Title | : | Money Is Not Safe In The Big Banks |
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700 Trillion 9 YEARS ago Well over a Quadrillion nowadays Comment from : @islandaerial3414 |
No, correction, the money is not safe entirely TIME EQUITY BANKS OF OURSELVES Usurped by inanimate objects Comment from : @davidevans6618 |
BAIL-INS 👇br youtube/2j0k6Wbowvw Comment from : @davidevans6618 |
youtube/GoooTyA6aJg Comment from : @davidevans6618 |
Als je winst wilt maken met bitcoin, dan moet je daytrade en ik raad je aan om met Nikola Mitrovich te handelen Ik doe dit al ruim 1 jaar en het gaat goed met mij Je kunt hem bereiken via zijn e-mail, nikolatrades101 @ gmail com Comment from : @steveharper6484 |
This HAPPENED at the starting point in THE GREAT DEPRESSION OF the 1930’s🤷♂️ Its sad, people are so unbelievably uneducated when it comes to world and American history 😢 Oh well those who don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it 😢 Comment from : @frankbeck3044 |
be your own bank, buy bitcoin Comment from : @theonlyexpert |
Capital One 10K: " The outstanding notional amount of our derivative contracts increased to $2125 billion as of December 31, 2018 from $1966 billionbras of December 31, 2017 primarily driven by an increase in our customer accommodation activities" Primary Dealers are allowed to trade-in their CDs for a Fed bailout, as collateral!!!! Rest of sheep are called " unsecured depositors" Forking elites! Shafting the small Sheep Comment from : @klam77 |
Neil Kashkari went on 60 minutes and said MONEY IS AVAILABLE, no need to PANIC Comment from : @klam77 |
6 years later the same politicians are running Congress Comment from : @aramkrikorian9460 |
This shit will happen now Comment from : @joridporeci514 |
Very scary Ignorance is bliss to the masses Comment from : @MrJigga420 |
Ezekiel 7: 19, They shall cast their silver into the streets, brand their gold brshall brbe removedbrTheir silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of Yehovah brThey shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity Comment from : @senatorjosephmccarthy2720 |
missingmoneysolaricom/ Comment from : @richardraymond7775 |
This is why we have the 2nd Amendment The government ALWAYS tries to take your guns away Venezuela took away their guns a couple of years before the collapse Their excuse"For the children" People can't even imagine $23 trillion of debt We MUST have low interest rates for the foreseeable future or the interest on the debt will overtake all other parts of government If we just returned to "normal" rates of 6-7, as it was for most of my 68 years on earth, We would pay $trillions instead of hundreds of billions in interest on the debt That means Social Security and Medicare would drain all of the money before even considering the military and other projects brThe problem at these levels of debt is going to remain keeping interest rates under 2-3 for the foreseeable future This makes investors seek out more risky investments for more return Eventually someone will cough and the end will come as it did in 2008 brThe only answer is to lower the debt or pay more on the debt We are currently paying more on the debt than at anytime in history yet the debt is still growing Medicare for all or absorbing college loans or the global warming hoax will end America The blood shed will be terrible Trump asked for $5 billion for the wall at the border So far this year, illegals have cost America $300 billion That kind of mistakes is what we are looking at Letting criminals out of jail only to have them kill and rob again costs hundreds of billions of money to capture them again, besides the pain and suffering that causes Comment from : @chuckles1954 |
Dude, the logo for ECB at 2:20 is that of the English Cricket Board Its a game played with a bat and ball Comment from : @MousyDogFace |
Money is never safe in banks unless your authority over said money has priority over the bank itself Comment from : @sebas8225 |
Everyone should see this Comment from : @dmeskill2 |
Fake news It talks about the federal deposit having 25 billion to bail out depositors brWhat this clip doesn't talk about is the 12 Trillion in 2018 that the us government is raising in bonds - bonds which have been bought previously by the fed and paid for by money printing brThe fed will simply print out more money to cover depositors - a sum which will be a tiny fraction of the money it's printed in the last 10 years Comment from : @jasbindersingh2441 |
