Title | : | Why we need to immediately stop all weddings |
Lasting | : | 10.04 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 733 rb |
We've been to tons of destination wedding in Mexico, Jamaica and the Dominican, they are a blast We go on a few trips a year anyways so its not a big deal Wife and I got married in Jamaica, 60 some odd peole came, everyone had a great time, but our actual wedding took up exactly 1 hour of one morning of one day We had the wedding in the morning, at the pool bar by noon Comment from : @canuckfobroader9553 |
is anyone gonna talk about how he was holding a toilet brush instead of a microphone Comment from : @YIPPEECREATURE2 |
You're wrong Comment from : @chazbenningfield3743 |
4:32 not a demigod Just God Comment from : @gabeinthebox |
I love you man but PLS as someone who grew up Catholic you have to know that Jesus is the second person of the trinity and true God, not a “demigod”, that’s really disrespectful 4:36 Comment from : @duckywuckyshorts |
Ok loser Comment from : @pharisaeus6493 |
Unfortunately for me everyone in my family knows each other and have close relationships so I can't have a small thirty minute wedding 😔 Comment from : @shatachan20 |
calling the tailor the penis man is too funny Comment from : @cooperer23 |
yeah American weddings seem boring af, in Poland we make a huge party that lasts basically 12 hours lol Comment from : @malinowskki |
whos affording these lmao are people going into debt to get married that sounds not stupid at all Comment from : @confusedkemono |
Phratographer Comment from : @Nick-ij2yy |
5:55 its hilarious that enough people have asked “is a fetish thing?” that they immediately have to say it’s not Comment from : @evabeveridge9651 |
The one thing I HAAAATE about weddings is EVERYONE I have been to without fail has that one family member(s) that protests by not going or making a huge deal out of the ceremony not being right "HEY IT'S NOT FOR YOU!!! JUST GO ACT PLEASENT AND BE SUPPORTIVE FOR ONE DAY!" Comment from : @Gentlemenpickleesq |
You know? In Oaxaca Mexico people usually give the bride and groom a lot of gift, and I'm not talking about money or sh1tty gifts, I'm talking refrigerators, a whole set of plates and cups, beds, everything u need in order to fill your house with things u actually need Comment from : @sophie-queen1111 |
That whole ending Beautiful Pure beauty LMFAO Comment from : @YaoiCifer1 |
4:10 How fucking DARE you speak to Abbie like that Comment from : @Terrorly_ |
I've been a videographer at weddings for a short while and I deeply hate them for exactly all the things you mention in this video And all these couples believe they had a unique wedding even though they're all the same Whenever I'm invited and really need to go, I'm that one guy who doesn't wear a suit and who's suddenly disappeared without anyone noticing him leave Comment from : @Ni5ei |
Went to my friends wedding last October and honestly, it was the coolest one I've voluntarily been to They had the ceremony and reception in their home, my friends mom made the wedding cake, and the theme was an afternoon tea party A real small and overall sweet gathering that I was so happy to have been invited to The other was a Catholic friend from college and while it was nice, it was a tad long All other weddings I went to I had no option in getting out of because they were either for family or I was underaged at the time and couldn't be left home alone😅 Comment from : @samanthaholness8151 |
I bcackled/b at ‘eating the flesh of a demigod’ Comment from : @Me-sm8os |
I now understand why my parents got married at my mom's mom's house Okay wait that sounded confusingbrMy grandma's house From my mom's side 👍 Comment from : @yuriakina660 |
As someone in love, we will get married but will not have a wedding Weddings are stupid and expensive, same with wedding rings Comment from : @4NG3LB1T3S |
Big tugg in a wedding dress is now my favorite thing in the entire world Comment from : @Certifiedtoejameater |
Wedding are for the rich lol And Marrage is a rule set by God Comment from : @julquarnynereact |
I went to all my friend’s wedding in the 1990s With exception of maybe 2 couples, they are all divorced these days Comment from : @kathyroux7386 |
You've never been to a long wedding until you've been to an indian wedding 😭 Comment from : @chocolateaddictedartist5924 |
I like how you're using a toilet brush as a microphone Comment from : @Deilos_pizzagame |
Bondage experience was probably supposed to be a joke Comment from : @N_Michael |
You remind me of Donatello from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Comment from : @sumgirly |
Weddings are dumb Comment from : @LydiaHottle-e9o |
LOL, I want sure what to expect for this video but I'm not disappointed My husband and I detest the whole wedding thing, too We decided to elope on our own in Vegas shortly after he proposed to me, say yes to everything our parents agreed to pay for for the "real" wedding that summer, and ended up throwing a big BBQ at a swanky distant relative's house for the ceremony/reception It was pretty awesome He still wears the boots we got married in to work every day It's been almost six years so far, and every time I think of how we got married it gives me a good chuckle Comment from : @rosem7042 |
🤔 hmmmmm Its almost like it was never supposed to be about you? Ever think about that? Comment from : @KohlRomero-m6i |
Rich people are really generous at weddings and usually pay in cash so if you're a mover definitely try to get jobs setting up weddings If they wont go away we can at least use them 👍 Comment from : @justinalt9452 |
I should invite tugg to my wedding Comment from : @nakayoshi93 |
