Title | : | Crash Course: Chapter 9 - A Brief History of U.S. Money by Chris Martenson |
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I think our government is going to go to digital currency It’s very sad Comment from : @CMoore8539 |
Well my friend it’s 2022 and not have changed It seems like to have the reserve currency of the world is cool like that They can do what ever they want They can crisis after crisis to infinitity to pull currency to now from the future No limits it’s just a game and person animal resources not matter Crazy that’s 2022 and going strongFuture ? Nice video but in 2022 it’s they same video lol Comment from : @anthonynewman1748 |
This aged well Comment from : @vasiljordanov2732 |
Is there a version of this for idiot's? I am trying to track with these explanations of debt, currency, etc but I can't follow Comment from : @cw4091 |
11 years ago and still relevant Comment from : @Leo-ii8nb |
In 1933, FDR said all US citizens must take their gold and sell it for $20, at this point in time $20 could buy 20 ounces of silver What happened was similiar to eminent domain with compensation Furthermore previous coinage acts valued one ounce of gold to 16 ounces of silver If you were owed one ounce of gold, you would have to accept 16 ounces of silver Here FDR was offering 20 ounces, not 16 ounces Comment from : @warrentooley6157 |
Is it not backed by OIL now instead of gold? Comment from : @luinrandirhernsen1896 |
"printed out of thin air" -- no I think they used ink and paper! lol Why do people lose their minds over the monetary system? Comment from : @paz9733 |
I've read that even gold certificates by 1932 were practically greenbacks since there were more paper gold dollars than physical gold dollar coins Comment from : @cruzeiroreal2750 |
6:53 is a half truthbrmost nations have central banks and their job is to inflate or deflate their currencies in order to slow or stimulate their economies based on their needsbrGet a high school economics book if you need more informationthis guy is a FRAUDbrThis video is FAKE bullshit Comment from : @paulwood128 |
i'm guessing that's a rhetorical question, right? Comment from : @hateclichesyep7116 |
I have a question: if the government needed more money why didn't they just print more bills instead of selling bonds to the fed? In both cases the money supply is increased the same, but now not backed by debt because it is not loaned into existence Comment from : @WakeUpEveryone |
:( i feel ya man
why can't we all just fuckin get along and work to better societies for humanity?
these assholes in power are just so damn stubborn to let go and relax what is their propensity and obsession with control? I'd never understand Comment from : @realkhumanbean |
Unfortunately, you are right I wrote my comment 2 years ago, but it seems now that Europe is in deep sht as well :( Comment from : @vwrafi |
pfft please, you guys are falling apart too lol Comment from : @realkhumanbean |
and enslave men! Nice try! Comment from : @boumar19721972 |
We have enough technology today to remove money to the equation and feed, cloths and house every human being on earth but greed and the illusion of power is stopping us! Comment from : @boumar19721972 |
I would also say that more than anything the system is working us They just print money and who ultimately pays for it? We do We are all in debt because of the government and we can't even get out of it because the mess they have made No jobs and little opportunity is a recipe for the need of assistance Comment from : @MrsAshMonroe |
now the debt is up to $16T and foreigners are still letting us borrow baffling Comment from : @saucey2427 |
Wrong The price would just have to be revalued Depending on the measure of M you chose, the price of gold should be 7,000-44,000 This is eighth grade arithmetic Countries are clearly in a battle to see who can devalue the most; however, they can't devalue against each other simultaneously But, they can all devalue against gold We're one inflationary crisis away from being back on an anchor Hopefully the gov't doesn't impose a win-fall tax against anyone holding gold Comment from : @lacon007 |
sad to say but karl Marx said this would happen to the greedy corporations how they will screw the common workers and i hate communism we are doomed Comment from : @Rico8458 |
