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5 Shocking Financial Truths About The Wedding Industry

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Title :  5 Shocking Financial Truths About The Wedding Industry
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Comments 5 Shocking Financial Truths About The Wedding Industry

There are a lot of valid points in this video, but I do disagree with the opne bar commentbrIn my culture, it's part of being a good host, to provide alcohol for your guests, but I would never criticise someone for choosing not to do so I don't know their reasons Maybe someone attending the gathering has an issue with alcohol Or maybe the couple couldn't afford it Not my business I'll respect the couples choice regardlessbrbr(Also the divorce joke was uncalled for)
Comment from : @The_amazing_dust

the trick is to not tell the vendor the product is for a wedding say its just a party if you say its for wedding they will triple the price
Comment from : @camillacoelhonettoziliotto

This completely ignores the fact that (as a vendor) there is much, much more expected of our performance for a wedding verses an ordinary event We aren’t ripping anybody off, we are holding ourselves to the highest standard for the most crucial days We have to bring our A-game for weddings, always The pressure when shooting a wedding is an entirely different experience for your vendor compared to shooting a senior photo shoot for instance At a wedding you can’t yell, “cut!” You can’t reshoot it And when the brides and grooms you are “educating” get photos or videos back from the budget bros you are pushing them towards, videos like this are to blame when their cheepo photog trips over uncle Bob or misses focus in those fraction of second moments that happen Plus, on weddings you are chasing the couple around all day (often couples who don’t understand the time management factors) and you’re chasing them sometimes with SO many pounds of expensive equipment You aren’t casually toting it like you would in your own personal studio I’ve worked for two corporations as well, and even those high level corporate jobs are significantly easier to perform and control Videos like this is why many vendors don’t last more than 2-3 years in the business, because you expect wedding vendors to earn minimum wage doing jobs that most brides expect to be exceptional for such a special day People shouldn’t make videos like this unless they’ve personally performed these jobs in wedding and non-wedding environments for years first You need to actually be qualified to speak on this This video is entirely based on an assumption perspective And you know what they say about assuming things You make an - out of you and me (Or your viewers in this case) This is the most tone deaf video I’ve ever seen You get what you pay for in high pressure, high speed, situations That’s just a fact
Comment from : @mlabelmedia

Came here from jamie's channel and i agree with a lot of this, especially on food waste I want to have a conversations with my caterer about boxing up leftovers/extras and giving it to a church We also cut our guest list from 145 to 85, and yes there may be some hurt ferling but groom and i are both very introverted A lot of our decor is included in the venue so may not need to buy much hopefully
Comment from : @oliviafayedarkromantasyauthor

A man must be an idiot to want to get married
Comment from : @leotimtom6637

We decided to get married and told our friends and family via email and text My husband wore his own tux, my dress was only $400, my BFF did my makeup and we used our friend’s Church All of our favorite people attended and we had dinner at our favorite restaurant afterwards Wouldn’t change a thing!
Comment from : @cynthiahoward2285

It is kinda strange how this video shames people for spending money but also not spending enough on some things (like the cash bar)
Comment from : @kimberlyterasaki4843

Marriage is an outdated symbol of patriarchybrAnd weddings? Disgusting food, screaming kids, awful music and BORING people brI always find an excuse to spend my time and money on something I enjoybrbrTo me it's just a waiste of time and money
Comment from : @CordeliaWagner

Please don't lie to your vendors omg You will not get the right service and you are starting that relationship off on a horrible foot by lying to them!! The upcharge for a wedding versus other events is there because weddings are bigger events that require more time, effort, and planning Hence more money required for that service and expertise Photographers and many other vendors will walk away when they find out you lied to them! That will screw you over on your big day Don't be cheap!!
Comment from : @alyssarh

A friend of mine just went to a pizza parlor with his wife after signing the necessary documents at the civil registry office He is still happily married with two children brSo why would anybody think that 33000 $ is an "average" wedding cost? What the hell?
Comment from : @alexanderfo3886

While - full disclosure - I'm divorced, I don't have any complaints about my 15 person elopement to the UK for the religious ceremony or the quickie city hall do we had in NYC with just his dad as a witness for the civil component
Comment from : @GallifreyanGinger

Just want to state that in Europe, there's not such a huge deal around being a bridesmaid (or similar) Certainly not concerning the pre-parties and dresses Just saying no one needs to feel like it's an essential tradition or anything ✌️ do what you want
Comment from : @LordSandwich97

i don't see anything wrong with this video lol idk why people are up in arms she's giving advice take it or leave it lmfao maybe the title needs to be changed from "truths" to "my perspective" or "5 tips", etc
Comment from : @beautifulmeandyou2

What an ugly perspective…specifically what she said about the couple who got divorced And if you were trying to be funny, big yikes
Comment from : @jbirdsoup

So glad I eloped Spent less than $700 on the entire thing!
Comment from : @tiffanyyllera5977

I find it interesting people are getting so offended about this video If you want to have a cash bar if you want to do whatever do it and don’t feel bad about it but these are her opinions and she has a lot of great points from a financial perspective
Comment from : @shelbyk907

