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The strategy I will adopt includes:bra I need to define learning objectives so that the pupils will know what their assessment will be base uponbrb Ineed timely and specific feedback so that the pupils can see and correct their mistakes when the information is still fresh in their mindbrc Encourage pupils to reflect on their learning in order for them to identify their strength and weaknesses and set goals for improvementbrOlowolayemo Gbenga, Life camp primary Comment from : @gbengaolowolayemo858 |
Nwankwor Uzoamaka Geraldine Area 1 Campus Grade 6brFor effective assessment of the learners ,as a teacher I will embark on these methodsbrUsing multiple assessment, providing effective, timely and specific feedbackbrUsing simple and clear specific objectives brEncouraging learners to reflect and devote ample time to their learni and studies Comment from : @amakanwankwor5347 |
The strategy I will adopt to improve my students progress arebr1 Making learning objectives as clear as possiblebr2 Providing apt feedback of my my students' performancebr3 Using language they can easily understandbrbrbrOgboso Chukwuemeka FelixbrSMC LIFECAMP Comment from : @ogbosofelix |
I will track and visualize progress data with technologybrA student data platform can help you organize, analyze and visualize the details to uncover specific students that need additional support Comment from : @jktech5743 |
1 Defining my learning objectives br2 By using multiple assessment methodsbr3 Providing timely and specific feedback br4 Create rubricsbr5 Encourage self-reflection brbrObineme Uchechukwu AdabrArea 1 Primary Comment from : @ObinemeUchechukwu-mf2ye |
I will adopt the use of rubrics in assessing my studentsbrbrSamuel TsavbrLife Camp campus Comment from : @samueltsav3121 |
As a teacher,br1 I will define my learning objectivebr2 I will use the language that they will understand betterbr3 I will use instructional material to make them learn betterbr4 I will evaluate students works regularlybr5 I will correct their mistakesbrMy is Shuaibu I Ahmad Comment from : @shuaibuahmad1598 |
Designing a specific and measurable learning objectives or outcome brbrMultiple assessment methodology in order to carter for each child peculiaritybrbr Specific feedback mechanism that addresses specific learning defectbrbrAlatise MichaelbrLife camp Comment from : @alatisemichael2444 |
My strategy to access students ' progress I willbr1 Set learning objectives that are specific and measurablebr2 Use multiple accessement methodsbr3 Create rubricsbr4 Provide opportunity for learners to reflect their performancebrNege Terver LeonardbrWumba Campus Comment from : @negeleonard5860 |
As an Educationist:br1 I will use multiple test method to assess the studentsbrbrFrom: Ali Togo MichaelbrLife Camp Campus Comment from : @evangmiketogo |
To assess my learner's progress, I will set out a learning objective that must go in line with the course goalsbrAlso, my feedback will be specific and always at the right time to boost their quest to do better And encouraged not to relentbrLastly, I will make sure to use multiple assessment methodsbrbrATIM ESTHER THERESAbrWUMBA CAMPUS Comment from : @estheratim2495 |
Effective learning, always define the learning objects and create team work for the desire can be easily achieved By Akowe Samson from Area 1 Campus Comment from : @samsonakowe-hs2qb |
Lawal Kayode
brArea 1 PrimarybrbrStrategy I will adopt to effectively assess my student’s progressbr br1 By defining the learning objectives
br2 By using multiple assessment methods such as projects and quizzes
br3 By providing timely and specific feedbackbr4 By creating a rubric method of teaching Comment from : @kayanderson7793 |
1 Define your learning objectivesbr2 Provide timely feedback that is specific and timelybr3 Encourage students to adopt self reflection to identify their strength and weaknessesbr4 Use multiple assessment methods like test, quiz etc br5 Create rubrics by the use of illustration and examples when teaching to achieve your learning objectivesbrbrEmmanuel ObanibrAgricultural sciencebrWumba Comment from : @THEBIOGRAPHYOFJESUSCHRIST |
I intend to access my students by defining my lesson objectives and work with my objectives to ensure its effectiveness, I will provide timely feedback medium Cornelius Wonderful Chidinma Wumba Comment from : @wonderfulcornelius6050 |
