Title | : | Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, and Absurd - Summer of Shakespeare Fan Pick #3 |
Lasting | : | 13.38 |
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Views | : | 153 rb |
I believe this was the inspiration for Lion King 1 1/2 Comment from : @JediJared-bs1wt |
I love this film Oldman and Roth are fantastic! Comment from : @annjohnson994 |
post-electrcity mr burns,,, Comment from : @WanderingWayfinderLibrarian |
I don’t like writing comments but you completely missed all the subtleties and the entire point of the film Wow just wow Comment from : @kitstcroix9362 |
My goodness did you ever miss the beauty and brilliance of this movie It is much deeper and more sublime than you describe it I suppose you also dislike Withnail and I Both films are absurd and meant to be Comment from : @kitstcroix9362 |
God I love this movie I was toying with the idea for a script that puts Tim Roth and Gary Oldman together again What I came up with was basically a Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead, placed in a post apocalyptic England Comment from : @globalklaus |
omg I remember when I wanted the book it was HELL to aquire it in my country like I don't have it bought I lended it :D Comment from : @JanaSzIsBasicGlitch |
Love the Pink Floyd instrumental Comment from : @skoooch7270 |
Im sorry but I adore this movie Comment from : @alchemicmercury |
Who are we? Why are we here? What in the hell is going on?? Thank you Tom Stoppard for answering none of these questions And yet (dogs howling in the distance) Comment from : @raywalsh9152 |
Absurdism is, to me, that unenviable but sadly unavoidable state of knowing how silly this whole existence is and how meaningless it is In youth we want trifles, in old age we want youth, the poor want money, the rich want mental security, the lonely want others, those in relationships want well they want a lot of things but I think you can see the point of the pointlessness from here The things we desire only complicate our lives, yet we must desire them, for some of them at least one simply can't do without Thus we find ourselves in the absurd situation that we must desire things and goals and achievements and trophies to continue our existence, yet they only add to our difficulties Comment from : @aburninglandfillofbadmovie2930 |
It's a great play and they did a very fine job of translating it into a movie, something that very rarely works well But it shouldn't come as a surprise that it is so good, the cast is magnificent, it's a delight to see Roth and Oldman before they were in any way famous, and Tom Stoppard is a superb playwright, Comment from : @davidpaylor5666 |
One of my top movies Comment from : @titsarmageddon |
Now and again, they slip into an easy iambic pentameter (or do they?) Comment from : @carbtripper |
"Super, Sub or Unnatural forces" Comment from : @kensvideos1 |
It is a reprint of the early life bit player Comment from : @kensvideos1 |
Every high school theater class would play Questions for fun Comment from : @cynthmcgpoet |
Great job Comment from : @tsilsby888 |
the way this video essay has completely reformed my view on character deaths in all media cannot be understated Comment from : @lilacbombs_5197 |
death is absurd yes separation untrue Comment from : @anattablue |
This is one of my favorite films I’ve never actually seen, just the concepts within are so good and funny naturally that it transcends the film This is at the top of my watch-list again, thanks Kyle! 🌹 Comment from : @jankarieben1071 |
Shamus my old hound dog Comment from : @rollotomassi6232 |
I've been wondering what other "let's give the side characters more stories" there are Wicked is one And technically Terry Pratchet's Discworld is full of them Comment from : @ilesalmo7724 |
King Claudius was portrayed by the actor who played Maester Luwin Comment from : @alexthelizardking |
Headsheadsheads Comment from : @donna25871 |
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are in the cloud Comment from : @brainwaiver1 |
Actually there is a reason to Sisyphus’ punishment The reason is because he had kept cheating death, Thanatos, so the endless boulder pushing represents him doing something over and over again which at the end of the day is pointless, like cheating death Comment from : @peej1708 |
I don't own many movies This is one Comment from : @davidkaplan2745 |
Godot was doing the beer run Comment from : @Streetsvillainy |
This is one of my all time favourite movies Good job! Comment from : @stanschanuzer5875 |
Kudos - very well said! Comment from : @XavierKatzone |
To me, the coin flipping signified realitybrWhenever Rosenstern flipped the coin and it came up "heads", it was a statistical impossibility, signifying that their reality was not real Because their reality was the story of Hamlet brbrThey exist solely as characters in Hamlet, and when they're not "seen" in the story, they don't really exist That's why they literally can't piece anything together about themselves outside of them recalling that they were summoned to Denmark to see Hamlet And that he is an old friend of theirs That's all they know about themselves because that's all that Shakespeare gave them Comment from : @emmajochum8682 |
