Title | : | Will Learning Another Language Make You Smarter? |
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2015 jornal Cortex concluded 80 of tests conducted over 4 years don't show a bilingual advantage Half of the research from 1999 - 2013 presentations didn't find advantages while only 29 of these negative correlation got published; publication bias 2015 review of the literature found the effects on dementia are very inconsistent Comment from : @pleasestopcreatingmoresent3328 |
Oh I'm a bit disappointed! I really hoped there was a more strongly-established link between bilingualism and cognitive performance in general I was surprised to learn that even the alleged advantages of bilingualism pertaining to the prevention of dementia had no strong empirical basis When I was young I had meant to learn six languages, including Russian, Arabic and Chinese, which are tough ones for a French-native I fell short however, finding German is taking me way more time than the one year I thought I would need to master it brbrCan there be disadvantages as well? When one speaks several languages, words from a language other than the one being used in a given conversation can sweep in and obstruct the flow of said conversation, as one struggles to look up the adequate words in the language being used Comment from : @germainp |
“If you’re an idiot and you speak seven different languages, it just means a lot more people can understand that you’re a f**king idiot!”brbr—John Caparulo Comment from : @DesGardius-me7gf |
Your assessment is at odds of almost every other research article There are much more benefits than shortcomings Comment from : @hawkmaster381 |
i speak, english, french, yoruba and arabic, an i smart?! 😜😁 Comment from : @sulaimaanahmad |
Learning latin is the best language to upgrade your learning ability, because you can decipher a lot of scientific terms and grasp new words easier, giving you access to harder study materials and make reading less tiring Comment from : @alrichcobornman1767 |
I use 3 languages, 5 different number bases (base 2, base 8, base 10, base 12, and base 16)brCan use them all interchangeably Comment from : @sarahskileth6925 |
Believe me sir In india 🇮🇳 every individual know more than 4 language it is common as f Comment from : @devyanshi6368 |
Learning English made me able to understand this video - made in English - that talks about the benefits of bilingualism, so this is a benefit speaking of it's own Research and studies aside, there is no doubt that speaking an additional language to your mother tongue language puts you ahead of millions of people in several walks of life Comment from : @mansourzanaty691 |
I m not agree with you I know four languages and my memory like a sharp razor I remember all what I need just in my head And I don’t need to ask someone does improve language brain or not I see it myself And I really don’t understand what’s your video about and what are you trying to say Comment from : @MrMurzich |
For me a big advantage is that I don't actually think in any languagr, but in abstract, emotion-like thoughts This makes it easier to gain intuitive understanding of and fluency in new languages Comment from : @fghsgh |
I used to be terrible at remembering people's names After a few years of doing French lessons I was much better able to remember names Comment from : @anyascelticcreations |
I would say learning a new language also allows you to experience a different way of thinking Comment from : @dancorvalan3205 |
Idk about the neurological aspect but learning languages is certainly a lot of fun! It's like unlocking a new side to your worldview, you won't fully understand a culture till you get to see the raw everyday conversations between natives Comment from : @shannonlu3295 |
Im bilingual and executive function is what I lack Comment from : @dynamicdingus |
Im a bisaya from Philippines, we always get degraded in The Capital City Of The Philippines called Manila Thats why i wanted to clear some things Comment from : @sasori9367 |
as long as it doesn't have negative effects, it's all good I mean, learning English unlocked 24 of the world and 90 of the internet for me, and learning Spanish unlocked another 24 of the world Comment from : @danielclv97 |
The main advantage I've seen claimed again and again is that it destructures your way of thinking, it makes you more open minded, because you have to confront other grammars (like for instance the adjective does not always goes before the noun, in many languages goes behind or whatever) In my experience that's true: people who are fluent only in one language are more square-minded and tend to expect everything to be a specific way, their local or family way Comment from : @LuisAldamiz |
Knowning more than 1 language makes you think about things as a concept You also usually learn at least a big bit of some new culture and/or counrty It also let's you get much richer data pool Comment from : @PolinaLee94 |