Guides to assess my learners' achievement:br1 I will define my learning objectivesbr2I will use variety of evaluation methods to assess thembr3 I will consider the age of the learners while evaluating thembrbrName: Calista Ifeyinwa UdegbulembrCampus: Wumba Comment from : @calistaifeyinwa |
1 Define your learning objectivesbr2 Provide timely feedbackbr3 Use multiple assessment methods eg quiz and projectsbr4 Encourage students self reflectionbrbrArea 1brSamson Comment from : @OmoniyiSamson-nj9ko |
The stategies I will adopt to effectively assess my learners progress includebr1 Define learning objectivesbr2 Evaluate learners workbr3 Provide effective feedbackbr4 Encourage self reflectionbr5 Use of multiple assessment methods brbrAkogwu simeonbrlife camp Comment from : @johnsimeon3174 |
For effective student assessment, I will do the following:br1 Clearly define learning objectivesbr2 Use multiple assessment methodsbr3 Provide feedbackbrLinus Gar Asemabr(SMC, Life Camp) Comment from : @linusasema5220 |
For an effective assessment of students learning progress, the following is learnt:br- set learning objectives to be specific and measurable such as what knowledge you want your students to assimilate rather than memorisingbr- use multiple assessment method which will help evaluate students knowledge on facts and conceptbr- provide timely feedbackbrINGULE MATHEW SUGHTERbrLIFECAMP SMC Comment from : @matthewrapheal-qt8xz |
1 Define the learning objectivesbrbr2 Use multiple assessment like quiz, testbrbr3 Provide specific and timely feedbackbrbrMbagwu Izunna ChrisaugustusbrGrade 4 BluebrLifecamp campus Comment from : @izukrixconcept8650 |
1 Critically identify learning objectivedbr2 Design feedback mechanism to aid effective learningbr3identify multiple assessment methodbrbrAdesokan AdekunlebrComputer teacher life camp college Comment from : @olaitanadegboye2877 |
To effectively assess my students learning progress, i will adopt the following strategiesbr1 Define the learning objectives as clear as possible on the achievements at the end of every lessonbr2 I will use multiple assessments strategies to evaluate the different types of learning as well as the studentsbr3 I will provide specific and timely feedbacks to the students by pointing out the areas of their positive achievements and areas that needs improvementsbrbrOsadolor Pet #Area 1 College Comment from : @osadolorpet162 |
Otokpa Daniel Otokpa brLife Camp CampusbrI can assess students' Learning Effectively By:br1 Having clearly defined, specific and measurable objectivesbr2Using multiple methods of assessmentsbr3Providing actionable feed-backbr4Ensuring that students have self-reflection Comment from : @danielotokpa1070 |
For effective assessment, I will collect data through notes, checklists, sticky notes, and audio notes can help teachers keep track of students' strengths and needs Also, observing students throughout the school day can give important insight into their learning needs and progressesbrbrEbisan Wilkie (Wumba) Comment from : @petrawilkie5732 |
strategies to asses student learning effectively are stated below
br1 Define learning objectives
br2 Use multiple assessment method
br3 Provide timely feedback
br4 Being specific by pointing out areas needed by the student to improvebrbrEzenwa Nwakaji SMC, Area 1 Comment from : @EzenwaNwakaji |
In order to access my students learning I must state in clear terms my objectives That is what I want my students to learn or achieve at the end of the learning processbrI will use multiple choice, essay in accessing thembrI will ensure that they will be access base on the stated objectivesbrMarkus NangshakbrLife camp Comment from : @NangshakMarkus-uw1eu |
To assess students learning I need the following tools:br i explore students' numerous potentials, knowledge and skillsbr ii communicate with my student the need for their improvementbr iii build my students confidence by reinforcing their achievementsbr iv use feedback mechanism to prove to the students they can do it and use the feedback to review my teaching methodsbr v use multiple assessment techniques'br( Ikura Daniel Life Camp College) Comment from : @DanielIkura |
For effective assessment of my students learning progress, I will adopt the following:br1 To define learning objectives that must align with course goalsbr2 To use different types of assessment methods to evaluate my studentsbr3 To provide timely and specific feedbackbrOnyerinma Agatha C Area 1 campus Comment from : @OnyerinmaAgatha |
