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the chinese superiority in STEM and AI should be a challenge

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Comments the chinese superiority in STEM and AI should be a challenge

wow, the west copying Chinese code, oh, no one is saying it, wonder why?
Comment from : @johntse8655

Chinese children wants to studybrWestern children wants to become Kardashians or Jake Paul
Comment from : @taiwanstillisntacountry

If they can build High tech space station on their own ,br high speed railways brbrWhat's so surprising, on LLMsbrbri think these models are just smaller projects
Comment from : @Investment10x

They don't need your nerds to shake their oligarchies rule in the future, they need cool students to waste their time and continue be exploited by the class
Comment from : @hastingz9948

AI granny curve prevails A smiling face reigns supreme
Comment from : @frozenflame6535

The most ironic thing is that these cutting-edge scientific and technological elites in China all graduated from domestic universities These universities are not famous in the annual world university rankings, ranking outside 100 or even 200
Comment from : @callas60

I'm a genius and I want to become an influencer not some stupid nerd
Comment from : @petervan7372

Chinese society around the world (not just in China) value academic above all Smart people is the most respect Everyone wants their kids to be smart, some kind of flex in their society It can't get off, is like in their DNA and they'll against anything that trying to change this It's not big muscle that will make you survive in this cruel world but brain power Just like a weak human can rule the world Intelligent is everything
Comment from : @JeanGunnhildr88

China graduates more stem grads than any country They also output the most scientific peer reviewed articles than any country
Comment from : @stenyethanmathews945

Well we are about to see the beginnings of blade runner its not dystopic as you think with china running the system as scene through western media and its portrayal of a 'blade runner run away future' In fact it will be a utopia with blade runner turned upside down Syndicates will have the confuscist mindset teaching and helping humans instead of being hunted down for being creative and individualistic in their own right China will probably respect its own AI as a parent to their offspring
Comment from : @bluedragonbikerskin855

no worries, Western kids have rich pronouns, they're all DEI, and they live in their fictional world of self-affirmation🤡🤡🤡
Comment from : @AIandComputerUse-nw6lc

The USA is moving towards tests and rote memory China is moving away from that towards thinking
Comment from : @kathieharine5982

west can't easily be better the youth are largely broken, suffocated by cost of living, and not as passionate
Comment from : @petehoney1

The way they raise and educate children would be branded as child abuse in the US
Comment from : @bigeye4520

Western hegemony is anti paradigm shift
Comment from : @eccentricaste3232

In the US the indifference for kids and our future come from the very top of government Lack of safety, lack of healthy food, lack of quality teachers, lack of funding Our leaders are grifters who only care about getting their cut, they have no care for the future generations
Comment from : @plethodon1575

Actually the top stem students are russian
Comment from : @elcmu2637

This stems from China's thousands of years of Confucian tradition that honors educators and prioritizes learning
Comment from : @houselee-i9o

We already produce more STEM graduates than our economy needs Don’t believe the lies about a shortage of engineers etc Employers are only short of employees who will work for their low pay levels After funding their education with tens of thousands of debt after the most gruelling and difficult of degree courses, STEM graduates face salaries are often little above the national minimum wage If there were a shortage the pay would be better, it’s called the market economy
Comment from : @oldtom541

As with the US, UK university STEM faculties are now highly disproportionately dominated by ethnic Asian academics of both home and foreign nationality Asian students are also disproportionately represented in the student body This may be demotivating for indigenous students, who may think that STEM is only for Asian students and that they would struggle with the subject
Comment from : @oldtom541

Why human advancement is a problem?
Comment from : @donaldli1864

Absolute rubbish! The education in the UK has always been and still remains better than most other education providers It is rigorous and impactful It is open to collaboration but guarded its integrity brYou should focus on building bridges of collaboration rather than dreaming of pulling China or India down
Comment from : @brotto001

But this change is not going to happen when the people elect ignorant people who don’t believe in climate change but believe in banning books
Comment from : @hypolitej

China has laid the foundation more than 2000 years ago
Comment from : @xg7605

We have already lost It’s too late Unfettered capitalism can only make more money not better people Capitalism is elegant, but practically random as it seeks profits for the sake of profitsbrAt times, it can be aligned with a positive, but not always
Comment from : @croneyr

5:34 this is so true, i was actually surprised as non-british that british studens can name roman emperors (occupiers) but don't know who queen Boudica was As a foreigner that is remarkable, it seems the uk is ashamed of its own history and would rather talk about romans and greek? weird
Comment from : @prammar1951

