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The cost of being in debt to China - BBC News

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Title :  The cost of being in debt to China - BBC News
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Comments The cost of being in debt to China - BBC News

Anglo saxon media always work as the propaganda tools for modern colonials such as IMF and WB
Comment from : @queeneenaa

Worse cost to be colonize by the british, how many african treasure pile up in London?
Comment from : @queeneenaa

It shows how hypocritical the west is Biased news BBC
Comment from : @fcfung3540

I got debt trapped by credit card companies; now they are confiscating my assets
Comment from : @benjerryhaagendaz

If the IMF, West and America talk about China creating a debt trap, it means they are talking about themselves 🤣 It's really very hypocritical and very disgusting, that's Western & US media propaganda
Comment from : @yudha_saputra

The video clearly indicated how extensively BBC conducted their research and came to their "valuable" conclusion Isn't it a cheap enough job It would be just as easy and cheap to find a similar "worker" working in say Ukraine for a UK company
Comment from : @kaimingraymondchoi9909

The US owes China almost 900 billion USD, they are deep in the debt trap
Comment from : @KBellate

BBC is right wing media, EU lend money is not debt trap, they do it because they are Mr nice gay China is debt trap because China is evil 😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @manwingchi9156

The “debt-trap” theory is concocted by Brahma Chellaney, an Indian geopolitical strategist The “debt-trap” theory is concocted by Indians, and popularized by Americans They concoct this theory to demonize China, Chinese and BRI projects/loans India, US, along with EU, fear losing their dominance and control over other countries which may result from these projects Such fears are based on their selfish and geopolitical interests brHowever, people from all over the world, especially from developing countries have acknowledged the needs and the actual benefits of these projects/loans They know from their first-hand experience that there is no debt-trap Academics and researchers have reviewed these projects, and have debunked the debt-trap theory
Comment from : @derekfoust4635

What if a China-backed government is overthrown and the new pro-democratic incumbent government cancels all the bilateral contracts, how will China collect the debts owed to that country?
Comment from : @mohammadkawsheralam3632

Im just a bit annoyed that majority of people would villainize China because they heard debt trap or bad working conditions for workers, this can all be true but these phenomenon happens a lot for example the exploitation of migrant workers in Qatar for the world cup, majority of people just turn a blind eye, but when it comes to China, most people would criticise their actionsbrbrThe debt trap may be true but these investments open up opportunities for economic growth however this is not guaranteed If a country need to grow their economy, transport is without a doubt an important factor Big investments bring positive and negative impact to the economy For example TNC that produces palm oil in Indonesia, the investment can bring economic growth by increasing job opportunities, increase exports etc However it may have negative impact such as exploitation of migrant workers, money made that are used to expand its TNC, not just negative impact on economy but also environment such as the expansion of cash crops to produce more palm oil leading to more clearing of the vegetation which can lead to people getting drived out of their houses causing a lost in identity, climate change leading to global warming Also because TNC has a such a large influence to the country, government officials will turn a blind eye to TNC such as tax evading or overstepping environmental policies You might think the negative outweighs the positive in reality they weighs roughly the same brWhat I am trying to say is that we cannot based on the events shown in this video to determine the investments from China is bad and wrong Exploitations of workers happens all the time we need to be focusing on how everyone can be treated equally not pointing fingers at a particular country that is not doing a good job We should be giving solutions to the problem NOT criticism
Comment from : @garenlau9873

Only the money lender is at risk, risk of default Unlike civil case, nobody can forced a default country to repay its debt
Comment from : @hogwart4821

pure lie anglo saxon news meddia is only good with full mouth of shit
Comment from : @chingmeisyling8221

Go China
Comment from : @jatwangismyname900

Say the colonialists that left their colonies in debt and forever weakened and their people either murdered or exploited
Comment from : @mariomastadon7650

You want to learn about debt trap , look to blackrock not china😅
Comment from : @hotbird3

Comment from : @ladariussanders4278

Thanks a lot greedy America for ruining these loans its your fault westerners are jelous pig's
Comment from : @luckyjack429

Huahahaha This is western propaganda to discredit China Believe me i am from third world country Chinese boss is more humane than American or britain boss
Comment from : @vanessawilliam9570

It is great for China to be able to loan out debts to developing countries at this uncertain time when most of the world's economies such as Britain, which is in great limbo High energy price, high inflation, and people lining up at food banks for handouts in Britain
Comment from : @Canada51stStateofAmerica

That's funny when really digging into Chinese debt, the interest rate is around 2 to 3 , While Ukraine"s loan from US and EU is 8 per year Hypocrisy is real
Comment from : @zhijingchen4563