Things I must do to access my students learningbr*Define my learning objectivesbr*Use of different assessment methodsbr* Use of feedback from studentsbrOnah Kyrian (Wumba Campus) Comment from : @kyrianonah2902 |
A well stated and documented learning objective is important so that learners understand what is expected of them at the end of each lessonbrMultiple assessment will be given to learners to know the various styles of teaching that can boost efficiencybrTimely and specific feedbacks will be enhanced to know areas that needs improvementbrbrOGBE BLESSINGbrAREA1 COLLEGE Comment from : @ogbeblessing9655 |
I will adopt the following strategies for effective assessment of learnersbr1 Defining the learning objectivesbr2 Using multiple assessment methods like quiz br3 providing timely and specific feedback Comment from : @ANIEBIETBEN-q6b |
How to Assess students' learning effectivelybr1 By defining my learning objectivesbr2 By using multiple assessment through projects and essaysbr3 By providing timely and specific feed back that is actionable br4 By encouraging self reflection by the studentsbrMr Animashaun RafiubrLife campbrEnglish Language Department, SMS Comment from : @ayinlataiwo5000 |
The strategy i will adopt to effectively assess the student’s progress are as follows:- brbr1 defining specific learning objectivesbr2 using more assessment methodbr3 encouraging self reflection and br4 Provision of feedback in timebrbrAzikiwe Patrick Chukwunweike, brLife camp college Comment from : @patrickchukwunweike2920 |
As a teacher, I will use multiple assessment methods with different format to assess my pupils' learningbrJoy ArchibongbrPre-Nursery - Lifecamp Comment from : @onyinyechimoses-g4l |
Students can easily be assessed through providing Learning objectives from the beginning each lessonbrAlso, making use of multiple methods to assess learnersbrMake use of language students can understandbrOwoicho Sunday LFC Comment from : @sundaymathias5950 |
I will adopt these strategies for effective assessment of my students;br1 will define my learning objectives from the onsetbr2 I will use multiple strategies to evaluate my studentsbr3 I will provide feedback on time while the assessment is still fresh in the minds of the studentsbr4 I will create opportunities for my students to reflect on their work Comment from : @kujiior1101 |
1The learning objective will be clearly stated to capture what is expected of learnersbr2 Multiple assessment will be given to leaners to aid and foster easy evaluationbr3 Learners will be kept informed on the areas their performance has improved and on areas they are required to put in more effort to enhance efficiency & excellencebr brADUKWU SOLOMONbrAREA1, COLLEGE Comment from : @solomonadukwu5542 |
some of the strategies to adopt for effective assessment of my pupils' progress are as follow
br1 By defining specific objectives for each lesson delivered
br2 By using multiple assessment methods such as projects and multiple-choice test Comment from : @onyinyechimoses-g4l |
To assess the learner effectively, the following should be followed Define the learning objectives Use multiple assessment methods Provide timely and prompt feedback
brONYEGA PETERbrLIFECAMP PRIMARY Comment from : @onyegapeter3513 |
Defining learning objectivesbrUsing clear language for learner's to understandbrEncouraging self reflectionbrUsing multiple methods for assessmentbrImam Adesola, Area 1 campus Comment from : @tajudeengiwa9131 |
For effective assessment of the progress of my learners, I would define learning objectives at the start of the lesson, use multiple assessment method, encourage self reflection and provide timely feedbacks during the period of learningbrbrDeborah UwagwubrLifecamp College Comment from : @FatusPlaceFood |
I will use the following strategies to effectively assess my students' progress:brDefine my lesson objectives before teachingbrIn addition, I will use multiple test methods, provide room for feedbacks as well as encourage the students to engage in self-reflectionbrIsa Jimoh Musa, SMC, Wumba Comment from : @JimohIsa-he3sy |
1) Define your learning objectivesbr2) Using multiple assessment methods such as quizzes, projects and multiple-choice testbr3) Use language that is clear and provide self reflectionbr4) By providing timely feedbackbrbrChamun MarkusbrWumba Campus Comment from : @chamunmarkus8768 |
