Title | : | Elon Musk Brilliantly explains Wealth u0026 how to be a billionaire! |
Lasting | : | 0.53 |
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Elon is thinking like he didn't know what to say 😅 Comment from : @Liveluv |
so many people say tax the rich, but they dont know how the rich handle their money NO RICH FAMILY PAYS TAXES no matter the rate because theyre not stupid consumers Comment from : @omnivale1803 |
He IS money He could lose it all, And just as quickly it would return Some people are like that It's not on him, It's IN himbrbrI don't envy because I don't lack Comment from : @TheDowntownHermit-xj6rq |
It means he's highly motivated to keep the grossly inflated valuations going It's a vicious cycle Comment from : @cosmicaug |
Even if he lost everything he could make it all back That’s why wealth is spiritual! Comment from : @BullishbeastX |
with great power comes great responsibility and great responsibility is great pressure when you are this high in the game you cannot fallback keep pushing and grow even further Comment from : @shawnknive |
Elon❤ Comment from : @levelupwithellen |
Even if he had billions in actual cash, it's HIS MONEY The nerve of certain people, what makes you think you have the right to tell someone what to do with the success they earned??brbrLike the hell, i never understood It's his choice to give back should he choose to, not his duty or obligation Comment from : @hueyfreeman2156 |
Is there a correlation between the living standards of the middle and lower class falling and the super rich owning more stock? Comment from : @jasondesignmedia7495 |
Less Elon more real business folks This guy has never worked a day in his life Comment from : @Contagious_hippie |
My biggest regret? Not buying permanent life insurance earlier My parents thought term was "good enough," but now I see how the cash value and death benefit could’ve set my kids up way better Term just vanishes when you do Comment from : @Larry1-pl2wq |
Blockmil elon Comment from : @VeronicaCasipong |
So what is your solution smarty pants? Comment from : @hummingpylon |
Biggest arsehole that ever lived Comment from : @JevansUK |
Amen the hate when you get rich Comment from : @JoeySavage |
Elon Musk, The Richest Man In The World, Thinks Working Class Americans Need To 'Tighten Their Belts'
brW Comment from : @sirloin869 |
Elon CHOOSES not to have a massive amount of liquid cash on hand Long before a bankruptcy of the businesses, he would move assets that would become untouchable to the Businesse's liabilities Elon would not become personally bankrupt, because he is not stupid Comment from : @rong9068 |
I know” sometimes his cash balance is really low “ Sometimes he can barely afford a cup of coffee If you can find in your heart ❤️ please contribute to the Elon Musk “ Make Billionaires Great Again” foundation Please 🙏 Comment from : @craigriglin |
"I'm not rich, I just own $300bn worth of stuff I could sell" Comment from : @UbiquitousBooks |
Good morning Elon! brHappy New Year! brI’m proud of you!brCongratulations on your thrive in life hun!brBlessings to you and your daughter relationship unity love peace understanding joy commitment equally yoked as one and on one accord compassion compromise completion comprehension balance focus victory sweet loving king spirit into the air alinement equipped strength to do it I come against pride dignity return to sender for ya Sold out on stocks and asset investment sold out amen! God loves you and I love you also! I admire a strength man To whom much is given Much is required brHappy sweetheart season!brMy quantum leap blessings as it unfolds amen! brTtyl🧘♀️🦋🥇👑🏆💃🏽🏑⛳️🎯✔️💯🎊🎉🎈🔥🤍🐐😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇🙂 Comment from : @tanishamcdonala3181 |
What people hold against him is his raiding of the Treasury as DOGE to get the $4Trillion to finance an extension of the Trump and Republican Party 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act The Act which expires at the end of this year, 2025, and which Musk and other wealthy people massively benefit from He's taking money from things like children's school meals to fund his tax breaksbrIt's not that people resent him because he's rich, it's that people resent him stealing from those much poorer than him so he can get even richer Comment from : @stephena1196 |
Cash balance is very low compared to what😅 Comment from : @bethprice7136 |
I just sold a property in Orange County and I'm thinking to put the cash in stocks, I know everyone is saying its ripe enough, but Is this a good time to buy stocks? How long until a full recovery? How are other people in the same market raking in over $450k gains within months, I'm really just confused at this point Comment from : @DavidLucas-so8rr |
