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How Health Insurance Works | What is a Deductible? Coinsurance? Copay? Premium?

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Information How Health Insurance Works | What is a Deductible? Coinsurance? Copay? Premium?

Title :  How Health Insurance Works | What is a Deductible? Coinsurance? Copay? Premium?
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Frames How Health Insurance Works | What is a Deductible? Coinsurance? Copay? Premium?

Description How Health Insurance Works | What is a Deductible? Coinsurance? Copay? Premium?

Comments How Health Insurance Works | What is a Deductible? Coinsurance? Copay? Premium?

I know all the other comments say this but thank you, this is THE BEST explanation for health insurance I have come across and I have just watched like 50 videos I was tyring to become a pharmacy technician so I wanted that understanding and you nailed it on the head, I completely understand now THANKS AGAIN!!!
Comment from : @HumbleBeanGaming

You don't have a choiceyour employer gets to choose
Comment from : @gruberjohn1

Yeah I will just go to the GYM, f this bs
Comment from : @Simplesolutions4

You are not allowed to make up your own club for the purpose of getting healtg insuranceJust STFU and pay because your employer is the one who gets to choose what healthcare you get
Comment from : @gruberjohn1

I don't understand the coverage situation You have 2 different insurance companiesThey do not cover the same doctors all in the same area whybrDo insurance companies dictate what doctors am allowed to see??br I'm the one paying for health careI should be the only one able to choose the doctors needed for my health
Comment from : @lesfaust9634

Make sure you read your insurance statements carefully because doctor's often say things they did not do and get paid for them Doctors hate people who read their insurance The same goes with pharmacy and refills they will say they filled it when they did it if you did not get it refilled Pass the word around to this for people to start reading their insurance carefully Everyone needs to know this Fraud can be reported your insurance company or Medicare if you're older Medicaid
Comment from : @davidrayl5428d

THANK YOU for this video I have to explain these concepts to a woman who is seriously bright, but cannot read/write I need to make sure I understand everything so I can simplify it for her This vid helped tremendously
Comment from : @shawnmckinney5404

Please don't limit your learning to this video alone Health insurance is far too complicated to cover in 6 minutes, and this video neglects key topics, like network status, covered vs excluded services, common reasons for claim denials, and how to read a summary of benefits and coverage Keep learning with other resources! (This is not a dig at Ensemble -- their content isn't limited to health system literacy and I'm glad they've raised awareness)
Comment from : @Medicents

Can you talk about education insurance please?
Comment from : @OlaoyeLateef

This video is so helpful! I started a healthcare job recently and I don't know much about insurance so I figured I'd watch a video or two and this video definitely saved some time!
Comment from : @monijahjackson5037

So let me get this straight I pay a company every month to be on their policy (This can sometimes be a large chunk of my check) just to be on their plan that doesn’t “kick in” (like it’s a damn car that needs to be warmed up) until I’ve already spent x amount of dollars on the deductible (could be thousands) brbrIf I’m a young and relatively healthy adult Maybe go to the doctor once a year I’d much rather keep the monthly extortion costs Keep the 2 or 3 thousand deductible And live my life Go visit some place new Try new things It simply makes more sense Rather pay the 3 or 4 hundred dollar office visit out of pocket
Comment from : @99centfacts82

Do insurance companies reward people that take the COVID-19 vaccine?
Comment from : @DZEyoyo123

A notable aspect of private health insurance is the absence of any reason for it to exist It does not contain costs, expand coverage, or expedite care, it makes all of those worse It's sole function is to profit as a rent seeking middleman between patients and providers Max Kennedy…
Comment from : @JoyRBradford

This is helpful and straight to the point Thanks!
Comment from : @khyeet

There is a ton of mthly prem money being paid in to medical companies why are they turning down claims working or retured and hoarding mthly prems?
Comment from : @Starli7777

This is BRILLIANT! Thank you for the time you dedicated to creating it!
Comment from : @JenniferKing-n5t

What a joke our system is
Comment from : @somethingdifrnt3423

You are good! I FINALLY understood when u gave the 3-step example Gracias! I have heard NO ONE explain it like that 120324
Comment from : @micfe9370

I’m lucky, I don’t pay premiums or deductibles!
Comment from : @HuevoDuro702

thanks, just learned more about health insurance in 6 min that i have my whole life! sheesh😮
Comment from : @honestopinion6268

