Title | : | Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum || Concept of New Literacies | DAY SON |
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Sinsano, Dianna Mae AbrBSEd3 Social StudiesbrbrAs the world evolve, the needs and wants of people is also changing In today's context, because of the pandemic, students aren’t able to have a normal or face to face class/meeting But thanks to the advent of technology and integrating it into learning We are able to learn and continue what we’ve started despite of being at home All thanks to new Literacies Comment from : @diannasinsano1671 |
Hello! what are the programs of international and local in building new litereracies? Comment from : @cydarias2520 |
Now I understand💗 Comment from : @bianxiam |
Good day sir! I would like to ask question What are the 4 elements of Literacy? Thank you sir Comment from : @angelicamishu2973 |
Just a simple tap of your fingertip wireless education happens!br brBorres, Jethro Kent JbrBse Fil-III Comment from : @jethb4187 |
Traditionally, literacy was defined from its basic meaning reading and writing skills But in today's world, new literacy was being aroused and it promotes skills oriented in different approach that might results effective teaching as well as effective learning Indeed new literacies is really important to establish a clear relationship between the use of technology with academic purposes and the production and consumption of different approach of teaching ang learning process inside the classroombrbrGamazon, Aileen Joyce FbrBSE-English 3 Comment from : @aileenjoycegamazon6988 |
now i fully understand these Comment from : @dexcymarieyray3344 |
In today's generation to be able to read and write is not yet enough for holistic development, that's why new literacies comes in, that our ability to identify, understand, interpret, communicate, and so on are being applied that can help us to develop the power for economic, political, social and cultural As time goes by the needs of the society also change like the Educators and learners that needs to respond progressively to the technological advances Educators must integrate the new literacy in the curriculum to prepare the students like us in the near future and to be globally competentbrbrRamos, Baby Joy DbrBSE-English 3 Comment from : @ramosbabyjoyd8643 |
The basic definition of literacy is changing as modernization occurs New form of new literacies are now possible by having the means of communication using digital technologies through any other social media flatforms thats involves reading and writing It also builds strong relationships and connections as fast feedback can be gotten In addition, learning alone using technologies became possible brbrPacania, Maybelle DbrBSEd English 3 Comment from : @maybellepacania9231 |
Literacy involves a continuum of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in their community and wider societybrIt will help educators and learners to develop the use of technology Comment from : @ericafuroc7676 |
Alcantara, Lenard Hezon E brBSE-MATH 3brbrFor todays genaration, we encounter some new chnages in our world The change is coming and it is continous flowing in our world In order to survive we need to access for that changes New literacies has a big factor in our life It has a benefit that we can change the future We cannot depend for now in an old traditional As a student, I know that new literacies helps a lot our education in a new normal by using technology to satisfy the communication and teaching (the connection of students and teachers) Comment from : @lenardhezonalcantara5620 |
Literacy is evolving through the years your ability to read and write must not stop their you must continue to explore Nowadays literacy includes technology and it is relevant for us to understand literacy our generation now is modernize we are surrounded by technologiesbrbrbrJhune EugeniobrBse Filipino-3 Comment from : @jhuneeugenio5464 |
Technology brought changes in the learning process or so called, New literacy Traditional form of teaching is no longer effective, the presence of digital form of teaching is arises from new technologies It becomes clear that we are now in the age of digital and one must be prepared to adapt new ways of learning and become globally competitive in the near future Furthermore, everyone becomea flexible enough to acquire more knowledge and enables to build a strong foundation of learningsbrbrAbsuela, Chabelita SbrBSE ENGLISH 3 Comment from : @chabelitaabsuela3149 |
As years passes by we can see a lot of changes happened and one thing of that is the transition of traditional into modern age New Literacies arise from new technologies include things like text messaging, social networking, vlogging, and blogging Because of this changes, students have to navigate more complex and more rich media-online and not just in print It'a about thinking how students "move through" materials as they read and research and how digital materials that a fundamentally different processbrbrbrbrGrashiela SaguidbrBSE 3 Eng Comment from : @grashielasaguid5953 |
GARCIA, RUBIE-ANNE AbrBSE-ENGLISH 3brbrNew literacies have increased the competencies of education Through these, learners became more responsible and dependable on the tasks that was given to them Exploring and making use of the new literacies help educators and learners achieve the same goal as well as they contribute to the development of education Comment from : @rubie-annegarcia7069 |
