Title | : | The True Cost of Car Ownership! |
Lasting | : | 17.07 |
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Views | : | 31 rb |
People don't truly understand how expensive any car ownership is Even the most ultra-reliable cars (eg Toyota Yaris, Honda Civic), car parts are NOT cheap in general Comment from : @filopride619 |
🕊️🙏🏽🕊️😊 Comment from : @yeshua-Political-Party |
they are a tool like a pen knife, endless lines, parking fueling ongoing Comment from : @willalm830 |
Our regulations, are to get rid of that pesky middle class People are easier to control, when they're on foot Comment from : @michaeljohnson4947 |
My only gripe with this video is factoring in car accessories to the calculations If it's something optional that people are spending their discretionary income on for fun it's not REALLY the cost of owning a carbrDon't get me wrong, I'm super anti-car-dependency, it's just best to cut down on things people can point to and say "see? the guy just has an agenda and is trying to make the numbers say what he wants!" Comment from : @Bradum |
car guys "900,000? seems low" Comment from : @TBONE2710 |
You got a like from me when you suggested that people stop thinking of cars as a status symbol Start thinking of cars as symbols of debt Perfect! Comment from : @ionflow1073 |
I work from home and I can have everything I need delivered I don’t need a car and it’s wonderful! Comment from : @ID_Adventure |
Big cities which are bike-friendly have unaffordable housing i live in car dependent suburbs and i can buy a house Comment from : @crisscross10 |
Sad how people/society say renting is always a waste of money yet owning a car isn't Propaganda Comment from : @jonathanmcgovern2464 |
even a "cheap" car like a 2024 Toyota Corolla will run you $150k over 30-years for someone with excellent credit and no accidents The majority of the cost being insurance Cars for daily life are a total scam Comment from : @testchannelplsignore8509 |
Love cars but I've been carless for 25 years living in a city with public transportation You can do the savings math🙂 Comment from : @lexismart7555 |
Edit: this was mentioned later in the VideobrbrYou forgot that car dependency also increases travel time and thus costs you time you could work instead (or use as spare time) Comment from : @ATOM-vv3xu |
90 of these costs are optional 😂 Comment from : @hipponeb |
@0:51 Whatever that means, probably "wage slavery" More importantly, you cannot even do grocery shopping or run basic errands without onebr@8:29 If car ownership is just an option among others, potential savings are highbr@10:29 Why not? If you buy junkfood just because it tasty, why wouldn't you buy a car just because it is shiny and new? 🤔🤨 Comment from : @worldhello1234 |
This sounds like a ticking time bomb Comment from : @nicholashernandez4367 |
You may have to go to the mechanics more often in an older car than a new one, but it’s often cheaper and easier to do so Comment from : @DoubleHCartoonFan57 |
I have no college degree, and work in a warehouse at a small company I have talked several companies or managers over the years into driving me to and from work every day, so I don't have to drive If I can do it multiple times, so can you Comment from : @MegaLokopo |
As a car enthusiast, I want you and people like you to have cars that aren't ugly ass garbage SUVs and terribly made pickups that exist purely to milk as much profit out of society as possible at the expense of making it an unlivable hellscape Comment from : @shingshongshamalama |
Wow ! I didn’t really realize the total costs of owning a car over the years!!! Comment from : @af3790 |
This guy is officially my favorite car YouTube channel Comment from : @DoubleHCartoonFan57 |
I feel like buying a former rental car would be a good choice for car buying Likely has a lot of miles but is well taken care of Comment from : @DoubleHCartoonFan57 |
Nicely structured video Good gob! Comment from : @ThePhosee |
lol, the stock market There are more losers than there are winners You are and will lose money by putting it into that scam The same companies that you place stocks onto them take your money to deregulate themselves or get away with shady crap This guy is an idiot Comment from : @godemperormeow8591 |
On the food tid bit Americans eat meat everyday and don’t invest into fruits and veggies Americans could be losing out on multiple trips to Busch Gardens each year for their need to kill animals like the murderers they are, and absorb a plethora of carcinogens Comment from : @godemperormeow8591 |
Great video, especially coming from a car channel Kudos! Comment from : @AustinSersen |
Here to boost the algorithms The shear amount of time doesn't behind the wheel and stuck behind other idiots stuck behind the wheel is depressing Comment from : @SpenserB |