It's got to be aggravating to the billionaire doesn't pay his taxes are you serious poor him the people that should be aggravating or all the taxpayers like us people that pay our taxes Comment from : @al223 |
He worked for it, how is he evil? Comment from : @ErmiasYosief-w1d |
And he's king of the US Comment from : @vicklynf |
His mind just works different…he’s WAY SMARTER than the average person…realistically most people will never make that type of money Comment from : @Evan-oz1cz |
PEOPLE!!! thus!!!, who cares what some "people" wud say!!!!huh & duh!!! Comment from : @TheresaREAberilla |
0 Enmitybr0 Animosity br0 Strifebr💙🩵 Comment from : @Robin-c2c4v |
When are people going to realize that genius is not always a good thing He is not a well balanced person Comment from : @nancybohrer9403 |
This approach does not value the contribution in its fair dimension Technological creation and inventions have contributed more to humanity than all non-profit organizations and NGOs combined in all of history Hungry ignorant people only think about a plate of food that satisfies their appetizer but who contributes more to those who created electricity or those who have donated billions of dollars to the cause, if the people want more charity money I invite them to work overtime double shifts Comment from : @FranklynEstrella-q2l |
I don't think he knows what "cash balances are very very low" means Comment from : @EntertainmentDelux |
The salute 🫡 Comment from : @hiupanddown |
This is such a well-thought-out and enlightening video I hope you’ll keep producing similar content! Comment from : @LazyMoneyMBA |
Someone who owns a large amount of stock or anything of value should not be eligible for loans These people are making it more difficult for less fortunate people to get an opportunity to live their dreams toobrMusk is not the kind genius people think He's the opposite and has similarities to Elizabeth Holmes No? What's different about his annual speech on self driving cars being a reality by the end of every year? He's selling the machine (the car) with a computer system that is designed to be able to get new updated software online It hasn't happened Hes now trying to take down the NHTSA so he can call his cars autopilot even though it's nothing of the sort His cars are cheaply made, and frankly, EVs from China are nicer Comment from : @NYCMD1 |
nobrIbrhavebrnotbrhadbrabrrearrangement Comment from : @Татьяна-я5ь1о |
Go grab the gold and feed the economy I'm not talking about crime they putting it out there on purpose find it Comment from : @RobertBaquet-f4d |
Pay 2, anything Why is that so hard? Think trump is going to stop the rich from borrowing $ against their stocks so they get a tax deduction? Nope Pay something to the country that let you work illegally and make money off of us Or be deported Mexican migrants pay more in taxes than Elon Comment from : @theparlourlady543 |
And people don't understand this simple thing most modern billionaires are living on borrowed money on their stocks Comment from : @farhidahmed4473 |
Haven't paid his fair share? He's letting people know that they can be successful too Come on now Elon has inspired millions of people to get out there and make it happen for themselves and the world BLESS YOU E And to Hell with the HATERS Comment from : @SamadStevens |
Of course he has it all invested or working which is how he got rich to begin with I'm a multimillionaire, and my cash available is only 1 of my net worth I'm sure its something like less than 001 for Elon My 1 could probably fund my household for 6 months, and Elon's 01 could do years or better for him Comment from : @educatedwanderer9293 |
He makes an interesting point about wealth being often tied to money-producing assets Cash is what people often think wealth is about, but really, it's the skill to manage money producing assets that brings wealth Comment from : @JunianWealthAcademy |
Elon Musk's dad boned his own step daughter So musk has niece who is also his sister That's fucking weird Just saying Comment from : @albrennan9976 |
Some billionaires are evil or some are good Comment from : @WiltSmo-em1ho |
I hate when rich people act like they are broke lol Comment from : @ari3lism |
To all who hates billionaires imagine a world without Facebook, twitter x, YouTube that you are using MacDonald, Walmart I phone, Amazon, and many other rather than wasting your time watching videos that says billionaires are evil why don't you stop making them rich by not working for there company and not using their products we would see how life would go in the next 6 months imagine if all billionaires decide to end there companies for the sake of those who hate them the world would be almost like north Korea stop hating and start learning Comment from : @obinnaflashboy |
