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Gold Price At $15000 Per Ounce

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Title :  Gold Price At $15000 Per Ounce
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Description Gold Price At $15000 Per Ounce

Comments Gold Price At $15000 Per Ounce

Sitting here in 2020 and gold at just under $2000this doesn't sound too far off
Comment from : @only_visiting

HahahhahahahahahahahahahhagagagagaagagagsgagagagaahahaahhahahaggagagbrHow can these clowns keep a straight face spruiking this nonsense?
Comment from : @technoomelette6836

its almost 2016 NOPE!brPure BS Gold keeps falling in price
Comment from : @tomleykisp118

Well, " earlier than that" in the next 3-5 years" It just did not happen, did it
Comment from : @tatianagann5104

Take a look Stop paying attention to outdated videos and sign up for this live event going on soon you will uncover exactly how someone is getting $100,000 on a monthly basis on the net It's LIVE though So join quick Simply look up Sweet Income Exercise and you'll see what I am talking about
Comment from : @sumonagrofarm

you must be jokinglmfaoooo you do know gold went to about 1,900 last year i believe ;/
Comment from : @VEX519

4/29/2013 silver is $2426(o_O)
Comment from : @HA9AZPRSRT

hqahahahah looooollss eh haahha for real
Comment from : @orderofthebluejay

This guy needs to see a doctor
Comment from : @ryanm3038

It could go up drastically, if people demanded the actual gold instead of the paper representation of the gold they purchase Gold sellers are selling more gold than really exists I suggest you get a hold of the real thing before everybody asks
Comment from : @HorizoSun

and how much is a fiat dollar worth today?? and how FEW companies from the 1800s are still around to this day?? Gold is forever my friend even after we are all gone gold will still be it does not oxidize the only way to break it down is with aqua regina, gold does not rust, gold is mallable it is easy to create with, and lasty GOLD IS DESIRED here in lies the value my friend I hope you see and go get yourself a few ounces before its too late, at least a few ounces of silver
Comment from : @TheMetalPicker

the uses are very many A nation with no gold is a nation with nothing Do you think we have the vaults at Fort Nox for nothing? just to hold useless junk? So once you accept the fact that a monetary system is necessary you see the NEED for gold, you cant just print paper money all that is is debt, at the end of the day you need a way to pay that debt off and that way is in precious metals, real tangible weath How much is a gold coin from the 1800s worth today??
Comment from : @TheMetalPicker

How long before gold goes to $15000 an ounce? I mean that was two years ago when you made that bold 'prediction', C'mon give us a ball park figure, or forever hold thy peace
Comment from : @SuperCulloden

I am making no mistake When Germany agreed to an Armistice in 1918, it was taken as "surrender" by the Allied Powers The Germans were turned into beggars in their own land due to their Industrial base being stripped and shipped out by vindictive France, and it was left to rust America's Industry has been shipped out, thanks to to such as Bill Clinton saying that we are no longer a manufacturing nation, and that we should concentrate on being a service nation servicing WHAT?! Food stamps?
Comment from : @SuperCulloden

YOU ARE THE DELUSIONAL ONE! how much true value does your fiat money carry? PENNIES IS THE TRUTH there is no use for it Gold has TRUE value, and TRUE USES Both in industry and medical It is the only metal that doesnt oxidize rust etc It has carried tremendous value for thousands of years and paper is relitivaley new in comparison I hope your being sarcastic Watch my videos and you will see
Comment from : @TheMetalPicker

You are right 90 Food and water alone are the only items that have real and true wealth even gasoline we can do without, but even after the collaps if it happens, a monetary system will have to be established and it will be with real tangible wealth which is gold These systems are created out of laziness due to humans not wanting to do the hard work of trading thats why they switched to paper money and banks, its easier
Comment from : @TheMetalPicker

But industries in turn rely on gold right, not all but mainly electronic industry And you forget that Gold is real money, I think your making the sad mistake of thinking of money as the fiat paper money and Gold and Silver as secondary items that you pay for with paper money? Gold is true wealth otherwise it wouldnt be used for thousands of years and th elite would not hold it in their vaults
Comment from : @TheMetalPicker

