Title | : | Jordan Peterson: What Kind of Job Fits You? |
Lasting | : | 9.21 |
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Views | : | 5,2 jt |
you want to do a mind experience ? imagine you re going to die tomorrow or in a week… think hard now and ask yourself : does your job still matters to you now ? what would you like to for the time remaining ? i guess your answer… Comment from : @SuperBugybugy |
I miss the old JP Comment from : @paulokano5032 |
💛 Comment from : @dathanajith |
Assuming your society and workforce assumes a meritocratic heirachy Comment from : @MikhailKrilov |
job Nothing I don't know how to work Comment from : @valentinvetements |
Only job i could handle is sign holding Comment from : @njd9143 |
I wish I had seen this years ago Comment from : @Cyberdawn8 |
Definitely needed this Comment from : @01MJ10 |
But McDonald's I thought already have robot doing somethings, some place; so I guess that's out Haha Comment from : @iliftuhigher |
what happened to this Jordan Peterson bro wtf Comment from : @fjaskeh |
💯 Comment from : @MstrEric |
He just compared a machinist with a security guard Wow, no wonder Boeing jets are falling out of the sky Comment from : @timothyappleseed2986 |
Lecture ia nice but i didn't really understand what are basis of all post personally felt that some job/work should be on different category as per iq!! Comment from : @shiprasharma4449 |
Petersen is arrogant Comment from : @annette681 |
Why does he think your IQ should decude what you can do and what you cant? Imagine you have a dream job and you just say "Oh my IQ is lower than this,well, i might just give up" and its just wrong Comment from : @LukaKudra |
love this bus driver!!! Comment from : @patiencefalters9024 |
His rant at the end about predicting the near-future job market is exactly how I feel about it todaybrAnd he predicted it 7 years ago! Comment from : @nadav7679 |
You have a talent for making subjects feel accessible! Comment from : @MableShoaf-c9n |
6:50 he says you don't see robots working at McDonald's because of how complex the positions are Oh how this thing aged Looks like they found a solution to your problem All those job positions for low IQ well we've just turned them over to computers in AI and automation because right now we're technology is at is it's at low IQ level eventually it will start working its way up that ladder reaching higher and higher and will start incorporating the capacity to take on more and more jobs and positions it would be interesting to see if five and 10 15 years down the road if AI and automation follow the same route as his brackets working its way up from low IQ rules and responsibilities up Comment from : @JC-qg5bl |
Forget all of this bs! Just get self employed in the field which interests you! Comment from : @zayannayaz579 |
The problem is not even finding a job I like, it’s finding a job I like AND pays the bills That is my real problem Comment from : @jackmacziz6140 |
Christy Way Comment from : @HughSaxon-r5d |
I don't know about the bottom 10-15 ideabrI've spent a lot of time in a kitchen environment, washing dishes isn't that intellectually demandingbrI can understand if the chefs get you on food-prep or ask you to autonomously organise inventory, but that's a bonus not always an expectation brI'd say maybe 1 in 100 doesn't have a place as a kitchen porter, so long as they have a good set of eyes and working limbs Comment from : @Humineral |
Everything is repetitive! Comment from : @shanecox7942 |
Thanks for sharing this video, lots of interesting content br"classical intelligence" (IQ) has for sure a contribution to success or failure However, I believe Jordan Peterson is overlooking 2 major drivers:br- 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞: being myself a senior executive, I know how important it is to be able to manage your stakeholders, influence, convince, inspire These soft skills are more related to your understanding of how human beings think and behavebr- 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧: there are a lot of examples of people who are average or low IQ standpoint (think of Les Brown from his own statements) that make a massive impact because they are driven by a willingness to succeed Grit compensates part of lower cognitive power (and supports "smarter" people overachieve) I am not saying that absolute idiots with outstanding grit will send rockets to Mars, but I do say that IQ is far from being the only major driver to personal or professional success Comment from : @AYNTL |
First time I've heard the word complexify Comment from : @Joelledford |
Thats like putting people into their places, and thats extremely wrong I have an iq of 92 and i'm a physicist Comment from : @CamewerNone |
I’ve been to a few lectures by professors They are pretty damn good I had one off an electrical engineer those fellas know a lot I got a hand out 2” thick for homework Read that fellas I’ll question you on it tomorrow The history of electricity in one swoop That bloke knew the atomic breakdown of his car Jordan is a great man not because of his knowledge which he has a lot but because of his passion to help others Comment from : @NauticalNightmareDeep |
From what I heard from other people and their experiences and advice the best way to find possible careers that would be best for you you don't just find one based on your interests, desires, and values but also things you're good at like what areas you are most knowledgeable about so in college the best thing is to get a general education so you can figure that out You also have to test to see what your abilities and skills are so that you have a job that you're good at and enjoy It's also good on your resume to not just put your job experiences, but volunteering, personality and character traits, accomplishments, and those abilities and skills, interests, passions, and hobbies It's also good to know the job well by doing research and prepare for possible questions in an interview and how to answer Comment from : @annettehansen6047 |
