Title | : | vonster vlog: Plus size bellydance |
Lasting | : | 11.06 |
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Views | : | 6,9 rb |
Being healthy is what it’s about, not the scale ❤ Comment from : @debraloeffler9670 |
Stumbled across this watching your other videosI needed this todayand I may have ordered a few Bellydance DVDs Comment from : @allisoncampbell1631 |
cheerup yvonne putting your spirit into it is the motivating way to go Comment from : @ghislaineyvonne914 |
I am impressed by your energy! I am a plus size person I have lost about 75 pounds but I am still a plus size person You give me encouragement At 67 I have had some serious body issues and will never be able to shimmy like you can, but I will not give up I still try to keep an eye on my diet and health Thank you Comment from : @janeenatkins1654 |
You are beautiful from head to toebrI’ve danced in public when I was a size 3…but I still love to belly dance with my chonky belly and all …don’t listen to others when it’s negativeand btw your veil work is amazing ! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Comment from : @lolabennion4382 |
I like you so much You're funny and you do what ever you like And you are so talented in what you do You are beautiful whoop whoop look those hips going I cant do that!!!!! Greetings from Holland Comment from : @elisa5441 |
Sooo cute this dancing! I love it’s Thank you ✨🙋♀️✨ Comment from : @rosaelinav8036 |
My daughter and tried to learn when she was in high school and I did something wrong and hurt myself and so that was the end for me I gave her the videos and I don’t know if she continued or not Now I’m old and my health is bad and there’s no way I could do this I think you should do a series of lessons for those that can do this And yes of course I would watch them all Take care darlin 😊🌻🐝💜 Comment from : @ginnybullock9627 |
Two years have passed and it's still relevant Thanks for being brave and yourself Love you always, Bev Comment from : @beverleybee1309 |
Thank you for posting! Your video is so inspiring and I've come back over the months and I watch it when I feel like I need motivation to move or like I'm insecure in my body, and I leave feeling like I've just hung out with a supportive friend If you were to make more belly dance or workout videos in general I am your target audience Please please make more workout videos Comment from : @haleybetschart5737 |
You are Fabulous! If people treat you differently because of your shellthey care not for you Be the best you ever, much love and respect Comment from : @stephaniegertz7596 |
Vonyou are gorgeous ! Years ago I danced, and I was plus plus! I even had my own troupe! I routinely danced at Renn Faires and loved it! Also at cafesand made great tips 😍 You have beautiful curves, and you’re a great dancer Love ya! Comment from : @JulieRorabaugh |
Von, screw those poop heads! Nana K here honey,I am 63 yrs young and have been pleasingly plump as I was called all my life But blond hair bluegreen eyes 👀 and a nice set of tatas that still look pretty good, but I will Never be skinny And that is fine with meYou honey are a beautiful young woman who is one of the most amazing women I have ever heard of Randy boy is a lucky boy!!! And he knows it !!!! You kids ever come to San Antonio Tx 🤠 ? If I so would love to meet the two of you❤️Nana K Comment from : @karennavarro5659 |
Thank you 😊 br Yvonne ❤️ Comment from : @tishsmiddy71 |
Wow you move Amazingly! Comment from : @mariatheresa111 |
Vonn!!!! I’m literally just seeing this video I don’t know how I’ve never seen it but damn girlI seriously enjoyed this and you fucking rocked it Not just the dancing but everything you said I love that you did this and it looked like you had so much fun and seriouslyyou looked great! I can’t do half the stuff you did I love you! Stay positive and keep being amazing 😘😍❤️💪🏻🤘🏻 Comment from : @diannemozzetti9991 |
Love you Comment from : @Muzzu1152 |
I know this is an older video, but would you ever consider doing a "how to belly dance video?" Or like a "belly dance with me" video?? I'm a bigger girl and I really want to learn to belly dance! I have tried to each some videos however when comparing myself to thin women I feel like I'm not moving right because my body doesn't move the same! Love your videos! I would totally watch belly dance tutorials by you if you made them ❤️❤️ Comment from : @PowerfulRoseSouls |
Just saw this Shared with someone I love who needed to hear what you have to say Thank you Comment from : @dishdudetexarkana |
You’re beautiful, thank you for sharing You got some moves girl! Belly dancing isn’t easy! Comment from : @2tweet2believe51 |
First of all, you look absolutely lovely! The culture we live in is such a hard place to be a fat person (as a fat myself, I use the term as a neutral descriptor)! I also dabble in belly dance (just picking it up again after a couple years), and I'm just so happy to see someone who looks like me enjoying the dance too! Sending lots of love! Comment from : @PsychoKat90 |
Lady you got some awesome Moves!! keep on keepin on Loved it,, Comment from : @bennettearnold5140 |
