Title | : | Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum || THE 21st CENTURY SKILLS | DAY SON |
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In today's world We need someone who cares life all living beings Comment from : @catherineortega5401 |
21st Century Literacy is more than just reading and writing It is knowing how to learn and know br New literacy is a collection of numerous number of higher order skills, students nowadays need these to be able to critically evaluate the reliability of diverse sources of knowledge and information in order to construct knowledge in a specific and scientific way Comment from : @larriesantos1515 |
The 21st century skills are the skills that learners must posses in today's technological era Aside from the basic skills, what encompasses 21st century skills are: learning skills, literacy skills and life skills With the help of these three, students will be able to face what society demands with this modern world In addition, being furnish by these skills will help students to grow better as they will not only be nurtured academically but they will acquire and develop significant and useful skills brbrSicam, Rosemarie AbrBSE ENG 3 Comment from : @rosemariesicam8452 |
I agree, Because 21st Century skills are more important to students now than ever before The use of technology can certainly enhance these skills (Communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thingking) Transforming education is not an easy task especially we are facing the pandemic, but taking these four actions will begin the shift that's necessary to prepare students for their global society brbrbrCHARLIE RAMISCALbrBSE FILIPINO Comment from : @charliepascuaramiscal7509 |
Being in 21st century helps a lot for us students to go deeper with our knowledge It enhances all our critical thinking, creativity , decision and others In fact reading and writing is not enough anymore So, being a students we should cooperate because we have all the means and ways to discover ideas and informationbrbrTeya Mae R Dela CruzbrBse Filipino 3 Comment from : @teyamaedelacruz3514 |
Indeed, the 21st century skills are very vital in this ever dynamic world that we have And in order to adapt, learning, appreciating, and skillfully applying those skills which include learning skills, literacy skills, and life skills are needed Thus, the role of school is very important in making the students prepared and achieve these skills to become successful in the academe and in the professional aspect These skills will help students and professionals to become more flexible, responsive, creative, and successful in both the local and international contexts of the current digital agebrbrSaet, Ronnie Jhay M brBSE 3 - ENGLISH Comment from : @ronniejhaysaet8020 |
BSE FIL 3br21st Century is very important to 21st century learners, it ensure the students to thrive into the changes that occur It helps the students to easily adapt to the constant changes and learn continuously This video is helpful to know what skills should a 21st century learners should possess to function in a society as a productive well-being Comment from : @angelicavillanueva8307 |
Rodriguez, Aira Joy GbrBSE 3 EnglishbrbrTruly that everyone of us need to develop the skills-learning, literacy and life skills for us to be in line with the new trends in this modern world Each of us has the capabilities to hone and develop the skills and carrying it out for us to be competent, well-round and skillful individuals We are the 21st techies who will embrace the changes, innovate new things and discover new learnings that will improve our lives Comment from : @airajoyrodriguez6854 |
21st Century Skills is the new Evolution of traditional teaching, Teachers, teaches us base on the world condition and today's generation we are open to face many changes, Technology plays the major and important role in this situations, If students cannot show their skills in the past, from now on students showing more skills without controlled, they show their boosting abilities to learn, sharing an opinion through collaboration and making them to think and produce knowledge in their own, in other side 21st century skills is the so called advancements and fastest way of learning now a daysbrbrMoriente, Charnie M brBSE-3 Filipino Comment from : @charniemoriente508 |
Jonh Billy B De VerabrBSE Fil 3brbr21st century skills are set of skills that a students should develop or possess in order to become successful in the age were technology is trend and widely used This skills help us to become globally competent This skills helps student to adopt and improve in a workplace It also help student to read, understand , examine or evaluate information Through the 21st century skills, students can discern accurate information and can identify if the information is fact or not Comment from : @jonhbillybdevera9165 |
21st century skills is not only about the ability to read and write, it now involves critical thinking, collaboration, analization, teamwork and any other broad skills that can be a big help for every students to be successful Living in the modern age requires change or enhancement in every aspect of life including education and 21st century skills is one of itbrbrPacania, Maybelle DbrBSEd English 3 Comment from : @maybellepacania9231 |
Being 21st century literate won't just allow you to grow as an individual but allows you to connect with the world as well It's undenial that today's development needs everyone to be a computer literate because if we're not, it is possible for us to have a hard time coping with these changes that we have right nowbrbr 21st century skills serves as a door that connects people around the world as if we're just on the same village It opens oppurtinities in order for us to be creative and become successful despite of this world's conformities brbrCalibuso, Mirasol MbrBSE English 3 Comment from : @mirasolcalibuso7966 |
Living in a modern world requires 21st Century skills If you're not aware of this, you will be left behind This new world is so much different from what we we're used to And whether we like it or not we need to embrace every new things to live in this new world we have That's how important 21st century skills are nowadays Comment from : @kadurbabvlogs3581 |
21st century literacy positively impacts economic growth beyond local community not only community but also international Having the knowledge of digital skills particularly in the technology or digital are important factor as it change labour circumstances creating opportunities both opportunities and risk Comment from : @melanieramilo2366 |