All this IQ talk is just a bunch of bullshit It's a myth Some kind ofthing created to make a certain group of people feel "special" while they aren't What you do does not reflecet your intelligence You can be a picker or a construction worker and score triple digit You can be an engineer and score low 80s Oh boy i know plenty of DUMB engineers, politicians, even physicistsbrWhat you do in life and what you have in life is all a matter of chance and choices Life gives you the chances you need to go HIGH even if you're braindead All you have to do is to make the right choices, or have somebody make the choices for you A lot of very intelligent people miss those chances or make the wrong choices because they appeared to them when they were young and stupidbrSo cut the "superiority" crap Open your mind and view things a little bit more multidimensionally Comment from : @xXturbo86Xx |
44:04 Арсен прав Comment from : @marley229bidabir9 |
I have always been called smart by various people I have done relatively nothing with my life since school I have a feeling our way of gauging things doesn't really matter anymore because everything is going to become something we did not expect Society is going to morph into something unexpected Comment from : @Xfacter |
I found useful bits of advice here (in the beginning), but I think assigning tiers of jobs you’d be qualified for based on IQ was a pretty silly The idea that you can reduce somebody’s usefulness and aptitude at a huge variety of things with one number is a lapse of mathematical reasoning Comment from : @1050 |
idek what field to get into, i between 125 and 130 Comment from : @TalesFromTheSlumsOfMumbai |
I have an IQ of 125, but could never hold onto a jobbrbrThe stress was too much, for me Plus, I sought a career in IT; when Engineering would have been better for mebrbrPlus, the experience I did have was in Admin Comment from : @desmonddevlin4128 |
Thanks Peterson Comment from : @ismaelhall3990 |
Time can tell you a lot of things I have taken an IQ test and it is about 130 But when I was in school, I did not do well in class because I was not interested in the necessary knowledge I was not a good employee in the workplace because I did not like my job Indeed, an average person can live quite comfortably if he works hard and devotes himself to the life he chooses As long as you persist and do not give up, everything is possible, just believe in time, it can make you become wise, not only smart Comment from : @yoyo_Alice |
IQ is inherited but can also be increased with a lot of reading and learning It's been proven in studies that participants could increase their IQ scores when put through a program of learning IQ is not completely fixed Of course we're also born with it and it's traced to our parents But I am saying it can be increased too So just because someone didn't do well in school or something doesn't mean they shouldn't try to learn They should, everyone should Comment from : @1234kingconan |
You should find the job before, because not everyone has a job unfortunately Comment from : @sandroman_04 |
what I got from this is that I should eat a lead sandwich Comment from : @turdfurgeson2032 |
Hang in there, everybody! You can do it! Namo Amida Butsu Comment from : @Howie-f3z |
Janitorial isn’t just about mops and sponges In any decent facility you will have machines like auto scrubbers, carpet steamers, low and high speed floor scrubbers and buffers, etc There is a lot that goes into being a janitor in this day and age Comment from : @TerrapinTerror195 |
Im in the 116-130 bracket but dont nothing but unskilled labour work temporary agency work ect It suck that its so difficult to make anything of yourself if you're poor there's no real way out because every road has a toll booth Comment from : @darrellmiddleton6615 |
Brilliant, like always! I could listen him forever Comment from : @heikkivaltonen1242 |
Damn, reality hits like a truck Imagine all the really ambitious and hard-working people with low and average IQs when they figure out they'll never achieve their dreams and probably will have to work a normal job for the rest of their lives it's super depressing to acknowledge that you can't raise your IQ Comment from : @fsafssfafsasfa |
I am 160IQ Is that good? Comment from : @sabatrol666 |
The title of this vid is wrong Comment from : @ETrew-qd5gk |
The good thing is you’re in complete control It doesn’t matter how intelligent you are, you can figure anything out if you’re resourceful, can analyze people and see who’s willing to help and who’s going to hold it against you when you ask I mean it’s not that hard Anyone can create an amazing career Just let Jesus drive and do your best and be humble, it’ll work out Comment from : @baeconater8 |
I was just let go from a 1 week job training for a product specialist position that required me to pick up things quickly while multitasking with phone calls Jordan Peterson is right, I wasn't cut out for that Job and yes I would have picked it up eventually but I would have caused lots of trouble for everyone I fit much better in the creative space Comment from : @Romeolmoore55 |
Jordan Peterson is so smart he’s stupid What a joke Comment from : @HomeGrownCountryGirl |
How do you know your smart? Comment from : @LoganR0423 |
It’s not okay to not discuss that people with iqs under a threshold are unemployable Comment from : @Adventure_fuel |
Well paid Comment from : @EmergingEcho |