Gold technically is not useless Look at all of the industrial uses electrical contacts, dental etc, not to mention our need as humans for feel good things like jewelry and gold adorned frames glasses and trinkets Gold also is the only metal that does not interact with the world around it, you can have gold at sea or underground for 1000 years and when you get it back to the surface with will weigh the same and be just as shiny as when you put it there
Comment from : @TheMetalPicker

thats not true in my opinion, I think you mean not much of the population owns substantial gold, think of it anyone who is married owns at least 5 grams of gold in rings etc, I am a gold/silver/p group metals buyer in Chino Ca USA, it is a middle class town mostly but also a large amount of low income housing and Agriculture And I never have a day when im not buying gold in the forms of rings and necklaces from relationships gone south
Comment from : @TheMetalPicker

15k means nothing, it could be 150k, 15000k an ounce The point is paper money is backed by nothing It's worth is determined by confidence and right now confidence in US dollars is in all time low When you see major country like china asking to get paid in Gold or Euro instead of US dollars you know it aint going to be very long before the US dollar would totally collapse So making comparison between US dollar and Gold is meaningless
Comment from : @Kaynos

its just a case of will currency be worth as much as it is today, in a few years time
Comment from : @Satyr910

you can have a system keep track of your physical gold/silver valuemetalquick
Comment from : @Chadillaca

its ova 1700 now!
Comment from : @Thetonemaster1

4 september 2012 01:GMT Gold $169446 moving up speed decent Silver $3237 moving up speed very fast Lets see what it is a year from now
Comment from : @rogersmith667

Bubbles only need lots of capital inflows, it doesn't matter how many people are putting the capital there
Comment from : @newdimensionfilms

GOLD CAD $1,61295 SILVER CAD $2763
Comment from : @cowtippingrocks

But gold allows you to buy all three If you have guns and want virgins, the virgin owner (who is also armed) may not need any of your guns The armed sheep owner may not give you any sheep you need for food in exchange for virgins you have because he a coupke of nubile ones Gold is a neutral medium of exchange: portable, malleable, attractive and has been used as such for whatever reason you care to say for 1000s of years
Comment from : @teller121

Hate to tell you but Deutschland has the 2nd most gold in the world Why don't they sell some of that useless stuff? Before its over, Germany will be taking the gold of the nations you coorrectly label as mooching Remember, he who has the gold makes the rules Why do you think China has gone from being the 20th largest gold producing nation to the number 1 such nation in ten years? Jewelry needs? Nah They are going to back the yuan with gold when the world finally begins to replace the $
Comment from : @teller121

Sup, have you considered this program called the Intellitus Cash System? (do a google search) My mate says it earns people plenty of money
Comment from : @marksarah2195

Gotta love their use of a bunch of crappy copper two pence English fiat coins as a graphic when talking about the price of gold
Comment from : @dcau1

$1620, but the price of gold is arbitrary!
Comment from : @freegoldtube

This guy is doing the selling I hope your not buying thisDont put all your eggs in one basket
Comment from : @indman101

You Buy gold and I will stockpile food and water gasoline and lets see who comes begging to who!
Comment from : @prayforworldpeace

If you want an independent opinion look no further than Mike Stathis of AVAresearch
Comment from : @fuxoffyo

@Meathead36 It's still not going to 15,000 an oz Only a jackass would think that
Comment from : @KoalaBearWarrior

@KoalaBearWarrior do some research right now Gold should be at $57'00000 per oz
Comment from : @snuggleseal

@juicejon1 Have fun with your 15,000 an oz gold Maybe you can buy yourself a monopoly house with that too
Comment from : @KoalaBearWarrior

@juicejon1 you weren't right you said "hit maybe 1700 an oz" and it went past that and has not fell below that meaning you were wrong
Comment from : @juicejon1

@juicejon1 I was right Gold has come down off the 1800 mark You're either a moron or a gold broker if you believe this clown's nonsense
Comment from : @KoalaBearWarrior