BSED MATH 3brSALARZON, JHON DEXTER DbrbrIn our generation it is important for us to develop our proficiency in technology, meaning we should be skillfully enough to deal with technological aspects of our learning Many students is having a hard time dealing with technology for those who is not exposed with it especially the DEPed/CHED were conducting online class and as we deal with our learning we tend to search for information and it is important to identify its relevance It is must to impart digital aspects in learning in this generation Comment from : @jhondextersalarzon4393 |
Dela Cruz , Darwin Jay D brBSE-Math 3brToday, we're not just taught to read and write to become literate Literacy has already changed Things are different Learning is not just as simple as before Technology and modernity is the new literacy that this era know And in order to catch up, knowing and understanding new literacies will do These includes, being creative, learning technology skills and communicative skills, and applying ethics and morale Hence, you may now able to live and survive this era Comment from : @darwinjaydelacruz4830 |
LEMUEL CORTEZ BPEd3brbrWe all know that no one is permanent in this world except change, so that we need to adapt all the changes and go with the flow in order to help our selves Comment from : @lemuelcortez11 |
new literacy refers to new forms of literacy which includes technological skills and development which is very relative and functional on today's society brIn our current situation, new literacy takes place in all aspects of our lives People were able to become productive and globally competitive Through new literacies various platform for learning, entertainment and political issues were develop to make education more effective and interactivebrbrBSE ENGLISH 3brBARTOLOME, THERESA U Comment from : @thetbartolome4581 |
Niña Grace AcobbrBSE english 3brbrThese rise of new literacies it should be necessary to apply technologies effectively to place new demand on all of us With this new literacy we ar able to move much more quickly to identify problems Comment from : @ninagraceacob9504 |
Today, we are encouraged to use technology as a meduim of learning In this case new literacies are being enhanced in the students These includes: creativity, technological skills, communicative skills, ethical and moral values And the so called new literacy will be their aid to be a globally competitive in the near future brbrValdez, Roniella T brBSE ENG 3 Comment from : @roniellavaldez3680 |
We used to define literacy as the ability to read and write but as the time passes by the definition has changed This is what they called new literacy which really fits to us as millennial students The definition of new literacies now are "complex approaches towards literacy that concentrates on the social practices and determinants of reading and writing" One example of new literacy is conducting online searchesbrbrNew literacies are any kind of reading, writing and communicating using digital technology such as social media and mobile phonesbrbrIn that sense everyone including community, school, and teacher needed to adjust to the technological and social changes for the 21st century learner's Comment from : @jamaicaalu6259 |
Umlano, Babylin BbrBSEd Eng 3brbrWay of life now a days is driven by technology It is a must for us to be able to adapt for us to be more competitive in all aspects of life We all know that in education, politics, economics, industry, and in some aspects of life, technology goes around We move and manipulate things though different kinds of technologies The new excellence and literacy comes out through it The needs of being literate is now in demand, to cater the needs of our society Literacy is continuously upgrading as time evolves And as time evolves, new ways of thinking change our ways of lives as well as the standard of living, of being literate Comment from : @babylinumlano6966 |
They say that change is the way of life and in order to live in todays setup we must step up The inevitable shifting from yesterday's traditional ways to the advanced technology demands new literacies for us not to be left behind, the world demands us to keep up the pace, thus also encouraging us to do it with utmost efforts Let's not forget to grow whilst the world is changing, sticking with only single literacy is not the trends nowadays and it won't work on today's society It's indeed our responsibility to aim for learning something new and foreign Let’s make it an opportunity to be creative and let's move out of our comfort zones for growth isn't therebrbrDUMALIANG, Alyssa Faye GbrBSE Filipino 3 Comment from : @alyssafayedumaliang6538 |
Domingo, Mitz SbrBSEd FIL 3brbrIt becomes clear that in today’s ever-evolving, technological society, having new literacy skills is not an option – it’s a must Thanks to technology, the world is getting smaller, and we are communicating with people globally on a regular basis In order to be successful in today’s society, one must be prepared to learn, adapt to, and use new literacies Comment from : @mitzdomingo1479 |
The definition of literacy has changed From the traditional to modern, it shows that the technological ages already in our system With new literacy, we can now equally access,can now collaborate with peers around the world, and communicate and compete globally New literacies also teaches us not only to explore inside of the comfort zone, but also explore outside the box brbrBSE ENG 3 Comment from : @epnemenzo3715 |
