : @marshashagool8800 |
Sadly this didn't show how you set it for a certain length, which is the whole point of case trimming How did you choose the depth? There isn't even a micrometer on the bench Comment from : @adambarlow7787 |
I have been using the Lyman EZee trim case trimmer and have decided that trimming by hand like that is overrated I am trimming 223, 243, 270, 3006, 300 Hamr, and 308 Comment from : @darrengriffis7776 |
Thinking of buying one, I was wondering if you can trim 303 British cases with the pilot who comes with the trimmer or I have to buy one ( 303 pilot) brGreat review by the way, love the video Comment from : @alainwelonek5972 |
Doesn’t include 26 for 65 creedmore yet you claim it includes the most popular ones Funny Comment from : @iancurrie8844 |
these videos have been indispensable in building my knowledge of reloading thank you! Comment from : @capoeiradude35 |
Did not explain the use of the adjustment rings very well, assume I know little to nothing about case trimming Comment from : @markminton6904 |
The only trimmer I have ever used Still going strong after 18 yrs I had to buy a 25 pilot My set didn’t go include it Comment from : @juliusjames5577 |
I have that same trimmer and have used it for over 30 years I have made the missing pilots out of broken drill shanks Chucked the arbor in the lathe and drilled the center out and threaded for a drill pilot when doing mass trimming on the 222 and 223 Put the handle back on for the larger calibers Excellent piece of gear Comment from : @greasydot |
I started with Lee Case trimmers and have graduated to the Worlds Finest Trimmers and a drill press For my ODD BALL wildcat (357 AR-Max) I use the same drill press with the Frankford Arsenal Universal Trimmer Comment from : @briancowan4318 |
I love it when I get a case trimmer highlighted by 90's studio metal rock riffs🙄 Guy is way too calm to be confused with Ozzy though Thankfully If he eats the head off a bat, I will be staying away for awhile If he eats the head off a squirrel, I'll be back tomorrow Comment from : @waynehendrix4806 |
You said to let you know about my opinion, so I hope you’re not ignoring me there bro, I just wanted to say a most excellent video once again very informative, and spot on with those lineman product, reloading is an essential skill for anybody into fire arms, it is vitally important, br Because with the world the way it is today it is all the more important that we can reload, and even make brass and gunpowder, I had thought I subscribe to you before, but when I went to this YouTube I see I had not, or maybe I had and something happened, anyway I’ve re-subscribed and giving y’all a like excellent work ! Comment from : @guydavid8656 |
For many years I used the Lyman case trimmer, I will say, it's better than nothing, but it's a pain in the butt to trim cases accurately, the waste can it went after buying LE Wilson's case trimmer reviewed Ultimate Reloader show some years ago - by far a much better machine Comment from : @rudolphferdinand3634 |
I put a 1" washer behind the trim head to hold a spring in place over the shaft to make abself progressing trimmer Comment from : @dremc94 |
I found the Lee Quick Trim a better system as it does not require a different piece of equipment You use the press you have and just a die set up brTip: I got an old Lyman powered trimmer at an auction and Lyman confirmed the new pilot's will fit this old trimmer Comment from : @bixby9797 |
The carbide cutter is a must It makes this thing 500x better Comment from : @TheGreatDaneR |
I have an RCBS that is very similar except it has a tension lever to release the brass Mostly trimming mixed revolver brass once so i get even crimps Bought it for getting into rifle reloading though just starting in that process Comment from : @erikjensen6503 |
I have been using this for over a year now, it does the job Comment from : @sramrajs |
I also use the Lyman Case Trimmer and I have gotten very precise with it, usually ➕️/ ➖️ within 001" inch on case lengths I have master cases setup for 223, 308, 270 and 30-06 that are cut exactly to my trim length size ie 308 Win Master case is cut to 2005" I put my master case in and adjust the coarse adjustment and the fine adjustment right to the master case, which cuts down on time making adjustment The fine adjustment just touches the case mouth, and I might have to adjust it a couple thousands to get my desired length Sometimes I am a little anal and will loosen the collet handle and spin the case a half turn after the initial cut to reduce any length runout, deviation Comment from : @daveenriquez7790 |
Franklin Arsenal, case trim prep Center Comment from : @joelclark2130 |
ever measure ?? Comment from : @kilekinney253 |