Here's a "fun" thing to take note of Comment from : @raychang8648 |
@2:21 They've used the logo of the England Cricket Board!! (Instead of the European Central Bank) LOOOOL #Americans Comment from : @SamuelJamalPope |
what a turd weasel Comment from : @noahduncan8135 |
Crazy guy ! Comment from : @camcoder7247 |
Every voter should take note that there is no candidate out there who will address the banks counterfeiting money, and the illegality of the income tax for most Americans, and the lack of investigation of 9/11 Did I mention that banks counterfeit money or that the truth about 9/11 will end the wars in the middle east? Not Rand Paul, Not Bernie Sanders Most of the Congress are neutered because they are being controlled with $ But how many Americans fully understand the core problems? How many Americans are sitting at home watching television taking sides between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton who are obviously working for the complete and plenary corporate takeover? How many Americans get ALL their information from television and proceed to vote? Those that actually know or are motivated to know are but a minority Comment from : @erikaahlstrom6543 |
Bitcoin Comment from : @justenkarinmerks-roebroek9281 |
Use bitcoin instead Banks can't seize it Comment from : @knight22to |
hmmmm, maybe NOT having a bank account ISNT such a bad thing (in which I don't) Comment from : @pyramidhead138 |
Its not happening in the CO-Op bank in England more scare stories Comment from : @JohnJames6969 |
There is no money in the system and never was for 100 years we have credit/debt system this movie is a SCAM! Comment from : @75avan |
Worth listening and think Comment from : @Suren20001 |
Bankers are all criminals Comment from : @im1greatman |
si con billetes les han robado su dinero a jubilados pero han tenido que trabajar para engañarlos en ELRON , con la tarjeta no será necesario engañarles , bastará darle las ódenes al gobierno sirviente para capturar los ahorros durante un tiempo y después de una fuerte devaluación se les devolverá un dinero con una grave pérdida de poder adquisitivo Comment from : @dolfi173 |
Fck I didn't need my money anyway Comment from : @rcwarbirdbuilder |
Scary! I wonder if Bank of North Dakota accepts out-of-state money Comment from : @dlwatib |
minor correction necessary, the "ECB" insignia at 2:21 is of the English Cricket Board :-Pbrwhat you mean is here: commonswikimediaorg/wiki/File:Logo_European_Central_Banksvg Comment from : @vomit55 |
can you say Robert Rubin, Larry Summers and BILL CLINTON? and lets also remember PHIL GRAMM? Comment from : @lynnybee888 |
The govt here in New Zealand passed a bill called the Open Bank Resolution It details that they can take control of banks in the event of a failure The details have NO SPECIFIED DOLLAR AMOUNT THEY CAN SEIZEbrbrI was informed by my bank manager (after contacting the third one) that they have NO idea of the dollar or percentage amount that would be frozen or seized Also that we are currently in a volatile financial market Comment from : @kiwisurfer71 |
so if you have a TRUST account will that make a difference? Comment from : @beachFront1000 |
As long as the Banks in Canada know they have the Judiciary in their pockets they will continue with their "Planned Confiscation" of our money Comment from : @MrTwechar |
This is a great presentation! I was a victim of The TD Bank Financial Group subsidiary TD Waterhouse Canada Inc which was bad enough but when I proved my case at TrialThe Judge in Alberta Court of Queen's Bench literally changed DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE from what was a 22 month "Breach of Fiduciary Duty" to a "Temporary Administrative Error" any reasonable person would not consider a 22 month error as a "Temporary Administrative Error" Except The Judge See story You Tube videos under Mr Twechar Comment from : @MrTwechar |
Is Australia not also implicated for this to happen to as well? Comment from : @robreiken |
Repent all you want Your domestic blood enemies never will They will only continue to enslave and 'religion'(that's all it is no matter how it's labeled) is part of that scheme We must stop choosing between the diff versions of authoritarianism That's all religion is, another form of authoritarianism Comment from : @waypasthadenough |