No, because here's the thing Weddings are a tradition for those who If if you don't know if you don't wan to have a wedding Just don't have a wedding helno You still should should get married if we're gonna be together with somebody like that Butbr It's again, it's your choice if you don't wanna get married Don't get married, just know that most people aren't looking for a long time Just boyfriend, girlfriend or whatever they're looking for marriage And most people love the traditional It's your fun I mean, you're a personally been in a wedding I was one of the groomsmen for 1 of my best friends That was an interesting thing Everybody knew they were gonna get married They just didn't know Exactly when it would happen, but like pretty much as soon as they were both 18 They got married They had started new dating Technically? They weren't dating because one of them wasn't up officially allowed to date until they were 18 but Everybody knew they were dating They just weren't dating officially Technintelligent, they immediately assume thishe was older than him, so as soon as he turned 18 pretty much so they started Marriage plans, a 30 wedding plans, and the wedding was excellent on the first of the yearbr And sobr Yes, I was that was fun Like what is a fun? As long as you actually like know, the people that are in the like, as long as you actually know, the person getting married Now, if you like don't really know the people getting married and you're just like kind of drug around by your family because your fame, you know, somebody in your family knows them And so when I was younger I would just like get dragged like certain different weddings and stuff that I'm likeI don't really know these peopleI've actually also been in one more wedding like officially been in itI was the ring bear for my aunt's wedding Comment from : @benessex-yk4fy |
The actual reason to stop weddings is because they celebrate something that is easily thrown in the garbage without a second thought because of a young Taiwanese woman It’s like throwing a party about a shirt bought from Temu brbrAsk Chase Dabney He’s an expert at tossing the people who care about him most into the garbage Comment from : @erindabney2758 |
Most recent wedding I was at was 3 minutes long The couple intentionally speed-ran their wedding because they new that no one likes super long weddings Comment from : @jakedoesyoutube |
last time i "hid the shoes" we tackled the groom and each got like £20 Comment from : @LokanBavisi |
When this video first came out, my family was on a road trip to a wedding Comment from : @DexMythology |
why did I get a commercial about weddings after this video 😭 Comment from : @lesbian-p2y |
I used to work in a Wedding Band as a guitarist and knowing the fact that most of those wedding were gonna divorce/cheat was the funniest thing to me oh and don't get me started about those horrible speeches that everyone was basically forced to laugh at them Comment from : @GiorgiKO95 |
I’m so glad my wife and I just fuckin' eloped We paid for wedding style photos, about 2200 dollars, but her family gave us wedding gifts so it was a plus in the end People who pay 42,000 for a wedding shouldn't have money Comment from : @gaiusn9961 |
I just started looking for a restaurant and as soon as I said we got married and it’s to celebrate our marriage they send me booking prices minimum spend 😮I was like you can kiss my bridal a…… 😅 what a SCAM !!! I had nooooo idea Comment from : @sashabowman1 |
Thanks for the song recommendation at the end, I've checked it out and he makes really good music! Comment from : @kabpronicaunstudios4287 |
Ok Chandler Comment from : @535JoeJoe |
My only take aways are to get prenup and I charged was too little to do wedding photos Comment from : @skyblockjake |
I was thinking when I saw the title that I agree with this, but the reasons are not goodbr1 Dress Code: Every good event will try to make everyone look the same for the simple reason of ensuring there is no gap between people and trying to unify thembr2 Time: I am not going to waste my time saying more than this: the more time you spend on something, the more likely it is to be meaningful because your brain doesn't want you to waste time on useless thingsbrbrstill this is a funny video Comment from : @zikiwiki |
Wendy's employee here,we had a guy go through the drive thru and ordered like 50 Jr bacon cheeseburgers and fries I asked if was for a school event or something and he said no it's for a wedding! I was utterly perplexed and found that shit hilarious Comment from : @bssaassin1900 |
My husband and I just got married in October We went to this place called Ancient Lore Village (technically a destination because we live in Texas) But we only had 30 people including us, it was all-inclusive so they took care of everything, we spent three days there, and we 3D printed our wedding favors It was a blast Our ceremony was like 20 mins max and it wasn't hot Best idea ever Everyone loved it and wanted to go back Comment from : @Ember_Essence1 |
One more reason why I'm glad I didn't marry my ex I'm using that $42K to finish school and get my life together Love is cool, but only with the right person Comment from : @johnnyu5496 |
My wedding was at the registrars office with only the closest family and a dinner after the ceremony Three months later we held a party for our friends with a Thai buffet…best decision ever Comment from : @fuchurZero |
Idk Italian and Mexican weddings are fun asf Comment from : @airsoftluke17 |
Wait until bro finds out about slavic weddings (Its not just a one day thing, its like 3 or 4 days in a row) Comment from : @StudiomcmasterTV |
Everyone can spend how much they want y'all just complaining because your wedding (and marriage) sucked Comment from : @careottjuice |