The Lyman trimmer is a descent trimmer but the cutting heads don't stay sharp very long Comment from : @billsharko3007 |
Can it do 45 70 as well heard these universal trimmers can't do this cartridge Comment from : @guilbault023 |
Great video I've had this trimmer for more than 40 years and it has served me very well I have had to replace the bronze bushing on the trimmer shaft because of wear, but not really a big deal One big improvement for me was the carbide cutter It cuts faster and smoother than the tool steel cutter that comes with the trimmer, a little pricy but worth the money My trimmer didn't come with any pilots, so I did purchase some and found that they are not machined with a square shoulder on the back side which allows the brass to fold around the back side of the pilot when removing a large amount of material, soooo having a lathe and some casehardening ability I made my own pilots and eliminated the problem All in all I really like my trimmer and I guess there is always going to be some features good and bad in any piece of equipment Keep up the good work with these instruction videos I'm sure they help anyone make an informed decision on purchasing equipment for their reloading experience, new and old-timer reloaders alike 👍👍 Comment from : @alanddeb2 |
Morning from north of you sir, good to see you again While I started out with a Lee setup, they all went to a family member who was starting handloading and I've got an RCBS hand trimmer that looks much like the Lyman except the Lyman chuck looks much easier to use I've run mine by hand and with a drill if there's lots to do Don't forget to give the bearing surfaces some lube too folks All the best to you this weekend sir Comment from : @bc30cal99 |
I have this trimmer and it works pretty good except there is a very small defect with the spindle…sort of a high spot…it doesn’t slide in and out smoothly I still prefer the Lee Quick Trim die…much faster, just as accurate, plus it chamfers inside and outside the case mouth simultaneously, but not great for removing a lot of material Lyman trimmer now is used mostly for trimming the 1mm off 9mm Luger brass to 9mm Makarov length Comment from : @6Sally5 |
I have this and my experience is not good at all It will not hold a setting no matter what is done Haven't used it in years and will actually never use it again Comment from : @scottperson9487 |
I had one of their universal case trimmers years ago and it was very inconsistent I finally quit using the pilots which were the cause of my problems Brass would get behind the pilot, and you had to pull with great force to get the case off the pilot When it finally released it would hit the bushing on the back side with such force the bushing would move inside the frame, resulting in varying case lengths Comment from : @possumpopper89 |
That is a great trimmer had one for many years in fact mine is so old it's grey the cutter's are really hi quality Comment from : @stkesq48 |
One of the reasons I chose the Lyman Deluxe kit was because they were the only one that included this case trimmer as part of the package When I began trimming my brass, I made a couple master cases from each cartridge I load that measured exact book minimums to make adjustments quick from one cartridge to another I mounted mine to a piece of plywood with enough material on either end to C-clamp it to a table I currently use the T-Mag II press that came with the kit, but going to upgrade to that big honkin' Lyman Brass Smith turret press when I move in a year or so Right now I'm only loading for 30-06, 25-06, 223 & 45 Colt (30k-32k psi) Starting to tool-up for 65 CM Comment from : @stevecochran9078 |
So no need for a caliper to check OAL? Comment from : @rjulrich1 |
We’re is everyone getting there primers without spending crazy money just getting into reloading Comment from : @hfsupernova3384 |
I got my back in the mid 80's and the pilots was a little over size I sand them to fit No problem after I had it later set up to use a hand drill Comment from : @paulmartin6895 |
Trimming cases without a single measurement? Also no testing for accuracy and variation of trimmed lenght And shaving a tiniest bit of soft brass took several rotations of the blade No offence meant but if you do pure product advertising for Lyman, please do say so Comment from : @Shirrif |
The Lyman Trimmers are rugged reliable tools that do exactly what they were designed to do and do it well at affordable prices for the common man My only wish was that they designed them with the option to use portable hand drills I know that they have an electric trimmer but I would be nice if their lathe type trimmer had an option to use with drills Comment from : @conservativesniperhunter7439 |
