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What happened to the As since Moneyball?

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Title :  What happened to the As since Moneyball?
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Comments What happened to the As since Moneyball?

How is it even acceptable to say “to be fair, its not easy to get public funding for $1b stadium”brWhy would a city give money to billionnaires to earn more money?
Comment from : @elangovanraja4424

First question here is for many (and me): „why did he advertise this system to everyone, so also to the rich clubs?“brThe thing is all employees and players that played there knew about this scheme and would have spoken about it later, when changing the job to another team… brThis way the inventor gets at least the laurels for inventing it And it was probably the middle finger to the ownerbrThe cities should fight for the right on the name of its biggest teams
Comment from : @micumatrix

I understand it’s a stupid question But why do WE have ti provide THEM with funding
Comment from : @coreygarcia952

Vegas, Desert Summer Baseball??? Not 4me $2,000 Tix, $1,000 merchandise, to be a Fan NOPE!
Comment from : @jobckts682

I think many professional sports teams forget that they are in the entertainment business They seam to think that it's a money making business, which it can bebut not guaranteed It's like making movies to make money They can make money, but someone needs to pay to see it
Comment from : @nickm764

Another Bay Area team lost…
Comment from : @behindenemylines3361

This analysis is bway/b too kind to GAPboybrHis legacy is sheet 💩 and he’s destined for the dark place 😈
Comment from : @Yowzoe

Comment from : @temperedglass1130

"Moneyball" was a Complete & Total Failure, it made the Team look good but they never were Why they left was Not Fisher's Fault, the Liberal Democratic Leadership turned Oakland from at least decent place to live into a Destitute Crime Ridden Cesspool From Jerry Brown all the way to the Corrupt Scumbag Mayor who just got the Royal Boot! they have all but Bankrupted Oakland to a point I doubt it can ever recover I should know, I grew up & lived there there in the Early 60 to Mid 90s My Wife of 45 Years & I watched it's Decline & Fall!
Comment from :

Well, the dodgers winning consistently with the highest payroll creates a different precedent of how to build a modern team and I’m glad of it Billion dollar team owners should spend appropriately Not try and build the cheapest team imaginable and just hope to win while charging top dollar to their fans
Comment from : @RealBanz

Public funding shouldn't exist for stadiums You're a billionaire fund it yourself
Comment from : @michaelmcnulty7520

Were Tim Hudson, Barry Zito, Mark Mulder, Miguel Tejada, or Eric Chavez ever mentioned in that movie? Hard not to win the AL west with a core of those players
Comment from : @itsshrike1237

They don't exist anymore?brIirc they are in vegas nowbrScrewing over the multitude of people that work in the sevice industry depending on sports fans to tip them because they don't earn a living wage from their jobs
Comment from : @ElGatoBlanco1970

Luis Oosthuizen shot second The other ball was already on the green
Comment from : @MTB91SC

That little field in Sacramento is the AAA Rivercats and it’s a beautiful field Can’t wait to see the A’s play there!!!
Comment from : @hmonster1XL

I’ll tell you what happened, they lost Tim Hudson, Barry Zito and Mark Mulder
Comment from : @bradclifford295

Fun fact: The studio that was supposed to produce the movie had second thoughts & backed-out It took a lot of lobbying from Mr Pitt himself, along with/ the producer, to re-commit brbrApparently while not a big baseball fan, Mr Pitt was fascinated w/ the story, as he saw it as a ‘David vs Goliath’ one
Comment from : @JPF_311

Bro you sound like Jim or MrMetekor
Comment from : @hmuniz002

Las Vegas Ace's
Comment from : @wokealarm6203

They became losers and moved to Las Vegas
Comment from : @timf2279

What happened?? The other teams started using that same idea---and when you have more money and that strategy----it nixes your "lil guy" advantage that was one and done
Comment from : @granitejeepc3651

Fisher and the MLB are exploring the Sacramento Market Making Oakland & stockton the feeder cities
Comment from : @christianmunoz4206

They hired back the old scouts 😮
Comment from : @francojordan2413

That season was great but the starting pitching was waaay above average Those pitchers don't get the half the credit they deserve for the winning record and the winning streak
Comment from : @peterlarson8932

Fisher cares only about his investment He had zero interest in winning in Oakland He will sell his team in Vegas a few years after in Vegas for huge profits He will be laughing all the way to the bank
Comment from : @micnak3574

