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How War Debt Gave Birth to America’s Income Tax

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Title :  How War Debt Gave Birth to America’s Income Tax
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Description How War Debt Gave Birth to America’s Income Tax

Comments How War Debt Gave Birth to America’s Income Tax

Got drunk off of the money income tax generated We were doing just fine without income tax and we would be okay if we get rid of it Seven States don't have it they are doing great Also, I have heard social security was supposed to be voluntary
Comment from : @iangriffiths2559

go home, patrick! you ain’t even from here!!!
Comment from : @Ana-s9f9v

Taxing a persons home every year and raising your tax debt based on the value even though you have not sold it, so taxing itas if you have actually made a gain WTF!
Comment from : @caressjohnson

We send a lot of for war efforts
Comment from : @JsyTee-i3f

We built Europe after WW2 Did they pay off USA? Like to know
Comment from : @JsyTee-i3f

Yet ANOTHER reason to haye Lincoln
Comment from : @RamblingMann37

Income is different than wages Word definitions are important
Comment from : @michaeldigregorio1283

I'm fucking paying 47 income tax what the actual fk
Comment from : @toddpeeples8894

The addition of the 16th Amendment needs to be eliminated!
Comment from : @redstoneddad3981

I don't mind paying taxes, just don't piss it away
Comment from : @ev1558

If I earn 1 million fairly I expect to go home with it😂😂😂😂 damn I wish man 😢lol
Comment from : @JamesMullins-e3m

They tax you when you are born, and tax you when you die 😟
Comment from : @Huskiea03

this is exactly what I have been saying
Comment from : @rickyschwiderson7737

If you keep feeding a monster it only grows stronger Now we have a leviathan
Comment from : @robhunter75

we now have a Treasury that some people can steal from
Comment from : @HighRailmaxx

American's trusted their government (for generations) is exactly what has created the monster we see to day
Comment from : @brentiers

Famous trader Jesse Livermore hopped into his private rail car and headed to Washington in the early 1900's to protest a tax increase in personan increase to 3!!!!!!!!!
Comment from : @fartsimpson8610

Black's law dictionary defines income as any profit made by an investment or a company not money earned for labor hours worked
Comment from : @matthutchison9482

When the same people run the banks, the information and the government But yeah the Illuminati is not real
Comment from : @PEIDIPPER

Taxes are theft once the percentage number is double digits
Comment from : @cbra2spec

This is what Doge is meant to tackle Stop over spending and start leaving your citizens money alone I'm fairly convinced that the manufacturing power of the USA is DEEPLY underutilized The rest of the world needs US goods, the US doesn't need theirs
Comment from : @aidancristoforo5530

Hope we go back to Tariffs and no Income tax
Comment from : @Radar120155

But the 16th amendment conferred no new taxing power
Comment from : @GowonMattah

Leaves out that everyone was paying taxes in the form of tariffs Which are basically a sales tax at the end of the day
Comment from : @peterhorton9063

This was their plan back when grant was helping the elites!!
Comment from : @LeeWeaver-u9g

So it’s not Income tax… It’s the Civil War tax! We need to call it what it is
Comment from : @rukaswa1223

16th amendment was to stop any new taxes
Comment from : @rhondawashington5911

Yeah, the only thing we are feeding with those taxes is the war machine
Comment from : @jaledalton4194

Repeal the 186th Amendment and make Canada pay for everything!
Comment from : @JohnPaul-gh1fh

Let's not raise taxes for WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, etcbr Seems like the Dems are more conservative than Republicans No taxes Tariffs Why did it change? Taxes are better for the average American than tarifs
Comment from : @jeffthompson1869

The People have been conned
Comment from : @lynnmacleod5005

A real wise guy br Impressive
Comment from : @Simionovich

Lincoln was assassinated bc he was going to end the tax (Deep state)
Comment from : @merynco

The prohibitionists proposed the income tax because the civil war was being paid for with booze sales It was a trade off
Comment from : @annprehn

Time to get a government that follows the Constitution
Comment from : @blindsquirrel7802

Us government steals money from its citizens, and they've become too corrupt and powerful
Comment from : @B-U-T-C-H-E-R

Blackhawk down
Comment from : @Ryembec

at my measly 64k a year salary, I pay 30 in tax between state and federal That's 64k after 24 years of working at the same company SUCH BS!!!!!
Comment from : @baalofbabylon3022

We need to keep talking about this until people understand that the American people have been tricked into paying these ridiculously high taxes We are taxed on everything! This needs to stop ASAP!
Comment from : @genamueller

Abolish the income tax and reimburse the tax payers
Comment from : @nachocheeseflavour

I'm am sick of this shit
Comment from : @donaldhatfield2

It's a criminal system to feed the warmongerer's
Comment from : @ThisGuy-bx8mb

One dollar is probably taxed 50 times
Comment from : @MikeBohrer

You get rid of all this taxation crap and maybe the IRS won’t need to be hunting people down for non payment
Comment from : @majordanggle

Yup was supposed to be a temporary tax most people don't know this
Comment from : @sidthompso8097

They made the Federal too large, and too expensive
Comment from : @VictorAvera

"The Creature From Jekyll Island" read it
Comment from : @markyg236

The government should be funded from its own income from its exports, tariffs and assets not the people’s labor This would fix a lot of issues we have today like government over spending, distrust in politicians and could even stifle unnecessary wars
Comment from : @BrassRust

