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6 ways learning piano changed my life

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Title :  6 ways learning piano changed my life
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Description 6 ways learning piano changed my life

Comments 6 ways learning piano changed my life

Hello Man, im Brazilian so please forgive me about the speak Im swear that im start to cryng in the firts minutes of the video, no because your word, im cry cause is the 6 video your who i watch in sequence and im Just can see How i love music, How i love hear the things and know whats going on See people like you and all the people in comments showing How música change their lifes is amazing for me, thanks by the Channel, and thanks for sharing ALL this things with us ❤️
Comment from : @olazaro4204

Everything you said is true Can I just add that I’ve noticed that music can act as a bridge into the minds of people who have dementia? For example they may not remember what happened yesterday but they can remember the song “Yesterday” Every week I play my friend all her old 45s on her first record player - she can remember them all We both have fun
Comment from : @susanrudge5817

In the middle of lockdown I joined a music making discord to try and take making music more seriously I met some good friends on there and we formed our own groups and have wrote and released songs online and even ended up flying half way across the world to spend a week jamming together in a house we rented It’s so true that adventures can come from music, I spent 8 hours on a plane because I wanted to share my soundcloud link with some strangers on discord lol
Comment from : @pocketdialmusic

I just heard you on Pop Master, awful questions but well done! Serendipity I think, that I recently bought an old piano as I’ve always wanted to learn to play…so I’ll actually get going with it now having listened to you here also Thanks 😊
Comment from : @CionnFE

Comment from : @Zetsuke4

Thank you so much David ♡ I whole heartedly agree For me, piano was an unrequited love, I knew I wanted to learn to play ever since I was 6 (my family is not musical) Any piano or keyboard I could find I would play or tinker but I yearned for lessons and to play with both hands Finally my wish came true at 16 when I first received formal lessons (and our first acoustic piano) My teacher was inspiring and I devoured each lesson, played everyday like a heart beat and now i play so much Piano gives me so much joy and I love when anyone is interested to learn and I love hearing people play xx For me it has come full circle as I have so much joy teaching my darling daughter new songs, performance techniques oh and a love of maths Music is numbers and patterns for me and a way of communicating Every home needs a piano 🎹 brbrI only hope my darling daughter enjoys it as much as I do and appreciates the gift of music xx
Comment from : @ellep7372

You look like a Tom Holland who became a pianist instead of becoming Spiderman!
Comment from : @nicholaslawrence6926

I got six for ya babes babes babes babes babes babes
Comment from : @los9952

"No shade on Tescos"brThats one to remember
Comment from : @tastefulmoose

My experience has beensoul-crushing to say the least
Comment from : @Batman-zy3dn

Music changes lives for good
Comment from : @fernandoacostasanchez175

All good stuff David, thanks, ^oo^
Comment from : @bernardthedisappointedowl6938

You are on a great ride Enjoy it!
Comment from : @daveduffy2823

For me, and I’m a complete amateur, the best thing in playing an instrument is simply the fun of creating the music The feeling when I play something and it sounds good or decent at last That gives pure satisfaction But I suppose that you, as a professionalist, can see it in a different way
Comment from : @Ayrton19750114

Only one thing missing in this video Playing music alone is one of the best ways to clear your head, take a break from everything and just reset Extremely powerfull tool in every way shape and form
Comment from : @joelestadella1983

Could you make a video about songs that use sus2 and sus4 chords
Comment from : @ahmeterenosun8572

David, watching this video made me realize I have no business not being a guitar teacher You made a very convincing argument 😂How can I get into that?
Comment from : @teagueolewiler4202

Great video as always David! my personal history with guitar is a one-way love I love the guitar but the guitar doesn`t love me with this I'm saying that my skills after 35-40 years of playing 2-3 hours a day are more or less the skills of a 20-year average boy who started at 16 anyway I agree at 100 with David and specially regarding self confidence and self steem being able to play decently (not really good) has motivated me much more that obtaining a PhD degree after years and years of exhausting work now at my sixties, I'm ready and eager for experiencing the other benefits! Hehe!
Comment from : @satautenyo

David, you have a great channel, and this is a beyond great video I hope it gets a billion views and is seen in every classroom, etc, throughout the whole world
Comment from : @ankhor9252

Lots of data points about the benefits of music A good follow-up would be about how to avoid musician injuries because these are very common and can prevent somebody from enjoying the benefits of music that he has so eloquently listed there is a lot more openness nowadays about whole range of health issues from menstrual health to mental health but unfortunately in the music industry there is generally silence about musician health I would be surprised if David does not have some experience himself of musician injury or know of somebody who has
Comment from : @adrianhepton9362