Literally, when the world change, learning techniques change, literacy change From today's generation, students are capable of learning through digital aspect which really provides them a great contribution and help them to improve constantly However, they tend to use technology rather than visual materials upon learning In connection, they can't live without technology That's why it serves as their new literacy brbrCabalteja, Jesrael A brBSE Filipino III Comment from : @jesraelcabalteja636 |
Through the integration of technology into the learning experience, students are able to digest information through several different mediums, allowing a better opportunity for that information to be retained All thanks to New Literacies Comment from : @stephanietordillos9559 |
There many high technology arises nowadays Like us millennials who are experiencing online class, by the used on new literacy through technology we can able to go with the trend and explore more ideas and conceptbrbrALCANTARA, EMIE VbrBSE FILIPINO 3 Comment from : @emiealcantara4317 |
Due to technological changes, the spectrum of literacy have widened Since the technology became inseparable to us, we ended up using it in our daily routines, making every aspect of our lives easier and better Especially in learning, the traditional way , which ideas are somehow not fully expressed, we now have all the means to share every bit of knowledge/information we have through internet Learning became even more accessible Point is, technology has been part of our system (like our organs) to function well everydaybrbrEspiritu, Clariza PbrBSE ENGLISH-3 Comment from : @espirituclariza8066 |
To catch up with changes and new technologies around us, we need advance and strong knowledge on how to solve problems right off and better comprehension skills to choose which sources will give you rich informations and which sources lacks information New technologies demands the students to have solutions on different issues they face any time of the day, with that reason New literacies extends the minds of the students to modify their latter learnings for better answers and great creations in the everchanging future Comment from : @preciouslucas6949 |
Because of the ever evolving world that we have, that transform from traditional to modern, the need for these new literacies is a must and not an option But the good thing about it is that, the opportunity for global cooperation and competence increases too enabling us to be more globally competitive but at the same time responsive in the local context of our society Comment from : @ronniejhaysaet8020 |
MANIBOG, IAN RbrBPED-3brbrTechnology and knowledge in general are growing at exponential rate, as a product of 21'st century's learner we are the benificiaries of all the advancement of the modernation of these technology Due to this pandemic we embended to the improve technology which we use as a means of communication during this new normal However, with this advancement we should remember our responsibilities as a user We must all observe our etiquitte and don't abuse it Comment from : @ianmanibog9469 |
The fact that in today’s ever-evolving, technological society, having new literacy skills is not an option but it’s a must However, our concept to basic literacies was not enough We can't deny the fact especially in these time of crisis with this new literacies and technologies we enable to attend our online classes, enjoy surfing or browsing and watch or connect with people on the regular basis Moreover, we must prepared to learn, adapt and use these new literacies Nevertheless, we should raise awareness to observe our etiquette and even the pros and cons of these new literacies Comment from : @jascahtaguinod1402 |
Now, we are living in a modern generation which is literacy will improve into new technology As a student, we find information through online and communicate through digital media Since we are facing pandemic, new literacy can give us a better way to understand the lesson carefully 😇brbrbrbrbrFERNANDO, ANGELICA GbrBSE MATH 3 Comment from : @angelicafernando3463 |
Junio Jennefer MbrBSEFil 3brbrDespite of the problems in our society in todays generation we must become more literate and embrace everything Technology changed our world Information is created, shared, and evaluated differently People connect, communicate, and go about their daily lives in new ways with the use of technology Comment from : @jenneferjunio9362 |
Definition by definition Currently the world is at its pinacle of societal change in the view of one world connection Since, the dawn of technology emerges in the late 20's A lot of traditional definition has gone into a lot of reform Since, technology (which includes gadgets, internet and the likes) has been inseparable from us, it took advantage in blending in various ways Now-a-days, it's not enough that a single person knows how to read and write or to comprehend at traditional aspects Despite of multimedia anarchy and generation gap, such, has been essential in our day-to-day living and activites It has been 'a must' for us to understand the new trends If one was not able to join, you'll be left behind hanging At the end, the world is not about pure intellect--rather, it's about the ability to understand new things and apply it in our livesbrbrBSE-ENG 3brFIDELSON G BAUA Comment from : @fidelsonbaua1497 |