If you pay yourself in stocks, you don't pay taxes Comment from : @MrTinfoilSombrero |
It's all just a money game! We're all born into this world with nothing, and we will die with nothing What you gain in between is up to you - plenty f'ing money out there! Comment from : @waynehaslam1406 |
Honest man elon Comment from : @JOSHUACHISOM-mm9nv |
You know you know you know Comment from : @hgcgvvcc |
Biggest winner mentality shift for me came after reading the book 25 Money Secrets From Donald Trump Comment from : @HeshamMuffini |
I have found that the surest and easiest way to become rich is to silently bless the cash you spend and ask God to bless whoever comes in to contact with any portion of your money be blessed with Love and Abundance You pay for your light bill…now the electric company can afford to pay their employees and in turn, the employees can afford to feed their families You buy a new car…now the dealership can afford to pay their employees who can, in turn, feed their families There is a different way to look at money God gives each of us what we are willing to use on His behalf And that includes money! The more you do it, the less convincing you will need from me! Blessings and Abundance to all who read this!! Comment from : @LauraSchendel-ko1qk |
How does he repay the loans against his stocks if he doesn't have much money? Comment from : @grant9047 |
So essentially you don't really become any more wealthier from working a minimum wage job compared to running a multi million business but your responsibilities and trust with funds increase I mean for sure youll afford more luxurious lifestyle at some point but it's all on you Comment from : @EmilMerenheimo |
Loans against stock equals does not pay tax Comment from : @anyexpat |
Elon musk voted to remove cancer research! Comment from : @BillRoberts-h5r |
🙏🙏 Comment from : @Thanksalot24 |
Dude is literally planting potatoes and taking care of them via his companies 😅😂😅brbrLove it Comment from : @MuresanIonut-Alexandru |
Holding against him? Fkn nonsense Comment from : @mama--rua |
28:00 Amazon Coverup Comment from : @Kalpanaakaro |
I think building networking is impactful as well Money sure helps, but having good relationship with people will help you in an unexpected way or in dire situations So apart from material helps, you will also get moral helps Comment from : @mfznal-hafidz8592 |
He’s so even keeled I’m impressed and afraid Comment from : @nancypanasyuk8860 |
The things you mention are a means to power & he's getting plenty of it Comment from : @jtm6783 |
He comes from a ri h family, so he has always something to fall onto It makes him being able to be way more brave with his businesses than most people Comment from : @annagiersz3314 |
I have a thaught that not elon musk is only a person who tried to start a startup many people tried but why only elon musk is successful and why no big names are there br brbrThe main thingh was that Elon musk has a fucing mindset that he was very confident in every decision br brComment me your opinion Comment from : @leavelifegaming1506 |
Paid his fair share???🧐 He's paid over $10billion in taxes! Comment from : @maryfalco9368 |
Elon uses the education, infrastructure, and social building just like the rest of us - PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE Comment from : @oa5167 |
Well you take advantage of government subsidies and do like Bill Gates use other people's works for your own and become great, simple Comment from : @adcaptandumvulgus4252 |
To me when people are always looking down have some sort of guilt not telling the truth I have nothing against Elon but that's the first thing I noticed to be odd Comment from : @rjareds |
well, Tesla has received 419 million in government contracts it doesnt mean necessarily that anyone should resent him but we do need to be more balanced in the assessment of how resources are used Comment from : @pjdepaolisii |
Elon, the manner in which you answered that query was sharply ON-POINT, having appropriately veered from its primary focus solely based upon the issue of the judgment of others as to how you apportion your wealth (which "issue" is no one's place to judge, thus demoting it as a non-issue, in my book), and turning it around to address the question within the framework of your perspective as a sharp businessman with acute instincts who was willing to share your insight from that angle of your own personal experience and, in the process, alter the direction of that query, thus elevating it with its emphasis upon, not your monetary status, per se, but, upon your reality as a hardworking, cost-effective businessman 😮 Comment from : @PaulineZahlout-tg1bk |