Moneyball did well to make the A's competitive but it didn't translate into the playoffs at least when it came to series clinching 2 years in a row they either had a 2-0 or 2-1 game lead in the ALDS only to lose out
Comment from : @Rockhound6165

We lost our home We lost our name We lost our major players We lost our stadium
Comment from : @ChefMarkyMarkz

Wait are they going to Sac or Vegas?
Comment from : @plaidchuck

Baseball is a tough game to win when you are in a weak city that doesn't have strong financial resources Oakland isn't one of the top 30 markets in the US With the Giants locking up SF and San Jose, there just isn't enough pie left over for another franchise They'll likely do better with Vegas all to themselves
Comment from : @dancahill9585

Wouldn't it be easier to just dismantle the team and call it quits?
Comment from : @PincoPallino-zh8wm

Skip to 6:00 for the answer Your welcome
Comment from : @cruiser_b9779

On a bus to Vegas
Comment from : @hmsljj

Im from argentinabrBOCA JRS ĥave been saying the same about the stadium for years, basically they use it as propaganda for elections of club president
Comment from : @Niklaus870

Comment from : @henryjeong6582

A's worst enemies were the cheapass owners
Comment from : @eduardohm5089

They gone
Comment from : @bonnolog

Shouldn’t it be ‘A’s’ ?
Comment from : @martijn_yt

Have you noticed how many of the A’s best players eventually became Yankees’s?
Comment from : @k29king1

Twins had a better season that year and spent less and had less money than the A's That's what moneyball should have been about
Comment from : @thynellynator

That long of a video to say they were purchased and moved to las vegas?
Comment from : @dcsynklare

Trading a rising star with 4 years of control is dumb Extending them pre arb and avoiding FA altogether early is the recipe Why trade a known controllable entity for 4 maybe nothings?
Comment from : @pingamalinga

Moneyball as a strategy can work over the course of a season, but it fails in the playoffs, as you do need clutch players Bill James always stated there was no such thing as a clutch player, but if doesn't take a genius to know that there most certainly are high end multi-tooled players that we sometimes call clutch due to their post season heroics You need those high end guys in October Because the plumbers that are playing the odds with success from April to September can play above their weight as a collective, come crunch time you need players with more balance and a higher ceiling to taste the champagne
Comment from : @garymauk2963

This was almost predictable- but also a real shame Team Sports are often now more and more being played on an uneven playing field - that said I do think the best competitive league in the world comes from American football
Comment from : @markdance574

So they've become the Borussia Dortmund of baseball?
Comment from : @guranshsingh3215

Kinda happened to the cowboys too
Comment from : @geraldhenderson8474

Comment from : @RL_22

What you mean every team can do exactly the same thing and be rich as well
Comment from : @alfiey5783

I hope all of your writers and editors lose their jobs good video though
Comment from : @austinbuttenob5251

The As should just add another "S" at the end of their name
Comment from : @Tommy9834

It’s basically fantasy baseball, but productivity based The key is adding the correct weighted values to each metric
Comment from : @Meatball2022

Have they ever done anything post season ?
Comment from : @guppy90rl81

Sell the team
Comment from : @cjagimnz

To use an analogy featured in the filmif you are a Vegas card counter, you don't let someone write a book and make a popular movie to show Casino executives It only works when people do not see the value of players When you tell them what to look for, you no longer have an advantage Advertising what you did, inevitably diminished its value
Comment from : @timzimmer9632

People like Fisher have no business being around the greatest sport ever He needs to go back to pushing paperwork in the corporate office He is a joke
Comment from : @George-zq2sk

don't forget, for all the "success" moneyball had, they NEVER made it to the World Series The moneyball A's era is a legacy of failure, plain and simple
Comment from : @shelton-c6b

Let's be real At least the film of money ball sort of mocked classic scouting And the reason why the a's were ever competitive was because of their scouts drafting Like how when the A's were goodThey just happened to have the best ERA in the league The whole concept of buying runs is a lot easier when you're AcePitching staff doesn't give much up The reason you hated playing the aids was because of the three headed dragon they had of Cy young caliber starters
Comment from : @dante040

