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Language: The First 5 Years of Life of Learning

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Title :  Language: The First 5 Years of Life of Learning
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Description Language: The First 5 Years of Life of Learning

Comments Language: The First 5 Years of Life of Learning

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Comment from : @sprouts

The stereotypical depiction of the nanny makes this a bit uncomfortable to watch
Comment from : @nanmu8208

As an ECD practitioner, this helped refresh my memory about Language developmentbrbrThank you ❤
Comment from : @nobzy_snacks

Comment from : @鄭巧稜

This video is spot on from start to finish!! I'm 56 and have been studying German for a little over a year, 100 on my own with Duolingo I was Lucky Lucy as a kid learning English On the flip side of the coin as an adult German learner, I feel like I'm more of a Poor Pete, with one big difference: I haven't yet had the opportunity to immerse myself in social situations with native German speakers That could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on who my German social circle is! (The possibilities are both terrifying and intriguing) 😛😛😛
Comment from : @MusicFanKim

The nanny should speak to Pete in Chinese His parents shouldn’t offload his son to a stranger person
Comment from : @TheGuggo

Your video is EXTREMELY racist in the depiction of the nanny visually and also how she is "limiting" the child's language development The term "broken" in reference to a person's second language abilities is extremely racist and the situation you have created is not actually what is happening Pete is being exposed to a second language, which is setting the foundation for bilingual development, not inhibiting his language development Many children have speech delays, using this "situation" as the reason for a delay sends parents into a panic that they've done something wrong You're also blaming a caregiver's first language for a child's speech delays, which is absolutely incorrect
Comment from : @elizabethemmons9683

This video is interesting, I can help to reflect on my own upbringing and compare my experiences to this video Although the language is a huge factor into anyone’s development (especially children) I believe our experiences limit our growth For example many children who are being read too, spoken to etc can be bullied or or observe very traumatizing events How do these experiences impact their development? And if so how and what part of the brain is responsible in limiting the development? In a perfect world, we can do our best in aiding the development of our children, but as someone mentioned in the comments, their character/personality must coincide in order to have a successful result That’s just my take Also if Pete is at a disadvantage, how can he improve or “make up” for lost time after middle school or high school?
Comment from : @erino6432

yes yes yes!! ive worked with some toddlers as a babysitter, and also watching my own little half sliblings (12-20 years age difference) and its so true, they can very clearly understand before actual speaking
Comment from : @rainbowArsonal

I very rarely leave comments on youtube videos especially ones I'm forced to watch for school but man your artwork made this video super intriguing!!!
Comment from : @maleahbeggs6056

i loved the illustrations <3
Comment from : @Alice-td2uy

What about learning the alphabet?
Comment from : @alphabetforkids3368

The Nanny with the Straw Hat I dont know whether to laugh or cry hahahha
Comment from : @msig206

Wtf?!?!?!?!?! Whos to say the nanny has a language barrier Why eve say that If i had a child his grandfather would be the one with broken english And we cant afford a mf nanny Nanny in these parts means grandmother 😢
Comment from : @kaylaemerick8943

Jesus Loves you!!!!!!!!
Comment from : @lindsieambrose1395

It is racist to depict an asian with a cultural hat on and that she speaks broken english
Comment from : @jniceng

4:00 The picture looks a little bit racist Nobody in Vietnam /China still wears like that
Comment from : @melodyxie5889

It is very narrow because it ignored purposely that Peter is a bilingual which means he has a smart brain
Comment from : @joannecheng3932

4:00brShould have just told the foreign born nanny to speak her native languagebrbrCould have been a bilingual baby
Comment from : @Illiteratechimp

Mingle and play that's all😊
Comment from : @krishnantampi5665

Doctors advocate not to give mobile phones till they are 2 years age Will this affect the cognitive development of the brain in comparison to children given mobile phones before 2 years of age?
Comment from : @milonmitra3584

Sad part is Pete can't control anything You don't get to choose what situation you're born into He might not even realize he was behind until puberty, when the gap widens and you know you're different That's over a decade of wasted time Tbh life is over by age 5 and you don't even know it
Comment from : @Tarazara-42775

totally awesome
Comment from : @ginapar6953

Another W for Einstein
Comment from : @therealjager4180

i would say that Pete's gonna have a hard time throughout his life while Lusy may put efforts as she grows she can get better and better but for Pete, this is gonna be different without getting the basic down he could really have a hard time in understanding the advanced part plus knowing there's a biological clock to our brain growth ability it can be denied that he's gonna have a hard time even with efforts it can't make up for the loss of time
Comment from : @Mayschromebook

That theory works for most people, but not the autistic - Einstein likely had autism like me I went from 50 words and screaming, babbling and 1 word sentences on my sixth birthday to over 15,000 words by my 7th What caused it, the equilibrium and contentment of early childhood being broken Today a word test showed my vocab was around 40 - 55k, or twice as many as usual My first words were "Gloucester Street" as I was reading street signs in the taxi on the way to Special school, the driver nearly drove off the road!
Comment from : @Moneytane1976

