Title | : | Chase Bank Can Close All Your Accounts Without Explanation u0026 Blacklist You | Bank Closing Accounts |
Lasting | : | 9.06 |
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Views | : | 131 rb |
I faced up with the same story, but with Capital One, which was one of my favourite bank After I sent my money from another bank savings account, they frozen my checking and savings and that was it 😮 Comment from : @xenfazenda2642 |
What kjnd of sus activity were you engaged in to prompt that? Comment from : @Tugela60 |
Just happened to me! I’m shocked brPerfect score, no reason at allbrFeels like I’ve been dumped by phone Comment from : @lizastrock |
bc they know they are going bankrupt Comment from : @percmanDOTcom |
what do I try to think of when I see people with chase beussines card it makes me feel jeoules and I dont know how to get over cause I cant ever get with chase Comment from : @ChillPandaQuiz |
I was a target of gang stalking harassment by various rioters, of which a few of them stalked me to the Chase branches and received supports from 2 Chase employees Later, Chase suddenly closed my account and sent me a cheque of a few dollars, which was the balance in this account, with no reason given at all Zero Nada Comment from : @SunLightGoddess999 |
Sue! Comment from : @jimbruni7945 |
These videos are trying to tell people not to bank at Chase Comment from : @thomasjung6660 |
They are horrible Comment from : @jtfmfhp7080 |
they ban me for life they wont tell me why never did anything bad to them Comment from : @CurrentGenGamesWithNick |
They did the same thing to me and it's made it hard for me to get another bank account because of the blacklisting Comment from : @delgado_57 |
when are you comeing back Comment from : @ChillPandaQuiz |
Get away from Chase Comment from : @jtfmfhp7080 |
They closed my credit card without saying anything to me , even I made payments every months Comment from : @nadiahamidi6770 |
You are a useless customer and irrelevant to them Therefore, they can cut you without reason Comment from : @Kaijuus |
It happened to me plus they made it hard to get my money back Comment from : @ladydeeluck |
Hey i know chase is t good bank but if i want to file apeal is there chance i can get aprove i did my reacerch to find someone who got ban / black list and was able to re joib chase can you let me knoe if its possible in the future to fix thing up to prove the bank im not risk to the bank Comment from : @ChillPandaQuiz |
I got sent 1k on my Chase account because i did a security job or we nd my cuzzo was requested Zelle payments or we nd they took my account down they said they can’t do nun about it neither they said ig but i keep calling all day this one lady says ig they mail it out November 6 tha 1k Comment from : @doechasinjaysin |
Hello Bargainteers had this same issue last week Chase will be closing our account by the end of this month However, we were able to find a better Company Citizens Bank Our company sell used products to customers We never had fraud in the 11 years Comment from : @Bargainteers |
Same thing happened to me Comment from : @Flipping_Assets |
Macatawa Bank won’t close your account for the reasons, they might ask question but that’s it Comment from : @avres13 |
currently going through this, chase 👎 Comment from : @M-RaWw |
two years l6 figuate, it's happening again I am a federal employee, Louisiana Notary, Realtor and more I was just notified after 32 year, yes 32 years that they were closing all nine of my accounts and credit cards I have paid off a mortgage and a car loan with them I have personal relationships with the private client banker, they know me well and of my activity to make matters worse, my parents also get the same call on the same day We are all shocked by this Like the guy in the video, I am more so just upset that after 32 years, you can throw me out like trash and not offer any resolution, explanation or anything I went to the attorney, but I'm not willing to may 150000 for a draft that no one will respond to but I wish like the port we can call get together and close our accounts and make CHASE feel the same way!!!! This is madness but life will go on with or without Chase Comment from : @shuntelhasten5137 |
They did this to me in 2016 after they had a data breach, but i never got a letter i was just told by the teller when i went to deposit my check Comment from : @vitiligoboi |
4 min 52 second start the problem with Chase as I heard the Story go wrong Sorry Comment from : @iamyoursns |
Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen Something seems sus about chase closing all of your accounts, you did nothing wrong, chase giving no explanation and chase being legally allowed to do so with impunity Not informing you about what you did wrong, increases the likelihood of you repeating the same behavior It just looks like high brow aiding and abetting to me You either did something wrong and they can point to chapter and verse of the terms and conditions or you did nothing wrong and they don’t have a leg to stand on Y’all should sue Comment from : @therelentlesslyempowered |
Go with us bank Comment from : @Andrewrazo7464 |
When they close a account our credit score drops 🤬 Comment from : @marymotherofgod4861 |