I love how Elon patiently listen to him until he was done before he answered Comment from : @shanenolan085 |
,😂😂😂😂😂honey don't say nothing 😂😂😂 Comment from : @Mary-f6k6u |
@secretsofinvesting Ask me😂 ✌️ you will fall from the chair Comment from : @FullBlownWhistleblower |
If he he "holds very little cash" how was he giving away a million dollars a day last month? Comment from : @williambbq |
I've never understood the argument of you hold a large majority of the successful company you build Its not in cash so the company is paying tax and he is the company to an extent Comment from : @everettjt8368 |
This I sepnt a monthin europe, spent a total of 8k It was an awesome trip You dont need to have millions to live an amazing life Comment from : @nathanspringer9902 |
When will the average person understand that what Bitcoin represents is HONEST ACCOUNTING BETWEEN PEERS? Comment from : @mvonhollen6673 |
He saying most his money tied up in diffrent things and he can’t just go spending alot of money if things fall through in a bad way it could be a big loss so he prob working constantly as upkeep on the money brAnd he prob had loans out and have payment plans and diffrent things in reality Comment from : @ShacarBennett |
Got to give it to him, he's humble enough to say how much fluid money he really has 👍br“Wealth is not in having many possessions Rather, true wealth is the richness of the soul”brProphet Mohammed (pbuh) Comment from : @whyibelieve786 |
But if i studder im lyingb Comment from : @Hazèèjm |
Yup Elon fired over 1 million people from his company that's a great thing isn't it Comment from : @newgodxOmega |
Guys - just a bit of critical thinking If Tesla goes bankrupt, no he doesn't go bankrupt not in a real sense ie he'll still have a lot of cash, stocks, shares etc Millionares/Billionares don't go bankrupt like the average person - same with how laws and taxes don't quite apply to them the same way as it does the average person brIn terms not having a lot of Cash - doesn't really need it, has Jets, multiple mansions, the ability to acquire huge companies like Twitter, communicate to literarily billions of people, an insane network etcbrbrJust think for a moment - did this clip really just teach you how to be a billionaire? or did it simply serve to market the guy as a 'Poor humble person who just happens to own the same amount of assets as a million people combined whilst pays less tax proportionally than they do and having more political clout than they have' Comment from : @dreamEternal |
"loans" well of course, you put all your money in stocks ( this does not get taxed until you sell it as he explains in the video) and use it as collateral to borrow more moneybr You can't tell me all his companies made 0$ profit and it's okay that his companies are paying less tax than a janiator Comment from : @eduarddez4416 |
All the stupid people say stuff like "poor people hate rich people" "people hate others who had success when they haven't", brThis interviewer clearly is a bootlicker who wanted elon to go after poor people or people who haven't had success yet, the interviewer asks terrible questions, he's a great example of an interviewer who only asks strawman questions, he asks questions only to have the interviewee sh*t on the side he doesn't like The interviewers need to be called out just as much as the interviewee Comment from : @Dhdhdhdbs-qu7oe |
I do not like elon musk Not because he has money, but because he is generally a horrible person You can be dirt poor or rich as sin, and still be a bad person The fact that he is morally bankrupt and is against human rights is enough to say, yep, thats a bad guy Money isnt a factor Comment from : @tizzywaggins2095 |
Elon musk gadi modda ni kosesindhi mary Comment from : @user-mf9mb8mt8c |
Why he worked everyday he deserve this He helps so many people in the meantime❤ his AI has changed the world allot millionaire wouldn't be here without his technology an advancement❤ Comment from : @Apostlebettita2024 |
It's not that their billionaires, it's that they are letting the world self destruct Comment from : @samkurz |
Yeah, but he’s borrowing against his assets to avoid taxes, he could easily just sell one percent of his net worth and have 9 figures of spending cash even after taxes Comment from : @Hasan9t |
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