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How to Analyze an Income Statement Like a Hedge Fund Analyst

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Title :  How to Analyze an Income Statement Like a Hedge Fund Analyst
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Comments How to Analyze an Income Statement Like a Hedge Fund Analyst

Thanks for the insights! Just a quick unrelated question: I have a okx wallet with USDT, and I have the 12wordphrase: ( proof inner hobby bounce blouse able donate virtual luggage cart morning ticket ) How can I move it to Binance?
Comment from : @PaulPeters-z1b

Are you using sales and revenue interchangeably here? 8:18
Comment from : @AllThingsLeague

As we know, cost or expenses will reduce profit and it is automatically shrinking the taxesbrSo, in order to decrease the tax, creating ghost expense is the part of window dressing 😅😂brIs it valid around the globe?br🤓
Comment from : @MadameMacgyver1291

Good explanation
Comment from : @ravikurup8350

Nice for learn
Comment from : @shorifulislam8619

Can companies fake income statements? How would it affect your judgement?
Comment from : @mist9965

wow their operating income in 2021 is insane yoy jumping from 57 to 94 BB is nuts! and their expenses weren't much different compared to previous COGS and operating expensese relaative to revenue brbrWhat a a great year for them
Comment from : @magdalena2115

Very good explanation but very fast This video is for people who want to learn it and understand it which means they have to think while you’re talking This is an example of someone who has a knowledge but not a teaching or presentation skills
Comment from : @evastastna5298

Total garbage explanation
Comment from : @kenc8945

For anyone reading later on- some companies don’t align to calendar year if they follow set 4-5 week periods for better comparison to other periods This is common in manufacturing I’m sure there are other reasons as well
Comment from : @Nic-xr1og

Thanks a lotpls also cover some topic to estimate intrinsic value of the company
Comment from : @Khurram-zp8gl

This was great! Thank you for sharing this
Comment from : @livingingreenvillenc6904

hey i like your content, would you mind sharing how you prepare spreadsheet in detail?
Comment from : @prabhuverma322

Sry Sensei what is edibt u mentioned in balance sheet??✋🏼
Comment from : @SEJI5371

😮 min 9:27 yes pls And write a comment here if it will be online
Comment from : @Pyramidalist

one day maybe Rob Mauer will do a video like this i think that was his full time job
Comment from : @OnionKnight541

Thanks for the great content! Can you do a video about arriving at EBITDA and utilizing industry multiples?
Comment from : @dakotafleming5261

they not earning much
Comment from : @Magnetic275

Excellent content! Thank you for your wisdom, and soothing voice
Comment from : @onceuq

Gold dust this video is, gold dust
Comment from : @InBetweenRounds

Please do make a DCF video All of your explanations have been so very helpful and DCF video would really put it all together ❤
Comment from : @michaelflynn1617

Would love to see the DCF valuation video!!!! You break things down perfectly and thank you for taking the time and effort of creating these presentations
Comment from : @erickgomez8758

Is there a way to download the spreadsheets you used to analyze the stocks without joining your monthly patreon? Can I do a one time purchase?
Comment from : @neilbrodsky2035

Thank could you also do a review on Resource Company Statements!?
Comment from : @RavenRaven-se6lr

If the product sales is underperforming the sales if services shouldn't the company focus on trying to improve product sales growth?brbrIf I were the CEO or whatever of a company I will always work to maintain the areas of business that are already doing well but my focus is always going to be in what is underperforming and how there needs to be improvement in that area as a CEO I focus on the areas of concern that need attention paid to them not areas that are already doing well and don't need to be focused on as much at the moment
Comment from : @kingtigercrownestate9102

