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A Moment Of Language Learning Motivation For Anyone Who Needs It.

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Title :  A Moment Of Language Learning Motivation For Anyone Who Needs It.
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Comments A Moment Of Language Learning Motivation For Anyone Who Needs It.

thank you, I am learning Estonian through a Russian channel, very tough to understand, but very helpful Motivation comes and goes
Comment from : @polymathjourney

The biggest motivational killer is internal within in ourselves I hit a brick road because I can't find a valid reason to push forward in my given language Spanish I love Argentine Spanish but I lost motivation due to my internal self
Comment from : @SpencerLowe-kg4rg

Currently studying the Navajo language as part of a college course and it’s been quite a challenge to find motivation to include language study time into my already packed class schedule But thank you for the video and the solid reminder of how fun learning new languages can be!
Comment from : @lariatforge4559

Comment from : @lariatforge4559

Thank you
Comment from : @jnpkzwjx

Thanks I was really getting a little tired and bummed out about not being motivated enough to learn German and Thai
Comment from : @yonathanasefaw9001

Thank you so much for the encouragement, Robin! I would like to become fluent in Spanish My son and daughter in law are moving to Buenos Aires from the USA in a few weeks If they like it there, I may move there, too, eventually, but want to first feel somewhat comfortable speaking the language It feels intimidating, so I appreciate your words of encouragement!
Comment from : @Jenn10Jenn10

I am going to study Ancient Greek Your video made my eveningthank you
Comment from : @tammiesterling4631

Well said, Robin I am biding my time to get back into studying Russian and Gaelic Needed a break to recharge and your words make me remember the absolute splendour that is Language Learning!
Comment from : @derpnasty3557

I was watching somebody speaking spanish just now I was understanding all of it before I realised that there were no subtitles in english ! Now I'm convinced that I am well above B2 That's given me quite a boost !
Comment from : @solea59

You know something insane that I have realized since starting language learning, is that overall it makes you more keen and adept with anything involving concentration It is incredible
Comment from : @dreamove8878

I stopped paying proper attention to the languages that I've been learning mainly because I was an emotional wreck and didn't get any satisfaction from the process But now things are looking up, so I can embark on the journey again brThank you for incredibly beneficial, essential and timely motivation
Comment from : @rinfrid8651

ഹായ് ചേട്ടാ സുഖമാണോ?? ഞാൻ ചേട്ടൻ്റെ പോട്കാസ്റ്റ് കേട്ടു നന്നായിട്ടുണ്ട്
Comment from : @Observer-i1i

I am translate your videos to Spanish, to improve my English learning thank you!!!! cheers from Chile!!
Comment from : @vitinhaosk8

I love practicing my English listening skills with your videos! Right now I am developing my French skills and getting kore comfortable with my English and I have the same feeling like you! I just adore learning new things in this case languages drive me crazy! ❤️
Comment from : @davidechavarria387

Thank you again for this video! It's the weekend nowso here in Iowa it's negative 35 degrees F with the wind chill and frostbite is possible within 10 minutes of exposure Just saying we need another Robin video to jump start us right now Ok, me in particular :-) We're high maintenance in Iowa lol
Comment from : @IowaLanguages

You're learning Catalan?! What do you use to practice? Oh and thanks so much for this video!
Comment from : @jamesharris827

I loved this video! Currently I'm super excited about my language learning, I feel like Greek has finally clicked a little with me I'm having so much fun learning a little bit every day!
Comment from : @Tov_e

I am studying Russian adjectives today I will read the Shadow of the Wind by Zafon, a great book which you recommended
Comment from : @artiesolomon3292

It sounds like you had a wonderful day
Comment from : @faithmzemba3657

Thank you for this video! I just recently discovered your channel and I'm so glad that I did because your motivation and passion for languages is just infectious and makes me want to jump up and study, too! Right now I focus on learning Russian but sometimes when I don't feel like I'm progressing I hit a little motivational bump This helped me a lot! :)
Comment from : @SiMo-rj3rt

157 🇷🇺 30 Spanish 37 German - my third day studying German, I’m studying with my daughter 😎 #LockdownLangusgeLearning
Comment from : @legitprowrestling6653

Are u a native english speaker????
Comment from : @diegoalves3119

Thank you Robin, today I didn’t want to hit the books and study my daily korean lesson, but now I feel more motivated and excited!! Someday i will be able to speak it properly, to enjoy shows and so on!!! Thank you again!
Comment from : @andrewgomez7141