Rip Oakland A’s
Comment from : @davidsims916

They lost
Comment from : @flashmcdash36

How are you going to get fans to go to 81 home games in Las Vegas during summer when its stinking hot? NFL I can understand since you only get 8 or 9 home games in the regular season during autumn/winter With NHL you're in an arena and theres "only" 41 home games (same with NBA if a team goes to Las Vegas) and its not summerbrbrBut 81 games in a stadium Who is going to go when if the A's are having a bad season?
Comment from : @stackhat8624

Cheap s---- billionaires are what happened, to the A's and Raiders
Comment from : @George_M_

The Oakland Coliseum is broken, ugly, and run down but never bland
Comment from : @yawnberg

Summary: it got priced in
Comment from : @wes2262

🤢🤢🤮 Imagine moving Man United club to Saudi Arabian city because the money 🤢🤢🤮
Comment from : @duran9664

❌Moving a club from its hometown to another city is just so inhumane heartless disgusting capitalist practice🤢🤢🤮
Comment from : @duran9664

It goes way before John Fisher brbrThe Oakland Athletics ownership, the city of Oakland, and Alameda County governments should've had a baseball-only facility plan that is ready to go once Al Davis said that he is moving the Raiders back to Oakland from LA in 1995
Comment from : @joesakic91

He is a billionär he does not need public funding
Comment from : @HolyPire

The As are going to go bankrupt The LA stadium will never be built
Comment from : @renandmrtns

Funny enough? The Oakland Raiders were well known for winning with a bunch of misfits
Comment from : @mountainadventures7346

The As and the Raiders both moving to Las Vegas? Sucks to be a sports fan in Oakland
Comment from : @mjribes

Moving a team to another city is disgusting behaviour
Comment from : @deejlynzle1287

Q: What has happened to the A's since Moneyball?brA: Nothing good
Comment from : @robmclean4352

As much as I love the movie, it’s incredibly inaccurate about how that season actually went for Oakland Being an A’s fan is truely tough We have amazing history as a franchise im pretty sure we have the second most World Series behind the yankees Some of baseballs best players were A’s, Ricky Henderson, Mark Maguire, Reggie Jackson and Jose canseco also if Aaron judge didn’t go to college he was drafted first by the A’s 😂😂😂
Comment from : @petercasserly2348

Mad to me that in American sport it is normal to move a team All those fans from decades can no longer see their team
Comment from : @HC-kn2sq

I understand nothing about Baseball but this Sounds horriblebrAnd is it normal in America that a Sportsteam doesnt Play in their Home City, even if they have it their Name?
Comment from : @AlbinoCuseng

It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if the A’s cease to exist as a team in the MLB in a couple years at this rate
Comment from : @TheStaticJedi

Love from Liam Nepal
Comment from : @laduptamang3207

Your content has been great so far Please make a video about professional road cycling
Comment from : @AaronReddin

Moneyball is a horror movie for any true Oakland fan It starts with them losing in the playoffs, shows the team getting gutted, ends with them losing in the playoffs, and is based on the greed of the owner who has been trying to tank the team for 20 years so he can profit
Comment from : @Tamalan

This was great, thank you
Comment from : @CezrDaPleazr

Why does every franchise leave Oakland Golden State, Raiders and now the A’s have all left, feel sorry for the city because those are some of the best die hard fans you will ever see
Comment from : @klashnekov86

Umm You're missing a vital updateWhat happened to Billy Beane?? Would have liked an update on what he's been up to since Moneyball
Comment from : @freeguy3751

According to the Brits in the comments, the best solution here would be relegation Yeah that makes sense, take the team that’s already strapped for cash and make them even less marketable😂
Comment from : @jonathaneasow8476

Nothing wrong with money ball but it’s awful bozo trust fund kid the trashed the club
Comment from : @Thebearmre7

This kinda shows everything wrong with American sports really Begging for Taxpayers and public to fund ridiculous stadiums for BILLIONAIRES, packing the team up and leavingand so on
Comment from : @BlueWoWTaylan

So, what you are telling me isbrbrOakland has technically (i say that because i think the Raiders moved to LA first) lost both its NFL team and its MLB team to Las Vegas wow
Comment from : @TonySpike

their strategy has been outdated for like twenty years lol, baseball analytics have moved way beyond OBP and undervaluing guys from arm slots Just saying Fisher isn't why they've been bad the last few years Don't get me wrong, he sucks, but they've been valuing the wrong archetypes of players for a little while now
Comment from : @andrewgelsinger8177

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