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What is Montessori? – Method, Toys u0026 Environment Explained

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Title :  What is Montessori? – Method, Toys u0026 Environment Explained
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Comments What is Montessori? – Method, Toys u0026 Environment Explained

What are your thoughts and experiences on this method? FYI, up next on the channel, we're getting to some great baby gear reviews
Comment from : @dadverb

So, no instruction at all?
Comment from : @kimberlyhovis5864

Great video I'm a product of a montessori education I wouldn't be as successful as a 23 year old right now, if I didn't get exposed to this form of teaching - I thank my parents for taking the right steps I recommend any new parent that sees this comment to be super hands on in ensuring your child receives a montessori education - especially due to today's world which relies heavily on independent problem solvers
Comment from : @RohanVij-rv9rd

This is really the best method of parenting in my opinion There are some flaws and we should not go excessive with anything but as an approach this is the best I have also found Lovevery toys and playkits very helpful in this regard I would recommend others to try them out or just explore these if interested in Montessori style parenting brbrHere is the referral discount coupon code if anyone wants to use to order their playkits Its $20 off your first playkit orderbrbrREF-987AF8D9
Comment from : @mariyamfatima6067

I feel like my preschool incorporated a few of these ideas
Comment from : @omgitzpaige2013

So what I'm getting out of this the kids can do what ever they want? I don't know about the daycare kids We had biters and kids that got into trouble just because they are kids Highschool kids are really no different They are just bigger with bigger attitudes as they grow into their young ages and go through puberty and adolescents I'm going to have to research this some more I have so many questions Thank you! Please, anybody get back to me I'm just interested because the Montessori way is helping dementia residents in studies I love that!
Comment from : @sandrajuergens-ix3yh

Montessori wasn't the brains behind this method Johann Pestalozzi was Montessori took her lead from HIM There's nothing amazing about learning by doing In my world we call it "shop class"
Comment from : @dansullivan5843

And, this is why white teachers have difficulty teaching black kids in the urban environment
Comment from : @dominecc3420

Good ,follow me please
Comment from : @تعلممعهند-ب8ك

From what I have observed of Montessori by being in the classroom, there are strengths and some serious weakness embedded within those strengths:br-an environment tailored to creating an autonomous self-reliant child creates a sense of confidence, but is devoid of empathy or respect You follow what you feel and when Social norms are replaced by self norms which others may or may not understand but are expected to obeybr-Adults are remote individuals who are only there to show and shadow, rarely engage br-your proclivities are shaped to be purposeful No mixing of work Play is discouragedbr-while children can choose what work to do, the expectation of how to use it cannot deviate Creativity is stifled unless given authority to be creative, and how to be creative In turn, individual perspectives outside of are not appreciated or nurtured brbrAs an inside observer, children are given the gift of taking care of basic needs and being okay with solitude, what’s absent is learning about interacting properly with others, experimenting with the world and a different pov, or learning what respect genuinely is You follow what is told because that’s what we do brYou eventually follow the rules because the work and the rules are all there is Seeing things differently and following any inherent desire to be different is never fostered and as a result, never attempted There is control in the classroom because there is an invisible chain of control on you
Comment from : @Chloezyxwvu

I have taught 22 years in a Montessori classroom Both of my boys went to my school and now they both work in the school with me Now I’m starting a new YouTube channel about Montessori education!
Comment from : @TheMontessoriMonster-l8d

As a teacher who is teaching for 10 years im very familiar with creative curriculum and now in a montessori classroom this was great to watch
Comment from : @XmikeromoshX

I teach Montessori I don’t believe it is necessary to “teach” children at home as a parent, except when it comes to activities of daily living What we do in schools and daycares is try to mimic, as much as possible, the home environment Your main job as a parent is just to love your kids Kids need that peaceful and loving home environment to be able to handle the school day
Comment from : @ItsViolaRose

Maria Montissori developed the system for children withbsoecial needs why is my SN child not allowed in a Montissori school nowdays
Comment from : @TwiceBlessed60

My granddaughter is entering the 4th grade as she starts her first year of Montessori She's a self-starter and her parents and I think she'll thrive in this school
Comment from : @debbycoley

Really nice informations
Comment from : @rubabfatima2532

This video may be old, but tomorrow I start my first Montessori Kindergartner job Any additional tips or advice would be greatly appreciated
Comment from : @indigomoon7028

i want to ho to montessori like the lucky kids
Comment from : @BelaRegos

This video is so helpful! The Montessori approach is beautifully explained, and the examples of activities for babies are both educational and fun Thank you for sharing such valuable insights and practical tips
Comment from : @kidsmartbreak

Monee sowree? In British English it’s Monte Surrey
Comment from : @morespinach9832

Its good up through 5th grade
Comment from : @badbydesign8452

I did Montessori schooling as a kid, didn’t realize that’s what it was until I volunteered at my cousins school (later in life) and was so confused on to why they were so strict with all the kids? And how no centers were available, they couldn’t leave their seats at all, it was all test and nothing productive besides turning them into echo chambers I don’t understand? Its ike setting your kids up to fail
Comment from : @TwentyOneOlivers

