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Warren Buffett Brilliantly Explains Levels Of Wealth

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Information Warren Buffett Brilliantly Explains Levels Of Wealth

Title :  Warren Buffett Brilliantly Explains Levels Of Wealth
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Frames Warren Buffett Brilliantly Explains Levels Of Wealth

Description Warren Buffett Brilliantly Explains Levels Of Wealth

Comments Warren Buffett Brilliantly Explains Levels Of Wealth

mungers answer is, simply, stunningly brilliant
Comment from : @sbose64

When I first read Nixorus books, I realized how stuck I was in the system It’s crazy how much they changed my perspective
Comment from : @hikarieve

He compares himself with college kids k
Comment from : @TheAmericanDowser

"Money isnt important, ive just spent my life acquiring it"brbrAlso, as somebody disabled, your health definitely buys money
Comment from : @Viking102938

There ared two kinds of money, enough and not enough More than enough ios unnecessary
Comment from : @RobertAlperin

I can guarantee you money-hungry folks out there, if all your waking hours is spent dreaming about money, & you don't have loving people around or hate what you do, no matter how much you're making right now, you ain't never going to be happy I can't remember the last time I saw a smiling "rich" person and I'm not talking about the fake ones on socialmedia
Comment from : @SirKayTravels

There is no explanation to the LEVELS of wealth in this video Only the difference between rich and wealthy
Comment from : @MrHaxOnator

poda yecha
Comment from : @RanjithKumar-c4x7y

So they are mis pronoucing healthy
Comment from : @jasondads9509

When the pandemic struck, Buffet was also selling It was a terrific time to buy equities overall and a great entry point for those in my generation, who were in their 30s and 40s Do you believe this would be a good time to sell some stocks as well? I'm wondering what the best ways are to rebalance my $2 million holdings
Comment from : @kortyEdna825

Charlie Munger sounds like G-Man
Comment from : @drgreenthumb123

Got money but not life😢😭
Comment from : @Nameless-tp8np

Wealthy is when your passive income exceeds your spending
Comment from : @chuck_in_socal

There's nothing you value more than good health for you and your family came across as a threat lol
Comment from : @Stayawayfromme

Munger and Buffett have both achieved an incredible feat with Berkshire They've turned thousands to billions, and have made a lot of people wealthy in the process I really saw the potential of the stock market by reading Berkshire's annual letters I recently sold my $674k apartment in the Bel Air area and I'm hoping to throw it into the stock market I just don't want to lose everything
Comment from : @alexstevenm6414

Taking early notes from Warren as to the importance of sound asset diversification and risk management It can't be overstated I've been trying to grow my portfolio for sometime now and it’s been stagnant, I would greatly appreciate any other suggestions
Comment from : @sarawilliam696

When the pandemic struck, Buffet was also selling It was a terrific time to buy equities overall and a great entry point for those in my generation, who were in their 30s and 40s Do you believe this would be a good time to sell some stocks as well? I'm wondering what the best ways are to rebalance my $2 million holdings
Comment from : @Peterl4290

Wealth is health
Comment from : @caliindica420

These definitions are ridiculous, they are just her own arbitrary definitions
Comment from : @falldogii

Hmmm Not much between him and a college student huh I Wonder how Warren would have liked working at the restaurant I worked at in college Washing floors and prepping food
Comment from : @romewasnotbuiltinaday

Being rich is having a lot of money Being wealthy is a mindset
Comment from : @Azel247

I don’t believe them when they say they will take health first I think they believe that’s the correct thing to say, but none of them act on it But they do spend all of their waking hours trying to make more money But to be rich with a body that looks like shit and feels like shit is poverty, no matter how much money you have They have a disease and their disease as money He even says he would trade money for more life by his own admission, but even though they have the money to support the lifestyle, a good health, they refuse it so they are actually personally lazy people You can manipulate others and markets to make more money, but you actually have to drag your ass out of bed and go to the gym and deny yourselfthose junk food nibbles to be healthy and neither one of them do it or ever have as is evidenced
Comment from : @ronaldellis3888

He boasts that "having money makes very little difference in quality of life"brBut he hoards HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS rather than give any awaybrMore to the point, his businesses are built around the race to the bottom ie firing lots of staff, overworking the rest and paying them as little as possible in progressively deskilled work
Comment from : @RS-xx9ve

Michale Saylor is becoming the 8th Wonder of WealthbrFar greater than Warren can imagine
Comment from : @InvestBetter