I've never had a truly bad experience with Chase, but never liked the fact that they question you when you deposit money, they question you when you withdraw money and do act like you are trying to scam them when you are trying to do any simple transaction that can't be done at an ATM Comment from : @DannyDaCat |
The best thing about chase it is aviable to ever branches in the states brbrand it the 1 popular bank in the US Comment from : @ChillPandaQuiz |
my chase bank cloce cause I got involved with scams Comment from : @ChillPandaQuiz |
Kanye got it first Comment from : @godemperorletoatreidesii6971 |
Just got same thing happened to me Comment from : @skydiver575985 |
Yep! Chase is disrespectful! Comment from : @froggybug |
They did it to me and took money out of my accountI was a Pvt client? And they cancelled all my credit cards I can't do my auto pay I demand to know why They took me to leavethey suck They are crooks Comment from : @Alpharizzchad |
It sounds like some (foreign) company has taken over chase bank and are getting rid of all the customers that are to poor to appeal to them Comment from : @harlenegeier5219 |
The same thing happened to me with PayPal Froze my account with money in it and wouldn't say why After 9mo they let me take my money out but the account is still frozen forever F them Comment from : @johng8517 |
Me too we cant do anything they will send you a lawyer letter after that 😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉🎉 Comment from : @001discovery |
Stop saying that they come after you🎉😂 Comment from : @001discovery |
We all need to sue them or shut them down Comment from : @Beretta7x |
Usually don't comment on 2 year old videos but something similar happened to a friend of mine with a different bank Since you are an entrepreneur, I was wondering if your transactions went through a business account instead of personal? Many banks will prefer that with so many cash transactions being "business" related should be through a business checking account This is also the reason I have multiple checking accounts but my primary one is with Schwab as I find brokerages like Schwab and Fidelity are easier to work with Comment from : @SpartanOfFinance |
you can sue them if their action causes your credit score to go down Comment from : @marcosfigueroa9884 |
Sue the gov, and the bank! Comment from : @JM-cb2hw |
notice how all of this is happening under biden? Comment from : @utubbabe1234 |
Just canceled all of our Chase accounts today based on the comments here Had some issues with them lately (long hold times, not honoring "cash back offers" after repeated phone calls Stuff that in the last 20 years would have been a no brainer to resolve It became a big hassle worrying if my Visa card would get approved when traveling anyway Good riddance, house of diamond Comment from : @mlj_the_shield |
Sounds illegal for them to hold your money if you sue them Comment from : @wyntresorrow403 |
Suing in my opinion, even if you lose, shows the company or person you won’t back down even if you lose They hate when people put up fights They lose their power Comment from : @wyntresorrow403 |
Banks are treating people like clowns in a circus making them jump through hoops Comment from : @wyntresorrow403 |
As soon as my bank went to chase, I removed all my money and closed my account Comment from : @wyntresorrow403 |
chase closed my account and withhold my money they told me they are going to give my money back!!! Comment from : @richguys_quotes |
No one will give you any reasonbrWill tell you thatbrThis decision comes straight from the top highest chairman's level Comment from : @dwheeUSA |
It happened to me with all the 5 biggest banks in the USbrThey all closed my business accounts without explanation though they were all active and in good standings Comment from : @dwheeUSA |
Quick! Everyone run to Chase Bank and pull your money out quickly This is happening way too often I've seen it on YouTube all day long Comment from : @conniesmith5161 |
Just happened to me today Comment from : @dylansutton8124 |
Just happened to me today, 17years with them no explanation My banker told me don’t feel bad it happened to Kanye west also Comment from : @marlenebaily7638 |
I feel exactly like you ! I feel like my bf just left me over a text message, thank you I feel better is not just me :( Comment from : @karit2180 |
I buy and hodl bitcoin we don't need you chase MUAHAHAHAHA Comment from : @MajesticLawnGnome |
Chase just closed mines as well for no reason All banks are scam when ever you deposit either a large number or small it considered suspicious activity for banks Chase decided to close mine in my opinion because of money deposited from a lawsuit And now i have no access to my money and dealing with a 30 day period of waiting for a check Comment from : @kevinvelazquez4216 |
It isn't the deposits, per se It's usually cash they are afraid of All the faster to ramp up to CBDC Comment from : @LogandVine |
You a conservative or make a donation to Trump? That will probably get you black listed Comment from : @bradyw1663 |