How to adjust?brIncrements?brMarkers?brConsistency?brSquare mouth?br17cal?br20 cal? Comment from : @misterlewgee8874 |
I have the Lyman power trimmer, still trying to get the adapter for 762x39, and love it for its speed and accuracy Its also very easy to set up for case length Its only draw back it lack of straight wall cartridge support I'm currently trimming 223, 308 & 65cm Comment from : @darkdraggon |
Nice trimmer maybe one of the best i ever use You should have to speak about extra pilots available, carbide head, drill adapter and ONT system Comment from : @lasswal770 |
I use a combination of this Lyman case trimmer and a few of the Lee cartridges specific trimmers from my broke days Trimming 300 WBY Mag, 65 Grendel, 243 Win, 545x39, and so on and so forth Comment from : @CCXRS7 |
I own this tool, been using it since 2001 I use the drill adapter to have power capabilities and speed Thanks for the awesome reviews Comment from : @BpMetalMilitia |
Its ok I'd rather use my Frankford Arsenal than the LymanI since graduated to the Giraud That one makes it fast and easier Comment from : @TexasTrained |
Thank you Good stuff Appreciate the testimony Comment from : @guardianminifarm8005 |
My favorite piece of machinery on my bench I even got the Lyman neck case turner for it I bought a Forster 3-n1 trimmer and bore it out to fit on the shaft Now I can get a whole lot cases done in no time 1 step does 3 steps Comment from : @michaeldunn150 |
“I like to cut my 308 brass to 2000 even”brbproceeds to trim off an unknown amount of material/b Comment from : @timothysymmons4442 |
Had that one for 3 years and loved it Works great I even have the old style when it was grey Comment from : @craiganderson5602 |
I started off with a Forester trimmer, didn't care much for the way the case was held, The Lyman is similar and a much better system BUT for half the money you can own a Frankford Arsenal Universal Precision Power Case Trimmer For HALF the cost of the Lyman you get a powered case trimmer run by your battery drill and talk about accurate, my cases measure less than 001" in variance (couldn't say that about the Forester) and you don't need to buy any neck pilots Everything is there to trim almost any brass you have as long as you have necked brass I turned my old Forester into a neck turner and never looked back I usually enjoy these new product video's but this time IMHO you missed the mark but to each his own Comment from : @hardball107 |
I prefer the RCBS one that is similar The case locking mechanism is just a handle you push down and has all the shell plates They also have the Trim Pro cutters that trim to length and chamfer the inside and outside of the case I bought a second shaft and adjustment thimble so can easily swap between 2 cases very quickly Comment from : @krbruner |
I only reload for one caliber so, I hooked mine up to a drill! Comment from : @linkbond08 |
I like this one better than the Hornady… I had to send mine to them due to some issues with the ram holding the case not going back into the frame… it also gets gummed up quickly and frequently had to clean it… I currently use an electric Lyman Case Trimmer Xpress and it’s very easy and an awesome trimmer to use Comment from : @johnisgoodjohnisgreat5449 |
I was going to buy one but not now As it only locates on the primer pocket and not the back of the case for constant length You also don't show how much the length changes per turn on the fine adjustment Sorry but some people need to be shown this I will go with the Wilson gear for the extra money Comment from : @juils65 |
I have one like this and they have an attachment for cordless drill which makes doing large batches much faster Comment from : @johnturner3484 |
Can you use the 223 pilot head work with a 22 Nosler or 224 Valkyrie? Comment from : @naomihalliday-cox6614 |
That universal chuck is a nice touch I have an one of the green brand that I have to use my shell holders with Just last week I resized a bunch of 65 Grendel brass for my 6mm ARC That's the most resizing I have done in one sitting Comment from : @unclebob540i3 |
Had one for a while for my personal use and it single handedly convinced me to buy the henderson trimmer the lyman is as accurate as a blind hooker corn hole ing (don't ask) made 1k a reasonable choice enjoy 😉 Comment from : @luckyshotammunitiongunsllc2369 |
Hello, I’m just curious, will the Lyman trimmer use their E-ZEE TRIM case trimming system? If it does this would be an ingenious way to go! Comment from : @davidtyson679 |
Great review and excellent camera work showing us what you were adjusting Nicely done Sir Comment from : @45-Brass |
I have this bad boy and I love it The best combination of quality and price Comment from : @natehayes82 |
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