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Bruce D. Perry: Social u0026 Emotional Development in Early Childhood [CC]

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Title :  Bruce D. Perry: Social u0026 Emotional Development in Early Childhood [CC]
Lasting :   1.00.28
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Frames Bruce D. Perry: Social u0026 Emotional Development in Early Childhood [CC]

Description Bruce D. Perry: Social u0026 Emotional Development in Early Childhood [CC]

Comments Bruce D. Perry: Social u0026 Emotional Development in Early Childhood [CC]

Highly enlightening!
Comment from : @LaurenMiller-q8l

This is our "mental health crisis" Both affecting those practicing psychiatry and those who seek help with the life skills and social competencies, they missed out of during what once was thought of as natural child development
Comment from : @theprofessionalpeer

It’s so important to understand those consequences 15:05
Comment from : @SierraRavenPitts

36:21 / 1:00:27
Comment from : @almaisaks

Bruce D Perry: Social & Emotional Development in Early Childhood [CC]
Comment from : @almaisaks

Humans did not invent the nuclear family Neither did swans
Comment from : @Wo8910

I feel like everyone wants to be glorified in some way 😂😂😂😂 is this yours?
Comment from : @somphothbsiratsamy3748

Development doesn’t end with early childhood
Comment from : @somphothbsiratsamy3748

Why is there so much crime in Chicago
Comment from : @somphothbsiratsamy3748

The brain doesn't "do" anything It's an image created by the mind And just like all the minds images, it doesn't exist concretely in time and space outside of observation The mind does things, and the brain is the image of our mind doing things Just ask a materialist like Bruce D, how the brain(an experience) creates an experience? Their philosophy quickly falls to pieces like the paper tiger that it is Consciousness is fundamental, not its images
Comment from : @maecentric

good information ❤
Comment from : @AfsanAhmed-og1cb

Bruce Perry is amazing I was assigned his book for a class in my education major class I can’t stop thinking about it, talking about it, and reading it!
Comment from : @WillowMercer-e5z

Maladaptive behavior must first be exposed in order to choose those behaviors
Comment from : @lavernreid5048

Based on thus information, it confirms that multilingual individuals are often more intelligent than monolingual I believe!
Comment from : @lavernreid5048

Great presentation Full of helpful, insightful information Questions, when he is talking about the DSM and ADHD, at the very end, isn't that true about all DSM disorders, that, for example, MDD (depression) in the DSM is just a list of symptoms and descriptors absent a "disease" process? So is he limiting that to ADHD or is he making a commentary on the DSM? Asking so that I can better understand his comment
Comment from : @wkennedypsyd1

The reason for all of these screens is that natural human contacts are quite often not ideal but driven by greed and Gewalt, abuse of power and violence If things like the Mob and Marxism did not exist, there would not be need for communicating via screens The adversity that I personally experienced throughout my school career started from outright physical violence through poking and pushing ending up in defamation with an intent of leaving me without a husband, since they were urban working class and myself big landowner s daughter So it is not always the mother s or the inner circle s fault if the child does not grow in a nurturing environment The social hatred can be really traumatising and the screens are an escape from violence, a way to be social without the threat of violence or blackmailing
Comment from : @siskojaakkola2002