I hear that your seeking a name for a band I think you need to name it by the direct approach: The David Bennett Trio/Quartet/Quintet (etc) This would be appropriate as your musical stylizations do not totally fit into any traditional music form
Comment from : @peterkelley6344

couldn't agree more!
Comment from : @MassimoSchiavetta

I would add to the confidence thing, that we're all at different places and getting ready to perform still really gets me anxious But I know how to get over it, and that's the important bit :) And hopefully you're less of an anxious person and so you'll find it easier!
Comment from : @TheGerkuman

I’m watching this from the ‘far end’ Learnt enough to play in teenage bands over 40 years ago Met so many people including my wife of 40 years on stage brbrPlayed in so many amateur and semi-pro set ups Music for churches, local theatre groups Etc but always regarded it as a hobby and had a regular jobbrbrNow I’m retired, I’ve set up a little recording set up and I’m watching music videos like this channel and really getting into the theory and learning piano (I was just guitar and bass previously)brbrSo I agree And can add that it is a hobby that has no end, no boundaries There’s always more to explore
Comment from : @Keith_Butcher

Seems to have worked out better for you than for me At 42, I'm still not very self-confident I recognize elements of all those 6 points, but they never really solidified for me
Comment from : @JBDazen

Very eloquent Lovely vid
Comment from : @markgilmore2077

Amazing video! This made me look back at my own musical journey and appreciate lots of things I'd never thought about twice I'll be sending this to my bandmates :)
Comment from : @lukerea3406

Why does this have so few views? It’s literally demonstrating the benefits of music; people seem to want to miss out on that for some reason!
Comment from : @adamread3540

What a coincidence! I just started playing the trumpet and I feel this way too I play the piano and some guitar Learning instruments is my new hobby! Thank you David
Comment from : @thodoroskat

You are very knowledgeable and skilled, so I have had a lot of use of your videos Thanks!
Comment from : @Quant-Beat

It was very nice and rewarding too to listen to that and not to mention, when You talked about Yourself as a person :)
Comment from : @axlhyvonen461

As someone who’s been playing piano since the age of 8 and been surronded by music and musicians probably my entire life, I couldn’t agree more Can’t stress enough how thankful I am for the way music shaped and still shapes my life and my personality to this day Lovely and heartfelt video!
Comment from : @a7313

I bought an alto saxophone 3 yrs ago brNo previous musical knowledge brMusic is now a normal part of my daybrIt's great for forgetting your worries brYou can surprise yourself what you are capable ofbrThanks for the video 👍
Comment from : @spaceisbig7910

A name for your new bandbrThe Eleastic Waste Band
Comment from : @mark950-d7d

Jesus loves you :)
Comment from : @user-ji7qc1lj1h

I see what you did there referencing Jack Black :)
Comment from : @outdrfr

The Beatles did this
Comment from : @StratsRUs

I am Grade 6 bass and 17, any tips on how to make a good amount of money for performing?
Comment from : @DeKevers

Excellent, David, thank you for uploading
Comment from : @composer7325

Music does insane things to me I am so happy to just go on stage in front of over 30 people every week and just sing and play bass at the same time! My stage confidence is much bigger than my real confidence I am a much better person now
Comment from : @DeKevers

A problem I see here is that here "learning an instrument" refers to acquiring quite a decent amount of skills in playing it And putting the amount of work needed (although it is 100 accessible by everyone willing it imho) is a (too) huge barrierbrbrAnd for my part (I'm a pianist I guess, I played some pieces of a certain level) I'm still not convinced that I have the ability to play in a group without pulling it down because, fact is, I just suck at reading sheet music
Comment from : @rayerdyne

I read an article about Xenograft and ow it turns out that some "David Bennett" got a pork's heartbrHopefully this is not this one (spoiler: this medical experiment is complex and part of last chance operation)
Comment from : @rayerdyne

I had heard that there was a connection between American folk music and British folk Could you get into it?
Comment from : @canonwright8397

While I'm not a professional, I was a band kid in high school and have continued in the University concert band because it is so good for you I also played in a jam band that got on our local radio I guess my point is that even if music isn't your job or the main thing in your life, you can still keep it up and grow and become a well rounded person
Comment from : @jacobbeaulieu2675