Haven't they shown that older people who take any kind of continued education that it helps our minds stay flexible? Comment from : @y0nd3r |
I learn languages in a need-to-know basis 🙈 Comment from : @agalva100 |
I'm trilingual and I'm smart so of course it's true! brbrb/sarcasm/b Comment from : @ianism3 |
I'm from Brazil and I would never ever get a thing on this video if I didn't know at least a little English Maybe learn a different language doesn't make you smarter at the moment but it makes your mind wider for sure Comment from : @gustavoguedes3619 |
I'm here after "Arrival" movie Comment from : @walterwhite4014 |
I'm going to learn a new language Comment from : @steven777miller |
Thanks a lot for this video I have noticed that most videos and articles on the subject always favour the positive results so this video was a welcomed take on the topic Personally, I believed in the benefits particularly because of seeing so many articles/videos affirming them, but knowing now that the studies both for and against the benefits are practically equal changes things significantly Comment from : @RondellKB |
I grew up being bilingual, did this benefit make my brain smarter? Since I know second language as native level Is my brain the same with who learnt language in adult ages ? Comment from : @kefirkefir3262 |
Smooth-brain racists just want people to speak one language Theirs Comment from : @mad_max21 |
Learning Swedish now Some people do crosswords, some people use colouring books, to each their own Comment from : @sharonoddlyenough |
Cognitive improvements make you a better slave Comment from : @flochartingham2333 |
a polyglot dementia patient would be interesting to talk to Comment from : @yihengzhou2676 |
Yeah for sure I'm bilingual but that only means more people can see how dumb I am 😂 Comment from : @gabyy21laverde |
There's another interesting thing to bring up These are (to my understanding) mostly statistical analyses, and mostly compare people who have successfully learned a second language, and those who have either failed to, or not attempted to It's (obviously) difficult to see how to avoid this method of sampling, but the differences in ability may predate the language learning, and the causality may be the other way around I'm a believer in the flexibility of intelligence, but it's entirely possible that the people who successfully gain fluency in a second language may have some prior advantage, either circumstantial (bilingual household) or otherwise Comment from : @Great_Olaf5 |
People who are able to do multitasking by Learning langauges even face depression As multitasking increases depression 😎😎😎 Don t you agree Comment from : @ayaansiddiqui3086 |
I remember that my Russian mom tried to teach me Russian as a very little kid while I was also learning English I never ended up learning Russian and my speech development was delayed by a bit, causing me to take speech therapy classes until third grade I always figured that learning two languages at the same time as such a young kid just confused me or something, though I'm not entirely sure Really interesting stuff though Comment from : @UpsideDownSmore |
Am I at a disadvantage or an advantage for knowing 3 languages? 1 Frisian, 2 Dutch, 3 English, I also understand most German and a bit of the Scandinavian languages due to similarities with the 3 languages I numbered Comment from : @jeroenmeester9528 |
Honestly i feel dumber whenever i forget words Comment from : @lostinthewoods2010 |
Hello everyone , I am Mr Polyglot I know 5 languages and publishing videos with about language-learning-tricks If you would check out my YouTube channel and subscribe , I would appreciate it Comment from : @bettereveryday6749 |
Language is toolif you have more tools, you can fix more problems! Simple as that Comment from : @Ilearningbydoing |
the ability to speak multiple languages does not make you intelligent Comment from : @claudiopolonia7854 |
There's a great advantage to learning another language: you can now speak that languagebrAs someone who's done it, believe me, it means so much more than it seems when you just say it It really changes your life Comment from : @ArturoStojanoff |
Yes!!!! Absolutely agree with that statement!!! Comment from : @carlospuerto4873 |
I am literate in 3 languages :) Comment from : @lorenzo8495 |
am i the only one feeling like an idiot because of his voice's tone? like im watching a tv commercial bro Comment from : @Shifternity |
I'm glad I know another language so I can watch these videos lol Comment from : @Jeacom |
I think this guy missed a pretty basic argument: bilingualism has given me the advantage of being here watching this video, contrary to all those who do not speak English, and that are monolingual Even more, I am exercising my intellect in processing ideas and analyzing them in another language, not my primary one I have to disagree with this guy since a non-bilingual can't even imagine what is being discussed in this video Comment from : @alemartinezrojas5285 |
