Lasting | : | 12.55 |
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Views | : | 467 rb |
**Editing Note: I always watch my videos ahead of time before uploading, and I did that with this one, as well Something clearly happened at 9:22 after I watched it, likely a button I touched or something, hahaha! I certainly did not intend to have the frame that close! 😳😳😂😂😂 I’m bugged that it’s in there and I can no longer do anything about it, but I certainly appreciate your kind understanding! 👍🏻 Comment from : @HapaFamily |
Extremely interesting and informative, thank you! Comment from : @liubovk2 |
Nice video By the way, i noticed you called Maria Montessori a doctor but didn't do so for Rudolf Steiner, he is also a doctor, in philosophy! So we call him Dr Steiner Comment from : @googoogaagaa3715 |
I am excited for learn more about the Waldorf method! It sounds wonderful, and I am actally familiar with Rudolf Steiner as the founder of Camphill Great, informative and concise video! :) Comment from : @CherryDreamer96 |
good Comment from : @HakendaNatan |
Anytime a school of Montessori kids come to my work (Gymnastics) they are completely unruly Maybe it's just the school we do it with, but they have no boundaries or emotional control Comment from : @AshlynnSmells |
Technically speaking homeschooling starts at 6 years old in NYS I like this video compare and contrast I have homeschooled 20 years my kids all together They are adults now I also was a preschool teacher and am not anymore We do have a school that uses Montessori method around here I've had kids come in the classroom after being in that school and have found defiant childrenbr Yes, you foster independence however their children They should always know you are the parent, teacher, or whatever They need to understand that just because they do something a certain way doesn't make it right because they were encouraged to this thinking Some of the kids had a know it all attitude and had a hard time hearing, no thank you(aka no) Comment from : @biblewomen77 |
Interesting didn’t know Montessori wasn’t for open ended play I thought she encouraged imaginative play as that is in line with independent play The Waldorf toys and books are beautiful but I can’t do the whole fairytale thing To me kids do better later in life when they are grounded in realism Fairytales cause confusion and anxiety imo But good point the you do not have to be 100 one way or the other and that as parents we can all choose what works best for our kids Comment from : @bradleydnbwnba1 |
Interesting video We have never heard of the Waldorf approach and methodology Good to learn new things brbrWe definitely love Montessori ❤️ Comment from : @hunnybubbakids |
Great video Comment from : @bgie9777 |
We are in montessori just to correct few pointsbrHomeworks every day Kids rarely chose which activities to do usually its a programmed classroom with programmed tasks to be done Children of special needs like adhd or dyspraxia are not addressed correctly on the contrary they are stressed out and forced to hurry Comment from : @zinajo9615 |
The way Montessori is described… I can’t help but wonder how they’re going to fit into public schools, colleges, and the real world (workplace…) Comment from : @pmwyy |
👌 Comment from : @zzzh9160 |
Positive reinforcement differences?brI was told in one Waldorf school my friend is at, they don't say things like good boy/girl which i thought was interesting Comment from : @deebond4745 |
Thank God all that plastic was stifling my child's creativity Comment from : @reclusegoose4094 |
Waldorf, any form of practising Christianity ? Or just "other" spiritual practices ? Thanks Comment from : @agnesfouche4788 |
Hi, thanks for the great Videos How old are your kids now and can you please make a 10min summary of what you did over the years with thembrThank you Comment from : @isaakniyazov |
Video is excellent Comment from : @THomasJPeel |
I was gonna say, I think I would like my kids (tba) to engage in social play, like dress up and grocery shopping For the imagination in a new avenue and to develop social skills Comment from : @777LoveStory |
I find these comments as well as this video very insightful Comment from : @ManShellz234 |
Shes only talking about the positive aspects Comment from : @cindylica |
I love what you said about blending philosophies to suit what feels right for your children and family I feel this is the case with anything We have to question what is right and trust our intuition I feel it's important to be flexible and avoid rigidity Working with different philosophies as beautiful and helpful guidelines not absolutes Thank you for your interesting video 💚🙏 Comment from : @rebeccataylor7786 |
Very helpful, thank you! I worked for a bit at a Montessori school but Waldorf seems so intriguing Comment from : @ununhexium |
Do you have any suggestions for what would be the safest nontoxic mosquito repellent for a toddler? I really like the idea of a lot of outside exploration, play, gardening, etc but I live in an area with so many mosquitos and worry about blood born illness I've read that even tea tree oil, lavender, and citronella are hormone disruptors so I'm reluctant to use those on a toddler Comment from : @freshgreen54 |