Punish Chinese that doing illegal things Chinese are in Europe not China so Inforce the law
Comment from : @LSmoney215

🤔Since invading Afghanistan in 2001, the United States has spent $2313 trillion on the war 🤔China spent $240bn on belt and road bailouts from 2008 to 2021 But let's not say that🤫 #bbc
Comment from : @jackjanpour8532

West to poor countries: do as you're told, nevermind how we debt trap you with IMF
Comment from : @andrewondon

BBC what is happening in UK? Why is BBC SILENT on the activities of "Grooming Gangs"? It is appalling to think that BBC does NOT know what heinous acts are being perpetrated in its bacyard!!! But BBC knows everything about India????
Comment from : @somnath2453

* African governments owe three times more debt to Western banks, asset managers, and oil traders than to China, and are charged double the interest br br* The so-called debt-trap narrative exploited by the West against China is untrue, African scholars and economists told Xinhua
Comment from : @GPDC100

Source: XinhuaEditor: huaxia2022-07-20 21:36:03 br br br br* African governments owe three times more debt to Western banks, asset managers, and oil traders than to China, and are charged double the interest br br* The so-called debt-trap narrative exploited by the West against China is untrue, African scholars and economists told Xinhua
Comment from : @GPDC100

Terrorist supporter BBC news
Comment from : @OTUS_1

Sounded so much like African slave trades in Britain, EU and US I don't see anything with what China is doing
Comment from : @kaml7341

IMF and World Bank are the worst
Comment from : @elishachanda

Comment from : @dand4075

I don't believe it , There's more money In Chyna and India on our soil to be made Probably some scammer shit
Comment from : @markbaker2370

How liars create the illusion of truth BBC is showing her true face by repeating the slogan "the most trusted" when their reporters are repeating a lie often enough and it becomes the truth The reporter should know that this is a EU funded project, so why is it a China debt trap Recently there's a Bloomberg quicktake video that unmasked the myth of China's debt trap
Comment from : @annadisco3995

The corrupt political regime and Indian and Chinese debt traps are the main factors behind the current economic crisis in Sri Lanka
Comment from : @damithlakmal6352

World leaders can learn many lessons if they look at Sri Lanka's current economic crisis
Comment from : @damithlakmal6352

Ah yes,if it's China it's a trapBut when the US and western countries does it,it's notWestern double standard and hypocrisy at its finest
Comment from : @AzizDoufikar2280

Playing games
Comment from : @carloschambliss1752

The big question is why BBC folks single out China? it's normal countries take out loans from banks or other governments and become in debt
Comment from : @zhuangdavid5037

Finest Anglo Propaganda
Comment from : @royalgodnr1241

bbc used to understand the utility of apparent even-handed reporting, but somehow murdoch has convinced them that malice pays made him rich, so you can see the temptation
Comment from : @alloomis1635

youtube/xlEZcTQWskMbrVoice from Africans
Comment from : @ritahalo

1:55 western poopaganda💩, any nation that sovereignty of its resources and choose others the Zionist banking corporations is evil
Comment from : @migo2444

Comment from : @freyrweglang9317

I dont know about Sri Lanka, but for many years, China economy has also helped businesses and economies here in Southeast Asia It has benefited us in many ways as we benefited them Their companies has provided many jobs here and our companies provided many jobs there China has actually nice to many of us here, too nice actually that it may raise some suspecion, i mean, they just do whatever we demanded as long as we help them improve thier economies China is getting richer, yes, but she has a large population to care of and a lot of work to do Their average GDP per capita is not much Just US$22,000 Compare to us here in Souithast Asia, for example, Singapore is north of US$80,000 and Brunei is north of US$75,000 China has a long way to go, i hope they will be able to match us for mutual economic beenfit It is still a long way, maybe 50-60 years at generous estimation
Comment from : @azymighthh6835

Imagine being so blind to Chinese immorality that the only thing you can complain about in the comment section is Britain‘s imperialist history and that the EU is helping them (China) China is still not good!
Comment from : @ConfidentlyUninformed

Why I'm angry but not surprised? Because it's not rare in China The Chinese companies did the same thing domestically They are cheaper just because they don't care about human rights
Comment from : @yizhou5903

To be fair youtube/yPlLdTtbIHIbrbrbrBoth Sides, Now (Joni Mitchell)
Comment from : @igsigsolutions5248

China n Russia are the greatest deal for Africa no matter the bad publication by the western media
Comment from : @simplemantv9299

Wait till they need a liver or kidney Dung chi is a murder, but it is interested in economics? BULLSHIT
Comment from : @danhadley6546

fake news
Comment from : @frrsghffh316

A deal with china is a deal with the devils
Comment from : @user-ny1rs1fq4h

Sickening mindset, making others poor to be RICH
Comment from : @clementng7718

China n Russia is the good countries, South countries is dirty politics he have only stand to dirty politics
Comment from : @sumanrai9552