Pojďte mi poradit jak s vama během dvaceti vteřin přijít o 150000,- 😂😂😅brbrStačí tvrdit, ze vysetrujes, dělat si jako pomatenej policajt co chci a bourat lidem do aut 😂😂😂😅🎉brbrBudete ze me dělat milionáře!!! Sorry!!! Tedka už prej miliardáře!!!!! 😂😂😅🎉brbrBohnice čekají!!!!!
Comment from : @Vlachynahasbeenhacked

It's tomorrow!! A lot of news have been going on about a rally after the election, urging investors to watch out for stocks that would be experiencing significant growth Any idea which stocks to put on my watchlist?
Comment from : @Andreavince-v

Wealth gives you quality time to nurture and spend with your family and loved ones
Comment from : @jpswerve182

The average standard of living has increased the quality of life so much in the past 50 years that the differences in class are much less than beforehand That's not to say there aren't extremes on both ends
Comment from : @sbonamo

Hello what is the best way to get started with bitcoin investment or Forex trade cos I have been making my personal research for a while now
Comment from : @BlessingCheemee

donating money to starving and homeless kids in Palestine is much more important than being rich or wealthy
Comment from : @shockingevents2749

Alot is alot for alot of diffrent people
Comment from : @sevenRyeh

Who's this guy Warren Buffet; or Warren Buffèt, whatever his name happens to be?brbrHow dare he assume that he has the means to aquire higher-end travel-accommodations?brbrI have the right (only); to charter a private-jet, from Berkshire-Hathaway🤞just as he!
Comment from : @thehypocriticalcynic9182

you are lucky, One of the most brillian investing advice i have ever gotten on youtube came from watching an interview with Julianne Iwersen Niemann Indeed, A solid investment strategy is like a well-planted tree—it can withstand storms and still grow strong
Comment from : @susannicky

He spoke nothing of 7 levels, the comment section is full of robots promoting scam artist Hey but, 13 thousand likes, let's go!!!
Comment from : @raoulduke5405

I agree and disagree I agree about the real important things in life brBut I disagree that when it comes to wealth levels, there isn't much difference once you reach a certain level brThere is a world of difference every time you reach 10x your previous level, unless you live simple like Warren Buffett, which most people don't
Comment from : @costafilh0

The fact that nobody talks about the forbidden book 25 Money Secrets From Donald Trump speaks volumes about how people are stuck in a trance
Comment from : @MarkJones-yu1rs

these 2 are the most logical and down to earth billionaires
Comment from : @rg2613

I'm wealthy yet not rich how? I own my own home, cars paid offtotal tied up in these assets is about Half a mil Yet my bank account has about 8k in it and my retirment has 60k I'm 40 Am I rich? Not yet but getting therewealthyyes, absolutely That's the diff between being wealthy and being rich
Comment from : @rcsebastian2865

Love the Netjets plug! I assume he has Netjets stock
Comment from : @danthemaninfierno

He can say all that, but he's worth $144 Billion, and no-one in the audience is
Comment from : @Puzzoozoo

Wealth is a little close to prosperity, which is a continuous blessing in almost everythingbrRich can be a curse; some people can have a lot of money without having things that money can't buy like peace, health, good, love, reputation
Comment from : @Ola9Wealth

It can be assumed that even Buffett and all the richness in the world do not contribute to clear ideas about this The reality is that there is no greater richness than the possibility of already being able to live, because no richness can buy it, if one thinks only of the infinite selves we might as well have been among the infinite possible combinations between a sperm in billions present and an ovum The difference between some and others is that some have understood this and some have not, the first ones usually being those who are not bought for any richness in the world, the second ones sometimes are
Comment from : @lorenzocor5715

Money just gives you peace of mind and security Being broke never did anyone any good Money just gives you more options Wealthy peoplebrUs debt to make more money Understand this and you willbrHave money
Comment from : @AmanSS890

C3IS Inc can take you to the next level
Comment from : @SheShaved

I am at the beginning of my "investment journey", planning to put 85K into dividend stocks so that I will be making up to 30 per year in dividend returns Any advice?
Comment from : @Particamuwowo

Very eloquent, clear and diplomatic answer to an idiot that got a hold of the mic
Comment from : @Singularityv616

Guarantee he doesn’t eat the same foods as most Americans
Comment from : @magicclimbing

“Health is important” Takes a drink of coke and eats a hamburger 😂
Comment from : @sethaldrich6902

Rich people say money is unimportant Laterattractive people say looks are unimportant Lateryou get my point
Comment from : @CYCHIATRIC