Can these approaches be applied to kids with multiple disabilities and special needs? If yes, how effective is it with this population of students? Comment from : @margdapierre4676 |
Very sophisticated explanationthanks!!! Comment from : @norberttucholla6947 |
I love things about both approaches from my limited understanding of them I highly recommend the book "Simplicity Parenting" by a Waldorf teacher to better understand that philosophy because it is excellent and because there is more to know than this video captured But well done Comment from : @sleepyfish3929 |
Montessori seems like it would prepare the children the most for real life after school Also maybe both are cult-like but I've heard Waldorf is def more cult-y Comment from : @sophieminter0 |
About the same age thing in Waldorf: brI know this is true for schools in my country, but I went to a Waldorf Kindergarten myself and in my group the age 3-6 children were all in the same group Comment from : @paulinez7386 |
This was so helpful! Comment from : @hannahgrinder4486 |
my understanding of why Steiner felt strongly about not introducing academics before age 7 is that developmentally, and particularly brain development, emotional development of the brain and human system takes place in the first 6-7 yrs, which is when the child has their first set of teeth once the second set of teeth are in it symbolizes or signals that the child's brain and system are ready to take in an intellectual engagement and understanding of the world and Life i have never heard it said that this type of learning is not enjoyable to younger ages, as i know children learn to read naturally by being read to, my daughter used to pick out words on the page as i was reading at age 4 and was never directly or intentionally taught to do so, it came from her own intrinsic interests and strengths Steiner emphasized that emotional and social development were happening in the brain and systems of ages 0-7 yrs, which is why learning to recognize and feel one's own emotions and engage in communicating, understanding, hearing, empathizing with other Beings is primed by our system before the second set of teeth come in Comment from : @innerpiecepeace5030 |
I want to combine the both and start the first Montessori Waldorf School in my city but also combine The Arts ( Music , Theatre / imaginative play , art / painting drawing ) Comment from : @andreasanchez1453 |
I'm an engineer and I met a coworker who was a Montessori graduate, he made me distrust Montessori, he was a terrible human being Comment from : @laughingvampire7555 |
I think it’s a crime to quash a child “imaginative play”……it’s a natural part of childhood Comment from : @Noname-cn4ly |
I volunteered at a Montessori school and felt the kids didn’t seem to play and share well together…and there was no encouraging imagination at all 😞 Comment from : @Noname-cn4ly |
The religious aspects of Waldorf They are not present in Montessori? Or am I missing something? 🤔😅 Would consider it quite relevant for choosing Comment from : @ronjaostrand2533 |
Yessssssa piece them together to work for hour family because holy hell no imaginative play would be insane for us Comment from : @d0ttiej |
Would it be possible to find a balance and do both of these? I really like the teaching aspect of montessori but waldorf is something that brings out the creative side Comment from : @qwertytrewqyoubutt8530 |
I don't believe imaginative play is incongruent with the Montessori method My understanding is that this element of a child's inner life is fulfilled in the home I've raised three children using both methods and a mixture of homeschooling and attending both Montessori and Steiner schools as my children's needs changed It has served them all very well Comment from : @aseasyasfdc78 |
Waldorf is an esoteric cult Not a respectable alternative but good for hippies and white supremacists Comment from : @recoverlostdata6756 |
Rudolf Steiner who's ideas are the foundation of Waldorf was definitely a satanist/luciferian so there is that Comment from : @paulsansonetti7410 |
Thanks so much ! Very helpful Comment from : @adamdeane123 |
Holistic, hands-on, practical Comment from : @ashleyching5786 |
Two of my husband's cousins attended a Steiner (Whaldorf) school When I met them they were very reserved, never spoke to or even acknowledged me They would whisper to each other and message each other on their phones They're now both doing their own thing, did ok academically Comment from : @headerahelix |
Fantasy play definitely was the best part of childhood, I cannot imagine it being not a part of other kid's lives😱 Comment from : @Lollilenaa |
Thank you!! So helpful and clearly presented! brbrI love a highly outdoor all-weather focus with lots of learning about nature and wonder by you only mentioning outdoorsy about Waldorf you mean Montessori is specifically against that or doesn't value it as much as Waldorf? I'd been told nature is an important part of MontessoribrbrAre ethics taught at all in Montessori such as kindness, sharing, honesty, diversity, listening, etc? This video only mentioned ethics in the Waldorf section Comment from : @TalkWithJoce |