This resonates with me so strongly, I have tears rolling down my face You are so amazing and beautiful! Thank you for your bravery 💖 I have commented on so many of your videos today you are going to think I am a stalker 😂 You are just so inspiring I am a former chonky person from the age of 7 to 27, and in my mind sometimes I am still there I love belly dancing and I quit doing it because I didn't believe I should be doing it I am going to start again I can and I will I think you should have a belly dance along at craft along con!!! That would be fun 😁 Comment from : @thisdelightfulllife |
💕 shake what ya mama gave you 💕 Comment from : @bellaann518 |
Mom's can really be great brMy mom told me once, "You know, for a fat woman, you don't waddle!" brbrMom's, you gotta love them They may be here for 91 years but, you still miss them when they are gonebrYou look like you are having fun and getting exercise What more can anyone ask for Thank you again for all you do Comment from : @stacyarland140 |
Hey Von! You look great! I really love that outfit I reslly enjoy your belly dancing videos It's always something I've wanted to try Comment from : @Edana1009 |
The used set is a good deal! I have Intro and Warrior already Comment from : @melissagerber7231 |
Von you are so wise an old soul at heart your enthusiasm just makes my day Comment from : @freakyfishlady4795 |
I tried belly dance many years ago and loved it, but I was so ashamed of my body That was 20lbs ago I have just learned to love my body at this weight It is my body It has taken me through my 41 years It has been thin and thicc I really want to take up belly dancing again Now to find room in my house Comment from : @CandiceErika |
I'm so proud of you! I'm needing to take some lessons from you on self acceptance Getting older and trying to rap my head around that, and the weight gain that usually goes along with it, is daunting You are a breath of fresh air! And an inspiration I have recently taken up Curling (I am in Canada after all) and it doesn't look like there's a lot of exercise going on there but whooflots of muscles showing up that I didn't know I had! It's a great game and so much fun I can't wait till I have some skills to go along with the enthusiasm Comment from : @pamelalbd |
HEY, you look great But in reality it really does NOT matter what others think about you, its what YOU think about you People that preach unconditional acceptance of how you are are not better than those that shame folks for not being "ideal" I have always been heavier than I should have been I just turned 51 but 2 years ago I was 391lbs Yes, some doctor visits occurred and something he said got me motivated and in ADDITION I had a personal goal of being able to do things that I was unable to do because they had a weight limit I need to get UNDER 250 to be able to do ANY of those but I already am down to 256 True its not an easy journey, sure not as easy as it was to get to 391 :) But no one got those additional pounds in weeks or months so you wont take them off in weeks or months Support is important or at least the ability to see when you go off course and make correctionsbrProbably non of this was really anything you needed to hear probably heard it all a million times but sometime it MIGHT help to hear it from others that are on the same journey Comment from : @wcgems |
Yeeeeeesssssss! Belly Dance for LIFE! xD xD xD Love you! Hugs xD Comment from : @kirashane2418 |
You are awesome Comment from : @greatlakesnarwhalmichellee4507 |
I thought that was great belly dancing! I really like your dress/skirt a few years ago, I dressed as a gypsy and layered some of my skirts like that and placed a scarf around my hips brI think you are doing fine and I wouldnt want any body shaming either After I had my baby, my mother was only concerned about the health of my body, while my mother in law kept criticizing me negatively and how I am embarrassing her in front of my father in law's family for having a large belly I couldnt help it my baby was and still is very hungry and in turn that made me triple hungry with all the breastfeeding! so I think you are doing great and especially at trying new things like belly dancing As for me, I started doing sit-ups again, but just the other daymy back gave out so maybe I should try belly dancing, too! Comment from : @einzgeisha |
Just watched your vlog while making breakfast What I liked is the total honestly "here i am" Most of the time I'm in the same mind frame of I'm too big to do that or I'll be too uncomfortable to try I made a comment to my partner about a commercial I just saw recently for a bowflex machine, I glad they finally have a heavier size actor using it and saying this machine can be set for different level users and setting up a work out catered to your body/level of experience So thanks for sharing and I will be trying more this year! Comment from : @jennifermckercher5789 |
Awww this video makes me happy and sad all at the same time, I love it, you're awesome 💗 Comment from : @emmastanberry5963 |
I love the moment when you're talking about wondering what it will be like to be fit I often catch myself spending so much time daydreaming about what it will be like when I'm fit that I miss out on actually doing things that will get me there (like working out) I made a good step yesterday though I got myself a fancy water bottle to carry around to remind me to drink water and I'm starting a walking routine with a friend Wish me luck! Comment from : @livetheawkwardlife |
