Title | : | Time is Different in The Bible |
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And yet God did admonish the Jews for not knowing the times And not only were the celestial bodies made but God gave the feast which fell on the calendar Not that it was cyclical but there were certain beginnings and end points very important because many feast start as the evening startsbrbrEdit: Jesus Literally said the Nation missed the day of their Visitation on Palm Sunday Which can be calculated from Danielbrbr2nd Edit: And Just like that IP swept aside any chronological meaning to the genealogies in favor of his belief of deep time so that the Bible comports with fallible man’s understanding of the history of the universe Comment from : @DaysofElijah317 |
Very well said I agree with what you said The so called morden people are nothing but slave owners who used abstract time to control people they enslaved They tried to use their measurements to measure Elohims time periods This cannot synchronize Elohim uses generation referring to a creation Within the generation His planned purpose must be achieved before the end must come I agree with you as you are dead on point Comment from : @morrisboja1044 |
If you divide the given age of the patriarchs by 12, you get a normal human age What the Bible is referring to as years, are what we refer to as months Comment from : @Merry-g4k |
All times are in the bible Past, present and future Thats what makes the bible so special Comment from : @deborahassingboe2345 |
Fantastic vid This really deepend my understanding of the Bible and live itself😄 Praise God! Comment from : @CrownOfThornss |
I think this would have been more credible had he used actual verses from the bible Comment from : @tobeornottobe9689 |
So poc no longer have to be shamed for being late and showing up whenever 😂 Comment from : @VictoriaWhitlock |
another argument about symbolic use of people's age in the bible is the fact that it would be kind of difficult to have accuracy in the numbers given that each civilization at the time likely had much different way to measure "years" Comment from : @vepz13 |
"Be still and know I am God" One of the best verses on this "All things in their time" that verse from a chapter in proverbs is not about time management In Gods time it will be, has God chooses Comment from : @randywise5241 |
Although I reject this treatise as biblical Apologetics - full stop, I do agree with the broader truth of it in a global cultural sense It simply fails as an excuse for failed communication on guidance from an allegedly omniscient supreme being This is the same old chestnut about god having to talk down to Iron Age illiterate goat herders because they wouldn't have understood the actual or proper explanations of how the world they lived in functioned Comment from : @puirYorick |
I think baseball in the west and cricket in the east are activities that the ancients would dig Comment from : @michaelmagee4318 |
This makes so much sense why I don’t click with modern society The ancient way is how I’ve always approached time Comment from : @glitchy000 |
masterpeace Comment from : @PrinceRonaldNessKiyimba-rx3hp |
Have you considered that the 480 years after the Exodus for the building of the temple might be symbolic and literal? As Johnathan Pageau says, sometime symbolism happens Comment from : @sigurdholbarki8268 |
All works of fiction dont have time indicators Comment from : @Djkngp |
I had to turn it off when he spoke of the Sabbath I have studied the topic thoroughly many times over and there is a lot of proof in the Apostolic Writings (New Testament) that the Sabbath was still to be honored and observed I was the Roman Catholic Emperor, Constantine that changed the day of worship to Sunday because he did not want to be associated with the Jews not to mention adopting the Babylonian customsConstantine changed it Yeshua never once taught anyone not to keep Shabbat It is our favorite day of the week <3 Also, the scriptures say that the Sabbath will be kept in the coming Kingdom of GodSo why would we stop and resume The teachings of Sunday have seeped into many teachings but I look to Jesus as my example and the keeping of Shabbat is actually confirmed in the New Testament unlike what some would like us to believe with the twisting of the word The Jewish and Gentile believers kept the Sabbath together I will do the same Comment from : @NothingWasted |
"The events themselves were what pushed time to move forward" -that could actually be a better explanation for the natural world as we perceive it Maybe that's why time seems to flow more quickly when we do more things and extremely slowly when we havw nothing to do Comment from : @ashley_brown6106 |
I'm not saying you're wrong but how do you interpret Mathew 24:32-34? Comment from : @derrickamartin |
So the days of creation were likely in reference to blocks of process duration A focus on the activity rather than how long it tookbrbrIt reminds me of time complexity in programming Comment from : @justinstorm |
Yes they didn’t have concept of time as we do in person day, so how did they know how old people were like 600 years old 900 years old explain that one Comment from : @gaylecheung3087 |
jesus was sitting at jacobs well about the sixt houre when was that? Comment from : @bengagliardo |
Hmm, I speculate that the ancient/non-western concept of time (time based upon the unfolding of events rather than a linear measurement) allows for a less stressful life and allows for life events to be experienced to their fullest extent However, I find that the modern, western concept of time allows for more productivity and better planning of events due to the specificity of our time measurements Comment from : @zachhays9974 |
Amen🙏🕊️❤️😇✝️😀😊🍷🍞🎉 Comment from : @CooperTheGoosebumpsGuy |