muy bueno , muchas gracias
Comment from : @SebastianRodriguez-ep9cm

Ah, yes, "hedge" funds Runrun fast!
Comment from : @wholeNwon

Wowoutstanding, clear explanationvery helpful Thank you
Comment from : @WDWysong

get back in the kitchen b
Comment from : @reeenareeena

Title: "How to Read and Analyze an Income Statement: A Guide Using Apple as an Example" br brSummary: brIn this informative video, the presenter emphasizes the importance of understanding and analyzing a company's income statement, a crucial skill for successful investing The key takeaways from the video are as follows: br br1 **Introduction to the Income Statement**: The income statement is one of three fundamental financial statements (alongside the balance sheet and statement of cash flows) used to report a company's financial performance over a specific period br br2 **Breakdown of Income Statement Elements**: The income statement breaks down a company's revenue (income from sales), expenses (costs of production, employees, rent, etc), and ultimately, profit (revenue minus expenses) br br3 **Practical Example Using Apple**: The presenter uses Apple's income statement as an example, highlighting how publicly traded companies are required to disclose their financial information for public access br br4 **Revenue Segmentation**: Companies often break down their revenue into segments or categories (eg, products and services) to provide investors with a more detailed view of their performance br br5 **Gross Margin**: Gross margin is calculated by subtracting the cost of goods sold from revenue and dividing the result by revenue A higher gross margin indicates stronger pricing power, and investors generally want to see this margin increasing over time br br6 **Operating Expenses**: Operating expenses include research and development (R&D) and selling, general, and administrative (SG&A) costs Analyzing these expenses relative to total revenue can reveal cost management efficiency br br7 **Operating Profit and Margin**: Operating profit is the profit before taxes and interest Operating margin (operating profit divided by revenue) reflects how much of each dollar of revenue is turned into profit Higher operating margins are generally preferred br br8 **Other Income and Expenses**: These are income and expenses outside the scope of the company's normal operations br br9 **Earnings Before Taxes and Net Income**: Earnings before taxes (EBT) is the profit before tax expenses, and net income is the final profit figure br br10 **Financial Modeling**: The presenter briefly mentions creating financial models to project a company's future profitability based on different growth rates, gross margins, and operating expenses br br11 **Projections**: Projections can help investors estimate a company's future financial performance, but they should be based on reasonable assumptions br brThe video provides a comprehensive overview of how to analyze an income statement, using Apple as an example It also hints at the importance of financial modeling for evaluating investment opportunities
Comment from : @MrBlackjack456

Your videos are wonderfully put together I would greatly appreciate if you do a DCF model video in the future You explain things with great ease and would be helpful to understand your view point on discounting cash flows Thank you and keep up the great work!
Comment from : @luxurylife7464

I'm a beginner and slowly trying to learn how to analyze financial statements You mentioned the basic financial model you created and yes please cover it in another video If there is already, I apologize and I will watch it after this video
Comment from : @mariecamero

Do you have a Twitter account ?
Comment from : @skybat723

Geat stuff so far!
Comment from : @davidwestenburg9165

What you need to do before making an investment in any stock is you need to study well into Income Statement like Mr Ackman
Comment from : @anhnguyenhong8770

I'm only halfway through the video and I just have to say your explanations are by far the best I have heard so far I've been researching how to analyse companies for investment for months, it's been slow progress Although I was familiar with most of the terms you were speaking about, my understanding of them just trippled thanks to your breakdown of each of them Thankyou so much I will now prioritize this chanel first, amazing video 😄
Comment from : @jamieamato560

love the way you explain, thanks
Comment from : @aggariba

Hi, @investorcentre just watched this video and wanted to say thank you It was an excellent overview of an income statement I have not seen your videos before, but I have subscribed now Thank you
Comment from : @andredantu6664

In case anyone is wondering,brbr“The difference between them [gross profit margin and operating profit margin] is that gross profit margin only figures in the direct costs involved in production, while operating profit margin includes operating expenses like overhead”brbrFrom Investopedia
Comment from : @jaysant6958

The calendar year reporting relates to when the company was established, otherwise the first reporting would be for 6 months and 21 days or what ever which would be difficult to compare to the next ones
Comment from : @annasillanpaa1111

How are you able to make that much with Mr Sam Deymon
Comment from : @ethan9415

The reason some companies have year ends other than Dec 31, is mainly for tax purposes
Comment from : @politicaldissidence

Let me explain why some companies like Apple will have an income statement end in Sep 25 For one, Apple is trying to be as exact as possible in comparing their activities That means each income statement compares 365 days of activity, hence this is the reason why 2020 moved up 2 days (because of the leap year) The 2nd part, is because Apple is so large, it takes them a long time to put all their financials in order Every statement needs a begin date and an end data date and will use the remaining time to compile the data, review, and approve by the end of year Seems like Apple just needs a big head start in order to be able to report by end of calendar year
Comment from : @awesomeblossom2417

Terrific video on how to analyze the important information ℹ️
Comment from : @John414

please cover DCF , will be more helpful thanks
Comment from : @Myvirtues

Thanks, lot for your deep work Can you tell me "For how long should I analyze these statements"? last 4 quarters or last 10 years
Comment from : @awababd-arrahman3104