Says so the channel, that is being funded by the Warmongers
Comment from : @morningstararun6278

Default in that Beijing Loan, and Your Country Discoveres the Next Variant of COVIDbrbrHistorical Pattern Established
Comment from : @lighttheoryllc4337

Great booktrue story,title-"Cowboy Mafia "
Comment from : @JRGraham

The BBC has clearly some beef against China It's ok to report true events, not to fabricate it
Comment from : @francescolou6125

biased and envy of Chinese growth
Comment from : @victorinjesuschristchannel9540

uk is going down to underground so many homeless and more are going to homeless you bbc fake news useless full of lazy
Comment from : @zawwin2432

Made in China - quality speaks for itself
Comment from : @adamdahl3080

Comment from : @elviefesta1903

1Namber AB Handicrafts band in Bangladesh youtube/rfim3_VAi_8
Comment from : @baripiash15

Talking about China, fine But why start the video with Ukrainian war and connect China with Russia intentionally?
Comment from : @呦呦-b7v

Why they allow Chinese company to involve in business? Why not European/US business makers just do the business there?
Comment from : @honesttruth8710

China we're known for treating workers like slaves, especially here in Africa
Comment from : @oluwaseunoguntuga5280

How stupid is the west talking about china and russias ,,problems’’ instead of looking into the mirror and admit that they are just stupid and getting played by them
Comment from : @СрбСрб-х7д

You really should send the Brits to build these projects It will end up just like their Elisabeth line 4 years of delays and £4bn over budget
Comment from : @Marketing2West

You fools running the governments- read “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” China is doing the same thing which the US & EU did to the World back in 80’s and 90’s and way back during colonial times
Comment from : @mahendirandamodaran3734

This is crazy!
Comment from : @sqrt3101

A bit hypocritical isn’t it We want China to open up their economy to us But we don’t want to do the same to Chinese businesses
Comment from : @ApplePotato

Apparently the Chinese used political prisoners in Croatia (hence in the EU) for this particular project I call that “having balls”😂🤣
Comment from : @jameshart678

Uk min wage is people exploitation
Comment from : @markspinks5347

Chopping of hands isn’t practiced in the Middle East even in Saudi Arabia, it’s not done brOnly a jail timebrAs for the rest Leave it for western media to spread misinformation
Comment from : @salmaalmeahlky126

I would be pissed if such things happen in the EU
Comment from : @janplays4019

West lost war of economics brAnd lazy workers of west brNow lost story of west glory
Comment from : @sardartariq7195

Wat did you the britons do to Africa Did bring any development o jst stole resources
Comment from : @ronaldkaata1803

A Company gets an contract to do a job , it’s for that country which awards the contract to make sure Labour laws are honouredbrAs far western nation since the advant of petro dollar and IMF they are controlling the banking system and calling it banking is our biggest export
Comment from : @Osmanan777

Comment from : @Zergul_Zai

At least china not bring war like US
Comment from : @aaamyint5302

Start from AsiaEurope Western is coming soonbrThat is the Satan plan give to stupid humanbrIf government not stop the Satan, one day they will buy your countrybrHell life
Comment from : @muhamadshahril1374

Oil was £109 a barrel and petrol was £119 a litre Now oil is £96 a barrel and petrol is £180 The blame lies with this corrupt criminal cabal of a govt
Comment from : @georgeroberts6490

is far better than indebt with western
Comment from : @benneyzhao3215

there is no such thing as debt trap, the words are invented only to make China look evil despite it's just trying to get international influence the way it wants to It's no different than how US is trying to influence the world First of all, every developed and under-developed nation have heavy debt Just look at ourselves since 2008; GDP increased about 6 Trillions at the same time total debt went from 1 Trillion to 30 Trillions Did we debt trapped ourselves? all govt around the world are in heavy debt and none of them can pay back, they're all just issuing more debt to counter debt with or without china, everyone is already in heavy debt and continue to do so
Comment from : @Steven-xf8mz

It learned from the United States and Europe#China a global super power #Russia
Comment from : @DivineMercy-77

ghosting tv color by BBC
Comment from : @xiaohelong

How about make a talk about the cost of being an ally of the US?
Comment from : @xiaotiansong6325

Reap what you sow Plenty gettingbrich from cheap Chinese labour There was a reason the West would not work with communists Least of all no human rights
Comment from : @peace4peaceful

Why haven't I ever watched a video titled 'the cost of being in debt to the usa/uk' ?
Comment from : @Aitch2020

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