Y’all crazy I don’t give wedding gifts…if it ain’t local I ain’t going, and I don’t attend bachelorette parties, wedding showers, and all the other expensive bullshit If you’re spending a lot of money just to attend a wedding, it’s because you don’t know how to say no
Comment from : @BeccasaurousRex270

I will never ever ever have a cash bar I’d rather not get married than impose that on guests who spent so much money to be there
Comment from : @dolledupbyj

If i ever get married, I'm getting hitched at city hall If it was good enough for my parents it's good enough for me
Comment from : @oscara8454

Asked for no gifts bc you have class?! You shouldnt have a wedding if you cant afford an open bar?! You're being really elitist and classist Just because people dont have the money to purchase household things for themselves and accept gifts or dont spend a ton of money on an open bar does NOT make them less worthy of getting married
Comment from : @jazzberrytart

You really need to do factually research she it comes to this topic This video is completely ridiculous and a lot of the “tips” you’re giving and things you’re implying are horrible! Salty vibes for sure 🤮
Comment from : @ThisGuyAriq

Rent your dress if you can find a place that will do that! Definitely one of the best cost/waste saving choices I made
Comment from : @goddessartemis85

The amount of privilege in this video is painful
Comment from : @annieholley1275

I think lying to vendors is asking for troublebrBut I agree that having a cash bar is tacky AF
Comment from : @kittenswithbows

get your boot off of grandma's neck 🔥
Comment from : @jennamcna4605

The way that you said things were not only out of line but also rude and I think you should rethink your channel content
Comment from : @lindseyprozanski2898

Comment from : @ron9403

My friend asked me to be her Maid of Honor through Skype and I was totally cool (and honored) with that
Comment from : @Moundfreek

Let me just come back to this video and say that your points here still stand, even if Jamie's fan base were a little butt hurt by it
Comment from : @alwayspepperminttea

this is a very American and very white and privileged take on weddings
Comment from : @vidincrisis

i would be mortified if my friend paid me a stipend to be a part of her wedding lol
Comment from : @vidincrisis

I understand the value of a small wedding but culturally, at least some cultures, a wedding invitation is viewed as a gift/thank you for people who have been really important in your life for one reason or another, and regardless of cost some of those people would like to attend It's not that they are required and declining the invitation is completely ok, but acknowledging them and how important they are is why some people have larger weddings Just a thought
Comment from : @wongsamantha1880

Thank you for posting this!
Comment from : @beccalindgren3902

This video sheds more light about what a shit person you are than what a shit idea big weddings can be
Comment from : @bernadetteyins7901

I don't mind buying my family members an "expensive" gift Maybe, it's cultural but we make sure we give the couple a gift worth our seat Our goal is to help the couple recoup costs to start their life
Comment from : @boyceneals

Please watch Jamie wolfer!!!!! She clears up a LOT of the incorrect information shared in the video… 🥴🥴
Comment from : @jessrobinson7333

One of the things I love about this channel is that you always include environmental anecdotes I appreciate that you explain how consumerism not only hurts our wallets, but also our planet It really puts into perspective how selfish we've become in the social media age
Comment from : @jaimeerindy4573

Another thing, please do at least an open bar for soft drinks Do you really expect your guests to eat a plate full of food with no drink? Fine you don’t want to pay for us to get drunk (I understand lol), but a soft drink should come along with a meal
Comment from : @cheyenneharmon1022

I’m sorry but as the bride and groom, they need to have affordable options for their registry Too often, prices are well above $100, and that’s fine if you have a wealthy family, but as for friends and coworkers, please have $20-50 options brbrAnd as for guests, stay to your budget If you can’t afford the items on their registry, send them a gift card of your budget
Comment from : @cheyenneharmon1022

A lot of salty comments on this one What is it about weddings that makes people so touchy? The lying to vendors is straight up bad advice, yes, but the rest is pretty sound I thought that our increasingly unsustainable economic model would make people more wary of unnecessary spending, but weddings seem to be the exception It's quite interesting
Comment from : @rootedinland6823

11:30 yeah this comment blacklisted you from my YouTube feed very bad taste
Comment from : @kittenz_9045

I always thought the wedding industry was just a big scam but reading some of the comments and outrage to this video makes me think the wedding industry is more like a cult There are some true believers that really believe it is worth the extra money and act like it is a sacred cow I don't understand why people take it so seriously but it is probably impossible to convert most Anyways, it is refreshing to read the stories about low-key weddings and elopements Cheers to that!
Comment from : @CafeLu