Except that the value of commodities isn't bound in the absolute by dollar prices of today If we switched over to gold, the intrinsic value of gold would increase, until supply (supply is the value of the gold in this case) met demand Comment from : @EmilioCasavegas |
of course it's possible, it requires a radical re-pricing of existing gold Comment from : @pretorious700 |
at around 5:00
Its called inflation Comment from : @plki901 |
double-plus-ungood Comment from : @jridenoure |
its impossible for the US to be backed by gold theres only been about 69 trillion dollars of gold ever mined on earth US gross domestic product is nearly twice that Comment from : @TheNecropolis20 |
But isn't gold the same as money in some way? It is only as valuable as people perceive it Comment from : @fakemadereal |
go to usdebtclock(dot)org Comment from : @aquajet9x9 |
@vwrafi money in the US isn't printed on paper its printed on cotton Comment from : @mrfwest |
@Atombombmother the depression was a soverign debt crisis, it wasn't a domestic issue but a global one Dont' believe everything you read, or everything that coincides with your political bias Comment from : @stocktradinginvestor |
the current debt is a result of the Republican controlled Congress of the early 00's and President Bush failing to pass balanced budgets Why couldn't they do that? You already have the answer in your video The debt accumulated with interest to fund wars but more importantly revenue was left uncollected by Bush's "temporary" tax cuts which mostly went to the rich In fact, the tax cuts contributed more to the real estate bubble than any action by the fed Comment from : @Atombombmother |
the crisis of the 1920's was created by unregulated capitalism and was resolved with a Keynesian solution It would have happened with or without a federal reserve bank, just as it had many times before in American history The conservative Coolidge regime relaxed corporate regulation and after the collapse of 1929, Hoover refused to use government authority to stimulate the economy, That's the real history Comment from : @Atombombmother |
@LitongX1 Euro is worthless now Comment from : @VNSki |
We want real dollar! Comment from : @bvssvni |
Iraq costs $10billion per month (but kick back oil contracts reduce this) Obama and Bernanke's QE2 involves printing $100 billion per month
It's not the US war(s) and tax cuts that's your GFC problem It's the unleashed mayhem of only 1 reserves in Fannie Mae and continued US government over-spending Stop spending money you don't have and printing it to pay for it Comment from : @climatereview |
What event is the rounding around 1997 to 1999? Seems like 2 to 3 stable years Comment from : @Bishop38f8 |
You're simultaneously saying that nothing prevented us from printing as much dollars as we wanted during bretton woods (2:50), however without it debt exploded(3:53) Wasn't debt and the money supply "exploding" from the 1940's onward through bretton woods? Comment from : @NTROPYK |
FUCK federal reserve Comment from : @LLiimmzz |
Anyway If you need euros I can sell you some for few diamonds :) Comment from : @LitongX1 |
@MattiasVonBismark If you were my son I would be proud of you to even consider a survival plan Good on ya mate Please put my mind to rest by getting some junk silver coins and dry foods and tins We will survive if we help one another with info as those that plotted this are chased down and done and dealt with I love america just as Australia, there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the US as out hereThere aremany devilish levers being pulled behind the Eite curtain,That we will pull down Comment from : @bullsnutsoz |
@MattiasVonBismark good question youngenYes Food is the first and foremost issue Now with metal even copper and aluminium will always be tradable as a food currency in a collapse
Silver is right at the top of the percking order and its still cheap right now If you were to buy youself a big sack of say pre 1966 silver coins they can the be used to trade for food as they contain around 50 silver and will be keenly sough after as a tradable store of wealth I learnt this as a poor kid Comment from : @bullsnutsoz |
@MattiasVonBismark take it from an ol aussie; grab as much silver as you possibly can And get a huge stock of dried foods and tin tucker
My beautifull grannie schooled me very well on just what to in an economic meltdown, she lived the great depression and was still carrying scars 50 years later; God bless her
