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Dr Mark the man who delivers I asked him to put up prices in pounds as well as dollars, he said he will see what he can do And bosh the prices are in pounds A man of his word Trust the good Dr 555 Ps I'm going to take a chance and use an agent to get the retirement visa If it goes tits up at least I tries He who dares wins Comment from : @raymondturner9441 |
If I can get past the money you have to have in the bank I'll be all right Comment from : @leonardtownpl4081 |
Are you kidding? Thai Immigration knows full well what visa agents do since they are always showing up at the Immigration office with their foreigner client who benefits from what the visa agent is doing, and guess what? They don’t care but silently endorse this activity It happens every day Otherwise those visa agents would have been arrested and out of business years ago It’s a common practice Comment from : @wesgraham2262 |
It sounds like Thailand only wants you to prove that you have a US$1,900 monthly income coming into your home country’s bank account that you can access to live in Thailand No… they want you to put all of your eggs into THEIR basket by having all of that money going into a Thai bank account, right? Comment from : @wesgraham2262 |
Holiday and funtime in TH is like having the time of your life Living in TH as a foreigner is a different story in lot of cases I stick to holidays and funtime ☺️ Comment from : @tonystark8201 |
Great informative stuff Mark, thank you Sadly for me it's the health insurance that stops me or I'd upsticks and be over there as fast as I could Comment from : @michael-lt2lf |
I'm 34 and have the pension requirement covered How can I get a long term visa to stay in Thailand? I don't want to have to reapply or extend every month or two Comment from : @ryanserrato4689 |
7:45 One other thing Thailand has a minimum wage for foreigners If you are an American, the business has to pay you a minimum of 60,000THB a month to get you a work permit (teachers are lower) Nobody is going to pay you that much unless you have specific skills And if you get caught working without a work permit they will simply escort to the border Comment from : @johnnielson4341 |
4:30 Plus, working in the tourist business is illegal for most foreigners Comment from : @johnnielson4341 |
Thanks for the video Mark! Merry Christmas 🎄 ❤ stay safe xo Comment from : @jocelynvincent3609 |
thats a really good idea excellent videos Comment from : @joels1234 |
For me, I don't think you're crazy at all I think you're good with wonderful advice And I would love to do what you're saying And I'm working on boring to come But I may go to the Philippines or cambodia Comment from : @touchsmith4630 |
I'm trying to say you're talking about thailand Comment from : @touchsmith4630 |
I know you're talking specifically now aboutside land but would you recommend this same type of thing if i'm going to live in cambodia Comment from : @touchsmith4630 |
Just started looking at big t Love your honesty Comment from : @bareski22 |
By you putting that statement out into the Universe you are perpetuating the Energy to further that opinion or Objective! Be Smart use your head, not the one between your legs! Comment from : @ronaldchenier60 |
So $1,900 mo Is this money you need to transfer to a Thai bank each month or you need to show proof of income? When I retire I won’t have a pension, but I do have some rental income Comment from : @floridashawn7317 |
Enjoyed the vid So, I imagine if you've got a guaranteed monthly cash flow of USD 4500 - 5000, you're straight Comment from : @bobjohnson7441 |
Hey go for it and do the bike experiments! I would like to retire in the next few years to thailand or indonesia I can cover my costs for 10 years Have some idea's for a fun YouTube channel as a hobby Comment from : @phlipperout |
Hi Mark! What was the first skilled job that you mentioned? Did you say "coder"? Thank you! Comment from : @JerickDizon-bo2cv |
Wow only 5G? Invest in what? We'll do the 45 day tourist visa end of 2024 To see if we want to do it permanently We have no debt and I'll have about 10k in my pocket but we plan on living as you domaybe you or resident will rent (30 days) us a place o/s city Just need ac,and a kitchenplus major plus is place on the beach Comment from : @jameskelly9243 |
what you say is just nonsensebrDo you not have 5000 us per month to maintain the quality of life Comment from : @oneazy9810 |
What starts as a dream, quickly turns into a disaster for many unprepared people planning on living in Thailand long term It's simple, have a plan and enough funds to live a comfortable lifestyle Comment from : @thehammer3340 |
Nice 👍 information Doc 🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️ Comment from : @onelovesmokeshop7834 |
I lived in Thailand for a year in 2019 and my passive income was roughly $1100 a month I did it but I feel much more comfortable having a solid income of $1700 a month plus at least $16K USD in the bank, zero credit card balances as well for settling in and for emergencies A wise man once advised: Always have a bungee cord firmly attached to your home country, just in case! Comment from : @beverlyweber4122 |