Naw see me personally I wouldn’t take this kind of disrespect like Pete
Comment from : @Bobby_Sauce

Africa creo munko menday Sayles Lego the technique digger its a joke 😂 😉 I'm the digger Silly lol Einstein went until 7 impressive bravo 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 got to be more to it than that 🎭
Comment from : @scottwinter-sb6lp

Hi, please tell me which software is used to creat these kinda videos I love them😍😍 And I'd like to learn🙏🙏🙏
Comment from : @kimiashams9356

In the video it says that children cannot learn language from watching videos on a tablet and needs direct interactions I would disagree with this I have proof with my niece who is not a native english speaker back in my country and she watches American children shows on her tablet and she can speak fluent American english with an accent just like my daughter who is born American Would like to get some insight on that
Comment from : @jerina9

This is far from true you might want to revisit this video Maybe it was true back in the 90s, but not now by any means
Comment from : @nil7444

Poor nanny
Comment from : @sergiosatelite467

My daughter has 4 languages and speak fluently at 4 One of them weaker as it's environment language Bút since I put her in public it is increasing dramatically
Comment from : @cherry-qn5tb

Also the Einstain story is patently not true It's an old joke about a hypothetical German child, and it was on QI brMore mistattributing stuff to Einstein!
Comment from : @chuck1804

This is just propoaganda against Chinese nannies!
Comment from : @chuck1804

Also didn't talk until for from our house being multlingual and our half sister and cousin at 2, fluidly, abroad?
Comment from : @TheSapphireLeo

Also used bigger words if more interested in the sound of them, though not fully looking up the meaning of them and because of our exposure to media, early on, and nobody could understand us at school, but also was disinterested in learning anything at school and prefered things that were related to creativity? Prefered picture books, and manga over reading large chunks of text, too?
Comment from : @TheSapphireLeo

Did you really have to give her the thing on the head and the eyes like that, again, too?
Comment from : @TheSapphireLeo

What about #telepathy?
Comment from : @TheSapphireLeo

Language is one thing, but there are so many different ways to express yourself, so don't worry, to really maneging a language takes more than five years to master, pete can still catch up if he want
Comment from : @xuyi_wang

Law should provide that parents be allowed more time with children under 5 years because your boss won't allow your kids to smarter than their dumb children
Comment from : @achilleuscoronel6466

Is learning a new language past 5 years old still doable???
Comment from : @ljbjordan768

Germany doesn't have emperors???brI looked this up, brI think you've confused the Roman emperor with a German king br I found an article about a book WRITTEN by a German, ABOUT the roman emperor
Comment from : @Mel-mu8ox

Pete may lack in vocabulary, but he may have increased his intercultural skills due to his babysitter who is from another country Pete was exposed to a different culture while growing
Comment from : @kevingutierrez4504

Brilliant! The ending!
Comment from : @syedaridazahra2507

Balance is everything!
Comment from : @TheFed39

Always interestingbrAnd informativebrThank youbrPeace 💕🇺🇲
Comment from : @mfrichardson1602

I’m starting to think that Sprouts is races and stereotypes against Asian! WTF!
Comment from : @boonyaveepunja6957

Fake Einstein stories ruin any video
Comment from : @johnrogan9420

The representation of the foreign nanny is very racist
Comment from : @hellraiserV

I think it's totally normal that Lucy knows many words than the kid, cause women can't stop talking
Comment from : @francorocket9908

I see parenting as an experiment, there is no one size fit all here neither There is no need to feel pressured to “catch up”, but being the best parent you can be is what’s more important Let the kids enjoy their childhood, play and have fun Life will get progressively harder as they age so let them enjoy it
Comment from : @wayne8797

What about bilingual environment?
Comment from : @natynet900

I appreciate the story about the nanny but its not realistic; every person when faced with language barriers reverts back to their native language so its more likely that "Pete" enjoyed some traditional Chinese foods, games and other benefits the nanny could supply; what a terrible waste it would be if they had a native speaker of the world's most used language and not take advantage of their child becoming bilingual
Comment from : @denapebblesNelson

Comment from : @alfasanglynebasan2732

Bold of you to assume language it's human invention, when it's clearly much older than our species
Comment from : @Dragoniiia

I sometimes get frustrated my two year old won't let me read to him Physically fights it
Comment from : @vampireslayer3821

Yes, there's plenty of chances for Peter to catch up There are so many types of intelligence besides the verbal one And over the course of our lifes we continue to learn so many things
Comment from : @japanvirtuallearning4268

Nice video However I would have put Peters nanny to teach chinese to his son! I think that instead of introducing such a negative connotation regarding a low cost babysitter from an asian country, you could have simply introduced a native english mother from a low income background It would have been much fair
Comment from : @japanvirtuallearning4268

What if Pete's parents let the nanny speak in her native tongue?
Comment from : @heatherdean64