Interesting Comment from : @krystalfruehling7522 |
I'm Jewish and we definitely don't believe these things Comment from : @YonasonWeideman |
The stuff about numbers being symbolic is a good thing to note for anyone that thinks that Daniel 9 was a ticking clock that was supposed to count down to the week that Jesus got killed Comment from : @Greyz174 |
After some time reading Whitehead for my research the non-western perception of change strikes me as curiously Whiteheadian Really interesting to know about it! Comment from : @mobili2 |
I’m going to start thinking of time in these terms as well Comment from : @andrewscotteames4718 |
My missionary trip to Nepal was the right place for me to understand how to best manage my time Comment from : @ajourneysaved4311 |
Well it would be wouldn’t it😂😂😂😂😂 Comment from : @CR-yd4qe |
You're underestimating their view of time They didn't use seconds and minutes, but they had measures of time in days, eeks, months, years, decades, centuries, millennia's, etc They also understood sunrise, sunset, and high noon to divide the day You seem to be overstating their ignorance Comment from : @dennismingus |
17:18 And that's the additional reason, why Jehovah's witnesses are wrong in terms of their calculations based on the Book of Revelation! Comment from : @David280997 |
God is time past,present and future is the trinity maybe Comment from : @midas_9648 |
Let us add to this that while ancients did have a different sense and in some cases, no sense, of time, as we understand itwe ourselves still adhere to the more ancient idea of time represented by events--and for us, the one big event, is the notion of progressnot that progress is cyclical but in the sense it exists outside of our understanding of time and is what governs our thinking As someone wrote, Crazy Horse was interested in Being; Custer was interested in Becoming A good part of our modern discomfort is a sense that progress is no longer to be assumed as inevitable So, in the end, we are not so different Comment from : @julianmarsh8384 |
You just popped my brain lol Comment from : @amyraab8326 |
Anybody watch the movie Arrival? Amazing movie about time and language Comment from : @PeerlessScarred01 |
Did not get pay by the hour Comment from : @Thomas-kl5el |
Drink every time he says "events or processes" Comment from : @mof4104 |
So this guy never read the Bible? Time is explained on the first page It doesn’t exist, it’s just a way of expressing duration God says of himself in the Bible, he waits Comment from : @nickma71 |
The Bible is not one book It is 66 books by various authors who may not all have the same views Our methods of logic come from Aristotle, the tutor of Alexander the Great They did not become popular until the Renaissance That is why St Paul's reasoning seems a bit strange to us today Comment from : @douglaidlaw740 |
chronos is the father of zeus who ate his children how does this relate to the chronos time we're familiar with? Comment from : @7lllll |
They did not use our modern terminology or metric to describe time, therefore they had no concept of time Comment from : @Floggingday |
Since the Bible is not a uni-vocal book this premise makes very little sense Comment from : @StudentDad-mc3pu |
IP IS A GENIUS OF METAPHORbrI didn't seriously believe in any religions before meet the incredible videos made by Inspiring philosophy, David wood, What do you meme and Aposate Prophet etcbrHowever now I am a Christian thanks to those have made enlightened videos for entire humanity ❤ Comment from : @providence1961 |
“The past is in front of them, but the future is behind them” probably one of the most compelling and profound things I’ve heard in a while Comment from : @TheBanjoShowOfficial |
Yeah no! Comment from : @MeinePostma |
I would say you repeated yourself several times during this video but that would regard time as cyclical instead, you have made time repetitive Comment from : @TonyStank-XIX |
Christian Indonesian here!! Comment from : @fyodorogustavus |
well of course because if your brainwashed by religion nothing is real your not even a smell in gods fart your just here to entertain god and the devil with your suffering, or join reality knowing religion is a childish story Comment from : @mikehunntt5338 |
Subbed Comment from : @astonishingmelanie |
Check it out - I noticed that time runs differently, depending on whether it is observed or not! When I observe time (calendar, clock) - it slows down It seems to pass slowly (work, school, plans, schedules) When you don’t observe it (holidays, retirement), time speeds up! It seems to pass quickly (unnoticeable)brbrTry this: make a daily plan for one month up to an hour and try to stick to it as close as you can, and let me know - did you notice, that suddenly you had more time than enough during each week and day? You could do all the things you normally need to do and you had plenty spare time left!brWeird! Isn’t it?! Maybe one day scientists approve my theory based on my observationsbrBtw, according to quantum mechanics, photons behave differently when they are observed and differently, when they are not observed!!!? Comment from : @karlstanc4444 |
When I first began studying the Hebrew Bible, back in 2013, I was most taken aback at how very different the language was from the Indo-European languages I knew For one thing, the concept of time as expressed in verb tenses, was largely absent Hebrew verbs are “intensitive” or reflexive etc, but they don’t express a precise and measured concept of past, present, future It’s more akin to how perhaps native Americans or Australian aborigines would view the world: a surround-sound of spirituality in which he living spirit of the cosmos is a constant presence and one’s own connection to it is one’s main preoccupation Comment from : @harrietlyall1991 |
Time is the biggest scam ever invented Comment from : @RANDOMCOLLISION |