Last wedding I went to was incredibly informal Nobody dressed up in anything fancier than casual Sunday attire, it was outdoors, the refreshments were just store bought hotdogs and chips Luckily, not much money was spent on the wedding because within less than a year, the groom was caught having an affair with a coworker ON THE JOB NO LESS! Weddings are simply not what they used to be Comment from : @DanTheMan27 |
Referring to a tailor as a “penis man” is the most incredible beautiful insult I have ever heard Comment from : @Pkdude4623 |
Why would anyone do this? Have you no brain? Comment from : @ScallywagArtist |
Could we get a Big Tugg bingo for his videos please? Comment from : @fonglee8693 |
Oh, my boyfriend wants a destination wedding specifically because he knows everyone will hate us He wants to flex He also wants to avoid paying for anyone's food or drink It'll be fun, lmao Comment from : @niconico486 |
Honestly as a women i think the idea of wedding is sweet Joining to 2 family out of love But honestly i hate wedding Cut out everything like bridal party bachelor party Maybe have a nice picnic and a wedding cake and it all good No need for anything fancy We can have a fancy honeymoon instead and travel for a week No alcohol no loud music Comment from : @Sushidogbat |
Weddings are not bad, they are stupidto put it mildly👀😊 Comment from : @Dyson-yq1mk |
is this evil of me that i kinda wanna invite tugg to my indian weddingthe actual wedding ceremony takes anywheeree around 4-5 hrs in my culture LMAO Comment from : @froggywithaheart |
Weddings in Qatar have gotten so over the top, they’re hitting $100,000 now, and that’s just the starting price!! Comment from : @vmtvf |
Uh, i am Indian, so this sounds like an inexpensive wedding to me 👍 Comment from : @divyass2776 |
So basically, you ARE an incel child whose only goal in life is to shit upon everything that people enjoyya, you must have a TON of friends LOLI mean, how pathetic is it to go on a rant about a thing you probably wont be asked to attend nor actually participate in yourself? Oh, and religion doesnt have to be a part of any of thisI knowI didnt have any Comment from : @shadowmancer99 |
Oh my God that is a ton of money! For ONE DAY?! As someone who just got married, I thought we spent too much and the entire event was under $5k And as amazing as it was I would never do it again The stress and the cost was too much to justify Comment from : @haleybenefield473 |
$42,500!!! Who has that kind of money??? I know no one who could buy a Toyota whatever whatever pickup with 💯 cash 💵! Why? Why wouldn’t a newly married couple use just some of that for a great honeymoon and a possible down payment on a house or if not, a pickup? Who are these people? I think it’s more about the bride, groom, moms and dads, possibly grandparents just maxing out every credit card 💳 they have! Also, are there just way more 1-ers than I realized? I am with Tugg completely, except for calling Jesus a demigod 😮…that’s my line in the sand But I’m not Catholic so there wouldn’t be a Eucharist or a priest You do you tho… Comment from : @tejadeja9542 |
I'm a South Korean and I didn't know a groom's foot got beaten during the wedding, what- that sounds fun why did I never know about this? Also as a South Korean I can definitely say that we have a LOT of dried fish in South Korean feastsbrbrPS just came back from research apparently it was just to mess with the groom during the wedding Comment from : @모아미솔방울 |
the liberal media trying to overthrow the american family, a tale as old as time itself Comment from : @Meithighs |
I had to go to a wedding for one of my family relatives on my dad's side that I know nothing about who lived in Long Island, and maybe it's because I was like 8 when this happened, but it was the most boring thing ever and the only good part was going to the dinner the day before the wedding because damn can hispanics cook great food Comment from : @Mxmuffin |
What’s even worse? Is that a lot of times the bride/bridal party have been awake since like 6 AM because of hair and make up Comment from : @asliceofalovelyaffair4369 |
The giving away half of your stuff made sense when women werent allowed to get jobs Comment from : @Grundlewald |
No body considers Jesus a demi god And ironically Orthodox weddings dont have the father hand you off, both partners jist walk down the aisle together Comment from : @kightsun |
Best decision of mine and my partners life was to elope So much less stress and money even with having a post elopement party Comment from : @Chemy-04 |
Yeah but if you've got the money Doesn't really matter does it? Comment from : @ninjamalec |
My parents' wedding was less than five minutes long and less than $100 so it can be done Comment from : @MelissaNicholson-x5i |
Weddings fell off when it stopped being a religious thing Comment from : @edgysnarfbrownie5778 |
Oooh I despise weddings! Let me show you why they are the bane of my existence: 1 I HATE SUITS AND TIES SOOOO MUCH! But oh no everyone will chide me for dressing comfortable Screw dat!!!! A light button up shirt with jeans or khakis or chinos is comfy and I look good and "prufeshionul" in it 2 Watching others celebrate love while I'm single and alone I hate it here!!!' 3 It takes forever! 4 Hard work and money Yuck! I'd rather do a pool party wedding and not use all my life savings on a wedding And finally 5 The foodoh wait that's the only good thing about weddings Hahaha! Comment from : @nate9030 |
5:41 bastinado Comment from : @jennifer__e |
Love the mic wat brand Comment from : @Emblemedvicarious |
Eating during the ceremony will be alowed but it's gonna be like a movie thing get your shit unwrapped before it starts Comment from : @pastelprincess8937 |
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