Thanks for the encouragement learning German herenot sure about a podcast app Any help would help Thanks
Comment from : @victoriahasskerl7282

What's your mother language dud?
Comment from : @khaledkhalil553

This is why I love watching your videos, your enthusiasm is so infectious! Not just about languages but about coffee, taking walks, everything I've been stuck in a rut for a while, but I'm going to hype myself up about the small stuff in life because why not! Your latest vlog has inspired me to study my languages (German and Italian) in the morning before work, and I'm loving it so far Thank you for your videos and hope you're doing well <3
Comment from : @jikkepk8018

I can't tell you how contagious your passsion and enthusiasm for language learning is!! brbrI'm so glad to have come across your channelbrbrTambién estoy aprendiendo español! Quiero visitar países de Latino America! Buenas suerte con tu estudias! :)
Comment from : @Luis-Torres

I love learning languages, I'm currently learning my Fourth language But I get discouraged and unmotivated a lot Wtf Sometimes I don't know what to do 😞
Comment from : @renansouza2195

So cool that you’re also studying Catalan I wish more people would learn the so called ‘less useful’ languages What resources do you use though they don’t seem that abundant for Catalan I’m sure here are some out there though
Comment from : @yourfirstsecondlanguage4782

Thanks ❤️ 😊
Comment from : @idowuolukayode6480

I am learning german and personally i believe i am super motivated to learn this language And of course my motivation is that i am planning to move to Germany for study purpose For me learning german is not a feeling of burden or something which i have to do because i need it but because i enjoy it very much but most importantly my main motivation/incentive is that i will be able to use it for my daily activities there Unfortunately like many other i have been suffering from depression due to the pandemic as the whole life has become sort of a standstill I was not able to move to Germany due to the pandemic last year which has adversely affected my motivation and determination to learn the language brbrI truly enjoy learning german and i really really give my 110 to learn it but due to my depression i am not able to put in the time and effort like i used to Still i am pushing myself in the face of depression and everything to practice my german Recently i have started to to rewatch some of my most favourite tv series in german even if i don’t understand the whole thing But since i already know the plot it helps me to keep up with the series I do not know whether it will be helpful or not but still i am pushing myself and hoping for the best for the future
Comment from : @nizamuddinalamgir5925

I like your energy, man Not only in this video It really inspires me
Comment from : @erudivo

1:27 "when the song hits you right in the corazon"
Comment from : @brownsombrero

Welp, I recently got an urge to start Mandarin after somewhat hesitating with Mexican Spanish on and off May try both on different days
Comment from : @mimipastry

Love it ❤
Comment from : @majakodzoman4924

Great approach and attitude to language learning Today I will work on my German and have a Little less Angst and a Little more enjoyment to the process from your pep talk Vielen Dank!
Comment from : @matthewmcconnell9000

Thank you Robin!I love your videos in general They inspire us language learners and allow us to use new methodsbrbrNot worrying about the details is a very good strategy When it comes to learning through podcasts I do the same I try to focus on the gist I try not to become overwhelmed by the unknown words One tip is to put some book marks while listening to a podcast and have a closer look at it later brbr"Studying languages profoundly improves the experience of life!" YEEEEES it does! For me too!!! I love it!
Comment from : @MyFluentPodcast

Danke für deine Videos sie sind sehr motivierend und interessant Ich lerne Englisch und Spanisch und freue mich jeden Tag darauf etwas neues zu lernen und weiter voran zu kommen
Comment from : @ChristianTraenkner

I have an online welsh lesson this evening, and I’m also going to add more vocab to my list on Notion, hoping to add some code to enable spaced repetition so I can learn the words more effectively Been in a language-learning slump for a while, so glad to get back on the horse!
Comment from : @nataliehargrave2605

Oh filling everything in your life with languages, that's wonderful! brThis passion is what makes life interesting
Comment from : @JonathanOlelo

I'm homeschooling my children because of lockdown so I'm struggling with having the mental energy after their school day to do my own studying 한국어 공붛요
Comment from : @hopefillledday9026

You know, it's different when you study a language and you know it so well, you've been studying it for so many years The languages I'm studying now do not have many speakers, and one of them is technically a minority language that might soon become rare as an everyday language Sometimes I'm like damn I'll never be able to speak any language as well as I speak English🙈brEdit: the minority language in question is Irish, it will not die very soon, it's just endangered as a native language in the regions it is traditionally spoken in
Comment from : @widmawod