The transcript discusses the importance of sensory experiences in brain development, particularly during early childhood It explains how neuronal activity and synaptic connections are formed as a result of these experiences The transcript emphasizes the role of repetition and relational interactions in shaping neural networks and cognitive development It also highlights the negative impact of screen time and social isolation on social-emotional skills and overall well-being The lack of empathy, poor language skills, and disengagement from society are identified as significant issues resulting from this developmental imbalance The need for intentional efforts to foster relational enrichment is emphasized to address these challenges effectivelybrThe speaker discusses the importance of soft skills and fundamental relational skills in education They share stories about young individuals lacking these skills, such as using cell phones in job interviews The speaker emphasizes that all individuals have the potential to develop interpersonal skills but need experiences with others to express this capability They also discuss the negative impact of excessive screen time and the need for intentional modeling and regulation of its use The transcript highlights how early childhood experiences, both positive and adverse, significantly influence physical health, mental health, and overall development It emphasizes the importance of creating relational environments that protect against adversity and promote healthy brain development The speaker calls for deliberate efforts in structuring neighborhoods, homes, family interactions, and early childhood programming to enhance relational health They argue that investing in early childhood yields enduring positive physical health consequences later in life Finally, they urge listeners to take action towards improving relational opportunities for children as a means to break away from current societal trendsbrInvesting in early programs that resonate with our biology is highly beneficial and yields a significant impact The malleability of the brain is greatest during early stages, making it easier to change There is a mismatch between potential and opportunity, which can be addressed by taking action to improve communication and respect among diverse populations It is crucial for future generations to learn how to share limited resources and coexist peacefully Balancing the use of technology with moderation can lead to enrichment rather than shaping our brains negatively ADHD is not considered a distinct disease but rather a description of symptoms without clear physiological connections according to DSM Five criteria The NIMH aims to move towards connecting physiological processes with mental health diagnoses for better understanding and treatment optionsbrbrFrom the transcript, there are several follow-ups and action items that can be identified:br1 Increase awareness: The transcript highlights the importance of early childhood development and the impact of relational environments on individuals One follow-up action is to increase awareness about the significance of early childhood experiences and the need for intentional and nurturing environmentsbr2 Deliberate creation of relational environments: The speaker emphasizes the need to intentionally create relational environments that support healthy development This includes promoting positive relationships, reducing relational poverty, and encouraging face-to-face interactions rather than excessive screen timebr3 Education and training: There is a need for education and training on how to use technology in a balanced and healthy way This includes developing screen time hygiene for ourselves and our children, as well as teaching children how to use technology responsiblybr4 Raising awareness about the impact of technology: The speaker highlights the negative consequences of excessive screen time and the potential negative impact on social, emotional, and cognitive development It is important to raise awareness about these effects and encourage moderation in the use of technologybr5 Advocacy for relational enrichment: The speaker calls for a shift in priorities, advocating for intentional opportunities for relational enrichment in the lives of children This includes incorporating social, emotional, and relational curriculum alongside academic subjectsbr6 Policy changes: The transcript suggests the need for policy changes to support early childhood development and relational health This may involve reevaluating neighborhood design, promoting shared living spaces, and creating structures that facilitate positive relationshipsbr7 Research and innovation: The speaker mentions the need for ongoing research and innovation to understand the impact of technology on development, as well as to develop interventions and strategies that promote healthy relational environmentsbr8 Parenting practices: The transcript highlights the importance of parenting practices that prioritize face-to-face interactions, nurturing relationships, and limit excessive screen time Educating parents about the impact of their behaviors on their children's development is crucialbr9 Collaboration and community involvement: It is important to foster collaboration among policymakers, educators, parents, and communities to create supportive environments for children This may involve community initiatives, parent education programs, and partnerships between schools and familiesbrTo follow up on these action items, individuals can seek out resources, such as books, websites, and research papers, to learn more about early childhood development, the impact of technology, and strategies for creating healthy relational environments They can also engage in discussions and share information with others to raise awareness and advocate for change Additionally, supporting organizations and initiatives that prioritize early childhood development and relational health can make a difference on a broader scale
Comment from : @FEAdeES

Comment from : @evelynramos445

I'd love to see the 2023 data on empathy and psychopathy markers
Comment from : @sia9907

i begged my wife to watch this
Comment from : @zero_earth

Bruce Perry suggest that unless we are intentional with condemning racism it will not perspire away from our midst I like this guy Racism has heart my kids, This human challenge is close to my heart
Comment from : @winniethuo9736

This was posted 8 years ago Look at our world today Corporations have ruined generations of people
Comment from : @psychfred