Being a trained Montessori teacher and being in a classroom for over 25 years I encourage children to pick out the “work” rather than just toys
Comment from : @MaryCrowe-y1g

Anything is better than the factory education model we have now
Comment from : @danteice2087

It is sooooo sick and interrupting having 30 of video - unasked and undescribed Advertisement! Soooooo sick
Comment from : @todayforlljaz

Montessori School is originaly applied in Europea and practice into AmericabrAmerica children doesn't went to school at toddler age they start at grade 1 elementary
Comment from : @SheelaMarieMVacal

I worked in Montessori schools for 35 years and never heard the materials referred to as toys!
Comment from : @marychandler7187

I see how we're devolving now
Comment from : @4nik8

This is should be considered a gifted children preschool
Comment from : @DenshaOtoko2

Montessori is perfect in a perfect world but once faced to real life challenges they crumble
Comment from : @juliopatinopacheco9050

I am a female who attended Montessori in the very early 1960’s Maybe I am crazy but during an era when girls were not encouraged to be independent, I swear Montessori allowed me to become who I really was - an independent female later on in my life I played very well alone as a result with more creativity Maybe I was always meant to be independent but I think it really helped me ignore societal restrictions on girls later on Thanks for the video ❤!!
Comment from : @edl6398

Thanks for posting this so simply explained !well done many post videos and use big words useless and time wasting 😅
Comment from : @nafisaramjee403

My wife went to Montesorri school I wish she hadn’t She is not a well adjusted adult and fiercely independent to a fault
Comment from : @rwillia99

Türkçe altyazı lütfen
Comment from : @MK-ms9by

great vid
Comment from : @chrismodlin6262

Well said , most people associate montessori with just wooden toys It's soooo much more it's a lifestyle
Comment from : @elegantmaze4994

Started in on my Montessori certification for early education It makes so much sense to me I have been working with children for over a decade now as a mothers helper to a babysitter to a nanny and soon toddler teacher When we give children the space to develops themselves they hold so much more confidence in themselves and also I’ve noticed it helps with emotional regulation as well It was a natural thing for me to fall into because my philosophy with watching children as a whole has been to let them lead with what they want to do Give them space to play and let them develops their creativity
Comment from : @cheyennereardon9736

They still wear face masks The pandemic is over Seems like they're behind on the times
Comment from : @josephrowland2935

i went to a primary school named Montessori and is not until now that i know why they give it that name
Comment from : @MajoCardona

I was in Montessori for the first three years of grade school before the uninterested teachers who spent more time socialising with each-other than actually observing and guiding the kids figured out I had done NO arithmetic at all It was definitely not the best start for me But I'm sure aspects of it could work with teachers that actually have an interest and understand their role
Comment from : @fuzzylogics139

Out of all the parenting methods I’ve seen this one is the one I want to try more than anything I can’t wait to have kids!!
Comment from : @rebeccashifflet8843

That constant side look is distraction to the viewer 🙇🏻‍♂️
Comment from : @Miguel-ve1lh

Loved this video 🔥👏🏽 I’m thinking about putting my toddler in a school like this; especially since he’s mildly autistic
Comment from : @tinyking11

I like how brief this video is My husband has been curious about the Montessori method since we have been talking about the way we were raised and schooled compared to the way we want to raise our own children, so I am sharing this video with him We both really love the idea of allowing for creative problem solving over the "there is one right way to do this" approach to learning that many children's toys and learning platforms offer
Comment from : @stephaniem8278

Wow don't remember seeing a notification or any for that matter but I'm happily surprised to see this subject addressed on this channel I'm trying to do this at home because it match my views on parenting but never looked into it before because I thought it was for richer families
Comment from : @sossoft

I have followed a variety of early development philosophies that advocate respecting the infant as a whole human being Montessori, RIE, Pikler Loczy, Reggio Emilia, etcThey all seem to be roughly coming from the same place and this father of two is totally bought in My kids are now 18 and 15 yrs old and the same basic principles still apply today Recent work in developmental psychology and neuroscience also solidly support these approaches You summary is quite good You hit on the right points such as the importance of observation, connected and independent play and adapting environments to the infant As far as toys go we can also use simple household items as well: stacking steel bowls, measuring cups and wooden spoons, balls, scarves I hope you continue to produce content that dovetails with these approaches
Comment from : @NormEllison

Do you have a referral code or discount code for Lovevery you can share?
Comment from : @davelemberg5602

Holy cow Thank you for this channel New kiddo coming in September All the YouTube videos are blogger-y type moms in huge homes Subscribed
Comment from : @jg_jgjg

We want to cooperate with you Could you please provide us with your email address
Comment from : @landygogogo8866

Banu education is also Montessori It very good
Comment from : @kalpanamurugan5075

Great,Dad focus on children's education is very important
Comment from : @eduwoodentoys

They are not toys but materials that too didactic Main philosophy is from concrete to abstraction Please every material has a purpose that spinning drum is not from AMI Montessori is divided into two training center- AMI and AMS
Comment from : @harrinibajaj5583