Comment from : @JeffBarrack

I remember arguing with this dude on Reddit He was flabbergasted that I could even think of suggesting an elimination of income tax It became a sacred cow for these cows
Comment from : @kinan6746

I promise I'll only stick it in a little bit
Comment from : @hodedo7803

It’s not paying taxes that we have a problem with it’s the scandalous use of the tax money and the greed of our money and the method of immoral control in which it is spent
Comment from : @sodangeruss

Comment from : @sonyareyes1732

This shit better stop
Comment from : @adammendes-se2rp

Remember people, government is not your friend Those people don't produce anything, they are only there to "govern" you, meaning watch what you do and take what is rightfully yoursbrAnd they play the long game As an individual you plan your finances over a few years or decades While they plan on finding ways to take it over centuries
Comment from : @YolandaBeCool

Income tax is theft
Comment from : @codylee5466

Repeal the 16th amendment
Comment from : @richardhahn8083

I'd like to know what 3/4ths of the jacklegs that voted for the 16th Amendment thought it was a great idea
Comment from : @jayvictus80

Now we pay around 30, and only those who cannot afford expensive tax lawyers pays it
Comment from : @davidzlo2770

Disgusting that its a amendment
Comment from : @jacobmcmahon6071

It’s even worse when you realize that the ancient slaves of Egypt only paid a 20 tax on what they made, wether it was goods or $
Comment from : @huejanus5505

Do you know the usa has a peace flag? Did you know it has NEVER BEEN FLOWN?
Comment from : @pennylockhart9553

Making roads and highways for ifuture waves of immigrants to make use of Ain’t America great Were there roads and housing available to you upon your entry into this country and prior to your family’s entry what was your contribution to that infrastructure Did you r family contribute to that infrastructure in any way I never made use of the infrastructure from your birthplace I have been paying taxes for decades for the infrastructure that was made available to you You’re welcome Taxes strange that allu got from ur civil war lecture was about taxes on rich folkIt was about the liberation of Americans
Comment from : @Limatellu

Several of the latter amendments to the Constitution are blatant power grabs by the Congress By example, the 22nd Amendment placed term limits on the office of the President, ostensibly because "no one should be trusted with holding that much power for so long" Yet many in Congress have held their offices for multiple decades Some having died in office of old age
Comment from : @Rotorhead1651

Pass a balanced budget, tax the STATES directly in proportion to the population
Comment from : @rcsontag

The 16th Amendment was never really correctly ratified
Comment from : @rcsontag

Isn't this taxation without representation?
Comment from : @priver9866

Our country is screwed us over and over and over and will keep on😢😢😢😢
Comment from : @ranndymoon8489

taxes are needed to finance the things needed to run a country and i have no problem with paying that, the problem is u get taxed multiple times, taxed on wages, taxed on savings, taxed on purchases, taxed on housing, roads, water etc and those specific taxes never get used on the things theyre meant for
Comment from : @judsdragon

Explains endless wars
Comment from : @eetukovanen6170

This is why the govt got so biggave them an inch they took a mileBoth parties are too blame They tax EVERYTHINGyour taxed after you die Disgusting They should be legally bound to a budget or not get paid
Comment from : @DougBailey-c8w

I don’t like paying income taxes, but I understand we must fund our government, so let’s do a flat tax Every one pays a fair flat amount, the rich pay the most Set up amounts based off of income Stop paying taxes on social security checks
Comment from : @harryhoyt2565

Just realize that every working man loses 20 to 40 of his income to the Fedsand THEY have overspent by 36T in the last 40 years
Comment from : @mattfitzpatrick2315

Sorry the amendment was voted in by democratically elected congress both Republican and Democrat All those expensive wars are agreed by yep - congress Now think of the most expensive wars post WW2 ,u vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan What party had the presidency Its not congress who says lets start a war, its potus Potus agrees generally knowing he has support from the voters and congress Nixon, Bush, Reagan Like WW2, lets ignore Korean war, liberation of Kuwait as both were a result of a foreign power invasion (like ukraine) and had mostly UN backing
Comment from : @stephendoherty8291

the biggest theft in history is income tax
Comment from : @TheyCalledMeT

aaaaaaah is that why the US of A is in constant wars?
Comment from : @TheyCalledMeT

It is not just about INCOME TAXES there are sin taxes (alcohol, cigarettes, ect ), property taxes, sales taxes, gas taxes, and so many more that people just do not know about INCLUDING ME Disgusting how much money gets ripped off from the common folk
Comment from : @DakelLateg

SOCIALISM is the DEATH of our Republic
Comment from : @Texas75023

If a country is to be functional, taxation is unavoidable The question isn't of whether taxes shouldn't exist as a whole Question is how much to tax, whom and what to spend it on The biggest issue is what tax revenue is spent on, who pays, who doesn't and how much Today, the richest entities, whether private of commercial, are able to avoid taxation on a huge scale, and that extra money literally buys the political circles Which is how the cancer of insane economic imbalance and spending on unnecessary things set in
Comment from : @Max_Da_G

No More Amendments!
Comment from : @francestaylor7437

and now people are starting to understand the Libertarian platform a bit better, DO NOT under any circumstance give government anything without a fight They DO NOT have your interests at heart Give them literally as little that is possible, because they NEVER give back, just take take take take, until someone gets in their face and stops them
Comment from : @Curtis56c

Loan 🦈🐬, more think about it They do exist
Comment from : @Heartfullofgoldentempire

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