First of all, it’s great to read everyone’s stories!brbrFor me, I was lucky enough to know what I wanted to get into from a pretty young age I was smart; very smart, but hated school The idea of another 4-8 years in university chasing a degree sounded like death by a thousand razors to me brbrSo I went into welding, against many people around me saying I could “do better for myself” I’m 40 now, a journeyman and found my way into management/supervision I make damn good money and I get to do it working a job I actually liked brbrMoney will come in time If you are truly good/like what you do, you will naturally push yourself ahead of the crowd and stand out More opportunities will come your way Or you’ll start your own business and create your own opportunity Comment from : @drukharimatter2962 |
"Manager" is for 115 to 130 IQ? brAs someone who worked in many sht hole places I can tell you that's very unlikely Comment from : @JoeyP946 |
What if its not abt the job but the college you belong to Comment from : @preethi2802 |
So we're all fucked apart from clever geeks? Great wish I hadn't watched this Comment from : @nigelbenn4642 |
I have never taken an actual IQ test, so I don't know mine I'm a systems analyst, and I don't think I'm as high as what he showed I find my job boring and repetitive, so not sure what other job would be mentally more interesting for me It was interesting when I began, but now I feel brain dead Comment from : @emilyau8023 |
He speaks like a jerk I love him❤ Comment from : @hk_200k |
So what's the solution to this problem? Comment from : @isaacg2721 |
I just noticed how old this video is when he mentioned McDonald’s doesn’t have robots Comment from : @PLANETWATERMELON |
Came here looking for recommendations about how different career paths highlighted different soft skills, passions, and interests, ended up getting some bunk about IQ rankings and outdated thinking Well, at least I only wasted a few minutes of my life Comment from : @superaarthi |
If only I had this kind of professor in my college Comment from : @ashutoshraghav6813 |
6:50 - That's a thing I always point out when I talk about my soft skills or my ability to have a conversation/connection with practically anyone, doing a lot of things in a short period of time and having the sense of urgency knowing that I can't screw things up McDonald's brought me that You're constantly speaking to different people, attempting to sell the most expensive combo while being sympathetic That's a huuuuuge tool you acquire for using throughout your entire life If you're a parent in any country, consider putting your child in McDonald's/Burger King as its 1st job You're giving them a gift (that they won't recognize in the moment hahaha they'll thank you later, I bet) Comment from : @AWickerman |
wow, this didnt help me at all lol Comment from : @25jaimie |
influencers are below 85 Comment from : @surasitmueangthang272 |
U i can work really good But i need to be left in peace Not that everybody fucks with me that have five seconds of time Bosses are cool usually, but coworkers are like snakes in the grassYou tell me what to do, i'll do it perfectly I just need peace Some apple picking in my own lines,in peace, would be just fine I can't expect a perfect job with no education Comment from : @userresuh |
Even with an iq of 85 I was able to get a job as a corrections officer, which is basically a baby sitting job Comment from : @peachesrambo4037 |
Which fields may a administrative officer / assistant change please? Comment from : @historyhongkong7521 |
None Comment from : @Pazuzu- |
A cop and a cashier are in the same list? 😮 Comment from : @OneSmileAtATime |
My iq is 144 lol brI still have no job don’t know what to do with my life , maybe people who are very smart have no place 😂 Comment from : @blackbat121 |
Relatively correct but with more work ethic you can accomplish anything Comment from : @Funnynatee |
I tested my IQ when I was a kid I'm not sure it was correctly scaled or anything, but I got 122 and my cousin got over 130 I'm studying to be an English teacher in my country, while my cousin is a mathematicianbrbrI often fear I'll be too dumb to be successful But listening to Peterson is always so pleasant Comment from : @Eliza-Wilson-YT |
0:34 Comment from : @appledough3843 |
Well, according to my terrible iq score and lack of useful skills, I guess I work best as a human sacrifice Problem is, I don't know of any cults that are hiring nearby Comment from : @ganjagriffin4426 |
Man, the more this guy keeps speaking, the more his voice sounds like Rick 😂 Comment from : @kevinraju1111 |
Why are all these Starbucks employees with degrees but don’t want to get a better job Comment from : @Eclipse-2024gofit |
Be careful on what jobs /tasks you decide to do, so you don't fail Comment from : @andyg817 |
NPC lives Comment from : @Galo1908mg |
Dang it, im in the wrong room but problem is not conscientious enough to be a boss Lol go fish maybe i can get into policy or something Light bulb 💡 thanks jordan Comment from : @armeijamies |
I believe everything plays a factor on your IQ/intelligence From genetics, the work you put into studying , the privileges you got ect You don’t have to be articulate or knowing how to sell something to have a high income , simply develop a skill that provides a service But truly find a passion / purpose that you love to do & be creative Comment from : @TheRealBlad |
What class does he teach exactly? Comment from : @NikkiCCoop |
Jobs are for slaves Comment from : @pepelopez6930 |
All the recording studios and barbershops closed down, right around the time I was seeing a bunch of tutorials on line I started to record myself and cut my own hair Comment from : @facksvillain2296 |
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