21st-century skills are essential in walking through this age of technology These skills are aimed at supporting learners to acquire the great acting speed of today's modern demands Each aptitude is highly unique in its means of benefiting the learners and teachers Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) covers the advancement of abilities Across these concepts, students are refined for what hereafter's may bring We must embrace CHANGE, the only thing that is consistent in the present brbrMEDICO, LORELYN L brBSE-ENGLISH 3 Comment from : @lorelynmedico3851 |
As globalization arises in its wide and constant way, skills and knowledge needed to possessed by every learners are not just the outer phase definition (basics) but the in depth capabilities to survive the demands of this modern age And that is when the 21st century skills come in These are the skills that covers the ability to comprehend, analyze, integrate form multiple sources whether in digital or in print and the ability of problem solving and critical thinking And these are necessary in this modern times in order to achieve a competency and skills that levels globallybrbrOHLEE JANE P SIONELbrBSE ENGLISH 3 Comment from : @ohleesionel8591 |
JOLINA S DAYAObrBSE ENGLISH 3brThe 21st Century Skills is clearly more than just about Computer and Technology, it also about the four critical areas of development such as Collaboration and teamwork, Creativity and imagination, Critical thinking and Problem solving which is really essential for the learners to be competent enough not just to the domestic border but globally and can help them excell in an international platforms Comment from : @jolinadayao1052 |
BSE Filipino 3brToday, the only consistency from year to year is change, With the 21st century skills, students will have the adaptive qualities they need to keep up with a business environmentally constantly evolving Comment from : @jessiemaefelix662 |
21st Century Skills is the requirement for the students to become successful brAs times goes by there is a changes in the curriculum They change it for the betterment that will surely help the students to become successful in their future The different skills of the student will enhance and will increase as much as they practice it and use it in their learning Without their skills, students will struggle to cope with their respective subjects brbrCALIMAG, MASSACHUSSETES DbrBSE-ENGLISH 3 Comment from : @massachussetescalimag1402 |
21st century skills refers to a broad set of knowledge and skills In this globally and digitally interconnected world all learners need a new skills and knowledge to succeed In today's generation the 21st century skills are more important to all students they need to be able to use technologies to develop their skills In a new normal type of learning we need to know the importance of the 4Cs it helps the students move on to the bigger and better things, these skills are intended to help students to become more flexible and we need those skills to fully participate in today's globally community Comment from : @froilainebelogot3290 |
Today's time it is important to understand the 21st century skill The 21st century learning refers to the skill and technologies which will position our students to reach a world that ever increasingly requires collaboration, critical thinking, adaptability, grit, perseverance and relies less on the learning of facts and databrbrPadua, Hazel Joy BbrBSE MATH 3 Comment from : @hazelpadua1081 |
DIONIO, HAZEL SAMUTbrBSE FILIPINO 3 brbrWe believe that in this era, 21st century We face a lot of challenges but we overcome because of our skillful mindset As a 21st century learner, we can achieve our goals and objective in life, if we used to know how to manifest our brilliant skills in a useful manner Just believe on your ability and make your life as positive as you can Every person have this what we call unique traits Show that you are capable on adapting new changes and challenges in life, always cooperate to your fellows and create a good relationship with them Bring up your bright side!💝😍☺️ Comment from : @mshazelsdionio7479 |
21st Century Skills, it can help student's to move from traditional in to modern To train and develop their skills in applying new literacy brBSE FILIPINO-3brARIEL ACE MENDOZA Comment from : @arielacepmendoza8669 |
AGUSTIN, JESSICA FbrBPED 3br21st century skills refers to a broad set of knowledge, skills, work habits and character traits that are believed by educators, school reformers, college professors, employees and others 21st century skills helps us to be critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, analysis and many more that it regard to 21st century , it also practice our research skills and interrogative questioning 21st century skills can be applied in all academic subject areas and in all educational, career, civic setting throughout a students like Comment from : @agustinjessicaf8854 |
21st Century Skills may not be only define as the ability to read and write, indeed it needs the knowledge of the so-called digital aspect which very relevant in this modern times However, technology plays a big part in 21st Century learning, such as the internet for research purposes On the other hand, it sharpens our mental abilities to become more competent most especially in this Information Age brbrCabalteja, Jesrael A brBSE-Filipino 3 Comment from : @jesraelcabalteja636 |
Ana Marie M Natividad brBSE ENGLISH 3 brbrThese 21st century skills can help the students to be more independent and be able to enhance their learning skills and communication skills without solely waiting for the teacher to talk or discuss everything or the what we call 'spoon feeding' It is also a must that every 21st century learners should posses these skills for them to be able to survive in the modern learning environment Comment from : @anamarienatividad3532 |
JANNELLE R DOMINGObrBSE ENGLISH 3brbr21st-century skills are certain to the core competencies such as collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving that advocates schools' need to teach and help students thrive in today's world Without skills, students are left to memorize facts, recall details for worksheets, and relegate their educational experience to passivity Indeed, students today will likely have several careers in their lifetime And being one of which, we must develop strong critical thinking and interpersonal communication skills in order to be successful in an increasingly fluid, interconnected, and complex world Comment from : @jannelledomingo3264 |
These skills are intended to help us students keep up with the lightning-pace of today’s modern markets Each skill is unique in how it help us With 21st Century skills, we, students will have the adaptive qualities we need to keep up with a business environment that’s constantly evolving Comment from : @chechepagarigan4770 |
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