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Decimal Currency - The New System

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Title :  Decimal Currency - The New System
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Comments Decimal Currency - The New System

It seems like Australia and New Zealand tried a lot harder to be less confusing both with their coins and with their adverts
Comment from : @timbax3267

MIght have been easier if the new currency had a new name
Comment from : @QuarioQuario54321

United States should do the same thing by switching to Metric
Comment from : @thefrench8847

Wow: I have to say it Britain really did a lousy job of changing from the old to decimal currency Cutting amounts in half, delivering coins and notes, and different coins at different times Really! Talk about stuffing the whole thing up and taking the public for idiots
Comment from : @Tonipepper01

I was just eight months old when decimalisation took place, so never had to worry about the transition
Comment from : @angelacooper2661

DECIMALISATION🎶 Soon it's time to change the money round
Comment from : @torshavnnewell

I was in my mum's tum til July
Comment from : @jimmyviaductophilelawley5587

Too bad they haven't made the new farthing coin
Comment from : @revinhatol

Can anyone link me to the Decimalisation song? All I remember is it started ‘decimalisation, demalise, decimalisation, decimaliiiiiiiiiise’ 😂😂 it’s been earworming me for 50 years
Comment from : @petey581

Bloody Brussels Smh
Comment from : @andzzz2

As a young American I'm actually quite sad that this system is gone I love quirky things like Britain's Pre-Decimal coinage, and learning how it worked was actually quite easy in my opinion
Comment from : @BalticoYT

Comment from : @robhingston

Ffs what the Hell was the point of half a penny??? They shouldn’t have ever bothered with that crap!
Comment from : @dommidavros2211

Scotland will take the EURO
Comment from : @daviddack1595

I think it would have made more sense to use cents instead of new pence Other than that, I think decimalization was a good idea
Comment from : @shirtless6934

The old penny was one third of an ounce of copper - costing more to make than its face value One of the big drivers for decimalisation was that the economy had been ravaged by inflation, and it allowed the government to introduce low value coins that actually cost less to make than their face value!
Comment from : @mandolinic

The old money system was lunacy "That'll be four bruce's,, half a thistle and a grunter please" Pardon sir?!
Comment from : @97channel

cus were british and the british use pounds and pence
Comment from : @stormadams1878

Are you confusing 49/6 as a fraction? The amount is 49 shillings and sixpence over (less than 12) If you know this, shoudn't your question logically be if there were 20 shillings to a pound why was it not expressed a £2/9/6? Possibly for the same reason things are priced at £999 rather than £10, Though in in this case the amount is the not same, both methods make the price look less (another reason for a 999 is to force cashiers to use a till to give change so they are less likely to steal)
Comment from : @DRDFOX

I wish that idea will come to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Comment from : @revinhatol

My uncle says the old monetary system was way better, because it "confused the fuck out of American tourists and servicemen" you could short change them and rip em off big time lol
Comment from : @KevinJKtheman

I see the 12 year olds have entered the debate with a very reasoned argument
Comment from : @OlegKostoglatov

It's almost worthless to invent something if it is never made use of the British built Colossus for code breaking and scrapped it after the war The Americans built ENIAC and built manufacturing empires off of their discoveries by selling and renting computers to business and government for a whole multitude of usesThe manufacture and sale of goods,consumer or otherwise,creates employment, and those same Americans you speak of have bought billion of dollars of goods from Europe over the years
Comment from : @OlegKostoglatov

Oh there goes the story about Marconi inventing the radio again The only thing he came up with was a wireless telegraph device and promote it, most of what constitutes radio now, even Am broadcast radio, involved dozens of inventors, engineers, and scientists, and hundreds of different patents The same is true of television While it is true that the British did construct an electronic computer for code breaking, nothing was done to compound or commercially exploit the discoveries made
Comment from : @OlegKostoglatov

There were 12d to the shilling - not 12p
Comment from : @aliwhitwell

Actually I bet silver would have been kept in a while longer if the war debt didn't have to be paid off
Comment from : @OcarinaofKillingTime

The little question of not having an empire anymore and ceding international leadership to the USA (who have now wasted it), did for silver coinage Anyway, you would need to have at least a £50 coin these days to warrant silver coinage How often do you see a £50 note, never mind a £50 coin?
Comment from : @anonUK

That was 49 shillings and 6 pence, ie just under £250 (although more like £35 in today's money)
Comment from : @anonUK

It's funny to read comments posted here praising the archaic British monetary system as being "better"
Comment from : @hebneh

yeah, I can't believe they actually called them silver for those who don't know Britain left sterling [925 fine] silver in 1920 and half silver [which is still acceptable imo] after 1946
Comment from : @OcarinaofKillingTime