To assess the learner effectively, the following should be followedbr1 Define the learning objectivesbr2 Use multiple assessment methodsbr3 Provide timely and prompt feedback Comment from : @chukwuemekaumahi5809 |
Strategies to adopt to effectively access my students progress are: br1 To define learning objectives Objectives must align with course goalsbr2 Use of multiple assessment recordsbr3 Providing timely and specific feedbackbr4 Encouraging self reflection by asking the students to access their own workbrIbem NjidekabrWumba campus Comment from : @njidekaibem9955 |
As a teacher,br1 I will define learning objectives and point out specific areasbr2 I will be specific and measurablebr3 I will use multiple assessment methods and create rubricsbr4 I will use language that is clear and provide self reflectionbrI will provide timely and specific feedback I will encourage students to discuss learning with matesbrSinmisola AdekoyabrLife camp College Comment from : @sinmisolaadekoya |
The strategies to adopt in order to assess students progress are:br By encouraging self- reflection
br By defining specific learning objectives
br By using multiple assessment methods
br By encouraging self- reflection
br By providing timely feedbackbrNWACHUKWU ROSELINEbrLIFECAMP PRIMARY Comment from : @rosenwachukwu-ew7dt |
Define your learning objectivesbrYakubu IsmailabrArea 1 campus Comment from : @yakubuismaila674 |
In order to properly assess my students I will ensure that I use different assessment methods, ensure that there is timely feed back and encourage students to carryout self evaluation either on their own or in the company of their classmates Iboyi Izehi Joy Life Camp Comment from : @izehiiboyi5460 |
In order to properly assess my students, I will ensure that I use different assessment methods, ensure that there is timely feed back and encourage students to carryout self evaluation either on their own or in the company of their classmaes Comment from : @izehiiboyi5460 |
1 Defining learning objective on what the student should achieve at the end of the lessonbr2 Using multiple assessment methodbrbrMelvin ObrICT TeacherbrLifecamp Comment from : @melvinodalson494 |
To effectively assess my students, I will give multiple assessments and provide timely feedback I will also encourage students to evaluate themselves and always set goals for future assessments brEmmanuel Chidiebere Ugwu brArea 1 Comment from : @EmmanuelChidi-gq3dc |
For effective assessment of my pupils I will define my learning objectives clearly,use multiple assessment methods, provide timely and specific feedbacks and encourage self reflection brbrOkoro chioma brLife camp Comment from : @chiomamaryann-uo1qk |
Effective assessment of studentsbr1) Define learning (specific) objectives at the beginning of any classbr2)Applying multiple assessments methods will improve the students learning processbr3)Encourage students participation and performance and as well as self reflectionbr4) Group work will also help in assessing the students effectivelybr5) Pointing out the area of focus /needed for the students will improve students assessment effectivelybr(Okpe Anselm chidiebere Area 1) Comment from : @okpeanselmchidiebere5862 |
To assess learners progress effectively; l will state clearly the specific objectives of each lesson, I will provide specific feedback to the leaners on their weeknesses, I will also use different methods to assess the learnersbrUke Samuel, Area 1 Comment from : @samuelibo8209 |
For effective assessment of students, define learning objectives, use multiple assessment methods and provide feedback It builds confidence in learners and motivates them to strive for excellence Comment from : @aureliaenene2715 |
The strategy I will adopt includes;brGiving regular feedbacks during learning processbrI will encourage students to reflects on their learning in order for them to identify their strength and weeknesses and goals on how to improve Comment from : @EngrE-U |
Strategy I will adopt to effectively assess my students' progressbr1 I will define my learning objectivesbr2 I will use multiple assessment methodsbr3 I will provide timely and specific feedbackbr4 I will create rubricsbr5 I will encourage self-reflectionbrbrAhanonu Saviour UgochukwubrArea 1 Campus Comment from : @favoursaviour-sq7nr |
1 I will define learning objectivesbr2 Use multiple assessment methods br3 Provide timely and specific feedbacksbrbrGrace IbebrSMS Area 1 campus Comment from : @graceibe2375 |