They've got that large population base over there Is it a realy surprise when one or two excel?
Comment from : @zdj-h9m

The US used to keep the Chinese grad students it educates in the US, but today, Chinese students don't feel the need to get educated in the US because of their own safety, and the schools in China are very good now 😂
Comment from : @duinay3

In china, even mafia type of dudes respect those smart kids who are considered as geeky or nerdy in the west
Comment from : @xz1891

It's very true,thanks Prof Wilson
Comment from : @dude42nd

After Open AI meets DeepSeek Open AI becomes Close AI 😊
Comment from : @dude42nd

that toenail looks thai children not chinese total Whiteman stoopidooodoo
Comment from : @realvipul

Comment from : @楊森君

Comparing different educational systems is a bit like comparing apples and oranges – there are so many factors at play Their system prioritizes high grades and perhaps relies heavily on rote learning, sometimes called "force-feeding" While this approach might lead to impressive results on the surface, it could potentially hinder the development of creativity and critical thinking skills And the intense work culture, like the "996" (working from 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week), while potentially driving productivity, might also limit the time and space for innovative thought Just my 2¢
Comment from : @shanobuo

I don’t know why Indian talent is missing for discussion here , they are far more talented but need more nationalistic approach to keep the talents at home rather than sending them for other countries
Comment from : @vijayabhaskaransankaran5349

When a country elects a leader as dumb as trump it's pretty obvious it's on a downhill slide
Comment from : @wthomas5697

Comment from : @CuchBe

what's the problem with china being brilliant?
Comment from : @generalyoutubewatching5286

I see you speaking but your voice sounds AI generated WOW So, its' people like you on whose elocution the various AI voices are fashioned Fancy!
Comment from : @terrainofthought

Middle school math standards in China is higher than that of HS graduates in the US
Comment from : @kbmblizz1940

East Asia values education and academics Western world gives the jock and sports players like soccer the top dog status
Comment from : @davidc4408

Look it’s Cardi B, Taylor Swift, and Justin Bieber 😂
Comment from : @mbe55itb

Chinese brains have evolved 10,000 years more than any other race No amount of STEM education in US education is going to change anything You can’t teach a donkey to fly with any amount of teaching 🤷🏼‍♂️
Comment from : @cryptoinside8814

Don't worry The US has been stealing them using H1B
Comment from : @dumbfrog123

A 2023 Georgetown University review says China has 48 million people enrolled in college with 40 of them STEM, some 19 million people while the US has 357 million That's 5X as many as the US and And a third of those Chinese students have higher IQs than the US STEM students
Comment from : @XX-qi5eu

kids are a commodity to be exploited in the west, China missing out on extracting value from children it’s a Shark Tank
Comment from : @maslowpavlov

The word is hobble brThey wanted to Hobble China
Comment from : @Kelvin-e9y

Good looking with Pathan Cap,congratulation and happy new and simple life with long life
Comment from : @vanbuioyouip

the 19th century education does not deserve the scorn, it created geniuses that founded the modern world on the other hand, it is the 20th century education "expert" and "research" driven by wrong values that messed things up
Comment from : @usagitotora3997

Why must be challenged?brWe should admit they're better & learn their way to improve ours
Comment from : @bungkusi2432

Ostrich when they get frightened, they bury their heads into the sand
Comment from : @waktokong9288

Industrial jobs are tedious and exhausting, which are not suitable for normal American people
Comment from : @jklee5419

No chance for stealing land, rubbing other nations!
Comment from : @JayS-g1s

USA is surviving on Indian brains, talents, intelligence, STEM skills, expertise, efficiency and technology without Indian professionals, techies and students, America will collapse
Comment from : @anonymousan5063

Speaking of technological advance, many in the west have not realized how technically advanced cities in China are today Take a trip to China and see yourself Shenzhen will make you wow; Shanghai will make you speechless; Chongqing will totally destroy your self confidence
Comment from : @junxu3110

teacher to be respected, parents to be incorporated with and work alongside with teacher, Chinese students are more easiler to teach
Comment from : @大閘蟹專賣店鴻福號

Vivek Ramaswamy said that the Indians (India) are better than Americans 😅🤣🤭😒

Never forget the Cinese are an intelligent,hard working adapable people who consitute a substantial proportion of the world populationbrWas it Napoleon who opined that when China awakes the world will tremble
Comment from : @taffyman6089

Tell you a secret, the CEOs of NVDA, AMD, and AVGO are all Chinese 😊
Comment from : @cw5335