What is the difference "L"iteracy and "l"iteracies? Comment from : @mlbbkagura1794 |
Tolentino, Verlyn N brBSE-FILIPINO 3brbrNowadays,new literacies are important in our life and academic aspectuse some technological development to make our work easy Students use internet to gather some information,they use social media to socialize and phone to send messages,etcBut in using technological development,we must always consider our limitations Comment from : @verlyntolentino1176 |
New Literacy focus on the role of digital technologies in the communication and learning Having knowledge on the technology, we can explore, learn new thing and brings us a lot of opportunities and possibilities to gain Because of Covid-19 pandemic have disrupted traditional schooling practices, it's a huge challenge but we need to embrace and fullfil the real worldbrbrValdez, Jolina CbrBSE Filipino 3 Comment from : @jolinavaldez7381 |
Idos, Erick MbrBSE- MATH 3brbrIt simply says that the world nowadays has been changed and we need to response to the changing needs of the societal paradigm particularly in EDUCATION The system, the hierarchy and the curriculum must adopt a new medium, an aid for a new platform which is the DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY if you want to change the world, change your mind Comment from : @erickidos7240 |
Literacy is simply defined as the ability to read and write but as we are living in the 21st century, it requires to be fully literate in using technologies In order to be able to go with the flow, we must not just stick with the knowledge we have, but we must also try to do and explore new thingsbrbrCALINGGANGAN, SHUNSHINE A brBSED FILIPINO 3 Comment from : @everydaywithexo3101 |
New literacy means new knowledge It makes people more logical and can develop their imaginative skill through the use of technology Technology has been part of our daily lives and with the use and help of it, it makes our work done easier and fasterbrbrBSED FIL-3brDESISTO, JHON CARL L Comment from : @jhoncarldesisto4380 |
In this age we believe it becomes essential to prepare students for these new literacies because they are central to the use of information and the acquisition of knowledge Traditional definitions of literacy and literacy instruction will be insufficient if we seek to provide students with the futures they deservebrbrBSE-FILIPINO 3 Comment from : @ljaurinebruno4964 |
Dela Cruz , Teya Mae RbrBse Filipino 3brbrBeing well equipped to technologies are useful in this situation we are encountering because it helps us students to learn in exploring those app through using gadgets Comment from : @teyamaedelacruz3514 |
According to the video, New literacies refers to the abilities needed to communicate with digital media in ways that we're non-existent in a pre-digital era One of the example is the ability ti find online information Yes, it is true that we can find new information but we the students should learn how to locate, evaluate, and process those informations and communicate what we have learned to othersbrbrGARCIA, ORLANDO JR PbrBSE FIL Comment from : @orlandogarciajr573 |
VILLANUEVA ANGELICA A brBSE FIL3brbrLiteracy is commonly define as the ability to read and write but in the changing needs of the society this perception changed because of technological needs as well as globalization Enable to be literate , individual must be computer or digital literate not only the basic learning we knew Comment from : @angelicavillanueva8307 |
Bernardino, Angel PbrBSE FIL 3brbrAs we face this pandemic, new literacy skills are being developed as a medium of teaching and learning We need to embrace the growing emergence of new literacy along with the rapidly changing of our environment Comment from : @angelbernardino3853 |
We are now in the 21st century, many changes happen unexpectedly and one example to that is the literacy, we can call it now as new literacy meaning there is digital technology involved Technology play a very big role in teaching or in the form of education because as what we are experiencing right now, we are able to continue our classes through the use of technology This new literacy help us to get more familiarize to the technology and expose us to find something new brbrCalimag, Massachussetes D brBSE-ENG 3 Comment from : @massachussetescalimag1402 |
JOMAECA PUDIQUETbrBSED FIL 3brbrOne of the 21st century skill is the use of new literacy by using technology tools, it can help both teacher and student to communicate more specially now a days that we are using the "distance learning" due to pandemic Comment from : @pudiquetjomaecaselmo3651 |
As time goes by and as the society changes, new literacies is becoming more relevant and useful nowadays, especially now that we are facing an unexpected pandemic Everything change when this pandemic hits our country, it greatly affects the way we live as we do before As a student, we are the one who affected by this pandemic in terms of our education As we face the new normal, teachers should provide an alternative teaching modalities or new learning modalities for us to continue to learn even we stay at home We are now doing the big adjustment as a students especially to those students who's not literate enough in handling technologies It becomes clear that in today’s ever-evolving, technological society, having new literacy skills is not an option but I think it’s a must We might new to this but it's the best way we can as of now To become fully literate in today’s world, we, students must become proficient in the new literacies of 21st-century technologies brbrDivine Eloisa Clarise G RamosbrBSE FIL 3 Comment from : @DivineEloisaClariseGRamos |
