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Who pays the lowest taxes in the US?

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Title :  Who pays the lowest taxes in the US?
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Comments Who pays the lowest taxes in the US?

Unfortunately this video is distorting "fair share" When you earn less of course the percentages will be drastically different What is always forgotten is all the hidden operations costs Top 1 pays 40-45 of the country's tax dollars Is that not fair?
Comment from : @ImalwaysFullRight

You need to adjust for the new estate tax laws that levy zero taxes under$12 million etc And Gates & Bezos are already expected to structure their estates to pay zero taxes upon inheritance The wealthy don't pay their share ever!
Comment from : @byteafterbyte

What about capital gains taxes?
Comment from : @Ghael-o3x

The ones who pay the least taxes are technically the ones getting paid from it, which are for example the ones on social security
Comment from : @minty69420

Comment from : @shanjiahao

And you smarties just voted for the richest to rule over you How clever you are 😂
Comment from : @gabrielreinert8458

If poor people paying less like nothing, why don’t you wave their taxes Interesting
Comment from : @long-yi9817

Tax laws can be so complex, and it’s super helpful to break them down like this Understanding how different policies can impact our finances is crucial for making informed decisions
Comment from : @MaximilianFischer497

Expose the Oligarchy! People before profits, don't let Luigi down!
Comment from : @davdna

My income tax is zero
Comment from : @johnhumphrey9953

The payroll tax should be paid by the corporations on top of the employees' pay
Comment from : @acash93

I hope this isn't a surprise to anyone 🙄
Comment from : @jayehum5019

To be fair we should remove the ceiling on social security and medicare However, the thing about stocks is that you don't have it in your bank to spend Typically you saving it for like retirement This isn't the filthy rich This is the reason that you don't pay taxes on it until you realize it
Comment from : @lucyk2371

0:03 nah why is the poorest person black and the richest pure white💀
Comment from : @allaboutabhay9925

About 20 years ago while living and working in NYC I was paying more than 30 in taxes on a 60K salary
Comment from : @nccamsc

I'd say that baby's momma with multiple kids and baby's daddy's who don't work and get that big tax refund, when they spend 90 percent of it Walmart but it's only state sales tax
Comment from : @George-s6f

This assessment does not include the EITC, SNAP, WIC, Medicaid, Healthy Start, ACA subsides that allow our low income citizens to recoup almost all of their tax contributions to the Feds
Comment from : @kirksmith6861

I think we also have to factor in the standard of living cost vs just the percentage of income taxed For instance 30 of a 60k income leaves 42k in income to live off 30 of a million dollar income leaves 700k to live off Because of the cost of goods and services, the person with 42k left over is struggling Even if the million dollar person was taxed at 50, that leaves 500k brI’m not advocating to tax the rich that much, I’m just stating that percentage of income doesn’t tell the full story
Comment from : @kyronlee8927

You had me until the last round when the graphing changed to salestax on necessities, prior to that point we were talking about share of taxes After that point, the author is discussing equitable outcomes Additionally, we aren't accounting for capital gains tax or job creation Note, i think this is a valuable analysis, but it diverged
Comment from : @matt_SurfaceOfTheSunPhx

You looked percentage wise, but could you also show the concrete amount of dollars? would help show how much they actually pay
Comment from : @epilog80

It's ironic that anyone can watch this video and think, "the rich don't pay their fair share" based on a graph that distorts inputs, rather than thinking, "it's ridiculous that the GOVERNMENT is taking that much from anyone, but especially the poor"
Comment from : @taylorwilliams4291

Title should say who pays the lowest amount of taxes, and amount if very different
Comment from : @evanhastings4858

American taxes go toward military might, bombs, guns, killingother countries get all sorts of services and benefits from their taxestherefore Americans are getting ripped off by horrendous government leadership Horrendous !!!
Comment from : @blairsterling6141

Half of a million dollars is still half a million dollars Half of 1K now that hurts
Comment from : @PaleHorseman117

he had to add the 400 people because it was too true
Comment from : @nikodemgorski8276

Consumption tax is “regressive” as are payroll taxes - use the term and teach more about what it means and what it does
Comment from : @Charactermatters650

Viola! I knew rich people get over in America! Is that why politicians are always trying cut taxes and services?
Comment from : @andrewburleson9846

Trump paid exactly $750 in federal taxes annually for multiple years as a billionaire
Comment from : @doggygaming950

While it is true that companies could pay workers more if they did not have to pay half of payroll taxes, using this alternative assumption to assign the entire payroll tax rate to an individual does not result in a correct comparison
Comment from : @StephenSimpson-lk7rl

This is really racist
Comment from : @fmike15

The low income groups' money comes from the government
Comment from : @mmart4321

But the question is how many ppl included in 10brBut only 400 billionaire ppl paying almost equivalent to 10 of the other ppl
Comment from : @manikantavaddepalli1597

In 1993, Bosanek (Warren Buffett's secretary) paid a tax rate of 358 percent of income, while Buffett paid a rate at 174 percent
Comment from : @danielrivera2365

Now do how much in govt benefits each decile receives
Comment from : @thomasfk09

Comment from : @havibav1342

Oh we know and knew the billionaires get away with this Sad case in point, the CEO of United Health Terrible situation , but some people get fed up Its going to get worse next year with a new administration coming in The one with the "Billionaire" president
Comment from : @hill3016