We are all in this together ; i hope you may think a bit more; and fast
I will add GOD BLESS THE GOOD OF AMERICA as america is only place on earth that has the power to avert this Comment from : @bullsnutsoz |
@crogsvien i'll take some Comment from : @tommyjbarnes |
When fdr seized the gold, didn't anyone try to challenge that? And if so how Would a judge justify those actions The last time I checked " thou shalt not steal" is pretty universal and there's enough laws on the books to make stealing illegal I'm concerned it will happen again the government stealing privately held gold and also raiding retirement and pension funds Comment from : @solar9019 |
@Theoneandonly5811 It is true, because we pay for everything in dollars, for oil, for gold and other stuff But now FED is printing a lot of US dollars making it worth less, so Chinese and Arabs are angry They are planning to sell their products in Euros as well Dollars, since 1971, are backed by nothing as well I hope that no country will collapse, or fall But is does not look goodGreece, Iceland and soon other countries will go bankrupt I've read that California is not in good condition Comment from : @vwrafi |
@Theoneandonly5811 We have got Euro xD Comment from : @vwrafi |
If your country ( USA ) run out of paper to print money, we, in Europe, can sell you some paper For gold of course, not for dollars :) Comment from : @vwrafi |
dudes wonerful Comment from : @ikdsjOFFICIAL |
The chinese are already devaluing their currency to maintain competitiveness, congrees responds by imposing tariffs on chinese imports The chinese hold enormous amounts of us debt, the only thing keeping the system alive now is the fact that the arabs and chinese depend on us to buy their exports as much as we depend on them to finance it, a bit like a shop offering buy now pay later they will only stop when it becomes clear we have no intention of paying later Comment from : @lucasleivia |
@sciencemile there were gold minted roman coins used for internal government use Comment from : @inkey2 |
@inkey2 I don't see how that would stop them from printing more money; they'd just make bills represent a fraction proportional to the number in existence of Gold
That's another thing that doesn't make sense; Roman Coins were made of Silver, so they were on a Silver Standard, literally It didn't stop inflation from occurring, they just used less and less silver in each coin
What would stop that from happening? Laws? Why not pass law restricting the current currency? Comment from : @sciencemile |
@sciencemile PART 2:__alsograin would be subject to deterioration, mice, insects etc and could not easily be stored for long peroids The biggest advantage is that a gold/silver backed dollar "should" prevent the over printing of paper money because the bills would have to directly equal the amount of gold/silver in fort knoxthis way governments can't be tempted to start ramping up the printing presses when they need more moneybasicallygold prevents overspending Comment from : @inkey2 |
@sciencemile wellgold & silver has been considered valuable to humans for over 3000 years Thats a darn good track record It's finite and can't be manufactured (or printed) A gold roman coin found today that was dropped when christ walked the earth still has as much value or more than the day it was minted over 2000 years ago Also, gold & silver is very portableyou could easily carry $20,000 in gold in your pocket, the same amount of grain would bury a small town Comment from : @inkey2 |
Excellent video I am impressed at how much data it contains, simply expressed in such a small frame of time to do so! Comment from : @stantonmick |
Those who owns gold, rules Whos rules? Dajjal/satan/Israel/GogMagog
This is their games, money is their games, we are prisoners, the sheeps, the slaves! Comment from : @enemdy |
@sc1twntrbo You're an idiot; try reading my post a little closer next time, thank you Comment from : @sciencemile |
@sciencemile You cant print gold or silver out of thin airGet it?There is a finite amountUnlike paper money Comment from : @sc1twntrbo |
I don't get why backing the dollar specifically with Gold or Silver or what-have-you would make it more stablewhat's so valuable about gold that people would want to exchange their money for it?
