Title | : | CashNasty Reacts To The True Scale Of Modern Nuclear Weapons |
Lasting | : | 24.30 |
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Views | : | 72 rb |
And the Nato soldiers think It's FUNNY Y'all worse than the Russians without a doubt Crazy freaks Comment from : @bro4life8341 |
There are air defences But chances of them destroying those icbms are very limited, They are insanely fast, have decoys, inbuilt electronic warfare and various other stuff making them insanely hard to shoot down and they will be used in combination with many other projectiles that act as a target to decieve air defences Russia used like one of their low end missiles without payload last year and it looked like nothing could stop that shitbrAlso this video tries so hard to dicredit russian capability lmao The sarmat test launch is nothing new, those things happen and why its called tests They test differenet scenarios to see how it does Same way trident missiles failed last year during launch test As for in Ukraine Yeah some 30 states considered biggest economies and militaries cant stop Russian in Ukraine who fights with one arm tied behinds its back lol Western propaganda garbage never ends Comment from : @Stockfish1511 |
Well, Russia won though 💀 Comment from : @arifulalam16 |
Ain’t nobody want to get involved in no fight and by that I mean citizens who are just trying to live and survive working for our family’s the leaders who play with our lives sit behind desks and order our soldiers to fight for something we don’t care about it’s a waste of life Comment from : @bronzelevelgamer2483 |
One of the radioisotopes of a nuclear detonation is strontium-90 It follows the calcium cycle and would end up in our bones Survivors of a direct nuclear detonation would most likely die from cancer Comment from : @paulyeary3688 |
This is what is dangerous about AI weapons Comment from : @paulyeary3688 |
MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction Comment from : @paulyeary3688 |
About Sarmat they havnt yet launched it successful About Satan rockets, those was kept in order by Ukraine scientiststhey stopped do that after 2014now it's 2025 In hands of Russian specialists you saw Sarmat fail theyr tank Armata stopped work at paradeAnd you all saw su 57 while ago at china😏what could go wrong😅 Comment from : @raptor_il89lv |
Humans are more dangerous than aliens Comment from : @nikhilmanhas9759 |
Look up "America's big stick" by Curious Droid It's EFFED Comment from : @thedomesticoperator |
19:06 why was you hoping for that? The only country that have ever used a nuclear weapon in a history of mankind is USA Comment from : @ChairFace770 |
Thank God they are there so they never have to be used Comment from : @chrislynch7165 |
23:00 A rocket explosion doesn't mean anything, if it's one rocket that took off unsuccessfully, why don't the other dozens take off? Russians know how to build missiles, unsuccessful launches are the norm with new missiles Comment from : @DVXDemetrivs |
That's without the fabled doomsday bomb The worst thing is the morons who will push the button will servive while we melt or die of nukeler cancer 🏴🇬🇧⚒️⚒️⚒️⚒️ Great channel dude Comment from : @thehappywerewolf |
It doesnt matter who has those weapons no one should have them and if we ever use em we are all equially fucked Comment from : @Athraxes |
Knowing our Gov they prolly got bigger bombs we just don’t know about 🤷♂️💀 Comment from : @doctorevil2269 |
You want scary when it comes to nuke? React to Russian Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov and Naval officer Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov and how they literally made decisions to disobey orders and saved the world from nuclear war Two seperate occasions the world almost ended Just hope you are in a city that is targeted and REAL close to the point of impact Comment from : @michaelmcnamee7865 |
Believe it or not, airbursts are safe in terms of radiation This is why the Japs could rebuild Nagasaki and Hiroshima Comment from : @xXturbo86Xx |
Russia started with America aviation industry disaster if Ukraine war continue Comment from : @michaeltuffour6714 |
Fact: the Soviets during the testing of their newly Thermonuclear Bomb it was called, the Tsar Bomba it was THE LARGEST NUCLEAR BOMB TO HAVE BEEN EVER MADE after testing the Soviet Scientists and Soldiers, Destroyed the Documents and Ingredients to prevent the Soviet Government having hands on it By the Grace of God it was forever Erased, and only those scientist knew about its creation they Burnt every document and papers and the way to make it all Gone and they saved the World from it Comment from : @__taka__8200 |
9:10 the hand on the head realizing close or far from downtown, you're cooked🤣 Comment from : @giannieyaa8721 |
The true winners of a nuclear war are those who can survive and rebuild Russia, USA and China are huge New civilisations can be built in between the rad zones Smaller nations in Europe and the UK are fucked There is not enough distance between between the blast sites to rebuild The entire continent would be an uninhabitable rad zone With that being said can anyone explain why Europe and the UK are being war hawks towards Russia Comment from : @dzod |
The name of Satan was invented by the Americans to scare people like you In the Russian army, only indexes are used Comment from : @BentOvver |
Here's a quote to think about " i dont know what the the 3rd world war will be fougt with but the 4th ww will bw fought with sticks" - Albert Einstein Comment from : @Chuckyplaysgames |