I was in the kitchen,brSeamus, that's the dog, was outsidebrWell, I was in the kitchen,brSeamus, my old hound, was outsidebrWell, the sun sinks slowlybrBut my old hound just sat right down and cried Comment from : @patrickjohnson1649 |
Why is Seamus by Pink Floyd playing in the background? Comment from : @spencerraney4979 |
Wow you didn’t get it! The movie/play deals in the predetermination of these chareter’s fates (which one can parallel with our own knowledge of our mortality) We/the audience know the fate of these characters (from knowledge of Hamlet) while they only start to sense it (first through the repeated “heads” coin flip) but never learn it (despite many, many clues) The operative “language” is explained in the “rhetoric tennis” of the film Comment from : @roho10011 |
I never understood if this was canon or not and so i didnt understand how they died Comment from : @professorred3669 |
A couple of years ago I was pleased to enjoy a local performance of the play in which all of the roles were played by women It was delightful and surprising Comment from : @andrewmillard2119 |
I love your Shakespeare videos I have watched them time and time again You are charismatic and make the videos very interesting Thank you again Mr Kallgren High School English would have been bearable, if I had had you videos Comment from : @reddeathmonster |
DeAndre Cortez Way (born July 28, 1990), better known as Soulja Boy Tell 'Em or simply Soulja Boy, is an American rapper, record producer, actor and entrepreneur In September 2007, his debut single "Crank That (Soulja Boy)" peaked at number one on the US Billboard Hot 100 The single was initially self-published to the internet, and later became a number-one hit in the United States for seven non-consecutive weeks starting in September 2007 On August 17, Way was listed at number 18 on the Forbes list of Hip-Hop Cash Kings of 2010 for earning $7 million that year Comment from : @cameronpiper1261 |
Def one of my favorite videos you've done Comment from : @reannamckee43 |
It’s pronounced god-o by the way 😊 Comment from : @dcwatcher4644 |
Such good casting for an adaptation I think fear and loathing is equally good in both categories Comment from : @ZillMob |
01:58 Lol I guess it's too bad they couldn't get Tim McInnerny to play the chicken Comment from : @belbo1221 |
I wonder if Camus ever read Ecclesiastes "There is no new thing to be done under the sun All our lives are to labor and gain what we will leave to those who've not labored for them The only joy in life is to be content in one's labor" Well, that's just bmy/b summary of one of its chapters, very worthy read for any sophist Comment from : @simonpeter5032 |
I had the Hamlet cameo in my school play version Comment from : @willwalters8391 |
If Lion King is Disney's Hamlet; is Lion King 1 1/2 their R&G is Dead? Comment from : @MrHypnofan |
There was a imajor/i missed opportunity in the fact that there was a movie about Hamlet ialso/i made in 1990 with ino/i involvement from the cast and crew from this film Comment from : @Crazy56U |
I wonder if on the casting call and later in the script, for one actor it said "Rosencrantz(Guildenstern)" and for the other "Guildenstern(Rosencrantz)" Comment from : @muticere |
Not a favorite The movie tries to be intellectual and funny and deep, but is neither of those things Deconstruction is bunk Comment from : @TueSorensen |
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is the only movie that has the same emotional punch to me each time, because of "we'll know better next time" It isn't how the medium of film works, I logically know that, but each and every time I watch it, there is a not-small part of me that fruitlessly hopes that this time, it will be different, that they will escape their written roles, or learn their proper names, or get out safe It never happens, but the structure of film in allows for that sort of emotional investment in me more than the play does, because film is, relative to theatre, more fixed You can see a play thousands of times, and it will always be just a little bit different, because it is a live performance The movie is the same every time, a cycle in a way that a play can't fully be And that stirs the futile hope in my chest that the impossible might happen and the medium might be broken Comment from : @jsmountain |
Is it just me or does Hamlet seem like an old school version of those fanboy idiots that think that Bojack Horseman and Rick are role models? Comment from : @sorcerersapprentice |
They are but "the middle parts of fortune" Comment from : @evanevans1843 |
Nice use of Pink Floyd Comment from : @JasonBeam7 |
Godot is a cheap, pretentious con R&GaD is genius BTW, R&G are constantly on the brink of becoming the most remarkable individuals in history That's what the sciency stuff is about Comment from : @BeastMasterNeil |
that title tune is straight-up Pink Floyd's Seamus, but without the lyrics Comment from : @gnalkhere |