Time isn’t different in the Bible It’s just different from people who assume using seconds and hours instead of natural cycles for seeing a process happen makes more sense Comment from : @TimJSwan |
"non-westerners" is not a real people its imaginary as is normal when talking about the opinions of imaginary things, nearly every thing you say is gibberish Comment from : @getfreemazes |
Anyone with an inkling of science should know time is local,relative, and variant If you are near a black hole time flows slower than in open space If we travel faster time slows Many many reasons can change time and God can control time to a human in many ways So all of the Bible is true and just because you can't see how doesn't mean it's not true Trust God and love Jesus He will guide our paths straight Comment from : @benevolentpercipience9195 |
Thank you! Comment from : @bunkbedsunlimited |
How does that Doctor Who line go?brTime is not a straight line of cause to effect, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff Comment from : @keatonsmith5669 |
Everything is different in the bible probably because it's all made up from bronze age stories Comment from : @truthgiver8286 |
The day was first divided into hours and minutes around 3500 BC, long before the oldest books of the Bible were written So much for Biblical Authors thinking about time differently than us😂 Comment from : @brycedyck8450 |
I guess death, sickness and misery is so common in the past that people simply could not afford to develop the concept of time and the future Comment from : @dolyharianto |
Sending this vid to my boss to explain why I was late today Comment from : @Chimpmanboom |
God made the sun, moon and stars on the 4th day of creation a 24 hr day still ocvuring Comment from : @eyeinthesky7336 |
It's not very surprising Most of the bible looks absurd and like poor folk tales from illiterate and uneducated people that were known to do some pretty deranged things The believed the sky to be solid because the stars did not move and that is why it was called the firmament Of course they didn't have to deal with the corporate machinery or industrial revolution but they certainly worried about the time to plant and to harvest They worried about the movement of the moon They had a word for dawn and dusk and noon They didn't have hours and minutes, no But to say they were not worried about what time it was is nonsense The priest classes were aware of time and they kept it secret as that made priests important Made up things about why the sun rises and sets But the presenter here also has not a good grasp of time and the reason why is it is measurable but linked to space-time and the passage of time depends on accelaration as well as gravity But hey the ancients could have prayed their way to a 747 jet airplane because they were wise and magical and stuff The significance of the bible is one of the most overstated things in history Things like the Assyrian Empire and its importance and how it affected the bible isn't The context and period in which the stories arose that fell into the bible because of the biases of men are ignored It's not the most important book just the most significant one to you But not to me And for many on this planet it won't ever be Comment from : @OceanusHelios |
Lesson:Nostalgia should be educational Comment from : @AlmostCoolGuys |
Have you actually read the bible? Or have you only read quotes from books about the bible? Comment from : @daniels4338 |
I'm calling bullsheet The author of the video doesn't like the timing indicators in the Bible and so claims they're practically meaningless Even if you accept the premise in the video, the Bible would still said 2000 years ago that God would be ready soon Comment from : @jamesreed5678 |
"the process of the church service is more important than time itself" We should all feel this way, about all of God's work Comment from : @sethtrey |
God not a good teacher of Time ! Comment from : @MSmith-w9i |
This is probably not so in topic but I love Christmas songs I love Christmas vibes But i never feel them in December because it ends and people just tend to ignore it after Christmas dsy However, i listen to Christmas throughout the year depending on the vibe, weather and the like In my country Zambia, It rains in December so whenever its dark and cloud be in May till July ehen its the cold season or November when the rains begin i listen to Christmas music That and it helps me write better So i think for Christmas is not about December but rather whatever time i feel like it LolbrImma see myself out now 😂 Comment from : @josiah3820 |
Indonesian here ☝️ Comment from : @kepariyo |
No, Time is not different in the Bible Comment from : @steveklemetti8035 |
IP restored my faith! Comment from : @xenoxorus |
Please explain away the accuracy of Daniel’s 70 weeks Comment from : @WilliamMcEntee |
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra! Comment from : @MultiverseAsheville |
Most excellent! I'd heard some of these terms before, but this video really pulled it all together for me Comment from : @johnkeck |
So apparently everyone's ages are just bullshit arbitary numbers people applied to show how great or reverred there werebrbrRiiiight Comment from : @sparkshot |
I’d love to live in a clock-less culture for a few months I’ve always struggled to conform to a proper schedule Comment from : @Rubberglass |
Ancient people did think about time in the abstract For example, the “time of the end” is an abstraction of some future period of time which Daniel wrote about extensively, and which was picked up in the New TestamentbrbrJust because someone is an expert, that doesn’t prove their ideas are correct, and that professor was wrong Comment from : @savedbygrace2397 |
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