We had to get a vehicle this year It's amazing how much money that thing sucks up But we'll need it at least until my partner gets a kidney transplant (most of his follow up visits should be nearby at least) At least we live just close enough to the hospital that does the transplants that they won't require us to get a hotel in the same city as the hospital If we lived just 15 miles further northbrbrWell, that said, we bought my grandmother's 2000 minivan and Well, it iis/i a 2000 Town and Country And my brother did a good job of trashing it before my parents sold it to me But even if I were to only look at the cost of gas, it still just vacuums up money Add in the issue with the bent front axle that eats tires? Ouch! Comment from : @SadisticSenpai61 |
I have a 2001 chevy lumina, last year in in total insurance, tabs parts Gas everything 3100 and over 19,000 miles My friends new truck including totally everything 21,000, 900 dollar loan payments are ridiculous Comment from : @Hockey-ny7tp |
Stopped driving my car earlier this year and I have not regretted it Comment from : @stud_ley |
Great video on an important topic This is actually true of meat, dairy and processed food too, in that regardless of whether you eat it or not your taxes go to subsidise it's production I like that you are mature enough to recognise that your love of cars shouldn't cost other people and wonder if you'd be able to do the same for your food too? Comment from : @klang180 |
I think that BMW sounded pretty gnarly Comment from : @eurosonly |
This is an important video, and a great reminder that having more car than you truly need is really a costly waste of money Comment from : @attorneyrobert |
I reject the concept that car-centric infrastructure generated wealth It borrowed wealth from the future, and now we are paying the costs Comment from : @JohnFromAccounting |
i love your glasses :D Comment from : @MetalTiger88 |
All facts lol driving is for the privileged Comment from : @CandlestickTV |
this is why I cant live outside NYC (in the US) Comment from : @josephyoung6749 |
Option to save on cars: move to the Netherlands 😂 Comment from : @realGBx64 |
Went through the numbers for myself already and asked a few people brThe conclusion was:brcalculate at least 300$ (absolute floor) per month before you even moved the thing Just maintenance, value deprecation, taxes and insurance The first 2 always being the biggest And they just get worse the more expensive the car is Or f if god forbid you finance it (luckily no one does that eh? Oh, guess that means the realistic average is way above that floor eh?)brOwning a car is a very expensive hobby If you can't admit that, it's no winder your finances are in shambles Comment from : @fgregerfeaxcwfeffece |
Heeey I recognize that RAD hat! Bill is related to a good friend of mine Comment from : @absolutelycitron1580 |
Lmao algorithm chose carvanna as the ad for me Love the video and the channel btw! Comment from : @absolutelycitron1580 |
To get to and from work I bicycle commute about 5 miles each day This saves me money on electricity and gym membership fees Most of all my overall health has drastically improved Because my electric car is heavy, I am also saving money on tires Comment from : @jacksonbangs6603 |
You are an amazing critical thinker Well done! Comment from : @TheT1million |
Once my car goes, I’m not getting another one brAlso moving to the city Comment from : @Denver_____ |
the fact you were able to be a car person and understand the reality of this situation gives me a lot of hope ive been really down in the dumps that so many people are not just blinded to this issue but so dogmatic and aggressive about it keep doing what you're doing and i appreciate you taking the time to make this video! Comment from : @ave14401 |
Great video! Comment from : @GabeDubbs |
Did you see that Mustang? :) Comment from : @StrassenbahnBen |
I love driving which is why i bike to work i do not want to share the road with idiots who spend half their time on their phone while being forced to drive when i drive its for pleasure Traffic just crushes my love of driving Comment from : @thunderb00m |
You're on fire, dude Great video Comment from : @neckenwiler |
Damn this video is under-ratedbrbrWouldve loved a segment with examples of the extreme 100s millions construction costs of highway expanisions Comment from : @jonpata9869 |
thanks for sharing, Hello Road! Comment from : @micosstar |
laughs in motorcycle Comment from : @doggodoggo3000 |
I really feel for those Americans who realise what you're missing out on if you could do without a car for everythingbrKeep making videos like these, the word is spreading!brbrSincerely, a Belgian who used to be a car guy but now gets around by bike, cargo bike and train Comment from : @hananas2 |
As I'm watching this video an ad for Woody Sander Ford comes on Ironic? Comment from : @danielmenetrey6876 |
I'd say be cautious about deciding to buy into the stock market Over 50 years, the stock market had a lot of road bumps and checking into your account to see that big pothole that's going on through a rare time can cause a lot of anxiety for those who don't check in often Comment from : @VideoGameStarChannelSupreme |
👏👏👏 Comment from : @k24hybrid |
Don't worry, the slow drift into the WEF Great Reset (World currency value & licensing economic mode)l will kill credit/loansbrKlaus Schwab, "You will own nothing and be happy" Comment from : @rabokarabekian409 |