Maybe I'm just thick but I came away from this even more confused than I was before starting So this film is about Hamlet? Or about someone playing Hamlet? Comment from : @myvanwycalista3387 |
The song at beginning and end: Seamus by Pink Floyd Comment from : @thoughtfulpug1333 |
paradox invented by shakespear Comment from : @satanlover134 |
I think this is one of those films that clever people like to waffle on about The kind of people who find Shakespeare endlessly fascinating I'm not one of those people nor do I aspire to be one of them An utterly boring and pretentious film and a waste of my time Comment from : @jonhoward180 |
All this talk of Sisyphus, Waiting For Godot, and ignorance reminds me on an episode of the anime Kino's Journey In "Three Men Along the Rails", the traveling Kino meets exactly what the episode promises: three men, each working along a rail line She meets them in succession, and stops long enough to hear their stories The first man has spent the last 50 years meticulously shining the tracks, for a rail line that he has been told will be restarted The second man, slightly younger, has spent the last 50 years pulling the tracks up and stacking them in piles to the side The third man, even younger, has spent the last 50 years taking the tracks that have been helpfully stacked up, and placed them down For the record, because the track is constantly being polished, destroyed, and remade, there is no train coming through, and probably never will bebrbrAll three men have spent their lives engaging in mutually contradictory tasks, for no ultimate purpose Still, they are reasonable content with their lives After all, they are getting paid for their work (they would have abandoned the jobs otherwise), and none of them know about the others Their tasks are absurd, but they do not know it, so it doesn't bother thembrbrKino, who long ago learned that getting involved in the insane problems of the countries she passes through can often lead to tragedy, proceeds to not inform the men It is perhaps the kindest thing she could do for them Comment from : @Bluecho4 |
So helpful for my intertextuality assignment of 'Hamlet' and 'Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead' Tysm Comment from : @tobychilver145 |
I'm left with a weird impression; the reviewer apparently sees the parts that have always seemed very directly reasonable to me as absurd, and still the overall reading is compelling Comment from : @AntonBryl |
I find it interesting in the choose your own adventure version of Hamlet by Ryan North, "To Be Or Not To Be", there is no way for Hamlet to betray Rosencrantz and Guildenstern They will always be your friends, and even if you tell someone that they've died it will be a lie Comment from : @Librariansaysook |
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, and we killed Them Comment from : @juneguts |
That Pink Floyds Sheamus in the background is making me think Ive gone crazy Comment from : @artcrime2999 |
It's one of my favorite films Yes, it's the Theater of Absurd, but it have some charming atmosphere Comment from : @АлександрСатановский-и8ю |
Does "meaning" mean the same as "a reason for", or do they mean two different things? If life "has no meaning", does that mean the same as there is no reason for us to live? On the flip-side, if life has no meaning, is there a reason to die? Comment from : @informalfallacy9780 |
What is it about this film that reminds me of the Coen Brothers? Comment from : @ThePa1riot |
They truly are Fortune's fools Comment from : @albion65 |
I enjoy this video more than the movie its based on Comment from : @hirocarupu8746 |
You analysis sucks Comment from : @diegomoreno5927 |
Have you seen Daemonium? Comment from : @albertobertola3453 |
I kind of connect the coin-tossing gag to the fact that in the "script", A coin toss turn out to be heads, and since they are chained to the script they cannot change the outcome brKinda like the whole movie Comment from : @meskalurator |
I actually really recommend seeing this film Comment from : @Skullkan6 |
So Rosencrantz is a cover scientist? Comment from : @joethehero2 |
i could literally talk about this play for hours it's had such a huge impact on me and i'm performing as guildenstern this spring which is the most exciting thing ever!! Comment from : @catherinehorowitz3930 |
wow you taught me how to say camus I've been saying it wrong this whole time wtfbrhow come philosophers always have hard names Comment from : @Poppop-xl1jl |
I really hope you're going to do the Polanski Macbeth Comment from : @louthegiantcookie |
I think an interesting way to film this and still get across the 'off-stage' elements might have been to film it in the style of behind the scenes footage/bonus content, with deliberately allowing the camera team to be visible at times, hair/makeup people in the shot periodically, etc Behind the scenes content is the closest equivalent film has to the idea of being off stage in a play Comment from : @clanoftheraven |
Thank you so much for this video I've seen that movie three times, since seeing this video Now I hope to see the play Comment from : @jaromirmoravec2789 |
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