Well stated objective, use of appropriate assessment methods s, provide timely feedback, create rubric and encourage self-reflection will help teachers to assess learner's performance brMr Hussein Abdulazeez Ozovehe brWumba Campus Comment from : @ozovehehussein1181 |
1 I will define my learning objectivesbr2 I will use multiple assessment methodsbr3 I will Provide timely and specific feedbackbrOgochukwu NnajibrArea 1 PrimarybrGrade 3 Orange Comment from : @thrivepsychology123 |
Assessing students is crucial Creating a learning objective, using many methods of assessment, providing feedback, and many more are ways of assessing studentsbrbrOgiri John OgiribrGrade 4brWumba Comment from : @johenrichintegratedenterta846 |
Based on the video, to assess my pupils learning effectively; brbrI'll make use of the multiple assessment methods to ascertain their learning progress and also provide an effective feedback to aid improvementbrbrOJUOLA MARGARETbrNursery 1 RedbrSMS, Area 1 campus Comment from : @FridayFavour-zs3qd |
1-Define your learning objectivesbr 2- Provide timely and specific feedbackbr3- Evaluate pupils workbr4- Use multiple assessment methodmtu Luisa ( life camp) Comment from : @luisaking3373 |
Guidelines on how to assess learnersbr1)define learning objectivesbr2)Use of different assessment methodsbr3) Providing timely and specific feedbackbrOluwatoyin Atinuke SannibrGrade 2brLife camp Campus Comment from : @sannioluwatoyin2054 |
As a teacher the strategies l will adopt for effective assessment of my pupils progress are 1Define your learning objectives: when I am defining my learning objectives , I will be specific and it must be measurable I must make sure that I am assessing what my pupils are actually learning rather than just evaluating their ability to memorize information 2Use Of multiple assessment method such as projects , quizzes and multiple _ choice test and action able Iyabo Umoru Life camp N/P Comment from : @favourumoru7265 |
For effective assessment of learners learning progress, I'll adopt the following:br1 Defining learning objectives as simple as possiblebr2 Providing timely and effective feedback for their performances such as giving praises and encouragementsbr3 Using simple and understandable language br4 Encourage self reflections for pupils to revise and think about what they've learntbrbrJulie Osuji,brGrade 1 Orange,brLife Camp Primary School Comment from : @JulieOsuli-mk6lg |
For effective assessment of learners learning progress, I'll adopt the following:br1 Defining learning objectives as simple as possiblebr2 Providing timely and effective feedback for their performances such as giving praises and encouragementsbr3 Using simple and understandable language br4 Encourage self reflections for pupils to revise and think about what they've learntbrbrJoseph Steve,brCCA Teacher,brArea 1 Primary School Comment from : @thejosephsteve |
Assessing students' learning effectively can be challenging However, I will use multiple test measures Students who struggle with test anxiety, can still be assessed using low- stakes assessment such as: quizzes or in-class activities to help them build confidence and reduce stress brMrs Comfort EssangbrArea 1 Comment from : @sadeessang4379 |
You can easily asses students learning by engaging them in different questions about their previous learning Stella Maris school area 1 campus abj Alabi Amoto Michael Comment from : @alabiamotomichael4790 |
to assess student effectively a teacher shouldbr1 define learning objectives br2 use different method of assessmentbr3 provide timely and specific feedbackbr4creating rubrics and br5 encourage the pupils to self reflectbrbrbrOtoyo GodswillbrArea 1, primay , Comment from : @godswillotoyo9554 |
By defining learning objectives and ensure the learners achieve the objectives even in real life situationsbrThe use of different assessment methods to meet the needs of the learners, providing feedback and encouraging self reflectionbrAdejo Hannatu Comment from : @hannatuadejoh9892 |
OLOWOLAYEMO GBENGA JOHNSON (CCA) LIFE CAMPbrAs an educator, I must always define my learning objectives, use different assessment methods,by setting multiple test, projects,timely feedbacks, creating plus print of what is expected, I should be able to understand my pupils and use the language the can relate with, encouraging self reflection and creating in them confidence,these are tips to create an effective assessment method Comment from : @gbengaolowolayemo858 |