One thing to keep in mind--those hundreds-to-thousands spent each month on cars can instead cover a lot of rent/mortgage costs, unlocking the ability to live in mixed-use, walkable and bikeable places (and regain all that lost time and quality-of-life) brbrIf the cost of "affordable" housing is 2x cars and all their fixed and variable costs--the housing is not actually affordable! And conversely, somewhat more "expensive" housing that sheds all those car costs can turn out to be cheaper That's why I haven't driven in 18 years, and have been able to afford to live in fun, convenient, interesting, even beautiful apartments and neighborhoods, on a typical middle-class (or lower) income (even with significant student debt payments) Comment from : @manireik |
Great video! I really love seeing how many people are trying to raise awareness about the cost of car ownership One of the most important factors in a person being able to get out of impoverished situations is access to transportation You can't take a job across town if you can't get there When our only option is to drive, that really eats into a person's ability to save and make better decisions I love your presentation style on the matter, and you were very thorough going through the options and alternatives Comment from : @iSvCrux |
And now add the billions spent on infrastructure that only used by DRIVERS, not pedestrians, cyclists and all micro mobility solutions Comment from : @Paul_C |
rip barb Comment from : @PoserBallin |
I'll watch this video to see if you get more indepth but the way you calculated the opportunity cost in the last one was kind of assinine brbrAlso why the hell is the average Americans car payments $750? Maybe it's just because I'm a car enthusiast who happens to be broke so I look for cars with better value, but like $375 to $450 is what looks normal to mebrI'm sure that the average American buys a lot more SUVs and trucks which are going to be more expensive But still IdkbrI'm also aware of the whole everything's getting heavier thing and I've been bitching about it because car enthusiast The single best way to make a car worse in every way is make it heavier taller and less rigidbrHonestly, that's the biggest thing that worries me about EV technology is that unless we get some big battery breakthroughs real soon Cars are going to get stupid heavy The worst part is they really don't need to, plug in hybrids would be an excellent solution to most of the EV problems Comment from : @larsmurdochkalsta8808 |
Just imagine buying a cargo truck just for your personal moving Comment from : @elchicovip01 |
Consider me subscribed! Love how you produce your videos Comment from : @MrHeff |
Not sure why Youtube decided to start recommending your videos, but I'm glad they did There's even more costs associated with a car/oil dependent infrastructure Just think about the military costs of ensuring we can get access to "cheap" oil to run our fleet of cars nationwide Someone once estimated that it essentially means we're paying well over $10/gallon for gas factoring in that hidden cost Probably closer to $20/gallon in today's moneybrbrI absolutely love my road trips and I'm willing to spend a portion of my income to explore the US west and all the beautiful places I can visit on these trips I have literally 10s of thousands of photos taken on these trips and those memories are priceless But, at the same time, I've stuck with an older used vehicle that gets decent mileage (A Nissan Juke Nismo RS, which is both practical for my lifestyle and still a little fun) Clearly status is not a big deal for me I've worked remotely for over a decade and essentially have been fortunate to just drive for pleasure But I feel for all those who are stuck in this cycle that essentially allows so many hands to get into their pockets for the "privilege" of commuting Comment from : @johnchedsey1306 |
This video is criminally underrated Comment from : @seeranos |
A reasonable and nuanced take on the downsides of car ownership from an auto focused YouTube channel Who knew? Comment from : @Free-g8r |
My brother honestly hates his car The only reason he got it was because it's the only viable way to get around Imma prob get a motorbike instead of a car Less expensive overall til I get hit Comment from : @taleseylad1249 |
Only 926 likes and 10K wievs damm does canadians and muricans are furius to hear car centric life is bad fact Comment from : @kalashnikov_555 |
It's a cliche at this point, but still true: "You aren't stuck in traffic You iare/i traffic" Comment from : @ZachValkyrie |
You need to do a collaboration with Jason Slaughter at Not Just Bikes, Reece Martin at RM Transit, Rollie Williams at Climate Town, John Simmerman at Active Towns and Strong Towns Comment from : @gdemorest7942 |
Cars are a symbol of status whether we want them to be or not Comment from : @LOLWTFWOW |
Man、I live in Tokyo and I’d kill for a 52 minute commute Comment from : @hughmungusbungusfungus4618 |
and yet they are still subsidized! Comment from : @technomad-361 |
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