You should do a video on starting the scooter business Comment from : @beardedgoblin7279 |
It says that this wideo is about how much mone I need to move to Thailand not how I can get it, right? Comment from : @nson61 |
Thanks for the video I went down the scooter route personally Currently at 17 scooters in Rawai, coming into our first high season, so a little excited Hoping to have between 30-50 by the end of 2024 Thanks for doing this video, only found your channel through another persons recommendation, and am really happy I did Comment from : @jnaughten1 |
More like a minimum of $50,000 usd! Comment from : @treangeles5922 |
You call yourself Hobo but you don't have but hobo sting Comment from : @oneazy9810 |
Just kidding, what does 1,000 to 1,500 per month say I live more cheaply in Norway Comment from : @oneazy9810 |
Apparently they are changing the rules about the motorbike rental businesses Comment from : @shauncooke9837 |
You are the budget to live on but you are not living Comment from : @oneazy9810 |
All I can say is I would certainly rent from Dr Mark's Just-to-Prove-a-Point bikeshop! Comment from : @CatoTheMuchYounger |
here's the kicker 😲 Comment from : @passportbro7 |
I would love to hear more "hussle" ideas for people like us from Canada please This was a good one - I'm moving to Thailand in the spring of 2024 Comment from : @Funkbringer |
Thanks Markyour the man! Comment from : @marcusedubose4222 |
Curious on what investment idea you had onsay a $10,000-$20,000USD capital investment? Comment from : @Bubs-Travels |
I think it's a great idea renting motorbikes, but I already have questions swirling around in my head Don't get the good doctor tossed out of Thailand, please! :) Comment from : @ericg9092 |
100 correct I dabble in Crypto but don't trade, I have EFT's ( not NFT's) and I have apple stockbut I have been working in a Aussie government job which will give me a pension of about $90k a year that that will give me 135,000 baht a month, which will give me a much better lifestyle there than I do in my home country Comment from : @Colincarpenter2 |
Not everyone is financially helping their Thai GF Comment from : @chad8600 |
I need experience partner to start could get 25 bikes Comment from : @markgarvan1823 |
Another great video Doc Very accurate information I am lucky and have a reasonable budget to work with and can afford more Still I eat cheaply a lot 100 metres from my condo we can have 2 breakfasts and 2 bottles of water for 100 baht If you find places like this you can stretch your budget My monthly budget is around $2600 Aus dollars , around 1700-1800USD and I have more money put away for travel to other places Keep up the good work! I must say I did use an agent for my retirement visa They accompanied me to the crowded immigration office, tapped on a window and someone took my photo and we left I spent less than 2 minutes in immigration I call that money well spent,,, Cheers Comment from : @TipsyTraveller |
If you’re only bringing in about $4-500/month… and you have to pay for maintenance andyou have to pay a local “partner” I just don’t see how it’s sustainable long term The bikes would eventually have to be replaced and you’re already living on next to nothing Now if you have $8-10k to start with, you MIGHT be able to grow it over time so you’re not always living like a pauper But that still requires you to live on 500 a month for quite some time while you reinvest the small remainder of your profits It’s not for the week willed, that’s for sure Comment from : @GlobalGreg |
I receive 6000 a month so I’m good?…I do want a side hustle… How is the laundromat business in Phuket? Comment from : @davidjohnson6525 |
Can you have a nice live in Thailand for 1500 dollars or 1000 dollars after you have payed rent and health insurance?? brbrI’m coming to Phuket in November for 3 weeks - have a good one Comment from : @kennethjensen5787 |
Hi Mark Love your videos I’ve been working as a teacher for the past 5 years and it’s been great I get paid more than most of my coworkers because the color of my passport 90 of the teachers here are actually Filipino so being ESL themselves they’re going to take a hit when it comes to their salaries That being said the teachers I know have great lives here but I am living in Bangkok so it’s probably a little different in the south brbrTo be a teacher here you really need to have an open mind and also have the ability to adapt to change It’s definitely not for everyone but if you’re interested I wholeheartedly recommend it Especially if you’re a native speaker of English Cheers mark! Comment from : @fulltimeforeigner5640 |
So is it deposit 850,000 baht in the bank and have the $2000 monthly income or either? Comment from : @timothydorn9114 |
I sacrificed my younger years for my retirement stability It was hard but worth it retired military, retired government job both with pensions Both carry health insurance overseas Life is now good but it was a rough time getting here Comment from : @civmartom7705 |