Robin, thank you for sharing this wonderful video! You are an inspiration!!! ❤️
Comment from : @SilentPolyglot

how do you do if you had children at home? 🙏🙏🙏
Comment from : @djawadshow1625

Frankly, I haven't been going well with the languages lately Thus I felt a bit exhausted of the cycle I am in right now I haven't gotten a lot done and I was a bit anxious with the progress of mine However, Seeing your video at the morning and watching it as I was taking the first sip of my coffee felt amazing and motivated me to start my Russian journey again today and get back on the track Love to see how excited and blissful you are to learn those languages So lovely :))
Comment from : @mehmetkzltepe4811

Thankyou for a very frank and honest video Robin It really stirred me into getting me into my italian this morning , well done !
Comment from : @solea59

This is soooo much better than "rise and grind" Bought into that bs for too long! Funny I've been listening to the untethered soul, talking about finding energy and joy in life, and you personify it! Thanks Robin!
Comment from : @richardw7010

It's not about how much we fall guys, it's about you realising you fell off and get yourself back in there You're doing this for you👊🏽 All the best in your language learning journey Have a great and prosperous week ahead
Comment from : @gabrielmoka7226

Best wishes Robin, you seem like a bolt of energy and beam of light Like some other listeners I have depression issues and lack real motivation Language is a way to fill the day but it doesn’t give me nearly as much of a spark as it does you I have trouble speaking in my own language, let alone another, though I do enjoy cracking jokes in other languages — it is fun to be able to get away with saying silly things in other languages and watch the natives light up :-) so that’s my challenge! I envy your energy, it is good to seebrbrI am enjoying sombra del Viento in Spanish so I’ll keep working through that! Un fuerte abrazo desde Canadá Jz
Comment from : @jz4901

I am up early to study Spanish (in a non Spanish speaking country) I am struggling on this Monday morning to be properly awake and to get going So thanks for your video brHugs and blessings from South Africabr(PS I hope you have a less crazy week this week)
Comment from : @EFoxVN

I was just losing my language, thank you manbrSpanish is what I ma learning
Comment from : @urnavpal3667

Trying to push through and finish book 1 of Remembering Traditional Hanzi I 100 agree that learning lots of characters fast and early is the way to go I only started learning Mandarin in mid October 2020 and by the end of the month I'll at least be well acquainted with 1500 characters Sometimes you gotta grind, sometimes you hit a brick wall but you gotta keep pushing forward
Comment from : @MikeFeldmeierMD

Good timing, I'm just pushing through the last of Drops in Swedish I probably shouldn't have left the things I found least interesting for last
Comment from : @sharonoddlyenough

Thanks a lot for sharing this video Robin, I struggle often with german and that is the language i am currently learning Your video just encourage me to continue no matter what, have a nice time over there!!!!!
Comment from : @estefanytelleria750

This actually helped a lot! Thanks!
Comment from : @abedbeforetroy_

Currently learning Classical Latin I am using a reader called Lingua Latina and the aid of PolyMathy's supplemental video series Can be a bit boring at times and I have had to backtrack a bit, but I am also starting to really grasp bits and pecies of it It's worth it stay strong
Comment from : @mrrogers9849

Haha I relate with the "I happen to be learning a bunch of languages because I'm a crazy person" Currently learning Mandarin and Russian Had to put Spanish and Shanghainese on hold when I started grad school and got a new job
Comment from : @stephtab922

I have French homework calling my name! How did you know, Robin?
Comment from : @aggiebattery8354

You are so inspirational and incredibly positive! It is so nice and reassuring to have your advice At the moment I am struggling with my pronunciation en français I am looking into starting Spanish or Finnish
Comment from : @annettemcnabb5856

That's accurate It makes you happy just studying the language!
Comment from : @petrosstefanidis6396

Robin, I've followed your work since a long time, and I gotta say man, you are just one of the most important channels in my English learning :)
Comment from : @nori_tutor

Too many languages I am studying Spanish, Polish, Ukrainian, French, and I'm trying to maintain my Russian and Ancient Greek I have also started learning Chinese, but that is only 1 word a day Today I learned about 5 tones
Comment from : @irenemcnamara9699

I don't know what it is about your videos, but every time I watch one I'm filled with this wonderful belief and determination that I can actually learn another language That feeling alone has already managed to brighten up my life, when previously everything had been a bit darker brThat said I did need a motivational kick this weekend, as after the excitement of my target language books arriving, I realised my vocabulary is not at the point I thought it was I also picked books I'd already read in English; which has slightly backfired as I'm struggling not to project the knowledge/sentences I remember onto the page So I end up mentally reciting the English version from memory, rather than actually reading and understanding the words on the page
Comment from : @anaelbright6620