This video was so helpful! Thank you
Comment from : @chelseahernandez3767

so helpful thanks
Comment from : @sadakayoutube7661

This was really great, thank you so much to you & your team for taking the time to explain! 🌺🕊
Comment from : @ACompassionateHeartSchool

Thank you for the insights You are a help, especially for newbies in the insurance business
Comment from : @MrVinShield-youwithpeace

I’m sure insurance companies want this dudes head on a stake for explaining this too well
Comment from : @tonyshlean

Its worse here, our economy is like a flailing fish, fighting for its life The normal state of the US economy is actually very bad Because of this it goes into convulsive spasms fighting to grow any way it can out of desperation Tricks, gimmicks, rule changes try to stimulate the economy and prevent it from falling but they only bring temporary relief to people since, when you factor in inflation we are declining
Comment from : @MatthewAidan4ns

So I cant get health insurance if I dont get a job???
Comment from : @CesarSandoval024

Describe the healthcare system in the United States; brbrExplain the functions of BlueCross and BlueShield;brbrReview how drugs are paid for; brbrDiscuss healthcare plans and how they are regulated;brbrOutline the differences between healthcare in the US and Europe;brbrAnalyse the key reasons for rising healthcare costs in the US;brbrDescribe the functions of Medicare and Medicaid;
Comment from : @بندرعبدالله-ز6ط

Brother, TAHNK YOU
Comment from : @noeddiorazafikely1053

Sorry medical insurance does not cover disease or alien illnesses which lead to death, due to the key being left in the heavens, please read terms and conditions, many thanks
Comment from : @Dragon-Slay3r

Thank God I don’t live in the US and my deductible is only 15usd 💀💀💀
Comment from : @felipeh6012

Thanks for explaining this, they still ripping us off but thanks
Comment from : @Jmile42

Why do we need insurance companies? They don’t really supply a health service
Comment from : @allen7218

Thomas Sharon Jackson Larry Hernandez Sarah
Comment from : @KendraLuzxcst

Insured Closing letter
Comment from : @KmkrKmkr-rw1hy

why do they make it SO CONFUSING??? It's criminal!!!
Comment from : @GamerKittyEuphoric

This is insanely complex In Belgium 2024, insurance ALWAYS comes in between for a fixed rate, even for the lowest costbrIf you visit a doctor, you don't even have to pay everything upfront You just pay the personal contribution of 4€ and insurance gets billed for the rest
Comment from : @Sevival

Fn insurance companies are heartless, greedy mercenaries
Comment from : @brucemulder996

So go to the doctor to the point your OOP is maxed out so you don’t have to pay at all???
Comment from : @ceciliamuniz8936

The healthcare system is definitely broken unfortunately
Comment from : @pammyb1316

Don’t forget if you have NO insurance you can save 50-70 by telling them “cash pay” so what benefits are most plans?
Comment from : @shawnl3151

Please help me get this point,i have diabities and i'am a New foreigner hère,what should i do?how it's going to work?how much it's gonna cost? Thanks a lot❤️
Comment from : @AkilaAkii-o2i

In this video we break down how much of a scam health insurence is!
Comment from : @roflryan1

So health insurance is a scam…
Comment from : @sheenastevens9059

Mannnnn!!!! Being an adult sucks!
Comment from : @t-top4417

So you pay about the same amount as a monthly car payment and they only start covering you after you pay thousands out of pocket…that just sounds like a scam with extra steps
Comment from : @robertsludock

What a scam !
Comment from : @dianamgutierrez466

It’s a scam
Comment from : @sushmitaupreti4076

Guys wtf?brIt feels almost useless to have insurance at this point when I'm paying for almost everything 🫠
Comment from : @abhimanyutyagi9676

It is a great video thanks for the great information and well delivered This is exactly what I was looking for
Comment from : @paulwilliams8067

I make too much they say I guess inflation isn't a term in their dictionary SCAM and GOD will judge them all You pay for your sins America in the end
Comment from : @wakeupnyc718

The US Health Care Industry is one of the biggest rackets of the nation These health care company entities seem to quite function like a cartel considering their high premiums for their services and products Even if you get a low plan, you would still end up paying a high cost if you need to take care of a sudden emergency What's worse, in California, you get penalized for not having insurance at all One way or the other, they get their money 💰
Comment from : @abrahamgonzalez3009

This is so informing!
Comment from : @aleynafesele

I am subscribing to your channel You have wonderfully in the simplest way explained what seemed to be tough to understand Thank you
Comment from : @aaishamaryamazami6193

it doesn'tbryahud invention to suck money off doctors
Comment from : @user-fg8ux8zo6w