I’ve been practising seriously for the last couple of years, and I really like working towards playing challenging songs Individual sessions can sometimes be frustrating, but I tell myself that’s a good thing as it means I’m trying to go beyond my limits, and over an extended period of time I can see that I’m improving and being able to play stuff that seemed impossible previously And sometimes I feel like I’m in flow state, which I think is a good thing
Comment from : @shinygoldcar

Playing a musical instrument gave me something to do to keep myself up a bit when I lost my job during the height of the pandemic Now it could well become my full time job, in a way
Comment from : @christophergetchell6490

Love the video Let me add in 1:45, that a band is kinda a good way of social pressure (hope not getting lost in traslation here) because you live, as a band, your fears together, and you don't wanna let you down your friends, so many times you push it harder not only for you but your them too Hope you get what I mean, love the channel, is so useful and fun Thank you for all your hard work on it, and best wishes from Argentina!
Comment from : @NomeDeArte

I understand this about guitar, and if you're a professional If you're a hobbyist, sounds like your benefits don't apply *as much* I'm learning piano, but there's a big threshold before I can get decent (like a year or two) But what are some suggestions to taking piano out of your living room?
Comment from : @shaunreich

Very nice! The same happened to me!
Comment from : @cmtefabianodepaula6950

The best thing about learning to sing along with my ukulele: Even without electricity, I always have at least one Beatles song from every album at my fingertipsbrI don’t play in public I don’t meet people, have adventures, or make money with my ukulele Having learned a few chords as as kid, when I was in school band and a choir boy, I started strumming chords and learning songs for real in my mid-fifties I am mediocre, but enthusiasticbrPlaying music improves my life in so many other ways It’s a meditation to play and sing the same few songs every day It’s like a puzzle, trying to remember one not played lately It’s an outlet for screaming, or crying, or giddy laughing It has my nerd-self learning the math and science of sound waves and harmonics I was shown music theory by you YouTube teachers; I now can understand the chord progressions in my favorite old records My dance-floor air guitar may be tiny, but the chords are for real There’s real satisfaction and confidence-building to learning a new song It’s a great way to connect with the grand nephews and nieces, singing Teddy Bears’ Picnic I could go on, like having more understanding of the book Music And The Mind by Antony Storr…
Comment from : @robranney-blake8731

Never too late to learn either You can start at any point
Comment from : @stevej1154

Becoming a musician is the best decision I ever made 🥰
Comment from : @aylbdrmadison1051

Hey David how much did you charge starting out? I'm trying to start teaching
Comment from : @huss2600

Learning a musical instrument certainly hasn't improved my self-confidence It's reminded me that there's some things I will always suck at, no matter how hard I try And before you say I haven't put the time in, I've been playing for 25 years
Comment from : @rome8180

This was such a welcome bit of motivation, really felt like an affirmation that music is what I should continue pursuing for myself🙌🏽
Comment from : @JalenJaguar

I"ll show this to my kids
Comment from : @veryveryveryvery161

David, you are 100 percent on the money here Of course, the voice is an instrument too, and I have found being a chorister to have proved to be the single, most profound element in establishing my life-long personna All my family play piano and at least one other instrument, all but one of them have sung since pre-school, and several are accomplished dancers This has helped each of them evolve an holistic attitude to education, career, family, and interests I think music, along with maths and a foreign language, should be compulsory subjects at school up to year 10
Comment from : @takpalfrey3882

Hello monsieur Bennett I studied classical répertoire very seriously during 12 years Sadly, I did not have enough talent, patience and money to complete a concert diploma After 28 years without any music instrument at home, I bought my first electronic keyboard 2 months ago I'm well over 60 and now play with a band every Saturday It is great fun; a mix bag of everything I used to snub Last time I performed ensemble music, was 50 years ago with a string quartet I got myself an awesome coach to update my technical skills and explore that weird keyboard I feel like 30yo!
Comment from : @michelnormandin8068

Is that tattoo new?
Comment from : @kieranmackin1433

I used to earn a living as both a graphic and technical artist At a young age I was diagnosed with a disease that could take my vision at some point so I'm point so at 21 I started playing guitar At the age of 27 and 28 I lost most of my vision Writing songs gives me a similar level of satisfaction and accomplishment that I used to get from picking up a pencil and piece of paper
Comment from : @BreakfastinBedlam

And music is a proven means of healing for certain mental disorders, as detailed by Oliver Sacks in his book, Musicophelia I highly recommend listening to this title on audio not least because it is narrated by a man with the most delicious Scottish accent, in my opinion, ever to soothe linguistically attuned ears Personally, I found that I had to listen to it twice Once, to bask in its reading And a second time to actually pay it proper attention LOL! So, yeah, give it a read and reward yourself with fascination cover to cover Cheers, mate! -Phill, Las Vegas
Comment from : @WhiteSpatula

i imagine most people who watch your channel already play an instrument 😂
Comment from : @mustuploadtoo7543