@KoalaBearWarrior failmove along
Comment from : @juicejon1

Comment from : @juicejon1

What many other people are missing is that there is very little excess money Newsmax, Beck, whoever, they only show the spike in gov'ment created money, but never the huge amount of money taken from the economy when the shadow banking system collapsed There was a huge monetary black hole created and gov'ment filled it That's it That's your money creation Gold will spike a bit more, but will trail most other commodities and many equities over the next decade
Comment from : @kirkydu

Comment from : @kn9ioutom

I am checking gold price on the below given website but when I go to buy gold to shop they say it being an MCX rate and I will be charged some extra saying that it's an 'ON rate' I am a bit confused about it I don't know what is MCX rate and why should I pay extra to buy gold?
Comment from : @nileshvaidya02

@MrDoeskie anything you want, like food, clothing, etc
Comment from : @lambergino

@whiplash3825 Right and your paper fiat currency has value that meets humanity's three basic needs? Now tell me, if shit hit the fan, which one is a better offer to someone with a lot of food? a wheelbarrow full of worthless papers or a bag full of gold coins? Buy silver, buy gold and protect yourself
Comment from : @lambergino

I expect gold prices to hit maybe 1700 an oz, but no more than that Both guys are nutcases Dow at 40,000 is beyond stupid I wonder, do these people think about the nonsense that they spew?
Comment from : @KoalaBearWarrior

@Talentz92 silver at 46!!!!!
Comment from : @andrewcofrin

@AtlasHBS u make a good point but ur argument is flawed it's tru dat if gold goes to 15k or more dat da economy as we know it will pretty much collapse n the gold will be useless in the short term But u 4get dat u'll know wen the economy will collapse cause the price of food will be insane and gold or silver will be thru the roof u just start converting them to boatloads of cash and buy guns, food, and a quiet spot n da woods n keep some coins for the future if society cums bak n u'll be rich
Comment from : @hotfirein321

@whiplash3825 I like your attitude When this all goes down I want you to round up all of that worthless gold and I will trade you for it Since it will be worthless as you say let's give a trade rate of 1 pound of food for 1 pound of gold The joke will be on me because I will be giving good food (priceless) for bad gold (worthless) Come alone and unarmed and be prepared to be searched by my guards It will be a pleasure doing business with you, and I thank you in advance!
Comment from : @LaserWoodShapes

@WTU208 at least the chocolate teapot would hold it's value better than the fiat paper lol
Comment from : @erikandersson1647

@scidhumouse Gold prices, like stock prices, are the product of market conditions and speculation
Comment from : @TYX91101

So when it hits $15000 you sell it for paper money, which is about as much use as a chocolate teapot? Don't think so
Comment from : @WTU208

This guy is off by about $12,000 On June 22, 2010,Before the latest printing of another $600 Billion by the Fed I did this calculation: US is the largest gold holder with reserves of 81335 Tonnes, Federal Reserve data as of June 17, 2010 the M2 currency number was $77555 trillion dollars This would imply a value of gold at $27,13159 at the current time (2175 x $1243)
Comment from : @DeeJay1953

TRUTH is gold isn't rising in value, it is just that the American dollar is losing it's buying power, it's value since the Bush gas BS and Housing Market BS boom started in 2004 We as Americans are taking a very big pay cut due to the crappy economy since the oil price went crazy during Bush and Cheney
Comment from : @BBradshawProductions

@TYX91101 how about population growth and oil consumption?
Comment from : @Roelandvinken

Chinese currency will decrease demand for the $ and US export, this will increase the gold price Easy peasy
Comment from : @Roelandvinken

The longer a trend is in force, the more likely it is to reverse
Comment from : @TYX91101

@dannydarias1 No one's going to get hurt more than owners of bonds or treasuries, lol
Comment from : @geniusmarketing08

It's not the price of gold going up, it's the value of the dollar that is dropping All that is going on is that gold will always buy the amount that it always has for the last 5,000 years You'll know when you're in trouble when you have to pay $100 for a cup of coffee or $200 for a loaf of bread
Comment from : @lafleurplumeria