That was easy to understand Thank you!
Comment from : @NursePhotographer

It's a crime that schools in the US do not teach this
Comment from : @sergiozurita2033

Explained very well!!
Comment from : @adrianamunoz9809

Why isn't this taught in high school? At least I know about photosynthesis and the cotton gin tho!
Comment from : @christopherharv

Insurance companies struggle to convey this information; here, it was done in 6 minutes Kudos to you
Comment from : @OMIGHTY1

thank you, thank you, thank you, Explained for all people to understand I can't thank you enough Thumbs up and subscribed
Comment from : @cdragon88

Oh my god This explained the terms so well, that I just got sadder that healthcare has this many hoops in the US That aside, thank you for this video I'm blessed having to review this because I'm looking forward to my first benefitted job Best of luck to all the job and healthcare journeys on here!
Comment from : @amihanruiz5143

This 6 minute video just taught me so much Thank you
Comment from : @millinniul

Thanks for making sense of all of this, thanks a lot
Comment from : @accessiblebits

What if you need therapy every week?
Comment from : @aerys9644

Insurance…brbrIs a scam
Comment from : @davidjohn8056

I was not fully able to understand these terms after hours of research but this video just made everything clear and now I totally understand these terms so thank you!
Comment from : @dayaanmazhar2555

did you explain "deductible does not apply"
Comment from : @lilozine

Fuck this country
Comment from : @Roy48

Super helpful info
Comment from : @DestinyMaatHotepDaniels

What if i have low premiums and low deductibles?
Comment from : @leone4313

Got to love how obama wrecked are health care
Comment from : @deathatthefeast5326

Comment from : @celiastarot

This is a very comprehensive and well put-together video Thank you so much!
Comment from : @asunnydisposition9180

What a brilliant video Great advice, simple and practical I like your video presentation It is informative too, at the same time Thanks a lot for your guidance!
Comment from : @AislingBast

homeowners insurance is best 🥰🥰🥰
Comment from : @reemarieofficial

Ofc my wisdom teeth start hurting this month When my plan resets 😭
Comment from : @rnqtn

Hi sir😊
Comment from : @AlfredKelley-n1y

Absolutely enlightening video on 'How Health Insurance Works'! 🌐💡 The breakdown of terms like deductible, coinsurance, copay, and premium makes navigating health insurance seem less daunting Kudos for simplifying complex concepts! 🙌🏥 #HealthInsuranceExplained #FinancialWellness
Comment from : @DanLau555

Can someone please ask the host how much money I can save living in a Prius? Hopefully enough to make my own delicious hummus!
Comment from : @21cascadia

The US healthcare system is disgusting and inhumane but I appreciate your clear and helpful explanation!
Comment from : @FancyTuna77

Thanks for explaining Thats what I feared when I started actually looking at what they cover its a sham Unless your really sick and really wealthy its not worth it and pushing it on us is ridiculous we need universal healthcare this is ridiculous their is no real insurance if you have to make more than 80 thousand to afford it its a shame I feel sorry for families with multiple sick people
Comment from : @Yoronlyhp1

Just checked my policy apparently until I pay my deductible of 1800 of a doctor visit I would have to pay the full amount at the doctors I honestly have no idea why I got health insurance I feel scammed
Comment from : @UltraAtomic1

Thank you for explaining it Sadly I am in the only developed country in the world that needs this info
Comment from : @2FINE4YOUBABYGIRL

Insurance is a rip off 🤬🤬🤬
Comment from : @ericagraham30

Very well explained Ty ❤
Comment from : @Zoeprincess1804

What a fantastic video Great explanation God bless you, man
Comment from : @hishamsultan1195

Jesus! Great video 🎉
Comment from : @akashreddy6894

Thank you!
Comment from : @vinceescobedo6847

I just want mental health help with paying someone thousands…
Comment from : @jairudiusfyar4787

good to listen
Comment from : @Khfkgdkdgkxg

OMG thank you so much! You just made my life easier
Comment from : @laurab6311

Video definitely helped thanks
Comment from : @dunker888

Health insurance works by bleeding you as dry as possible Leveraging their relationships with care facilities to make healthcare unaffordable outside of a plan By denying coverage to someone dying from a brain tumor because, honestly i don't know, because they didn't feel like paying out? Health insurance companies are evil and the united states is in 47th place for life expectancy because they have made receiving care so expensive it's not an option for half of the country
Comment from : @FishteStank

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