False, I'm trilingual but still dumb as a rock Comment from : @KingOfHearts99 |
If learning a new language will make us smarter than we Malaysians will be Albert Einsteins 20 We by default will learn 2 languages at school However, in some cases like me, you will learn up 5-6 languages and dialects combined Comment from : @TroL0iO1er |
I watch Sci-Show and Eons as often as I'm able to, in order to keep my ESL listening skills on point, and of course, learn new specilized vocabulary and all the other neat things you so kindly teach Comment from : @AverchenkoMiroslav |
It's just for a better life and skills Comment from : @cgmason7568 |
Being a native Spanish speaker, being bilingual is quite useful for a simple reason: I can find information like this in English, that i wouldn't find in Spanish as easily Comment from : |
Come on Sci Show, you keep on giving me these unresolved and inconclusive findings to questions I didn't even know I had Frustrating Comment from : @Ruby-hr4cf |
As someone who grew up monolingual and is at a somewhat lower intermediate level in a second language (and improving!), learning a second language in and of itself is so rewarding The feeling of simply falling in love with a language and even just the feeling of “oh my god, i understand this now And i didnt before!” is worth every second of effort Comment from : @tafellappen8551 |
If you are born in India especially in mumbai you will learn your mother tongue(both read and write) through your family members and other 3 language(marathi, english and hindi) (read and write) you will learn in school Comment from : @pinkypanicker4858 |
It depends on what the language is If it is a crap language like Spanish or French, you will get dumber for the knowledge of it Comment from : @infinitecanadian |
Journal Cortex Comment from : @selfelements8037 |
I'm working on learning a 9th language, and that's just for fun! I find languages fascinating, and since I started out trilingual, it has always been easy for me to just look at words in other languages and compare them to languages I already know to figure out what they mean Comment from : @CarolineCarnivorous |
i think one of the problems with bilingual learning in respect to brain function is (and bilingual people might attest ): once you are good at it you hardly put any effort on it, there are even times when you recall something and you doubt if it was in your native or your acquired language it seems that your brain just add a new dictionary to "communications" instead of treating each language separately, which might have to be with how we learn the concept of something before we can even communicate with words and assign a word to a particular concept (you know what an apple is before you know how to pronounce the word for it) Comment from : @ChincerDante |
I have to learn 3 languages since kindergarten but I think one advantage is being able to communicate better with more people and gives you more jokes to play around with Comment from : @Angieinajail |
The main advantage of learning a new language is the access to more information No estaría aquí sin saber inglés Comment from : @kio04 |
“challenging activities improve executive functions” thatd be great for my executive dysfunction except i cant do challenging things because i have executive dysfunction 🙃 Comment from : @kaitlynoddie4213 |
Language can shape the way you think Knowing different languages changes the way I see things some times It's also interesting to see the patterns in different languages and how some words exist in one language but doesn't in another I don't understand why anyone would ever reject learning a new language and even HATING others for knowing more than one language Comment from : @MissGenie0607 |
Waaaaaait, I speak 4 languages, and I can tell u from firsthand experience and based on my life choices I’m very much a dumbass Comment from : @angelachallita5297 |
I actually speak 6 languages fluently and bits and pieces of other 2 No, I'm not smart or fishing for compliments I'm actually dumb as hell 😑😔🙃 Comment from : @natashatalukdar831 |
I've learned English with an American accent Now I'm trying to get a Bitish accent and I've found that getting a British accent is pretty difficult (even if the sounds for As, Ts and Os are pretty similar to the sounds of the same letters of my 1st language) And also: I can say, from personal experience, that learning a new language did not made me any smarter Comment from : @alguem5996 |