So you want me to abandon my faith cause you said so? C'mon man! most churches are phony I agree the nwo can be defeated if we Repent and keep God 1st! not fighting and marches and such Comment from : @acts131 |
You ain’t gonna get beamed up child
It’s time for you to wake up and grow up and take responsibility for the world you exist in
I was raised in that ignorance I’ve heard most of it before Blind faith is what got us into this mess and it won’t get us out Now get off your knees and stand up like a real human or get ready to kiss whatever they’ll stick in your face, as most churches already do
Don’t understand? Follow my links Read the quotes page first
Comment from : @waypasthadenough |
I only trust in Jesus Comment from : @acts131 |
because you are officially on the Fema red-list Comment from : @acts131 |
Think about what happened in Amrica 2008 Meltdown they intentionally removed Glass Steagel to intentionally orchestrate the collapse that Wal Street & Goldman Sax along with the banks to cause it al Comment from : @robreiken |
Sounds like your ripped off someones trading secrets! If your so special open a website and sell your junk Comment from : @t69gto |
Keep your cash and precious metals buried or hidden very well Not in a friggin bank! Fuck them! Comment from : @t69gto |
i only trust bitcoin Comment from : @ph3vv |
and I don't no why more people don't get so angry about it Comment from : @jarviss69 |
Fuck the banks, they basically just ripped the tax payer off and got away with it with help from the government! its crazy keep the rich rich and the poor poor Comment from : @jarviss69 |
Trading Is one of the best things I have come to lovefor the past three years,I lost so much before I could get this strategy am using now and I have been able to help people If you are interested in getting the strategy just email me at scotttracy06@gmailcom and get the new amazing strategy Comment from : @scotttracy9695 |
There are going to be a lot of Public Hanging Comment from : @shocka007 |
It's bad when people make a run on the bank but when a bank runs on itself with peoples deposits it's really bad! Comment from : @moqutpar |
Totally agree on this one except for the "posing as money" part Metal is a commodity Money is debt that can be transferred Comment from : @philoplatt |
If you think technology would ever be developed without the promise that other people will be exploited by it, I can't help you If you think companies can be formed without the creation of stock certificates and a generic debt trading unit denominated in terms of money, I can't help you I think civilization is a huge pile of shit that can go to hell
Comment from : @philoplatt |
let me be clear: every printed dollar and every central bank and every electronic credit transfer posing as money is causing massive starvation, homelessness, wars and devaluation of wages Not ONE part of it is good for civilization Ever It's a trick The SOLE purpose of it is to STEAL by BEING a central bank ALL OTHERS are robbed All others YOU are robbed Comment from : @ytgv3fc7 |
I believe that deposits over $250,000, like the speaker after Rudy Avizius says, will not be protected Comment from : @bettysman |
I don't know if you think a technologically advanced society can run on barter, but if you don't, I can sure help you to try and destroy civilization, if that's what you want Comment from : @philoplatt |
that's ONE problem but there have been so many Scouring youtube for interviews with Bill Black aka William K Black pretty much sums up the entire list of all crimes That man must have x-ray vision for finding fraud Comment from : @ytgv3fc7 |
Don't use banks Comment from : @motorolarules |
Warn fuzzy feeling? Not so much Get even! You bet If only I live long enough? We are Cyprus, Iceland, Greece and Spain waiting to happen there are a very few that are screwing our eyes out and we are clueless until after the fact Thanks "bankers" lobbyists and pols too Comment from : @nd318865 |
Reference Demystifying Financial Derivatives: Interest Rate Swaps and Municipal Derivatives NERA Economic Consulting March 2011 Comment from : @DavidAKZ |
With falling interest rates, muni's lost money on floating-to-fixed swap agreements that was supposed to protect them against rising rates With falling rates, muni's found the floating payments on debt *increased*, due to downgrades by credit companies insuring the debt Also unwinding or terminating the swaps was costly City of Oakland, under an interest rate swap with Goldman Sachs, stands to pay $5 million in 2010; however, terminating the swap would cost an estimated $19 million Comment from : @DavidAKZ |