I only need one reason to play music: it brings me joy
Comment from : @jasonremy1627

I enjoyed much this video Here you got more personal than in other ocasionsbrI fully agree with these advantages I would add onemore, quite evident: I think one enjoys more music and has a deeper understanding of it knowing how to play an instrument
Comment from : @joseluisblanco8074

I can say the same for being a producer or engineer I might not be able to play a single instrument the best, but I can arrange a song from start to finish I look back at my old stuff and feel amazed at how far I’ve came Plus I’ve met many good friends through it Many good memories there Fs Fs
Comment from : @nickolassucharew840

Nice one! Good on you All absolutely awesome points Going to do some practice this weekend :)
Comment from : @dinodinoulis923

Sponsored by Pianote? Can we get a Lisa x David collab? Teaching, playing, anything
Comment from : @steamedbryce

100 agreed but i was going to practise anyway lol
Comment from : @chuckcrunch1

David, could you make a video about how to play with other people? I think you would have to be at a certain skill level and be able to improvise to do that
Comment from : @eatplantsloveanimals

"Chip away at the small goals and the big goals will take care of themselves" I needed to hear this today, thank you!
Comment from : @SoleaGalilei

Agree so much! I picked up the guitar when I was 16 (44 years ago -- ye gods!) and have NEVER regretted it
Comment from : @sourisvoleur4854

Thanks for the challenge to us who play but have been slackin! One caveat to your point about confidence- it only comes once you actually get good, and not everyone does due a variety of reasons This can make you even less confident because you just found another thing that you suck at But what fixes it is always the basics and practice, practice practice! Well, I'm off to my piano bench
Comment from : @JayCAlan

Just imagine what this guy will do after puberty and shaving hits?
Comment from : @Neil-Aspinall

I think 1 of these is actually true
Comment from : @JaysonT1

Ппц как жизнь музыкантов за границей от нашей отличается У нас ты хер новых знакомых заведёшь и заработаешь на музыке, как ни старайся
Comment from : @Va_Sdian

I took piano lessons as a kid, but stopped in frustration in middle school because my piano teacher insisted on forcing me to sight-read every assignment; she didn't want to "coddle" me by playing the song for me as a point of reference, or giving me sheet music for a song I already knew Cut to me at age 30 learning I have Absolute Pitch because of a later-in-life ADHD/Autism diagnosis I don't have Perfect Pitch -- but I'm actively working on that skill, now that I know how my brain is wired! 🤗 I bought a zither and a ukulele recently so I can re-learn music theory from the ground up in a way that makes sense to my adult brain It's INCREDIBLY fun!
Comment from : @sydposting

You forgot the most obvious one--girls love musicians, especially guitar players
Comment from : @hifijohn

There are many lonely piano players who do not interact with anyone but their music (I actually mean classical music)
Comment from : @mfurman

I just practiced guitar today :) it's my second instrument, my first was piano (my very first is my voice though which I train everyday)
Comment from : @tatjbere

I find playing music a very effective way to reduce and manage stress Just a great mental health tool
Comment from : @benoitrenaud519

And the 7th less dignified improvement to your life is pulling power It's an interesting fact of life that once people discover you can pay an instrument rather well, your attractiveness score goes through the roof lol
Comment from : @0liver0verson9

I’ve never related more to something
Comment from : @george_moussa

Can't velieve David really escaped prison without even changing his shirt just for this video
Comment from : @Wind-nj5xz

Never being lonely😂brIve been playing piano for 10 years, guitar and drums for 5 years and im lonely as can be lol
Comment from : @maximusmeridius7941

Well, I agree but I'd say it's a 'might' instead of a 'will' Or maybe I was just unluckybrbrOne of my problems is that for me learning to play the guitar was felt very natural, I didn't on my own, and never had to motivate myself Therefore I lack any feeling of accomplishment and didn't really acknowledge the progress I made that I could apply to new skills
Comment from : @25756881

well 😅 I'm 53 and all my life I was too stupid not to learn properly and to understand what I'm playing on my bass , But thanks to covid19 you can't go out so instead of going crazy, I started to learn all the scales and harmony and so on I'm much more happy 😊 😃 😀 😄
Comment from : @Likeaforest

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