This is not for all kids! Every child learns differently and some kids need more structure…plus what is the hurry? Kids do not need to drink from a glass cup, some of this stuff is just ridiculous and I’m sorry that people don’t research all methods of education and pick the one that fits their child Comment from : @shellygreen3014 |
I think that the main difference is the reverence both for the world and for the adults around them, that the Waldorf approach nurtures Comment from : @georginabravo4508 |
Something I consider differences- Montessori emphasizes the individual and Waldorf emphasizes community Comment from : @taylorgillespie3501 |
Hopefully not essential oils and candles at the same time Essential oils are flammable Comment from : @pienkunicorn |
Once a Montessori student reaches the elementary level (Second Plane), they do read fiction, create plays, and engage in other fantasy-related activities Comment from : @freyashipley6556 |
I feel like kids need to be introduced to fantastical and artistic elements of life early on So they can express their emotions through this exaggeration and connect and flow with the world around them They need that wonder, not concrete ideas They need both abstraction and concrete perspectives on life Comment from : @Azucenary |
Working in this field academically ( I focus on socialization in early childhood and life long learning) none of the European approaches (and especially the german ones) created in the eighteen- and nineteenhundreds were actually evidence based All of them (including montessori) were philosophical takes extrapolated from some observations and after that, the observations followed these approaches more or less (They created their own biases) What they all lack with their focus on the child, is that children, from their first day on, are raised and teached by an environment no caregiver can shut out completely and is most likely dependent on They also have a very narrow perspective on the identity of a caregiver/ parent So if you want to follow any of these approaches please keep in mind that you are a human, that you have needs, that the world WILL find a way to interfere with your curriculum and that none of it should be treated / followed religiously aka choose and combine approaches you find helpful in your circumstances What we know now is, that children thrive, even in the worst circumstances, when they have one or more caregiver ( and no that does not mean parent exclusively) who are emotionaly and physically available, who have a somewhat stable sense of self and can react to their children in a consistent and (appropriately to their development) transparent way Treat schools of thought as suggestions that you are evaluating through the lens of your own circumstances If you find yourself struggleing to much, the best thing you can do for your child in this moment, is to give yourself some slack Comment from : @CisForTrans |
I think you figured it out! Montessori WITH some imagination makes the most sense I went to Waldorf K-12 and I wouldn’t recommend it Comment from : @ultrababy3d816 |
I feel that most schools before k don’t really teach very much learning because they are unable to access young children’s intelligence and abilities that are just hidden right under the surface of their seemingly childlike nature This is one reason most early childhood education use words like “potential” often Comment from : @transformationalpianolifec1643 |
Ashley, you are an absolute gem Your videos are so clear and well structured This is the first video I watched that helped me truly understand the essence of these teachings I really want to incorporate these teachings into my life the thing I struggle with most is others, and their lack of understanding towards these approaches Technology is a big issue for us as we already use to much of it with my 18month old Is it too late to change and how would tou recommend I encourage other family members to get on board with these methods so it doesn't negatively influence my child? Thanks Comment from : @Girl1xGirl4 |
We do blended too hahaha! I like Reggio, Montessori and Waldorf! Comment from : @KayleySexton |
I am a music teacher in a local Montessori school and a local Waldorf school, so I see the good of both approaches I’m blessed to share the joy of singing and making music with the students from both schools Comment from : @alika207 |
of the 2, I like the Waldorf best a few of my GREATEST MENTORS and TEACHERS werebrWaldorf trained/ANTHROPOSOPHISTS, from Eurhythmy, to Michael Chekhov's acting technique,brgardening they greatly INSPIRED me Jennifer Aniston went to Waldorf schools if im not brmistaken I was friends and scene partners with her mother in a Chekhov Acting classbrtaught by Mala Powers at the Anthroposophical Society in Pasadena they were very lovingbrand kind and beautiful people!!! THANK YOU!! Comment from : @SekhmetSecretWeapon |
a few years ago I commented to a friend that if I had kids id send them to one of these schoolsbrIm familiar with them, and like them Comment from : @SekhmetSecretWeapon |