Gonzaga Evangeline RbrBSE Filipino 3brbrIt becomes clear that in today's teachnological society, having new literacy is a must in order to become competent I myself as a student looking forward to adapt, to learn, and to use the new literacy because this is what the world need In this pandemic of time new literacies is badly needed because we are battling with all kinds of hindrances in online class or what we called new normal education To be honest all I know is I am already literate when using laptop or cellphone but this time truth slaps me that I'm not that much literate, I always ask my classmate, how to use this? How to send this?brI realise that new literacy is a bridge to enter the new normal education New literacy can help us to discover new strategies in learning and as time passed the concept of new literacy will be adapted and will become useful in the future Comment from : @evangelinegonzaga1681 |
BSE-FILIPINObrbrThe new literacy is part of technological development Through these new literacy, it makes people think logically and become more artistic by the used of digital technology As time passess by and technology become a huge part of our life, we need to know our responsobility and practice netiquette Comment from : @christinejoyballad6844 |
We all know that we are living in a modern age generation and one of the tool of this modern age is the new literacy which new literacy refers to the new forms of digital technology developments, it is the new form of communicating others like instant messaging, blogging and conducting online searches and many more that related on technologies In today's modern age, we must be able to understand and learn more the new literacy for us to ensure that no one left behind in this new literacy learning especially that we have facing the covid 19 pandemic Comment from : @agustinjessicaf8854 |
Having a new literacies is continous learning, as of now we are living into a digital world So, we need to embrace and fulfill the real world because it is important to get more information that we will more knowledgable for our learnings And we need more innovation and alternative ways of learning because of this pandemic, and so we are trying to best to cope up with our lessons, so that no one will left behind brbrAgustin, Sherose Marie MbrBSE MATH 3 Comment from : @sherosemarieagustin2019 |
Belogot FroilainebrBSE FIL 3brbrNew literacy made possible by digital technology or arise of new technology New literacy focus on the role of digital technologies in the process of communication, learning and teaching In today's world we really need a technology , to become literate in today's world we need to become proficient in the literacies of the 21st century technologies We need to embrace the change , we are in a new normal type of learning it should be combined effort between home and school Comment from : @froilainebelogot3290 |
MORIENTE, CHARNIE M brBSE-3 FilipinobrbrEducation will play a major role in new definition of literacy The concept of new literacy is to produce the presence of Technology, because we are now living in the 21st century As we can see the traditional or old literacy is upgrading and dynamically changing From the past we have the ability to read and write with clarity and now at the present, 21st century students will approach and asked to use technological advancements because this is very useful Just like today a lot of complex things happen so to make the situation easier students involved to the new concept of teaching this is to engaged into the method of ICT's or information communication technology In using this the world of teaching is achored also the desire and will of every student Comment from : @charniemoriente9322 |
DIONIO, HAZEL SAMUTbrBSE FILIPINO 3brbrWe all know that new literacy enhancing the ability of all the students to communicate very well there are a lot of mobile application and smartphones that we are using nowadays Inspite of this pandemic, we are still learning while we are in our homesit is necessary that students acquire knowledge from their teacher while they are away from face to face classes New literacy can give us a better way to understand the lesson carefully There are many kinds of information inside the internet that we can use and know Hoping this pandemic we can use our new literacy skills properly and effectively💝😍 Comment from : @mshazelsdionio7479 |
Soriano, Arjoy AbrBSE Math-3brbrThe new literacy encompass much more, it intended to help students to cope up with new learnings and skills in terms of technologies New literacy give us new door to exploring things in easy way and helps us to become globally competent Comment from : @sorianoarjoya9143 |
In this modern world, we have to embrace the changes that technology provide Learners and teachers can be more flexible and knowledgeable By this new literacy we can adopt new tools and discover more effective and efficient ways of doings things in different fields Comment from : @cecilletorres5981 |