Having money isn't everything, but not having it is
Comment from : @karenreddy

Having lots of money does NOT make you happy! Read the Bible, instead of listening to stupid people’s voices!
Comment from : @discerningacumen

Charlie Munger look like weekend at Bernie's
Comment from : @oldmate99

Being rich is for a season Being wealthy is for generations As Steve Job said," Being the richest guy in the Cemetery doesn't matter
Comment from : @MJ-ve8vd

A better, quicker explanation of rich vs wealthy is: A Major League baseball player is rich, the person who owns his team is wealthy
Comment from : @GunsAndRovers

rich is having a lot of money that could be lost with a few bad decisions, wealthy is being so rich that you can't get rid of it no matter how dumb you behave
Comment from : @cletus2941

Wealth hugely improves the life chances of your offspring, and their offspring, for many generations
Comment from : @Enigma-h8j

Hes ecomic thats whay is ritch :) he got Inc and factory :)
Comment from : @VestSer

Wolff Ports
Comment from : @DorisJones-v5x

If Jesus is Lord of your life, you have true wealth Without Him you do not
Comment from : @PaulWashington

Tromp Junction
Comment from : @GwynGroehler-p3x

What we do now is manipulate diginuty for thevtimes to make other feel and look important and people call u ifiots i hear everyday Why do we need this undignified being
Comment from : @shankarbalakrishnan2360

The amount of money you spend on maintaining your lifestyle will ultimately determine if you become wealthy You can be earning loads but have an expensive lifestyle You can earn less, have a modest lifestyle, but ultimately have more wealth than someone who earns loads more than you Change your perspective!
Comment from : @thewhinjaninja3610

I'd rather be (((24 with $0))) than (((94 with $142, 000, 000, 000))) I always think of Warren when I dip my sausage in HP sauce Warren has a 30 share in Berkshire Hathaway, which owns Kraft Heinz, which makes the brown sauce (((A perfect blend of malt & spirit vinegar, molasses, glucose-fructose syrup, sugar, dates, cornflour, rye flour, salt & tamarind))))
Comment from : @TroyHutchinson-qq5ig

Tacky little montages
Comment from : @cervelo9465

Amazing What a body What skill, determination Weird but fascinating Well done
Comment from : @AnInterestedObserver

Stopped video when realised she liked the sound of her own voiceand opinion, more than Warrens'
Comment from : @beachcomber4785

Enrico Trace
Comment from : @HamiltonJosephine-w7c

Jealousy is the problem people have so much yet aren't happyyep jealousy
Comment from : @nolickspittle4753

He’s a poor man with money
Comment from : @rodriguezahr

Life is short
Comment from : @rodriguezahr

Jazlyn Square
Comment from : @tomyoumans4748

I am a multi millionaire and very healthy 😊
Comment from : @dhfozzie

If u cant be stylish dont explain it be stylish❤❤🎉🎉
Comment from : @shankarbalakrishnan2360

Wealth equal well for life while rich is happy for some time alive
Comment from : @DIOROMME

If you don't have your health, you don't have anything Now I'm off to the gym
Comment from : @tonywillingham8109

But can he explain the 7 levels of hell reserved for rich people?brbrYes The Bible says the rich go to hell So if your ambition is to be rich, don't expect to go to heaven
Comment from : @MrOrtmeier

laundered wealth has its perks
Comment from : @absaly

Instead of trading a “significant” part of his wealth for extra years doing what he wants…would he trade “all” his wealth for the same???
Comment from : @robmotown1

He’s talking shit…the same as students? We basically cannot leave the house without spending ALL the money we earned in the day
Comment from : @sirtom3011

Now explain the luxury of a 300 tomb vs 10 million
Comment from : @jonesmorales-tu6kq

I lost over $70K when everything started to tank Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said I'm still responsible It just taught me to be a better investor now that I understand more of what could go wrong It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I find one source to recover my money, at least $9k profits weekly Thanks so much Mrs Angie Owens
Comment from : @DrRobertEdward

I thought she might be getting at wealthy as independent, not needing to work to live securely and normally That doesn’t equate to rich, some people with quite a lot of money might not be very secure or independent and some independent people might not have a lot of available money
Comment from : @my9129

So why do they want more and more Money?
Comment from : @rd3696

Warren talking out of his ass here unfortunately
Comment from : @mr_jdes

He is a genius and I admire him but he doesent know how to enjoy life
Comment from : @MarioBanfic

that woman is really dumb
Comment from : @NarodytskyiStas

Cartwright Hollow
Comment from : @EthaUcci-c7n

What good is health? You cant buy money with it Lol
Comment from : @OrganicMachoCapitalist

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