Growing up, imaginative and pretend play were everything to me, I can't imagine raising my children without playing pretend with them It's the one thing that I feel Montessori is lacking Comment from : @CutieMoli |
i’ll save u the watch: waldorf doesn’t have anything to do with religion, while montessori is VERY religious Comment from : @coolbluecarpet491 |
what is in the thumb nail on the left side, the different colored pieces, i want to buy it Comment from : @thebluedot4728 |
Thank you I think you are 10 Waldorf Cheers Comment from : @astoriaeducationconsulting2764 |
thanks for this your videos are very informative and nice and straight forward Comment from : @th33399 |
Thanks for this video Comment from : @cherryqq2044 |
I laughed when you said that in the Waldorf method learning numbers and alphabet is postponed as it's considered not so enjoyable Just shows how autism goes its own path regardless of any methods or assumptions My son's most favourite play/toy in the world is numbers and letters (and colours), like everyday Lining up, saying, singing them, watching various videos about them (YT), he is already starting to spell 3 letter words (initiated by himself entirely; he is 25yo) Thank you for clarifying the differences Really helped me to understand x Comment from : @annaw7437 |
This video without the edited part would have been incomplete Thanks for the information Comment from : @mrinalkalita269 |
Great info Comment from : @AliM-xk9sp |
It sounds like both are needed, to be honest Both work each side of the brain Comment from : @DJUniMekaju |
what you are saying is interesring, but the speed is stressing me outtake your time Comment from : @bthinking5838 |
Hi, thanks for sharing this My little one is two year old and just started two days per week at a Montessori school One thing the teacher did at school is to force him to tidy up his work by cornering him, which intimidated him My gut feel is that it doesn’t seem to be a sensible act of the teacher but is it just the way Montessori teaching is? Appreciate your advice Comment from : @ruisu3645 |
I wonder about comparing with the Reggio Emilia method as well We have a pre-school based on this in our community and it looks incredible Comment from : @jamielangley6997 |
im so glad you added the end part Comment from : @thepandamomhq |
My daughter is in Waldorf and my son has done Montessori when I worked there I would like to enroll him in Waldorf in two years and do Montessori at home I found your YouTube from a comment Comment from : @UnboxGeniusFinds |
Love your channel This was so helpful Thanks Comment from : @ankithaarun3667 |
A lot parents later regret putting their kids in a Steiner school They often feel that putting off reading so late put their kids at a disadvantage One of the outcomes that is discovered too late Comment from : @AxelSituation |
Waldorf studied under a man who openly worshipped the occult— his teacher, Steiner, is not a good person regardless of his many worldly successes A decent human being should avoid the teachings of Waldorf as he certainly dipped his toes into a very unrealistic and detached approach to life Comment from : @absbi0000 |
A few years away from babies with my spouse just yet (not long I hope) but I have been researching parenting styles for years as I grew up in a home daycare constantly surrounded by young children 6m-5yrs old mostly and have had experience in a classroom setting as a teaching assistant All this accompanied by my toxic father figure growing up made me very aware that I needed to look at parenting from many angles so when we do have kids, our home is a nurturing, not a toxic environment brMontessori has been on my radar for a few years now, my spouse and I always discuss what we want in our future parenting style, what may or may not work for us as I have a physical disability and require crutches to walk which makes the floor the safest place at times So I joked a lot about changing baby on the floor, a much lower crib & how important it will be for our kids to learn independence and everyday tasks Montessori seemed to match up really well, minus my love of unicorns and my spouse's technology-based work at home brSeeing your video was really helpful today, I am definitely going to look into Waldorf, see how I might be able to use bits of each to make the right sort of environment when we have kids It is always wonderful to feel a sort of mental relief when you find the information you were looking for, I am glad I found your channel I apologize for the run-on sentences though Comment from : @julietrae526 |
As someone who grew up to be a fantasy author, I can't imagine not being exposed to fantasy and imaginative play Comment from : @everythingrebekahlorraine |
Asian parenting is somewhat Military approach :D Comment from : @aiceberry2000 |
thank you! I was just thinking of mixing the two at home schooling when you said you do it as well brI have this wired idea of doing some Montessori activities in the morning, and some Waldorf activities in the afternoon-evening time something about the rainbow colored everything kinda wakes me up! and the all wooden environment is really soothing before bedtime Comment from : @ShaharKadosh |
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