Your videos are always entertaining and informative! Cheers! Comment from : @nicsnock |
Very precise & informative content 😊 this presentation will certainly work for me in a couple of years as I have a Thai partner here in MelbourneOur go too city will be Hua hin😊 Keep up the great content & don't give those trolls any fodder too try & attack your great work😂 Comment from : @josephdepetro40 |
Great video I learned a lot Thanks Dr Mark Comment from : @nwMS777 |
that looks like a sound idea but without a thai bussines partner all i can see is problems work permit, repairs and maintenance although cheap in thailand will eat into any profit, registration of bikes ect cleaning each bike before rental and storage etc etc, plan will work great on any island or tourist hot spot but surely the locals will already have the market so i think your initial investment will need t a little bigger, very intersted in this project and if you do take the plunge will follow with great interest as i to thought of a similar idea but didnt have the time or funds to risk at htis time and finding a trustworthy person to run this project with the skills is easier said than done thanks for sharing really enjoy your vloggs Comment from : @bigphill67 |
Thanks for sharing! You forgot to tell your audience that you can either have 800 000 Bath in a bank, or proof of a pension of at least 65 000 Bath a month or a combination of the 2 to get the 1 year retirement Extension(not retirement Visa) on your Non O Visa So if you can deposit 400 000 Bath and can proof an income of at least 32,500 Bath a month, you're good to gobrIf your girlfriend ask for support for her self or her family after 3 days, it's a big warning sign! Put up the red flag and move on to the next one I did not pay any support before we bought a used car together when we got married, and she have never been asked for anything more for her self, her kids or other in the family except for birthday gifts But they all have good education, good jobs or their own business that goes well Comment from : @Oggiwara1 |
Hi Dr Mark, I have the money I have the means I am just waiting to turn 50 to do it, what my question is, when it comes to renewing the Thai retirement visa each year do you need to still have the 800k in the bank, and if so does it need to be there for a period of time, I am fortunate to have various income streams, so if I just park the money there that is fine , just curious Comment from : @Colincarpenter2 |
Man you’ve done this same exact video over 1 million times a day The algorithm made you do it? brIt’s all good though, because I’m gonna keep on watching 😂 Comment from : @djchyloe |
Mark new subscriber here Great buz concept on the scooter/moped rentals Do you have to be a resident to but and register the mopeds? Is insurance required as well? Thanks from a fellow content maker in the other Tai (Taiwan), though I have a LONG way to go! Comment from : @MoreFormosa |
Hey Mark, just discovered your channel and really enjoy it 👍brMy understanding of work is you can’t take a job a Thai can do, wouldn’t renting motorbikes fall into this category? Unless you employ a Thai to run the business this could be very hard to do and like you said finding a Thai you can trust is very hard find Comment from : @peskymcnuggets3357 |
Hi Mark, how will you cope when thailand eventually phase out combustion vehicles, think ulez like what's happening in London which is a C40 city as is Bangkok Comment from : @johncooke61 |
The biggest issues with the 'bike rentals' plan, in my opinion, are ; damage and the upkeep of your bikes; if you can't do this yourself , thats plenty of money gone Plus Stolen bikes, and written off bikes Plus the issue of partnering with any Thai to cover the legality You cant trust any thai, unless you have known them forever How do they find this Thai ? Because as soon as you are making good money , a Thai official will drop from a tree Comment from : @dowtingtomas695 |
mamason will most certainly have Your back& stab it Comment from : @3ClicksAndTheTruth |
Funnily enough, I have been toying with the idea of scooter rentals myself but wrote it off thinking it wont work Maybe I need to rethink it again, thanks for your video advice and thoughts, always useful Comment from : @qztube1225 |
Bike rental is an excellent idea You are spot on with your advice doctor! I am retired and with all of the financial, social and environmental worries confronting young people, it is a good time to be old I have a high burn rate with 2 kids in international education and I make a good living from trading options But I have capital and I have five years experience of options trading A certain temperament is also required to be a successful options trader I also have dividend income and I still get consulting work from the industry I spent my career in I have hobbies that I enjoy including riding a couple of classic motorbikes and wild bird photography I have a condo' in Bangkok and a rural house close to a river and a national park I can also tell you that I stay away from the touristy areas, preferring rural farmland and national parks Life is good As you would say, I am living my best life 😁😁👍👍 Comment from : @GapBahnDirk |