You are Beautiful inside and out!!!! Comment from : @kaycollier674 |
Von, You are truly an amazing person, I bet you Randy has chase the singles off after you, I think you did a great job, An your perspective on life Is an inspiration to all of us trying to Rekindle who we want to be, Again thank you Comment from : @OrganicSilverMoonDesignsLLG |
I really like the video you are amazing,If I had half your Talent I'd be a millionaire,The fact that you get up in the public and dance is amazing,because you aren't a professional daner but you act like one,So to me you are a professional teacher, if Everyone would really listen to what you're saying Who knows what they might achieve, love you Von Thank you<3 Comment from : @OrganicSilverMoonDesignsLLG |
You have made me cry I am usually filled with a great deal of self-hate because of my body issues and my health issues The world's view on people like me is truly horrendous Thank you for making me take a step back and see what the truth about who I am and that I really am of worth Comment from : @christyg223 |
Just lovely go you xx Comment from : @thebalddevil3874 |
When I took belly dancing classes about 12 years ago the instructor said you need a bit of a gut/belly to giggle, as that's why it's called belly dancing I most of any kind of dancing for me is getting over the shame or embarrassment of what we think we look like or what we feel we should look like Embrace your weird and have fun (something I'm still practicing) Great shimmies by the way Von; and love the skirt Comment from : @danielletdg8423 |
Hehe you are welcome for the chocolate hehe It's ok to have a few goodies in your life!! 😘 Comment from : @michelenieves6707 |
I so LOVE how open you are you have such an amazing soul and such good energy And yes stop being so mean to yourself Lol you are FULL OF LOVE and you want to give us love and help us to feel good in our own bodies Yes there are mean people it's not you it's their own insecurities I love how open and honest you are DO NOT EVER CHANGE!! WE LOVE YOU!! brAgain such a GREAT soul brYou will get there Just do it to be healthy That's my goal!! Mucho love to you honey!! ❤️❤️😘😁🌛🌺🌜 Comment from : @michelenieves6707 |
Rachel Brice is my bellydance idol! Love you Von, you give me soo much inspiration 💗 Comment from : @johannafluegge2597 |
You are helping me break out of shame and breaking down walls How do you even thank a person for that! So simply putthank you! Comment from : @Kindnessmatters2 |
I wanna do this! Comment from : @dallasmandy |
Middle Eastern dancers mostly have full figures ,so no shame You are beautiful just the way you are Loves <3 <3 Comment from : @soileilkkala8831 |
If it brings you joy, go for it FULL THROTTLE !!!! It doesn't matter what others thinkif they are negative thats on them they are small minded people and not worth your time Good people are always supportive of good efforts and that's all that counts Comment from : @jo351 |
Yes!! Let's fight our insecurities! ^_^ Never thought of trying belly dancing, but will definitely look into it!brHugs! xx Comment from : @mindthecorner |
Very awesome von Love your positive empowerment Keep it going! I am a chunky Girl too I have almost 200 lbs to get rid of and at almost 55 years old, it is going to be quite the challenge I also have arthritis, ostio arthritis in my knees and fingers So many to mention, but I won’t I just know it will not be an easy road to go down on Hugs to you! ❤️🌹 Comment from : @evanvorous |
I've always wanted to learn to belly dance Maybe you could teach us?!😃 Comment from : @oniapleasants4787 |
You are beautiful and amazing You are doing great in your work Just pick up your arms and keep your shoulders down more when you are doing arm work But you are great keep up shaking your beauty Comment from : @irisgoddessdance |
us big girls, we have to get out wiggles out to ya know Comment from : @schurrinekey4622 |
I HAVE said that many times Thank you for bringing that to light I am NOT to fat for that You are most assuredly not too fat for that! You look FABULOUS whilst you are dancing kindred You've encouraged me, once again, to let things loose and have fun I've got 35 pounds left to loose and boy are they stubborn I will admit, I've stopped using my fitness pal app and perhaps it's time to start up again I'm not gong to list the EXCUSES for why I stopped Keep shining Kindred, you somehow always make me feel better about myself and my situation You are so terrific and I'm so proud of you ❤ Comment from : @katehill1191 |
Thank you so much for sharing this you are truly an inspiration and your moves are great I do feel like picking this back up again now and I think you have just the right outlook on it love you Comment from : @sanditoone7730 |
Hi Beautiful! You look gorgeous, no worries :) Shame comes from our Mothers, in my case, at least :( ah well, watching you has helped me shake that mindset, so, Thank You! <3 Comment from : @janinemeehan6568 |
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