Just another trend
Comment from : @nycr6biker796

A problem I see with for profit schools (or tuition) is that it is exclusive I'm sure there's evidence that there are higher test scores or whatever but it requires a certain financial level Your average blue collar or service worker can't afford it It also eliminates students with disabilities There in lies the problem: students here aren't exposed to the full spectrum of intellectual peers In the real world, you don't always work with the upper echelon There are coworkers with disabilities and peers that you will need to learn how to work with By being this exclusive school, you aren't exposing your kids to students who they can see as capably different Private schools like this don't excel in empathy
Comment from : @lee6343

I think the Montessori method of teaching young kids is great Unfortunately we have had a poor experience at a Montessori childcare facility that has deterred us from going back to that facility In my opinion it could just be the staff and the way the facility operates rather than the method of teaching as we had no exposure to our sons development and how he was progressing Love to hear your thoughts Has the Montessori method been something you apply in the home or have you take your children to a similar facility to learn or is this new information you’ve come across and started to understand more about?
Comment from : @_coemichaeld

Damn bro Love you stepping outside of just gear reviews Montessori gets all the wrong attention Ie Asthetic wooden toys But the philosophy is so great in nurturing a child's natural curiosity and empowering own development Lotta fake Montessori crap out there Happy to see you putting this out there
Comment from : @josephhwang1428

I definitely had a different perspective of what Montessori meant This was helpful and great introduction on Montessori philosophy Thanks!
Comment from : @emmspice

I am a Montessorian from Indonesia
Comment from : @ardipoetra3060

As great as lovevery is I personally don’t enjoy having it shoved down my throat There are in fact other toys that my daughter prefers and people make it out to be the end all be all when it comes to toys
Comment from : @Frugalista77

Thanks! This subject I was familiar with but your baby gear videos were helpful to us
Comment from : @DianaDesi23

Montessori or not toy rotation is the best thing ever
Comment from : @mkabs19

Thank you so much for such a comprehensive review and insightful perspective curious for you to do a review on the Reggio Emilia philosophy and principles
Comment from : @daddydaughterjournal

waldorf is superior
Comment from : @lawofparsimony

I love the lovery toys but i hate their politics!!! Keep this in mind
Comment from : @Dadtech

We are happy with our Montessori school We believe they are making a difference in our child's development Learning independence really helps in our family dynamics As in many things in life, it's our job to follow up with it at home
Comment from : @SANTIS2099

Man, I really wish Lovevery wasn't a sponsor because I want to share that it has helped our son SO much in his development He's had them from birth through now 22 months Nothing but good things to say about it Highly recommend He has also attended an AMI recognized school for about 4 months now Very impressed with actual Montessori method, overall
Comment from : @Mrshyguy775

I’ve recently discovered and subscribed to your channel because of your recent Mockingbird review I’ve been interested in implementing some of these concepts at our house so this video couldn’t have had better timing Can’t wait to watch this once the kids go to bed!
Comment from : @hannahmiller8887

As someone who attended a Montessori instead of traditional pre-school, I can say that the benefits 100 outweigh the costs While I don't think it was responsible for all of my personal achievements, it certainly gave me the foundation to be an independent problem solver as I matured
Comment from : @princekalibas9691

I’ve been a subscriber for a few years and I’ve been waiting for you to make a video like this since Henry was little haha Great breakdown and explanation on the Montessori method! I’d love to hear your thoughts on the Waldorf method too and how it compares with Montessori
Comment from : @oshitaiya3651

I really like aspects of montessori learning However I think it's unfortunate that in todays day, it hasn't been made as easily attainable as it was intended to be Montessori was supposed to be easily accessible to everyone however it feels like anything with the word montessori in it, suddenly ends up way more expensive Even montessori schools tend to be outside of a lot of peoples budgets And from what I've understood, that was never meant to be the case I think montessori has also become a bit of a buzzword or something slapped onto things to try and get parents into thinking they're giving their child the best or that they "need" these things in order to practice the montessori method I agree with the other person who mentioned that at the end of the day, learning the core aspects of the method is what's important I love me a good quality wooden toy, but parents shouldn't be made to feel like they can't partake if they can't afford those things
Comment from : @sb5653

Yes! You hit the nail on this one One more thing to add Dr Montessori actually teaches the poorest family (family who can't afford schooling) in Italy which means she made all the activities by herself Yes it's been told you need this expensive material but the truth of the matter is it all depends on what you can afford Plastic is inevitable in this age and yes it's not the greatest but at the end of the day if the child can learn the exercise to implement independent play I say who cares (I will get hate from that but oh well 😅) but thank you for posting the basics of the basics God Bless
Comment from : @bellebohler6408

I love the montessori method and intend to implement much of it with my son who is currently 4 months old The more I look into it, however, I find that many of the classic activities are very close ended They have one purpose and one desired outcome It also discourages anything not rooted in reality Some of these are great for learning skills, but, on my shelf, I intend to have a variety of open ended toys to allow for imaginative or creative play as well I have learned a TON from my montessori reading but i think how it looks will be different for everyone and thats awesome Thanks for the great video! I always love getting a dad's perspective and im looking forward to the baby gear reviews
Comment from : @KarenM2012

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