stop bashing americans there are two languages, maybe three, that we can learn in school spanish is useful, but hardly anyone wants to take it french is popular, but entirely useless in the usa german, if an option, is even more useless here a lot of americans never even leave the country brbrplus, i know plenty of people who are bilingual & i live in the whitest town ever yes, learning more languages is a very good idea, but they have reasons?? Comment from : @memereview9803 |
I don't understand the motive on the bias By the way, I speak 5 languages fluently AND I am one of those low achievers struggleing constantly with financial problems So knowing languages may not always boost your abilities Comment from : @GiladGur |
Yeah being bilingual is nice but I can't count the number of times some idiot told me "This is America speak English" ! Comment from : @KitVictorious |
Every culture has a slightly different view on the world brThe language of each culture reflects those differencesbrHaven't you ever heard the phrase "It can't quite be translated" ?brOr heard a cultural saying that stumped you - until you were taught how it became a saying for that community?brSpeaking - thinking - in a different language expands your viewpoint, enriches your perspective, by adding that new dimension of another culture to your internal monologue brbrbrBeing able to think in more dimensions makes you a more creative observer potentially a more creative problem solverbrSmarter? Might not be the right word More versatile in your thoughts brTry it I challenge you :P Comment from : @matthewharris-levesque5809 |
i'm bilingual but a dumb little bastatd Comment from : @onezestytambourinebeat6215 |
I'm atleast Trilingual if not more Comment from : @Anmol34 |
爱学中文 :) Comment from : @timromo2541 |
Not unless that language is English Comment from : @scottanderson8167 |
You don't become bilingual by learning a second language, you are only bilingual if you have two native languages Comment from : @Jammawtf |
research seems to indicate that learning another (a second or just a new) language helps people with Alzheimer syndrome keep their memories longer Comment from : @gubjorggisladottir3525 |
I think there is a subtle gain in terms of based of what language you learn and how you learn itbrbrLearning languages requires understanding of composition - and structure Some, more so than othersbrbrbrIn that sense - I expect it to reinforce the aspects of which require compositional reasoning and memory Comment from : @mikaelrusin1596 |
Betteridge's law strikes againbrbrbrRespectfully,brsomeone who speaks 4 and roughly understands many more rooted in those 4 Comment from : @dominich3363 |
How I se e it Different languages have different sets of ideas coded in words, and different schemas for manipulating those ideas Knowing two, gives you two whole sets of ways of percieveing and understanding facts It's like having two pictures of the same object taken from different perspectives Makes it a little closer to the objective thing than just one And so on hm, I need to learn a third one :pbrEdit: Check out Steven Pinker's work if interested Comment from : @chicliac |
Most people on this planet are multilingual, so claiming bilingualism has a cognitive advantage isn't complementing bilinguals, it degrades monolinguals who're a minority by far The media should stop pushing this discouraging narrative and just encourage monolinguals to learn a new language There're so many reasons to do so Comment from : @benjaminlamptey1867 |
To me english help me to learn new thing that I can't search on internet with my native language brbrAnd it's useful asf Comment from : @keidiasano5165 |
Having learned French as my second language throughout my school days, I noticed patterns between words With this in mind and comparing similar languages such as Spanish or even Latin, I found I was achieving a better understanding of these similarities As I am a curious by nature, I applied this to ideas in facts and figures that made sense to me So what I am saying basically is that having a second language made it easier for me to apply what I found similar to expand my knowledge! All in all, I believe it's true 🇨🇦 Comment from : @BradenBogdan |
In the Philippines, we are largely biligual, or trilingual for Filipino-Chinese such as myself, plus Ecclesiastical Latin and Koine Greek as liturgical languages brbrbrInterestingly, I can think of two or three different things/topics independently as long as I talk to myself inside of my head in different languages Comment from : @YeenMage |
Learning Latin right now So Yeah Bilingual! Comment from : @g3overload203 |
most of us watching this already speak 2 languages or more huh hahaha Comment from : @yangvolcanos |
Learning another language adds to the amount of fun you can have in life You get a whole new set of jokes to laugh at! Comment from : @SArthur221 |
I love being able to swear in three languages Comment from : @joshuamariano1663 |
The well-known publication bias Comment from : @paxundpeace9970 |
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