Well said, Professor Wilson, thank you for sharing your insight
Comment from : @user-kz9sc8jh6o

The west deliberately destroys the middle class in order to allow the "tribe" to dominate everyone Unfortunately, "the want of people is the destruction of the prince"
Comment from : @sebastianogeyingbo7977

There's the meme of American Chinese AI developers vs Chinese AI developers and it's true Take a look at the US Math Olympiad team and it's majority American Chinese They won in 2024 beating China's 30 year streak
Comment from : @nycsim-r8t

I'd call deepseek's r1 release the Gutenberg momentbrJacques Barzun's From Dawn to Decadence is a good overview of the cycle of civilisationbrAnd Donella Meadows in her book Thinking in Systems accurately points out the influences outside the system do not change the fundamental workings inside the system The change must come from within
Comment from : @passage2enBleu

Well, the west needs to face this reality first So how many time?
Comment from : @adrient104

❤❤❤ Prof Wilson, The west needs to learn a bit of humility, like the Chinese have done, swallow its hubris, and start learning… retreating into denialism is a sure sign of an implicit acknowledgement of impending defeat Banning and sanctioning competition is akin to Tonia-Harding attempting to knee cap healthy competition, another symptom of the sore losing syndrome True champions are not too flustered by these actions… they concentrate calmly and patiently in what they can do well the results of last 12 months show that these Chinese traits worked by the way, a case in point is that XI Jinping, lived literally by a pigsty, was a one time pig farmer and later became a chemical engineer by trade vs Trump, an heir to a real estate fortune ‘Nuff said🙏🙏🙏
Comment from : @ПИЦКВлад

They have special schools for gifted kids So, can you imagine how many geniuses are in China? Millions!
Comment from : @MbayeFrazer

I’ve always known bif/b there’s to be a war between china and taiwan, it would be a war between nerd vs nerd I know for a fact no one in taiwan wants to fight no one it’d probably be drone vs drone and robots fighting
Comment from : @joy1ess

it SHOULD be, it absolutely won't be perceived that way
Comment from : @yesitsreallyOtter

Suppression, it is the only thing US as being offering humanity
Comment from : @antoniolima1068

the act of denial is out of lack of confidence in own capabilities
Comment from : @nukiolbartes6279

Could be that given similar environments, people are broadly as intelligent as each other There happens to be a large Chinese population with very good industrialization and education We in the west, living up to our potential will still have an ascendant China Is that so bad?
Comment from : @daddy3118

Remember almost all AI team in American companies are full of Chinese engineers They may not as famous as the CEOs but they are the people get things done
Comment from : @vrealzhou

Very well said This phenomenon played out during the 80s in India when Brighttudentd migrated to USA and the rest is history see GGL, Msft etc
Comment from : @Popy24রান্নাবাগানভ্রমনশর্টস

The west fears fair competition with people of color This is why racism is so prevalent in their society Besides they have commited so many henious atrocities all across the world they live in fear of justice😳
Comment from : @Africanchild825

China exporting, open source AI, bridges, amazing EV cars, infrastructurebrbrAmerica exports, Tariffs, threats, conflict, smearing, war And their culture forced on others
Comment from : @pse2020

very good and incisive analysis and comment on why there is decline in Western dominance in STEM
Comment from : @lowwaifong7189

In my childhood, we are told:"学好数理化,走遍天下都不怕" Means STEM is king 🙂
Comment from : @AlbertXuY

China produces over 60 of the world's ships The US and UK together produce essentially zero percent, the figure is so small China beat us long ago
Comment from : @Withnail1969

OpenAI is actually closed AI source What inappropriate name
Comment from : @kcchong5661

American oligarchs want to use AI to control the world Others no longer need any education and can just follow the oligarchs' arrangements
Comment from : @cszuhan

China is a nation of families while the US is one with broken families Many American kids have more than 3, 4 or more parents and some single parent The most basic education starts from family upbringing This is the biggest difference between the US and China
Comment from : @brianliew5901

The ai battle is Chinese Americans vs Chinese in China
Comment from : @jonz23m

Chinese seldom get stoned and get laid like Westerners; A day Westerners stayed sober is a day wasted 😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @brianliew5901

Lets be real here, Deepseek only exists because the billions were spent making chatGPT Deepseek is literally standing on chatGPT's shoulders
Comment from : @InternalStryke

China is doing all this after The Century of Humiliation!
Comment from : @nicholaskazan275

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