I agree with most of your advice and videos, but as a photographer myself, I just want to say that PLEASE DO NOT lie to your photographer and vendors about the type of event that you are holding Many vendors have it in their contracts that they can walk out and leave if you misrepresent the kind of situation you are asking them to work brbr There is SO MUCH MORE work that goes into planning schedules, going over shot lists, dealing with other vendors, doing location tours ahead of the day, specialty gear rentals for getting certain shots for a wedding that you wouldn't do for just a family birthday party, extra time spent on post-processing, additional liability insurance coverage to shoot at the venues, and the added stress of dealing with wedding clients who often demand perfection because it is their big day This is just a quick overview of some of the factors that make wedding pricing more expensivebrbrThere are many ways that you can save money on a wedding, but please don't try and trick people Most vendors are small business owners just trying to make a decent living and provide for their families, those of us who work in weddings do it for the love of making someone's big day extra special There are many reasons that wedding pricing is often higher, even if you don't see them all upfront
Comment from : @HaileyGault

I didn’t want gifts but I was overruled BY MY GUESTS Keep in mind in some cultures want to give gifts Don’t say that “you have taste” just because you did something different
Comment from : @victorialee1239

I’m in the process of planning my wedding, and your telling me I shouldn’t throw one unless I have an open bar… I don’t want to pay for people getting drunk on my pretty penny 🙄
Comment from : @laurapickering2002

" because we have taste" excuse the hell outta me? How condescending can you be?
Comment from : @sidniemcgraw5136

I follow the financial diet and Jamie wolfer and after watching both videos about this I didn’t realize how in some ways condescending this video was at some points I mean for the most part she’s usually on point but in making this video she kind of went out of her way to show her disgust for the wedding concept of spending money and it shows through as condescension to people who decide to spend money on a wedding
Comment from : @titogels

you act as if the word 'no' doesn't exist when it comes to weddings you can not invite people, you can rsvp no, you don't have to be a bridesmaid, you don't have to ask for/buy gifts, you don't have to have a cake, you don't have to have alcohol
Comment from : @cheyennerlfinneran3914

Please don't lie to your vendors, especially in 2021! If you can't afford custom wedding flowers, DIY instead Not everyone can afford luxury flowers (which is most of what you see on Pinterest) And that's okay It's better to live within your means and have a simple wedding, than to be flagged as a dishonest person
Comment from : @tinomichellet5946

Some etiquette experts say it’s tacky to say “no gifts” It’s not up to you what a guest gives or doesn’t give you for your wedding That isn’t the couple’s choice to make It also implies the initial expectation of a gift (and a gift should not be an expectation)
Comment from : @ZForce5496

This girl is the worst, just lost a lot of respect for this channel😥shame on you for your delivery!
Comment from : @unavictoria14

"We said no gifts, because we have taste" 😂😂😂 Gold!
Comment from : @tc3393

And you're giving the worst advice! To lie to vendors and to not state its for a Wedding? I'm sure that's either ILLEGAL, & YOU HAVE NO CLASS!!
Comment from : @zindelvazquez2954

You are seriously so rude Like why would you even insinuate that the couple who didn't do an OPEN BAR, got a divorce because of the amount of liquor they decided to buy? You're a bitter ass person
Comment from : @zindelvazquez2954

american weddings sound crazy
Comment from : @ediapaff8858

it's so insane to me that in America bridesmaids have to pay for their own dresses, as well as travel expenses for destination weddings
Comment from :

Wow I've never watched this channel before and now I never will 😳 this girl is awful, shame on you for being so judgmental All of those things are optional, you are biased and gave horrible advice I would never invite someone like you to my wedding because your clearly just judging everything sheesh girl
Comment from : @alexapeters5914

As a former wedding photographer (I now do elopements solely)… do NOT lie about your wedding being a wedding This is horrible advice unless you want 1) a breach of contract 2) horrible coverage of your day Wedding photographers charge what they do because weddings are a lot to cover Most photographers help plan your entire timeline for the day & keep things on schedule If they don’t know that it’s a wedding, don’t expect the day to go as planned or to get everything covered/captured that you wanted
Comment from : @BramSam1031

Comment from : @rachel7455

I hate weddings I’ve been a bridesmaid 12 times I could have put a down payment on a beautiful house with the money spent being in 12 weddings FYI: my husband and I eloped The fantasy of a big wedding dried up as I realized each wedding was a ridiculous industry more akin to a circus than a celebration of love
Comment from : @basiafaustina3586

Uneducated ignorant opinions are shaming brides to be and I'm not here for the BS
Comment from : @rachel7455

Comment from : @rachel7455

Comment from : @rachel7455

I hope this video is intended to be a joke because the little sneaky personal side comments are condescending, shaming and disturbing You might want to check on culture, traditions, countries and even states in the US because these are some of the parts that influence the wedding experience A wedding in NY is very different from a wedding in Alabama, Tanzania or Germany
Comment from : @Allbeautylab

Seeing a lot of tone policing in the comments section, I just want to point out that tone and content are two different things Women are disproportionately policed for their tone, and I'm sad to see that happening herebrbrContent is a different issue, and I 100 agree with some of the critiques there - every couple's financial situation and family traditions are different Not everyone can afford an open bar, and not all families would prefer no wedding at all over having a cash bar It seems irresponsible to suggest that you have to do an open bar in order to throw a wedding
Comment from : @katiesill1212

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