Good video! I was tired and demotivated yesterday and today felt the same way u did Ready to tackle mandarin again
Comment from : @MagnaAnima

i always love your energy and attitude toward growth and improvement! j’apprends le français tous les jours et j’adore ça! i’m halfway through pimsleur’s french program and i’m wondering when is a good time to start booking italki tutors? i guess i should probably finish pimsleur first but i’m just so anxious to learn more! thanks again for all of your advice and inspiration! 🙏🙏🙏
Comment from : @joshbryant6366

Just what I needed right now, thank you!brbrI want to start learning swedish and italian Also I would like to practice my german, because when I was learning at school I wasn't really trying Too bad I didn't get passionate about language learning earlier But that does not matter The present is the most important
Comment from : @nickada

I'm trying to learn Catalan and am finding it difficult to get good study material for English learners I use material for Spanish learners, because there is more availability, but my Spanish is not that good and the material only takes me so far Could you tell me what textbook you are using to study Catalan?
Comment from : @sandrad3346

Robin thank you from Colombia
Comment from : @mauriciob5757

I really needed to hear this today, I study Italian because it's my heritage and it makes me so happy, the joy I feel when I can understand Italian content is beyond words, I may never have the chance to go to Italy, but they joy it brings to my life is immeasurable thanks Robin
Comment from : @GirlFriday68

I'm a beginner who's trying to study multiple languagesbrI learned English at a slow pace starting around 11 years old (I'm 25 now and I still try to be open to new things I can learn about this language) brI'm on my 16th month learning German, which goes pretty good due to my native language being DutchbrI'm getting better at reading/listening to Spanish and Portuguese and still at a very low level in Chinese, Italian, Norwegian and French 😅brMy main focuses are German and Portuguese whilst doing a few excersises for the other languages (except French)
Comment from : @slashdepover3173

Hey Robin, I’m currently playing your most recent ‘week in the life’ video as my background while I study today So, you’re right here with me it seems It’s fortuitous that you popped in today to share this video I awoke exactly the same way, ready to go and looking forward to language practice I sprang out of bed and spent some time with a Danish novel that I’m slowly working my way through and had a thirty minute French conversation about literature Writing has fallen by the wayside of late, but I’m hoping to re-engage with the Journaly community soon Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, my friend!
Comment from : @jamesdavis-ford6882

Couldn’t be better timing, I stopped studying Chinese for 3 months and I’m try a get back into it Currently in a coffee shop going over my last lessons and it feels so hard lol Gotta get excited I think :) thanks for this haha
Comment from : @sazzadazza

Out of all the languages, Which language is your easiest language and which is your hardest one?
Comment from : @michaelewing6522

Listening to you gives me hope! I suddenly start to believe in myself
Comment from : @wasistdas8741

It's so hard to stay motivated when you're struggling with depression I havent been studying as hard as I usually do and it's even more unmotivating Even though I listen to Korean everyday, I do miss fully investing myself in the language
Comment from : @MandiLou41493

This video is just PERFECT for me right now, I had a german lesson this morning and after the lesson I though “Damn I’ve to still learn a lot” and I get into kinda burn out for half of the daybrbrThis video gives me the motivation of still working on it and I’m sure I’ll get itbrbrThanks Robin, you made my day way better
Comment from : @cristobalpintocruz1524

For a moment there, I thought it was a fantasy brNone of this is true for me 😭
Comment from : @JamalAhmadMalik

perfect timing you got me to watch a new Domino Chinese lesson for the first time since November :D
Comment from : @Sam-shushu

Que buen video! Hoy es uno de esos días que no me provocó estudiar más Pero creo que es normal
Comment from : @alobo_78

"Studying languages profoundly improves the experience of life" - that is so, so true Without English, I wouldn't have even known this phrase existed (at least, without watching and understanding this video today)
Comment from : @IKEMENOsakaman

Thank you for sharing your wonderful, inspiring day You asked for us to share yesterday I got up my courage to offer some suggestions to posts in Journaly and I got so much out of the amazing interactions with that terrific community that today I got up my nerve to make my first post on Journaly BTW I posted a web link to today's video of yours on my language learning page in Notions so I can come back to it in the future Need I add that I learned of Notions from you, too I only just found your channel in January and already you are transforming my language learning
Comment from : @kathleenspracklen6849

wow first hahaha
Comment from : @Diotallevi73

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