This comparison has been done forever you compare an income tax to a use tax, so lame Math alone would dictate that the lower income earners would pay higher use-taxes than higher income earners There isn't a way around that, oh wait, smaller government! I'm sure VOX is in favor of that
Comment from : @JohnMatthew1

But if we look at real prices, not a percent?
Comment from : @АлександрЛогинов-т3ф

Pretty liberal way to look at it It all changes when you look at what percentage of all tax is paid by the rich
Comment from : @genofgames3777

The Elites have since WW-2, put their chains on the masses Inherited wealth instead of Meritocracy will destroy the USA!
Comment from : @peterbroderson6080

I wonder how this has changed since the Trump tax cuts
Comment from : @salsusmagnsu

It’s not how much you pay in taxes it how much you can deduct brIf you own a business everything is a deduction
Comment from : @davemalinak6802

Thank you for this video! I am writing a college paper on taxation and a wealth tax so this video will be so useful for me!! ❤
Comment from : @eriknielsen1231

The problem with this video is that it is in percentages and not absolute tax payments The top 5 of earners pay over 65 of the absolute income axes in America The poor and even the middle class pay a very little part of the total taxes collected in America
Comment from : @AdamKover

This is a good video, though I'd also like to see the actual dollar amount paid in taxes instead of just the percentage
Comment from : @CasualTS

rich people pay a tiny fraction of their income, but its more than the poor people will pay in their lives
Comment from : @JDGtheanimator

Things would look much more balsnced if it wasnt for Medicaid and 401k
Comment from : @PokeShadow77

I don’t 😂
Comment from : @Naturex2

Comment from : @lavabite2245

I agree with all of this except the payroll tax argument You can’t just say the company doesn’t pay that tax just because some companies might not pay employees as much to cover the tax The companies are still paying the tax It’s a logical fallacy
Comment from : @teambenjamin1

Now add someone from the church in the lineup
Comment from : @ProjectILT

It pays to make money
Comment from : @tedmcfly

So you're saying rich people don't put as much money into a systems, medicare and Social Security, that they won't need? If you take away that one category, payroll taxes, the rich still pay way more, not to mention the jobs, products, and services their company or companies provide
Comment from : @thekadend

You dont take into account tax credits for the poor either Those need to be deducted
Comment from : @redricochet

Oregon has no sales tax Are Oregons economics significantly better than the rest of the country?
Comment from : @redricochet

Its unfair to attribute all of the employer share to the employee via lower wages Certainly theres an effect there, but its not 100 Lets call it 50
Comment from : @redricochet

Billionares should be illegal
Comment from : @thedragonthatlovesskittles7132

Who pays the lowest taxes rich
Comment from : @RA-II

I would like to see what the graph looks like when tax benefits are deducted
Comment from : @love2travel4ever

You aren't giving employers credit for their share of the payroll tax
Comment from : @finicum11

And this is before the 'creative' tax methods the richer end can afford to do
Comment from : @TaoistYang

Also factor in that someone who makes a billion at 10 tax rate is paying 100 mill Someone who is making 100k at 30 is paying 30k
Comment from : @michaelarons4322

You also have to to into account thebgovernement programs and who they benefit Welfare, food stamps, medicare etc
Comment from : @michaelarons4322

One thing to consider about social security tax, is that is your money forced to be put in a govt retirement fund That you are expected to get back with interest after retirement
Comment from : @michaelarons4322

I'd love to see one of these for the taxes in The Netherlands Really good video! Thanks!
Comment from : @animelove011

But what if billionaires who don't have salary but esop They will pay no income tax
Comment from : @minhinblack7564

What about those billionaires providing lots of jobs? That poor is just working for himself
Comment from : @ganeshkhot1133

Sounds like a great reason to eliminate consumption and payroll taxes Of course, governments never get rid of taxes You cannot vote your way out of taxation
Comment from : @CAGreve1231

Yet you fail to mention the rich pay the majority of taxes
Comment from : @ZanManDew

Just lower all the taxes
Comment from : @jugadoradicto21

Your math is wrong If a person spent 100 of their income on consumables, that amount would not be more than the sales tax rate Since usually groceries and the like are not hit with sales tax, the resulting consumption tax is a far smaller portion of their income than you include
Comment from : @sunnylowe7307

Don’t they pull the strings
Comment from : @danromeo6571

and if you consider that a big chunk of the upper end tax is because they can actually afford to own property when the lower section can't and that that property is accumulating value it becomes even more lop sided
Comment from : @diceman199

I'm sorry but you aren't making any point
Comment from : @phpn99

And it doesn’t consider the tax havens the rich use to not have to pay taxes and that they can afford the best lawyers and accountants to ensure they pay as little as possible When all factors are considered the rich barely contribute at all while taking everything they can
Comment from : @Saiya4779

The same happens in Italy! And that's a shame!
Comment from : @linaribaldi3829

There are 800 and something
Comment from : @bipl8989

Solutions? If you could rewrite the entirety of taxes, what is your proposal?brMaslow’s hierarchy of needs? no tax on raw-minimally processed foods (rice, potatoes, fruits, veggies) but yes tax sandwiches, frozen burritos, etc bretc
Comment from : @KGTiberius

Two things herebr1 Medicare and social security, you get back when say lose your job or require medical attention br2 Consumption tax is state specific Basic needs like groceries are taxed in some states (Oklahoma, Texas etc) and not in others (NJ, NM) brSo I don't know how accurate this analysis is
Comment from : @ashamanthaksughnani1571

You can bet Fox news will never report this
Comment from : @alvinfell4471

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