This is agreeable but this also happensbrto Pete's native language He might be struggling in English but not in native language Why not let Lucy wear Pete's shoes so she would know that she'll struggle too learning Pete's native language
Comment from : @macsaplala0831

"toddlers can't learn language via tape or technology, they need to be motivated by a human" no?brI was 3 when I learned English from watching cartoons, and I became fluent My whole family doesn't speak English, maybe some distant relatives speak a few words, and my country is not an English speaking country (never been to an English speaking country) brNobody motivated me to watch those cartoons, I just wanted to watch cartoons and ended up learning a whole language
Comment from : @lulylulyanka2676

Your classes are so helpful amazingly scheduled and within a short span of time more informations are provided can you please do such simple videos on vygotsky's language development theory, and personality theories of Adler, Carl Roger, Eric berne, catell
Comment from : @neethurose9771

Please add subtitle in Arabic 😊
Comment from : @Abdooz88

Giving them books while young helps alot in nurturing the child's growth in not only learning but also understanding, reading and literature Not to force it in general but to pique interest through themed/custom books such as bpersonalised childrens books/b
Comment from : @jakobbourne6381

I read opiniones but I think you are not understanding the real point The idea is that the kids do not obtain a good base of their mother language (whatever it is) due to different reasons In the example it was due to a chinese nanny that does not speak a fluent English But there are many reasons; for example, parents that do not have time to talk or to read to their children, etc This will difficult their comprehension of world and to have a good success at school In my country, many children have this problem due to poverty (their parents do not have enough time to talk to them) or their parents do not want them to learn their own mother language (mayan languages); instead, they try children to learn spanish Children learn a poor spanish and they have problems to understand teacher, books, etc and they suffer discrimination too Finally, because they do not receive any support to learn it better, the problem is not resolved
Comment from : @brendamorales5179

Most parents ignore their children or stick a phone in front of them In that case any interaction would be better, even a non native nanny
Comment from : @fwwryh7862

ofc i get a grammarly ad before this video started
Comment from : @EpicHoola_2763

I don't like this video, reminds me each time the speech therapist said to me that my youngest son will never talk because is close to 4 year's old(in June) and with all the therapist, doctors, stimulation since he was a baby he doesn't improve and now going to the autistic diagnosis and I tried all but he can't speak our native language and neither listen other languages because doctors said will confuse even more
Comment from : @RedDevilDoll

indeed a better learning platform
Comment from : @ixmix

In this example, Pete was exposed to a limited vocabulary due to a nanny with reduced English proficiency I see many comments asking why Pete's parents are also not communicating with him part of the day We are forgetting that most children are raised by their parents and that most working and welfare class parents themselves have limited vocabularies and also limited social skills The Bloomberg Providence Talks study showed that not only do children of working and welfare class families hear far fewer words (30 million fewer words by 3rd birthday), but that the words they hear are far less rich in content and nuances ("Don't do that!", "Stop!", "Do this now!") The only answer to remedy this is to provide professional early education to all children or at least all disadvantaged children Finland went from being mediocre in education outcomes to among the best in the western world in just a few years by starting formal early education as young as 6 months with very low student/teacher ratios (as low as 2/1 in early years) and highly qualified teachers (applicable advanced degrees required)
Comment from : @daretobegreat3124

If you are pete, might as well try 🍀 Great video!
Comment from : @danag5610

The video does a good job showing the importance of language and talking/reading to your child That being said, there are genetic factors that play a role I language development and besides that, most studies show that developing language earlier only has a very small correlation with intelligence later in life Another study showed that kids who struggle developing language early almost always end up at the same development level as early developers by age 4-5 PARENTS IF YOUR CHILD SEEMS A LITTLE BEHIND DONT PANIC (obviously talk to their doc but most likely they're perfectly normal and won't end up behind other kids) YOUR PROBABLY NOT A BAD PARENT 🙂✌️
Comment from : @calebbecker9706

Comparison a Mother to a Nanny 2) the word “Language” has a bigger meaning than word English Did you mean “English”, instead? Video, “sounds” intelligent anyway!
Comment from : @graceline4759

I moved to the United States when I was 3 My brothers were were 4 and 8 All 3 of us are more proficient in English than our native Russian My eldest speaks better Russian than I do because he moved back However, I speak better Russian than my middle brother because I practice it more
Comment from : @ksenia5199

I was kinda into this video until they got to the point in the playground Ok fine, maybe Pete can’t learn any better now that he’s around more native speakers What do I know? BUT suggesting only native speakers can be emotive in their reading of stories 😂😂😂 borderline racist mate
Comment from : @elmondo-s1e

My only comment is that children can learn from each other Many children in the world develop sufficient language skills without extensive parent input to the extent this video is suggesting is necessary
Comment from : @KS-mt1lb

Wow, this video was very good!
Comment from : @RA-uq7dd

No one going to comment on the children who all died of neglect? Man I am glad science has changed a bit
Comment from : @clorofemully

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