New literacies are important to us now a days, because we use this kind of teaching in this kind of situation Despite that we are not more knowledgeable in technology New literacy also gives us underatand the outcomes of technology integration and addressing student access to technology These digital technologies alter and extend our communication abilities, and it is also a good platform to create awareness, entertainment and more Comment from : @efjaylonez65 |
BPEDbrbrNew literacy have a big impact on our daily living Now that we are facing this kind of pandemic, we have a new type of learning which new literacy is being used We are being more resourceful and creative in finding new strategies in learning Comment from : @kayceebarut8921 |
We should embrace new literacy especially that we are now in digital age for us to keep up in today's generation New literacy is an essential way to enhance our ability in reading, writing and understanding And so, through the use of new literacy we are having more opportunity in acquiring knowledge that makes us globally competent Comment from : @jessalynalejandro9907 |
Castro, Rose Anne SbrBSE FILIPINO 3brbrAs the pandemic is still on it's pick, and it is a bit tricky to flatten the curve It's necessary for us to adjust and embrace the new normal Hence, we are also oblige to accept the blistering pace of technology in teaching and learning process But prior to the pandemic, educators utilize technology as an aide of learning to the students, which infact increase educational productivity among them Aside of that, it also reduce the cost associated with instructional materials Evidently, Technological literacy is not just a trend, but a useful thing in 21st century It is not bad to take risk in using technology, as Greene said "Take risk Try something new, you never really know how effective a tool or approach will be until you try it Using technology in your classroom also encourages critical thinking skills Just dive in" As for me a future educator, I will use the best of my ability to enhance my technological skills Inorder for me to provide my students with an interesting and a better learning experience Comment from : @roseannecastro497 |
To become fully literate in today’s world, students must become proficient
brin the new literacies of 21st-century technologies As a result, literacy
breducators have a responsibility to effectively integrate these new technologies
brinto the curriculum, preparing students for the literacy future they deservebrbrbrCharlie Pascua RamiscalbrBSE FILIPINO 3 Comment from : @charliepascuaramiscal7509 |
In the 21st century, literacy skills increasingly reflect technology use and therefore the abilities necessary to problem-solve, collaborate, and present information through multi-media As technology becomes more readily available to all or in any students, concepts of literacy change Now that we need to utilize innovation since we are facing pandemic, we use modern proficiency as a instrument to become a dynamic understudy We have to be investigate more and be able to manage up with othersbrbrPadua,Hazel Joy BbrBSE MATH 3 Comment from : @hazelpadua1081 |
The rapid change or improvement of technology offers us the opportunity to be more knowledgeable and explore what we can do or able to produce Nowadays one of the computer literate is one of the job requirements Thus, we must to engage ourselves to the new standard of the communitybrbrBachelor of Physical Education III Comment from : @chillinph8822 |
Todays world requires people to be good in all things Your ability to read and write should not just stop there You need to go out in your shell and explore new things, do new things and if possible make new thingsbrChange is constant so you should adapt quickly for you to be able to go with the flowbrbrTaipan, Rizel Erika PbrBSE ENGLISH 3 Comment from : @rizelerikataipan2609 |
BSEMATH 3brbrI think that the new literacies encompass much more Their utility lies in online reading comprehension and learning skills, that is why we are required to be proficient and fluent in using those skills or 21st century skills, and they require the ability not just to "read" but also to navigate the World Wide Web, locate information, evaluate it critically, synthesize it and communicate it all skills that are becoming vital to success in this digital world Comment from : @markel-jayestrada6069 |
Technology brought various changes on the way of teaching From traditional it became modern New sets of literacies introduced new develop skills that can help us adjust in these days The new normal brought many changes in the teaching-learning environment Comment from : @ellolen |
Being literate to read and write is not enough, I believe that In order to become totally literate nowadays , we must also learn how to be proficient and effective
in handling technologiesbrbrBSE-Fil 3 Comment from : @larriesantos1515 |
Change is the only permanent in this world therefore we must comply with changes in order to live within and help each other to cope so that no one will left behind Comment from : @arkasuncion4523 |
The improvement/ advancement of technology show a great impact on our lives today Being knowable/literate on the continual change in our environment is must for us to keep up on moving with our daily lives Comment from : @krystalkayeaczon2442 |