This is a nuclear war: whoever shoots first, dies second! Comment from : @klausperner8458 |
2:40 no they didnt decrease , some just became classified Comment from : @ARM_THEAS |
The 3rd world war would be fought with nukes (obviously hope it never comes down to that)brThe 4th with sticks and stones Comment from : @Rainbow_Task_1A |
Only one button press between you and Jesus Get to know him before the button is pressed Comment from : @mouthpiece200 |
Tsar bomb is better Comment from : @Eduardo-yj5cd |
he said B-83 80 times more powerful not 18 Comment from : @MF_XCIII |
Nobody is stupid enough to use these, and the US navy & airforce has tech that can erase them from the sky in minutesbrAnd it all assumes the nasty countries airforce is well funded, operational and not run by shoe salesman Comment from : @alexandriabrangwin |
And our leaders can't fight head to head like a gladiator match whom ever wins be the president of the planet untill his or her rain ends Comment from : @daryl198920 |
soon you will see it in real life I guess if your Orange boss won't stop doing his mess Comment from : @Pidalin |
Calling them paper tiger on nuclear weaponary is purely stupidty I know that they have been proved to be the case many times over, but I dont do betting on nuclear crap, I believe they have enought to mob a continentbrbrMatery on nuclear weaponry is a easy way to ensure that the war will only limited to a certain degree I'd give up on better guns every timebrbrSpeaking of modern conventioanl warfarethe only example we have is the one with Ukrine vs Russia, and Im pretty sure it is not on the FULL scale yet Comment from : @claisolais |
You think this is horrifying? That’s just an appetizer when it comes to Project Sundial… it’s a goddamn doomsday weapon Comment from : @Rycraft2006 |
The tips of surviving WW3: Just don't stay in the city Run into the woods It would be hard to do, but at least higher chance of survival rate Comment from : @annatsukiya |
All those massive missiles are expensive overkill, and totally unnecessary Comment from : @natebrodeur1765 |
No se quien le puso el nombre al misil Satán, no se si fue el gobierno de Estados unidos de América o los Rusos, pero supongamos que fue América, entonces quiere decir que América tiene un misil llamado "el dedo de Dios" y con eso aplastaran al misil satanbrbr¿Porque ponerle un nombre como satan a un misil que en su pais no le llaman asi? brSi una bomba atómica ya es algo malo, ponerle esos nombres es peor, ni siquiera llamarla "el dedo de Dios" o "justicia divina" ayuda en eso brHay que ser mas tolerantes, este es el unico y último mundo que veremos, ¿para que hacer una tercera guerra? Y encima nos tenemos que preocupar por el asteroide del 2032 Comment from : @leonelleonel1958 |
Video is not bad, but at the end they f up with poor propaganda Comment from : @tibor1234 |
This video just scratches the surface You should really react to "What if we nuke a city?" by Kurzgesagt Comment from : @HernanToroA |
It's sad this humanity Get into all the energy wasted You made these bombs and all the energy can be used for humankind As a resources can have for so many years So many years better and cheap but no they need to make weapons like always 24:11 Comment from : @lostplanet1390 |
nuclear war no winnbrers Comment from : @diegocirilo1973 |
Wait till he finds out about tactical nukes and/or "dirty b0mbs" 👀 lmao Comment from : @johncostello6006 |
Nuclear weapons look NOTHING like this video Comment from : @salamunga5645 |
Don't fret, the US has counter measures that can not be spoken of Comment from : @njd4291 |
The 3 things this video doesn’t mentionbrbr(1) The 3 world superpowers defense systems to shoot down the missilesbrbr(2) The emergency saboteurs each country has placed to prevent a nuclear strikebrbr(3) The Fusion nuclear weapons All the weapons in this video were fission weapons Russia and America had both tested their fusion nuclear weapons once in space The names for both are top secret classified but the nicknames aren’tbrbrAmerica has the MotherFucker and the FatherFucker Russia has the fifth Horsemen and the sixth HorsemenbrbrThe numbers on amounts carried for each is top secret classified but the power level is known Both bombs are believe to have a radius of 100 miles for initial impact The rest is publicly unknown Comment from : @joshportal2808 |
было старое видео когда в США на улице собирали подписи что бы нанести по России упреждающий ядерный удар там несколько человек только сказали что вы ебанутые а в основном все подписались причем половина с Гаваев или Эквадора Comment from : @RantaHun |
Its said Alber Einstein said "i dont know what weapons will be used in WW3 but i know what weapons will be used in WW4 , sticks and stones" Comment from : @peepinR |
ANYTHING above mach 6 is unstoppable Comment from : @Perra1901 |
Scary fact, although the Tsar Bomba have about 50 megatons during it test run, the initial design of it was for 100 megatons of TNT The reason why they dropped it to 50 is because of their fear of the consequences of excessive radioactive fallout Comment from : @VyHuynh202177 |
Dude, it's the Russians They didn't earn the nickname "Crazy Ivan" for nothing Comment from : @BinkyTheToaster |
Oh, the Russians have bigger warheads, and sure, they have fifty missiles for them, but only about half of them will even make it out of the launch tubes, and only about half of those will actually detonate All of the US stuff works 100 That's why we don't care (i mean, we do care but we're not really that worried), and why nobody attacks us It's guaranteed unaliving for everybody involved Comment from : @BinkyTheToaster |