How about a Grain Standard? I can think of a lot more times that I'd need a loaf of bread than I would a lump of gold Comment from : @sciencemile |
FROM NZ: Thank you for this information - especially the importance of educating us from US history Are you saying we need to end the Federal Reserve bank altogether? And get back to each state of local area governance - deciding for itself Comment from : @Divadj2009 |
@PistolPackingPatriot whether it was not planned or planned is beside the point the point is that what happened happened Comment from : @mintoo2cool |
You obviously don't get it must be a one eyed conservative Comment from : @ithajean |
Our great Grandparents were a bunch of push overs, heck we are
At 6:39 I think Chris is wrong This was planned they are not stupid They know what their doing and have done this many times Comment from : @CosmosPrivateer |
whoa time out, how do we lose currency AND goods from our country when exporting? I'm taking it you just made a little error there and meant exporting we lose goods and GAIN money, no? It would seem to me that you would want high exports as long as what it is you're exporting is renewable, and you're not depleting your country in the long run It definitely makes sense that if MONEY is your prime export (to buy imports), eventually money loses value or runs out, so you're up shits creak Comment from : @LDRinbrampton |
I don't see how devalue of our dollar lets us remain competitive? It would seem that a higher dollar would have more advantages than disadvantages But i bet that takes too long to explain So basically, the USD is worth even less than it looks like when compared to the CAD And when the USD crashs and burns even further after the remaining US stimulus pkg comes out, the CAD is gonna devalue itself even more?! That shit is depressing Comment from : @LDRinbrampton |
Sorry NewEx can you explain what the Cdn Gov't did? I'm not up to par on Cdn gov't even tho i'm Cdn myself Are you suggesting that the Cdn Gov't decided to devalue our Dollar recently? I remember that our Dollar was worth more than the USD for a short while Are you saying our CAD should be worth more than the USD right now? Comment from : @LDRinbrampton |
Theres about 10 private owners not sure of all of thembut i know the Rothschilds and the Bank of England are 2
So yeahbasically the US Government is privately owned Comment from : @ryanzealand |
to richardRoy2: what you said makes sense Comment from : @inkey2 |
There may be certain complexities here I'm not aware of, but basically, the US kept a gold standard in foreign exchange, but with the Vietnam war debt making it necessary to print more money and, hence inflate the money supply, people were dumping dollars for gold The dollar wasn't backed by gold, but you could still buy gold with dollars So Nixon made that illegal What's happening, even now, is, the government is buying stuff with money it doesn't have In other words, we're in trouble Comment from : @RichardRoy2 |
question: Who owns the federal reserve? Is it a group of actual known humans whos names are are easy to find out? Comment from : @inkey2 |
QUESTION: okbefore Nixon slammed the gold window shut in the 1970s we had been off gold backed currency (in the usa) since the 1930s So what was meant by gold convertibility of the dollar between the 1930s and the 1970s Did that mean other nations recieved hard gold from the usa as payment ??? help me out here folks Comment from : @inkey2 |
The "Dems' left nothing Thye GOP controlled Congress Congress controls the spending And in any case, there was no real surplus They were still raiding the Social Sec money And also, the stock market collapse of 2000 also collapsed the revenue to the govt as fast as it had unexpectedly risen a few years before Comment from : @VinceP1974 |
LoLLol Lol!!! LMAO!!! Comment from : @curious220 |
He only mentions the current wars as just another example in what happens during a long string of wars I don't think he showed any particular bias
You are right, if the Dems had been in control the past 8 years, they would have spent more, but they woudl have taxed more too and probably been in about the same boat These monetary problems have nothing to do with left vs right Left vs Right is just a side-show people argue about while they are being robbed Comment from : @D1rtn4p |
No, you buy gold and get out of the country Australia is a nice place Comment from : @freedomfighterone |
And as soon as the Federal Reserve had all of the American people's gold, the gold price went up What a rip-off! Comment from : @freedomfighterone |
Not true! Taking the dollar off the gold standard was planned by the banking criminals to run up the debt on the American people, and thus enriching a few people and the expense of the many Comment from : @freedomfighterone |
People do have a hard time believing that it was planned but it was the same thing keeps happening over and over The debt system was set up to gain increasing control over individuals by causing a staged crisis Comment from : @reserectcc |
This video makes it sound like it was an innocent or clumsy turn of events that led to this My fear is that the process is in place and planned to destroy our currency and usher in a new world currency or order that ultimately destroys the sovereignty of the United States and our Constitution All by design rather than accident or malfeasance Comment from : @0ranutan |
CORRECTION @ 6:39 & 6:40 It was planned from the very beggining by the "money changers or manipulators" who own the stock of the federal reserve to ultimatley bring down the economic structure of the world to usher in a new world order out of chaos "oRDO dE cHAO" Comment from : @Steven6229 |
Now Obama is in office it's barely been 4 weeks for the next trillion to be in supply Comment from : @Gollywog |
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