BPEd 3brNew literacy is more active most specially with us youth, because of the new technology our world become smaller New literacy bring the world of media into the classroom connects learning with real life and validates their media culture as a rich environment for learning Comment from : @blessinggupuchon808 |
Peralta, Lito CbrBed 3brbrDue to Covid 19 pandemic, We the student of ISU must be ready to the new normal education whether we like it or not it is a must to attend online class In this situation student and teacher will be using new modality of learning in new literacy to understand, learn and communicate of each other This pandemic, new literacy can help us to move up our mind in finding new strategies in learningbrThis time modern literacy is a good way to learn and communicate amidst Covid 19 Comment from : @litoperalta2066 |
Ramos, Jeygar A brBPED 3brbrTechnology is our new companion right now specially us as a studentbrWith this new literacies has a great impact to change the insight of our society,as we enter the new type of learning and modality, new literacies is very important to us which this i accompanied by a digital media, we can be able to widen our knowledge in a particular thing using a lot of information resources New literacies is very helpful to us and also to a teacher as we enter the new normal it is quite easier way to communicate, learn, continue our goals amidst hindrances like this type of crisis Comment from : @jeygarramos5070 |
BSE MATH 3 brbrThe new literacies encompass much more Their utility lies in online reading comprehension and learning skills through the help of technologies and other form of information and communication It may include instant messaging, blogging, conducting online searches and etc Through this new literacies, students may achieve goals and may globally competent And because of this, people adapt changed, knowledge, new ideas, replicate date and visuals through digital manipulation and it manages muti-computer task Comment from : @madelinemasi7605 |
Yashiena Shane G Pineda brBSE English 3 brbrIn a modern world technology is commonly used and constantly changing thing in this time Enhancing students language enhances their subject learning; All subjects can make a specific contribution to developing students literacy skills in different ways;Improving literacy and learning can have an impact on students' self-esteem and on motivation and behaviour It allows students to learn independently and to echance their creative skills Comment from : @yashienashanepineda5241 |
We are now living in a digital age and adding more, is the virus we fought with Hence, It was undeniable that we need technology towards a continuous literacy So I am here to extend my gratitude for having a brave teacher like you sir; for taking the courage to share your knowledge and by proving that literacy is still possible to consummate amidst hindrances along life varied avenuesbrbrSalinas, Jerald Angelo RbrBachelor of Physical Education III Comment from : @jeraldangelosalinas6013 |
BPEd 3brbrNew Literacies have the abilities to develop proficiency and fluency with the tools of technology In order to be successful in today’s society, one must be prepared to learn, adapt, and use new literacies Since many of these new literacies are tied to proper use of technology Comment from : @agbayaniflonyp874 |
The evolution of new literacy is what the time asked for It was made possible because of the arising of technologies Technologies had been a big part of our daily living A big impact that made the development of a person globally competent This is much way easier and it offers opportunities to look forward to We just need to deal with the changes Nothing more, nothing less Comment from : @genesissuyat1020 |
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Lesson 1: Introduction to Literacy | Building and Enhancing Literacy Across the Curriculum #bsed РѕС‚ : Maestros TV Download Full Episodes | The Most Watched videos of all time |
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BC Curriculum | BC Redesigned Curriculum | British Columbia Curriculum РѕС‚ : Students Mirror Download Full Episodes | The Most Watched videos of all time |
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Reading and writing across the curriculum РѕС‚ : Reading Rockets Download Full Episodes | The Most Watched videos of all time |
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Teaching and Learning Across the Curriculum РѕС‚ : artsnowtube Download Full Episodes | The Most Watched videos of all time |
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Teaching Literacy across the Curriculum РѕС‚ : Venice Kay-Ann Veluz Download Full Episodes | The Most Watched videos of all time |
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Teaching reading across the curriculum РѕС‚ : Amy Smith Download Full Episodes | The Most Watched videos of all time |
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Beverly Derewianka: literacy as a resource for learning across the curriculum РѕС‚ : Department for Education, South Australia Download Full Episodes | The Most Watched videos of all time |
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Language Across the Curriculum РѕС‚ : Center for Teaching and Learning Download Full Episodes | The Most Watched videos of all time |
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Literacy across the Curriculum РѕС‚ : Kenneth McLaughlin Download Full Episodes | The Most Watched videos of all time |