Thank you for yet another well done video It seems to me an option is to put your skills to good use by creating a company But what does it take to create a business in Thailand, say if you are a carpenter, or a teacher who wants to start a private school/tuition service, or maybe youre in the contruction business, is anything like that a viable plan? I mean starting your own business (not hustling by renting out bikes but a proper company) Maybe a video idea? Comment from : @TheRealFeechLaManna |
By the way Mark, you are funny talking about buying bikes, mister real estate who never bought his own bike in Thailand! :D Comment from : @fransbakker6547 |
lol that branch coming down, hilarious XD i got elite my friend and I always click on your videos!!!! Comment from : @fransbakker6547 |
Super drMark But not for me before i have the money to retired in ThailandCheers 🍺 Comment from : @willemoudejans7677 |
Hi Mark, I think your content is great! It's truly original! I'm seriously contemplating a trip to Phuket in October, and I'm even considering staying for an extended period, maybe more than a couple of months Your idea of renting a bike as a business sounds intriguing, and I'd love to learn more about it Is there a way I can contact you directly to get some additional information on this, as well as general info about moving to Phuket?brThank,brAlex Comment from : @journeytomercury7843 |
Dr Mark thanks for a wonderful show A lot of great ideas and information Plenty of rich middle age thai ladies want foreign man services I had so much fun😅💯👍 Comment from : @philipnguyen3107 |
Massage parlor with Russian, Korean or Hun Chinese porcelain skin girlza, people are tired of pain old vanilla Isaan stock standardbri cant be the only one thinking this,pattsy and pattong are full of classless low tier falangs with absolutely no standard Its Embarrassing Comment from : @muzungu9625 |
Those financial visa requirements are half you quoted, if you happen to be married to a Thai Comment from : @PeterC245 |
Great sound advice as per your usal Thanks my friend!brAnd you are definitely not crazy Me moving here was a good sound decision My pension goes a lot further here I a smoker and a drinker (not a like a fish mind you) and it's defending more affordable here ❤ Comment from : @mauricerobillard612 |
Mark i disagree with you i have a Thai girlfriend she has her own money and she even pays sometime when we go out to eat She has not asked me for any money at all! I think its how they are raised and what kinda family they came from Comment from : @liveandlearnwithmike |
Why are all the girls saying "swastika", "swastika" to me? Comment from : @rickmccann4016 |
For now I’m happy to tick along as I am , my monthly pension & interest covers my monthly expenditure , I’d hate the thought of leaving here 😢 Comment from : @jonhobson3592 |
I said it before I am doing ok on 1000usd here in northern bkk in a , 49sqm condo , rent is 10,000, utilities , phone , wifi , tv , water , electric 2000b , insurance 3000b , food & travel for the rest , all is ok My gf works so I not give her any baht😊, apart from food & sone clothes / gifts , i have the money deposited in uk , but for now use an agent Sure , they can ‘facilitate’ for a fee, maybe in the future immigration may tighten the rules , they surely know at immigration that the agents do this ££ paperwork certificate, and many agents have ‘contacts’ If rules changed as I said I could get the money sent over Comment from : @jonhobson3592 |
Would like your comment or how you look after this brI am a resident Canadian that visits and loves Thailand My understanding is if a Canadian is out of Canada more than 6 months in any consecutive 12 months you loose Canadian residency, medical, and tax implications, etc Comment from : @smileoften-ft3hq |
Most of us Americans have a credit card (5k limit) and I have a debit card with 934 deposited on it a month So I'm not worried I'm gonna do 3 months a year And leave my car here in the US Or I might just stay here, save the $1500 rt airfare How much is a round of golf 18 holes at a nice course? How much is a big Waterpark? DO THEY HAVE BIG INDOOR MODERNE MALLS WITH A/C ??? IM JUST GONNA GO THERE AND BE LAZY AROUND THE POOL😅😊 Comment from : @secretamericayoutubechanne2961 |
would a savings of 50k and a monthly income of 3k be good enough? Comment from : @TheMrMikle |
I just watched you video and I am interested in the idea I coming to retire here in patong or pattaya I will have about $2200 Aus a month coming in plus my superannuation Which is around $200000 so would like to meet up and have a chat Comment from : @terryrossidis1428 |
Please do the future videos that you mentioned, this is getting real interesting 🤔 Comment from : @stevek343 |
Almost every single swimming pool in the US always has someone in it (during summer) and usually (especially a hotel) is full of screaming children Comment from : @secretamericayoutubechanne2961 |
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