Good call on the currency thing Unless Greece needs a bunch of medicament's, diodes and transistors, cheese and curd etc, I don't think Cyprus is going to bail them out I think it had more to do with inflation in Cyprus destroying the pensioners Gold and silver are commodities, not money Are you suggesting we go to strictly barter trade? Comment from : @philoplatt |
Here is the problem - corruption Public officials induced to take on loans underwritten by LIBOR So when LIBOR was forced up, the interest payments blew up Why is this corruption ? Because Goldman et al took out insurance contracts -called swaps- *that paid out when the loan failed* This is kind of like me taking out an insurance contract on your house and doing everything in my power to make sure it burns down Comment from : @DavidAKZ |
yours marked as spam too :-( Comment from : @DavidAKZ |
I reposted what you did since it was incorrectly marked as spam Comment from : @ytgv3fc7 |
Cyprus doesn't have its own currency, they use the Euro
They were preventing NOTHING They were forced to bail out Greece & in doing so forced into insolvency This stealing of funds from deposit accounts was unneeded: the purpose of it was to cause extreme near-lethal damage
We can switch to GOLD AND SILVER COIN as money, never in any bank, and the economy CAN'T shut down & is out of the banks' hands
I refuse BANKS TERMS They are no good Comment from : @ytgv3fc7 |
muni-bonds are infrastructure - they are collapsing
Still not safe, giant counter-party risk Projects can go over-cost and revenues depend on jobs (tax-payers) Once jobs drop muni bonds collapse (infrastructure) and so do all banks using them Comment from : @ytgv3fc7 |
people think PAPER is money, that's how unsafe it is
Doesn't matter if it's in a bank or not: real money is copper, silver, gold, paper is the ghost of money & has no lasting value, electron versions of paper are no better Comment from : @ytgv3fc7 |
ps, it is a modern paradox of our age How can something (eg a Collateralised Debt Obligation) be worth $100T and less than nothing at the same time? Further, if you have a look at the balance sheet of an institution that holds derivatives, the same instrument appears on both the asset *and* liabilities side ! How does that work? pps Bank deposits appear as liabilitieson the bank balance sheet as the speaker suggests Comment from : @DavidAKZ |
Lehman was only an earlier warning signal of systemic failure that could soon erupt The video compelling revealed how money and debt has been created far in excess of real global output or the capacity for governments to service their debts when interest rates rise again as they must to offset inflation from global QE This means public banks will not protect the value of your deposits with the eruption of governments falling over their fiscal cliffs evaporating the value of their money Comment from : @DrShannTurnbull |
Cypress was trying to keep its currency from collapsing Any bank is a gamble There would be no money with no banks At 5:00 the guy says "once you give a bank your money, the money is no longer yours" There would be no money if someone didn't go to a bank to facilitate a loan You need to tell people to stop going to a bank to facilitate a loan, but the economy will shut down if everyone did that That would never happen because banks would offer terms people won't refuse Comment from : @philoplatt |
You are confusing two separate issues Fiat currency (money as you put it) looses value through inflation or increase in money supply refereed to as M3 The symptom of increase in M3 is the price of goods and services rise But don't try and find these price rises in the inflation statistics (CPI) as the price of food and energy -what humans need to survive- are excluded from the calculation ! The creation of derivatives and resulting leverage (debt) is a liquidity and not an inflation issue Comment from : @DavidAKZ |
Interestingly, you post was flagged as spam Comment from : @DavidAKZ |
'value of money rapidly evaporate'- no what happened was there was a liquidity crunch hence Lehman for example The value of money is eroded by inflation which is an increase in base money supply Comment from : @DavidAKZ |
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