Would love to see a video that covers the projections for DCF valuation which is ultimately used to determine if a stock is undervalued!! Very helpful <3
Comment from : @profit_paradox

Not everyone can teach like this Hats off mam
Comment from : @TT-mg3yu

Discounted Cash Flow Evaluation would be so helpful if we were explained in detail What an amazing channel Just found this channel looking for how buffet calculates intrinsic value and what a library of information, I stumbled acrossbrbrThank You! Investor Center, for delivering amazing Content and great VALUE!
Comment from : @malikdey-nativemoor2923

Can you cover how to see if a stock is undervalued or overvalued please
Comment from : @Yola12972

Comment from : @DreaminBig

That was a really good tip I’ve heard of comparing statements of a company to another that is in the same business I didn’t know how You said to compare YoY and it’s such an obvious thing that I don’t mid my think of lol Thank you
Comment from : @DreaminBig

This is a great explanation and one very important Thank you so much Could you please do one for the DCF?
Comment from : @anandpatel2624

Hello If Income statement data from QuickBooks and from tax return are different, is this normal?
Comment from : @lowmett2165

Hi! Quick question, I am currently second year finance student in college do you think that I should research on my own to learn stock market analysis? Or do you think that a fund or my college me everything I would need to know?brbrThank you!
Comment from : @amimellamanjose7687

Thanks for the vids… learning a lot!!
Comment from : @trentonbillie7

Great stuff -- Would you by any chance have an available copy of that spreadsheet model you use to perform your long term sensitivity analysis?
Comment from : @olivierlemoine9415

Great video!!! Thanks for share!!!
Comment from : @javieralessandro8850

Please cover the blue stuff
Comment from : @lsubandtrumpet2014

Totally amazing You kept the information and time both concise and useful Could you also upload the DCF video which you mentioned?
Comment from : @aishwaryakochar3334

Thank You
Comment from : @hoopie1022

DCF valuation please
Comment from : @danloyvales2017

One question it's written in top its denoted in million and u said than 365 billion sale how it should bi 0365 billion or 365 million can u clear me that
Comment from : @AliKhan-qt3jl

it will be great if you can do a discounted cash flow evaluation
Comment from : @josekuoman3006

Thank you for this video It helps me a lot of this report
Comment from : @joelchauho-gmail7630

Can you please make a video on how to calculate the discounted cash flow evaluation to find intrinsic value?
Comment from : @domceja62

Love your channel I'd love to see the video that you talked about doing at the end of this one I think that would be very useful Thanks for your time and effort
Comment from : @JedWunderli

Great Vid!
Comment from : @Saad_TheGod

Very informing and great content However, I was wondering do you not consider the consolidated statement of comprehensive income??
Comment from : @ghosm9855

We do a different physical year most often to match the government’s physical year which does not end December either
Comment from : @blockchainasaservice7496

is net sales the same thing as revenue?
Comment from : @kevin1049

Would be awesome if you could do a "How to analyze a 10k" Great work, really
Comment from : @eRaZerrOfficial

Mrs sonia is legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy
Comment from : @ramsondave6915

Thank you for your video! Please also prepare a video on discounted cash flow analysis to determine if the stock is undervalued
Comment from : @lukeallen282

good stuff!
Comment from : @mayankshankar1950

Excellent series of videos And, yes! Please do a DCF Valuation video This would be very insightful
Comment from : @jclopez99

I am experienced Forex trader, profit loss 70/30, deaf, how to become hedge fund manager
Comment from : @XpengInc

Great Video and presentation to understand the concept, could you please make a video to calculate share price basis income projections Thanks
Comment from : @flmjohn

Thank you, again!
Comment from : @danny100d

I think everyone would love to see you do a DCF model!!!
Comment from : @rafaelageyev9961

Yes DCF would be very interesting
Comment from : @regansun1629

Great video! Very clear and concise!
Comment from : @domceja62

if you could please do so (dcf) in a separate video I would really be interested
Comment from : @SalonRougeAmir

Fantastic video! I love how clearly and thoroughly you present information You may want to look into teaching, consulting, or creating a course
Comment from : @sev7ncapitall

This is great! Thanks!!!
Comment from : @elpapasongote

I needed this - thank you!
Comment from : @Toys4Life

This video has been super useful, thanks! And it would be great if you could do another video on estimating future earnings from the income statement Thanks!
Comment from : @isidorocn7982

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