Citibank unexpectedly closed my account of over 30 years without any reason When I tried to make a deposit, my card didn't work Apparently, my account was being cancelled The teller stated they couldn't do anything at the bank and advised me to call customer service However, customer service told me that neither the representative nor the supervisor could help and that I should see someone at the bank, giving me the runaroundbrbrDuring my visits to the bank, they always tried to persuade me to enroll in long-term CDs But when I began withdrawing money, that ceased, and now my account is being cancelled It seems they need your money to lend to othersbrbrUpon researching, I found this seems to be happening to many people, particularly long-term customers They are also replacing actual people with AI, which may be incorrectly flagging accounts for cancellation In addition, they have terminated many employees recently I will never use Citibank again as they do not value their customers or have any legitimate customer service I will also be contacting the NYS Banking Department, etc, as this may be a case of discriminationbrbrI advise anyone using Citibank to leave while you still can Branches are closing, accounts are being closed randomly, and employees are being laid off Seems chase and are doing the same, Comment from : @kingdale6131 |
I wonder if one of your bank accounts was a competitor and they didn’t like it Comment from : @msbirdafter4056 |
Omg I got banned like you ftom me coin base crypto put lot money in it😢 Comment from : @hentaidoll855 |
Chase just close my account what will happen to my money that I have in my account 🤦🏾♂️ Comment from : @SimpleDel23 |
Bank of america did me the same Comment from : @CristianMachado8 |
What is this stuff about buying Bitcoin, or suing the attorney general? Evil Chase It is our business for why we need to sue a corrupt attorney general, of which there are many Comment from : @hartfischer5509 |
My girl friend had her down payment in her Chase checking account for months, and Chase refused to release the funds on the day of escrow She almost lost the house The branch manager left her standing in his office Chase is evil I am just about to cancel Wells Fargo Old Glory bank all the way Comment from : @hartfischer5509 |
Chase this chase I just closed all my accts but left credit cards open only for back, haha u can pay me, and to not mess up credit score Comment from : @davidcarp5935 |
Put on his suit and tie to go visit the local Chase branch"Look at me ChaseI'm important" Yes, should not have gone down there in swimsuiit and flip-flops, but putting on a suit for thatcorny Comment from : @jeffro221 |
There ought to be legislation prohibiting this type of thing Banks should be required to have just cause before closing someone's account and should be required to articulate specific reason (s) why Comment from : @daleparkes1570 |
Perhaps try Old Glory Bank? Comment from : @daleparkes1570 |
The exact same thing happened to me only they didn’t tell me It took me a couple of months to get all my money back I switched to Aspiration and they’re fantastic Comment from : @philbarone4603 |
this happened to me last year , I had two credit card with chase but still open , they close only my checking account for no reason when I call the customer service they say I can’t open any account with chase ,, now I get messages every month through chase on my email ,, open new chase checking or savings account too get 300$ ,, Idk if they unlocked my or what,, I’m not inside the us I can’t contact with customer service Comment from : @ebrahimmohamed7168 |
Just got the same letter for my chase credit card Pay my balance every month When I called they gave me the same crap Comment from : @MountainMan677 |
I'd bet my last dollar this is a result of those insidious "know your customer" rules They've got computer algorithms that look over all the traffic for suspicious activity, and your transaction activity looks suspicious to thembrbrSome banks will jettison you as a customer if you do more than $12,000 in cash transactions over a 12 month period on a personal account They don't get accused of turning a blind eye to illegal activity I used to play a lot of poker, and for people who played bigger stakes this was a known issuebrbrAlso, there's never any point in going into a branch Those people have no idea what's going on, and even if they did they don't have the authority to help you Comment from : @RobertLutece909 |
same thing happened to me Comment from : @somanygustavosonYT |
They did the same thing to me Comment from : @jamieaho9150 |
Did you open a bunch of Chase CC for their points sign up bonus I heard that can trigger a blacklist Comment from : @RonLo |
One good thing about Chace Bank, if you are a veteran they don't charge you any bank fees Comment from : @thatguyjoe007 |
The joys of a digital society Comment from : @rogermckinnon5738 |
I have been with Chase for over 30 years, and am considering dropping them and all the big banks at this point Comment from : @wr1791 |
It shouldn't effect your credit as long as you pay your bill on time, but that sucks Comment from : @michaelbrown7142 |
You need to pace churning business cards Comment from : @MB-rr1fb |
They do this routinely to avoid hits to the bottom line and to not incriminate themselves for whatever actions of clients may have Comment from : @dannylo5875 |
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