Fascinating talk! Thank you!
Comment from : @naomirubinstein3001

We live in a society that does not value children and families Your data re: early childhood education is well established But very few parents can access it When I was young and single, I taught preschool, which I loved But I couldn’t afford to live on what I was making Now as a single mother, I can afford it even less ECE must be subsidized in order for it to be equitable A subsidy for parents to stay home and raise their kids isn’t a bad idea either
Comment from : @erldagerl9826

Dr Perry- thank you for your scholarship and sharing your knowledge ❤
Comment from : @pugginspice

Wow I haven’t even finished the talk and already love him!! He’s on point! Look at the eastern cultures and the concept of family … it’s specific to not immediate family but extended family plus the community … they literally live by the concept of “it takes a village”
Comment from : @PBTKaizen

Every teacher need to know this in the schools All should take this before teaching it should be mandatory for even parents and professionalsmm
Comment from : @lorrainearnett4553

Thank you
Comment from : @Gigiyoungerme

Comment from : @devoradamaris

If we all listened to him, we would be so much better!
Comment from : @montanagal6958

Listening to this takes me back to my Early Childhood classes ❤️ I recently finished taking my major classes two years ago and I remember listening to his videos in my toddler & infant classes
Comment from : @cesiabarrera4016

Bruce Perry is amazing I was assigned his book for a class in my education major class I can’t stop thinking about it, talking about it, and reading it!
Comment from : @Jennijenniwcitt

Comment from : @Chaitogether

Can these skills be lost if they are not used? I feel like there are plenty of older people out there are who are losing their skills and humanity because of too much time spent on social media
Comment from : @atruenut

I love your talk and I wish that all parents and caregivers would watch this! I am wondering about the suggestion of what is best for my son To live near my family even though I don't find that they are good role models and don't see eye to eye on sensitive loving parenting or move, but work on finding close friends who have the same parenting style?
Comment from : @curiousarah7961

An incredible job describing the facts clearly & unapologetically! 🙏🙏
Comment from : @medgineeugene1241

So if the environment was not adequate, how do you repair fractured socio-emotional development?
Comment from : @lavernechambers3902

Brilliant talk, so thought provoking, and so very important for the future of our species
Comment from : @profdavidclark

Comment from : @ryf3658

Thank you Dr PerryI have read your booksyour experience, knowledge & intuition is enlightening!
Comment from : @bens7728

Would have been one in more than four because aunts and uncles
Comment from : @MaryHernandez-jh2yo

Great lecture! How cool was the timing of the child saying "uh oh!"
Comment from : @joshvanschaick4896

educators !! watch this
Comment from : @TheVeronett

Comment from : @harrietthespy2119

Thank you for this validation
Comment from : @positivemanda

I have a questionin regard to the brain synopsis creating words, what if you think in scenes/pictures? Is this just a neuro difference or could it be trauma relatedbrbrThank You
Comment from : @michelemurphy3541

Love, Love, Love this man's work!
Comment from : @victoriagiardinieri1904

Wow, can someone send this to the lockdown people?
Comment from : @allydea

Wonderful!!! Just shared it with friends a teachers
Comment from : @clave26

Am i the only one who feels like it is morally reprehensible that we need to have big conferences to get the message across that you should love your children, or at the very least, not traumatize them?
Comment from : @janicecollette1580

Interesting, isn't this the way life was before Public School was mandatory? I believe this is how the Amish currently live It takes a village and they are all about community
Comment from : @LynnGoddard

I am a foster parent and it is challenging at times I read your book - The Boy Raised as a dog - it gave me sooo much hope for my foster child As I see all of the behaviors and educational challenges related to my foster child, I gained hope as I read your book My child had a challenging day yesterday, I needed to listen to your lectures - thus giving me more hope for my child's future Your lectures and book reminds me to not give up on my child
Comment from : @lindarasmussen7231

04:49 Croatians pride for inventing the tie/cravat Story goes in the 17 century during the 30 years war the French saw Croatian soldiers on horseback wearing some sort of neckerchief (tied by their girlfriends or wives back home) and it became fashionable and called a la Cravat (like a Croat)
Comment from : @ljubog