@Breycor ok a profit means that they have bought low & are selling high a person who buys now could be buying high due to the fear of currency crash by watching videos like this i think all the central banks in the world want a strong us$ (at lest for now) they don't want a systemic crash specially china & russia who hold trillions of us $ & very little gold they got a lot to lose if metals gain & $ crashes anybody want to bet against that?
Comment from : @nayanmalig

@nayanmalig You can only "hoard" so much Why not make a profit selling what you can't hoard?!
Comment from : @DavidtheNomad

@Breycor i think that silver may have lost it's industrial value somewhat due to digital cameras & the like also a little silver can go a long way it has the same properties of gold somebody can correct me on this there is something we don seem to understand
Comment from : @nayanmalig

there are 2 questions that beat me (1) in an inflationary scenario precious metals go up now it's a deflationary scenario prices are falling so what's up? (2) if precious metals are going to shoot up why are these guys advertising & selling it big time? they should be buying & hoarding it secretly can anyone believe the "I want u to get rich" story"? i think precious metals are now only a store of value & not a good capital gains venture (until prices fall more) somebody prove me wrong
Comment from : @nayanmalig

I've never looked forward to an economic collapse so much in all my life
Comment from : @GerrySkeptic

@whygoldandsilver I used to like silver because of the low price and because "it will reach a 15:1 or 10:1 ratio with gold" I just don't know if silver will do that this time I think gold has the most potential gains percentage-wise but who knows?!
Comment from : @DavidtheNomad

Gold could easily go much higher than $15,000 an ounce
Comment from : @DavidtheNomad

No, 15000 USD Per Ounce is too low
Comment from : @eyreland

@dannydarias1 What gold is doing now is unprecedented You have debt, too much paper being printed You are witnessing what's happening to the Euro, right?
Comment from : @zardcat1111

Lol! - those coins on the backdrop are UK copper 2 pence (cent) pieces
Comment from : @BillyCosmosis

Just the kind of prediction you hear after a prolonged rise in prices They think they're onto something, in reality the trend is nearly over Dow 36K and $500 oil are excellent examples
Comment from : @TYX91101

I wanna eat gold and money!!!! please not more PANIC!!!!!!!!
Comment from : @xtyg

For Expert Commentaries on Gold, Silver and other commodity investing check out Industry Watch on EvenKeelMedia 's channel
Comment from : @EvenKeelMedia

Yuppies like this have never gold panned, there is plenty of un-tapped aluvial streambeds in the world and the gold market is just like collecting stamps you will never get book value and you increase your chances dramatically to get robbed by strangers or friends Remember folks gold was not traded in MadMax, go panning and find out it is a blood money industry and a huge theft of your last few dollars YOU CANNOT EAT GOLD, YOU WILL TRADE AN OZ FOR BREAD OR GASOLINE AND SOME KNOW THAT
Comment from : @STEVEDIGIBOYtv

It actually haven't gained much in 2010 More money in circulation means inflation and the price of the dow is just inflated right now Instead of gained in value Compare it to ounces of gold and you can truly measure the value and if it has gone up or down
Comment from : @pokermon919

Read his book on gold and silver The most important thing I got out of it is, instead of placing a number for value on things like stocks/commodities/property You have to use something with value and can't be made out of thin air like paper That is why in this segment he talks about the dow in terms of the oz of gold and not dollars Because if you go back far enough you could buy shares of the down for a tiny fraction of what it is today It is just in modern times the money is so inflated
Comment from : @pokermon919

Comment from : @amcanmike

Sorry, you are wrong on this if you had piad cash for an average amercan house in 1970 for $20,000 and sold it in 1980, it would have been worth about $40,000 If you had bought gold with that $20,000 in 1970 instead, in 1980 at it's peak, gold would have returned you $485,000!
Comment from : @geniusmarketing08

I hate when talk this nonsense They said the same crap about the Dow going to 20 or 30,000 several years back during the internet boom Yes gold will increase but not to $15,000 If that happend, why even talk in terms of dollars anymore It would be pointless Think about it A nice suit would cost you $15,000 A loaf of bread $3000 This nothing more than scare tactics to get people to buy gold I say buy but be realistic about it
Comment from : @OnlyGreatness007

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