The real danger of a nuclear war isn't the radiation or the kinetic destruction It's the fires and the damage to logistics that will destroy the nation they are used on Modern nukes don't give off much radiation and instead have higher kinetic yields Basically one nuke per major city will turn everything into flames, the survivors would try to leave blocking the roads causing logistics to stop and people would starve and riot soon after Comment from : @oddersisadog |
My man if ww3 happens with nukes We all gone or if you make it its madmax life Comment from : @Nevets-qh4jf |
Relax, allied nations, especially the US can shoot those missiles down before they can explode A nuclear missile won't explode until it reaches its target, so shooting them down prevents them from detonating Comment from : @RyanRichardsToby |
trident depiction is innacurate Comment from : @aSSGoblin1488 |
Nah, don't let this stuff scare you While it all works, it's all for show, following a strategy of what's called Mutually Assured Destruction Let's say you're an enemy nation, and you decide to attack the US Even if you get a full barrage off, flight time to the US is so long we will be able to guarantee a massive response, nobody wins, and both sides are wiped out It's just there to keep any other nuclear-armed country from attacking us Comment from : @BinkyTheToaster |
The Russians also have an unstoppable (hypersonic) Poseidon torpedo with nuclear warheads Which raises a radioactive wave (Tsunami) of 500 meters Such a thing would create a radioactive desert for many years, if not a century Really scary! Comment from : @ivicamarinkovic5069 |
its unfortunate, but it seems like it would take America being hit by one of these for them to finally understand who is the real enemy, its China and Russia Comment from : @theldraspneumonoultramicro405 |
This explains why we should avoid war at any cost Comment from : @swoyambhupriyadarshee260 |
a b83 gravity bomb has 6 warheads inside of it so one b83 is 6 seperate nukes Comment from : @BernieGores-x3y |
Here comes the sun 🌞 Just saying anyone come against the US gonna be extra crispy 😂 Comment from : @DARKandHEART |
You should look up project pluto and SLAM Comment from : @forestaker1168 |
Crazy brother Only takes one nuke scary Comment from : @joshmiller1092 |
Isn't it crazy to think humans literally created a button that you can press that will literally destroy the entire planet Humans are crazy boy Comment from : @Appreciation-Community |
If you watch the movie War Games, the guy at the end planned ahead and said they were just 3 miles from a primary target 'A millisecond of light and we're vaporized' Comment from : @geefhotmail6311 |
2:13 I think he said 80 times Comment from : @thegodking2759 |
The capability for nuclear destruction humanity wields is staggeringbrThat we haven't used it since ww2 is promising Comment from : @IrradiatedFeline |
Remember every drone used in war in man powered So was it the drone that cared? Not really did the human controlling it care? Absolutely not Comment from : @harutogames9204 |
You know what kind of "human" was in charge, when they name their bombs "Satan" Comment from : @CatHarington |
Does it actually make the world safer??? Comment from : @lonewolf6193 |
Imagine one nuclear rocket with the seperate warheads hitting multiple spots in the United States they gin take out the whole country from one launch Comment from : @edwardromanenya8979 |
I guess You are not heard about Russian Death Hand sistem Comment from : @goranmafija |
white mens intelect to create weapons is insane Comment from : @hee-yoonkang1466 |
One crazy thing is even if a bunch of nukes from one country, even if they struck the same spot on their own territory, could cause a global nuclear winter Comment from : @dec081 |
Cashnasty? Cringey Don't breed Comment from : @Kennnny77 |
Satan - is a NATO specification for their weaponry, in Russia these weapons usually are called after trees like Topol, Yasen, Dub - poplar, ash tree and oak, or "Voevoda" which means Warchief brThose crazy names are given to them by US xD Comment from : @4X10S |
Amazing and also terrifying to think a tiny cold island in the middle of the Atlantic called Great Britain has those Trident missiles, 300 extinction balls just sat under the water waiting the British be powerful Comment from : @SirZanZa |
B52s are still in use I live next to a AFB and they are in and out Comment from : @The_Stoned_One |
WTF is Moderren LMAO Comment from : @MrPhil1970s |
Jesus loves you guys so much and all he wants is a relationship with you we are living in the end times Jesus is coming soon please choose God before it’s to late and stop following satan and the things of this world repent of your sins and turn away from them believe in the son and follow the son Jesus loves you and he wants to change your life for the better I can promise you that you just have to give him a chance Comment from : @zyeirsilas7044 |
Kim Jon Un has these now tho brthats what I'm worried about Comment from : @SmokeBurp |
nuclear is illegal for human commercial use but it is legal for human mass killing weapon Comment from : @kurttis8512 |
this is why its so serious nuclear war happens no one survives Comment from : @lucapetrescu1241 |
This is why threatening other countries and destabilizing global politics is SO dangerous Play chicken and maybe we all die Comment from : @perniciouschattel5211 |
In a nuclear war, NO one wins It should never be a reason for a country to resort to using this kind of destructive power Comment from : @Elevat3_KG |
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