I love your talk Thank you so much I am right there on board Have been for decades Plus my profession is in the field of early childhood The one thing I was uncomfortable with was the reference to mother and not father We really have to get away from this blame it on the mother mentality Quite outdated While mothers are still the majority when it comes to primary caregivers, fathers have really stepped up to the plate in the last 10 to 15 years or so I think the only reference I heard to fathers was the example of the whole family out to eat and they were all on their devices Please take this into consideration Thank you for the work you are doing to raise everyone's awareness about social emotional connections in early childhood and the impacts it has for their lifetimes and future generations life times Kudos! I am proud to be in the trenches
Comment from : @suzannenorton3807

Any future parent should take parental classes
Comment from : @carmenmueller2888

21:51 positiv Feedback?
Comment from : @theforeigner6988

0:55 wow That's something Just admitting that one is shy I'll try that, in my public speaking Thank you
Comment from : @theforeigner6988

I love him!!
Comment from : @ceciliam8493

Thank you for all you’re hard work! You’ve helped me, and alot of friend so know , how to understand and situate our experiences!
Comment from : @luciesupstairs

Hey I love this so much and this information needs to reach people
Comment from : @natashabridgeman9568

well this explains a lot about why this generation is so fucked up with drugs and addictions and why so many are so immature So the solution is , more connections I guess I need hugs
Comment from : @razvncazacu3573

I'm a retired multi skilled engineer, I can't get my son to take any interest in my projects, he spends his life in his room on his computer, after 5 years a collage still he has no idea of what to do about a job, he is now 24 with no direction or interests
Comment from : @toddcott9510

Comment from : @anthonysummers1931

I disagree with one of the points he made: A human being is not only what his or her parents passed on or did not pass on We are not copies of our parents with something added or taken away The biggest influence on people apart from parents and upbringing is actually peer influence (other kids and people), especially later in adolesence and in life So we are at least as much influenced by our environment and interactions as by our parents So bad characteristics as "racism" or" misogyni"or "violence" can be aquired on your own during life just as much as it could be "passed on" by parents
Comment from : @matthuber9925

Real talk 28:45
Comment from : @BritikoBeats

Fantastic Video!!! Anyone and everyone could benefit from watching this
Comment from : @kelleydelchamps8862

50 United States 4 Shared ParentingbrMissionbrUSA 4 Shared Parenting advocates the rebuttable presumption in favor of equal shared parenting and residence That shared, frequent, continuing and meaningful contact with both parents after s
Comment from : @MSHomeBase1

It should be mandatory for every parent of small children to listen to this
Comment from : @christinetaylor5162

The quotation at 34:55 ("I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction The world will have a generation of idiots") was never expressed by Albert Einstein See Snopes
Comment from : @jamesduncan1076

Childhood developmental trauma impacts how our brains and bodies physically develop
Comment from : @Babbelbet

Now I know why the second book is not as immersive as the first one Thanks for that info, too :) And thank you for your work and effort I cannot say how much I appreaciate it, because it would break the internet :D Thank you Dr Perry!!
Comment from : @dontshakeme

can someone summarize this video for me
Comment from : @kyliemcdonald9810

Dr Seinfeld
Comment from : @Callamatteomatisch

so the internet says?
Comment from : @droneveiw6144

plus he killed is ex wife at stanford Universitys church 1974
Comment from : @droneveiw6144

It takes a village
Comment from : @hightidesmrforever2themoon449

Great segment , True focus towards Children growth , and the future of our WorldThank You for the TeachingsBless
Comment from : @qualityquantity5213

Very engaging speech with some astounding figures that we simply are unaware of  I am constantly in awe of how bright and inquisitive children are, yet many of them decline when not engaged in the right manner  Great video!
Comment from : @gileshawthorn2396

Thanks to Dolores Kohl, Lou Bank and the Chicago Humanities Festival for this opportunity
Comment from : @TheChildTraumaAcademyChannel

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