For effective assessment of my students' learning progress, I will adopt these strategies(1) Defining the learning objectives at the onset(2) providing feedback during this process (3) encouraging self- reflection for the students - Eneh Nnenna -Area1/Life camp Comment from : @ENEHNNENNA-k1d |
Effective pupils assessment must involve : setting clear objectives, using different assessment method , getting clear feed back from pupils etcbrCollins uche Ikechukwu (Area 1 ) Comment from : @uchecollins3253 |
To assess my studentships progress effectively, I willbr1 Make my learning objectives clear and measurablebr2 Use multiple assessment methods like quizzes, projects and multiple choice testbr3 Encourage self reflection of students regularlybr4 Create room for feedback to enhance learningbrAdegboyega VictoriabrWumba Campus Comment from : @YomadeVictoria-hn7zf |
The strategies I will adopt includesbr1 defining my learning objectivesbr2 using multiple assessment methodsbr3 Encourage self reflectionbr4 provide timely and excessive feedbackbrWILLIAMS AA area 1 campus Comment from : @agboadolly5654 |
This is very interesting ! Assessment is very key in learning process I will make sure that,i adopt different methods of assessment in evaluating my studentsbrSalifu EleojobrLifecamp College Comment from : @eleojosalifu-uy4ut |
I prefer to adopt the different types of assessment as it helps me to evaluate different type of learning I usually use multiple choice when I want to obtain information facts while essay to evaluate how well my student can apply the concept in real life scenario OMALE YUSUF ISAH AREA1 CAMPUS Comment from : @OMALEYUSUFISAH-sm6uq |
The strategy I will use is multiple assessment methodbrName: Chioma AtasiebrCampus: Wumba Comment from : @chiomaatasie9952 |
I will use different accessment methods like determining my learning objectives, giving tests, classroom engagements etc to assess my students Comment from : @otagbajoshua8337 |
All the so much accessible assess students effective learning from vision to students evaluation but the timing is what i see as the stress involved Naibo Joshua Tivde-Area 1 campus Comment from : @NaiboJoshua-il5hd |
This is such an insightful training Thank youbrI will adopt the use of different assessment methods to help carry every child along, I will also give feedbacks in a clear and precised form, I will encourage the pupils to also self reflect to help them set goals for improvementsbrbrAchem Nissy Ufedo ICT teacherbrWumba campus Comment from : @ufedonissy8724 |
As a teacher, I will use multiple assessment methods with different format to assess my pupils' learningbrI will also talk to them often about specific areas they need to improve and how they can do so Adopting these tips will help me assess my pupils' progress and support their learningbrbrNaomi UwahbrSubject TeacherbrLife Camp Comment from : @NaomiUwah-eh7em |
I will define my learning objectives and make sure I drive down the goals of the lesson to the knowledge of my students by carrying everyone alongbrbrDanmodu Etu LuckybrGeography Wumba campus Comment from : @etuluckydanmodu6776 |
Nwankwor Uzoamaka G, Area 1 CampusbrFor effective assessment of the learners I shouldbr1 Provide timely and effective feedbackbrProviding opportunity for learners to respond to youbrDefining your learning objectives so that learners will know what is expected of thembrBy using multiple assessment methods in both teaching and assessment Comment from : @ChristopherMakama-yh8sk |
1 Define your learning objectivesbr2 Use multiple assessment methodbr3 Provide timely and specific feedbackbr4 Create rubrics: Rubrics can help you evaluate pupils workbr5 Encourage self reflectionbrOgbonna J UgobrArea 1 Primary Comment from : @ugojennifer7635 |
This captured almost everything brI will continue adopting Rubrics brIt enables the children know that there are many path to achieving learning and understanding And it's quite interesting Learning with a touch of fun brEmekubong Nathan Udookuk brArea 1 Comment from : @emekubongudookuk6937 |
1 Define the learning objectives of each lessonsbr2 Use multiple assessment methodsbr3 Provide timely and specific feedback brbrMs Faith OparabrGrade 1 OrangebrArea 1 campus Comment from : @oparafaith4572 |
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