'the three silver coins' oh don't you mean the 3 imitation silver coins!
Comment from : @madbob73

We were given until around 1973 to get used it Many places used dual money for a year or so after the 15/2/71 Beyond 1973, inflation took it's toll on raising the new decimal prices
Comment from : @DonRuggio

ere im confused wiv all this stupid new fangled money nonsensebring back the farthing an the shilling dontcha know guv'nor
Comment from : @peterpeterxxo

I've watched this twice and I still don't really understand I can see why the UK converted to decimal LOL
Comment from : @surbon514

@pickering86 this meant on pay day when you were paid for fractions of pounds the amount you were given was a much more accurate affair as the pound could be divided quite easily with the decimal system you run in to problems 100 pence can only be divided equally by 1,2,5,10,20and50 ANY number cant divide equally, so back when pennys were worth something (hence the half penny) it caused uproar as people found that money was being rounded down to accomdate the currency tbc AGAIN!!
Comment from : @voiceofreason2008

@pickering86 pounds shillings and pence, really baffled me at first but once you know how it works i really can not understand why we changed the system we had OK its easier to with a decimalised currency (basically means to the power of 10 mathematically) but the old system had its benifits The old pound was 240 pence at first you may wonder why, 240 can be divided by 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10&12 to keep it to small numbers to be continued (damn youtube and its character limit)
Comment from : @voiceofreason2008

@pickering86 "pene" is a kind of pasta which is undoubtedly easier to use than shillings
Comment from : @thelastbumblebee

Today in english we were reading a war time book and our teacher was telling us about the system they used during the war, and about how children were confused about the new decimal system, which is strange as I find that the old system is more confusing than the decimal system!
Comment from : @animationdude56

Really can't get my head around how they used to work with shillings Pene is just so much easier
Comment from : @pickering86

40 Years ago today!
Comment from : @velocet1976

Australia did the Decimal currency changeover notice better than the english By singing a catchy song
Comment from : @Demoist

@UKSazzy67 No, the pound was worth 240d, not 240p 12 old pence to the shilling and twenty shillings to the pound
Comment from : @JBofBrisbane

@LookBetterNaked - this isn't the Metric System, it's Decimal Currency The Yanks had that long before the Poms
Comment from : @JBofBrisbane

@bwitz72 probably wont be called the euro
Comment from : @MrOregona230

i found a halfpenny a couple of years or so ago but i lost it D:
Comment from : @iComment2k9

a half penny? Why?!?!?!
Comment from : @RainbowManification

Well, it's all very well pining about the old money, but most of us were under 10 when it was phased out or like me, not yet born You do know librae solidi denarii was invented by the Franks under Charlemagne, and that it was the first common (West) European currency? It certainly didn't come fully formed from the mind of the Anglo Saxon King Offa The shilling and penny was a Germanic currency (the Austrian currency was the Schilling right up until the Euro was brought in)
Comment from : @anonUK

much better than the dollar/cents system
Comment from : @bobsullivan14

1/2 & 2 pennies, your kidding
Comment from : @BurlingtonNorthernRy

In the 1980's and early 1990's I remember when we used one shilling coins as 5p's and two shilling coins as 10p's
Comment from : @FieldmasterFox

what the hell is wrong with these people
Comment from : @illustriouschin

I was born in 1980, but I don't like decimal currency The old £sd system was so much more interesting than the really boring (and un-British) one we have now!!!
Comment from : @disremembrance

Well I didn't know that!! I've been living in Britain since 1979, using her currency for the past 30 years and someone has finally spread the news that the half penny is no longer here! In case you couldn't tell, I was being sarcastic - I know the half penny is gone love lol On a side note, we still use the One and Two pence coins which were used right back from 1971 In my purse I have a 2p coin dated 1971 and a 1p coin dated 1978
Comment from : @Georgiahulse

All getting very complex & maybe too much for in debt comment on YT However, I think evidence will show that in household items & things like cars possession in Europe was way behind the USA These things tended to cost more here & in general we earned far less, thus people were more inclined to rent tvs, even monochrome I realise I speak from the economically poorer neighbouring island
Comment from : @ESCsince1968

I never realised that you were around in the late sixties, are you older than you pretend to be?On my island colour tvs only became commonplace in the mid 70s We got our first one in 75
Comment from : @ESCsince1968

Yeh we switched to decimal in 1971, and are still using the coins that the people of 1971 started using!
Comment from : @Georgiahulse

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