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What Really Happens When You Opt Out of Paying Income Taxes?

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Comments What Really Happens When You Opt Out of Paying Income Taxes?

There is no “safe harbor” when something is conceived in a “fraud”
Comment from : @cheesemouse7774

They silenced Aaron Russo for speaking the truth
Comment from : @cheesemouse7774

I respectfully ask that you please explain why a former IRS special agent, Joe Bannister has not paid taxes for many years I’ll wait for your reply If one is not forthcoming, Joes statement of him not paying federal income tax is a fact
Comment from : @cheesemouse7774

Ends with trying to expose processes 😂
Comment from : @andrewjck1

Grossly underrepresented code and law lol
Comment from : @andrewjck1

Why not address all of the court cases that are won? How about when supervisor at IRS, Robert Gorini, was unable to cite any US law that required Banister to pay income taxes while being questioned on the stand under oath!??
Comment from : @andrewjck1

Ronald reagan said taxes aren't used to run the country
Comment from : @johnnyarnaud4728

Thank you, very helpful
Comment from : @alleyjoy2307

Someone wants to keep their job
Comment from : @maykonmills1598

I guess they decided to just skim right over that pesky SCOTUS decision that stated the 16th amendment confers no new taxation power to the congress 😂
Comment from : @jesseDelisle

3:57 of course, why would the courts rule against their own best interests? They rationalize their actions by re branding slavery
Comment from : @jesseDelisle

Hey - just wathed a few spots of this video and you're right on a lot of points A taxpayer is a conclusion or legal opinion consideration of underlying facts, not a fact itself The revocation of election is real, but it has to do with non-resident aliens being treated as citizens - not revocation of election to pay taxes With all that said, several hundreds of thousands have beaten the tax, myself included, by refuting the foundational claims in 1099s and w2s There are a lot of bad arguments but it is possible Happy to go over this with you if you're interested in learning more I keep it objective and actively debunk all the bad arguments
Comment from : @TaxationIsTheft

So my guest is that everyone working for the IRS pays taxes RLOL Im sure they do not have a leg to stand on that they pay any taxes
Comment from : @kiddhyper

What about fair and equal punishment Since hunter biden got pardon of millions of dollars Do I have a case for (fair and equal punishment under the same law) i believe this is part of the constitution
Comment from : @jamesgarrels1175

Thanks for keeping some of us out of jail
Comment from : @indigobluu

1) Godbr2) Man kindbr3) Government brbrThe Government was never to be above man because man created government!
Comment from : @billymitchell1790

I think its simple Work but don't get paid in USD Get paid in chicken or ducks, clothing, water Its not "income"I think its simple Work but don't get paid in USD Get paid in chicken or ducks, clothing, water Its not "income"
Comment from : @ironmikelaw

The taxing authorities has made recent changes and repeals which hide the truth better than what is in the 1999 code However if you receive wages you are taxable That said, the constitution states that taxable income is income from sources Those sources are in 26 usc 861 and 864, always read through the exception at 26 usc 3121a (1-22) The tax code is very complex, yet there are many source that we as Americans are exempt from A few sections to look at are 26 usc 871 and 877 Also, the definition of State and United States in 26 usc 7701 (9) and (10) must be understood Much of the tax code does not apply to much of our income, however it takes careful study of the code to determine what is taxable income Do not attempt to avoid the tax until you have a complete understanding of who you are and your sources of income God Bless
Comment from : @singersventures2992

This why there should be a national sales tax to replace the income tax All income taxes are burdensome not only financially, but also on our time, having to fill out forms every year, which by the way we are signing UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY One (honest) mistake could make you guilty of PERJURY - jail time! What's wrong with that picture? With a NST you only "pay at the pump" when you buy new items which are not tax exempt - clothing, food or medicine would be tax exempt of course The "poor" would not be impacted You get to keep all you make and only pay when you buy something such as a NEW TV, car, house, boat, hardware, computers, etc Used items would also be exempt - such as stuff on eBay The Treasury would pull in MORE revenue than with the current draconian system - nothing to file unless you're a retail business Even currently, the income tax is only a portion of the revenue stream - there are excise taxes and import duties, to name a couple Hopefully DOGE comes through for us!
Comment from : @chrisguli2865

Good luck the IRS will auction off all your valuables and put you in jail
Comment from : @UnknownMoses

The IRS does not make laws Also the IRS was hoist upon us illegally So the IRS can s#©k my b@!!$
Comment from : @jasonno2953

There is no statute that compels you to comply This has been proven year after year Research the criminal cases dismissed when the legal challenge " provide the statute that compels you to comply" does not exist
Comment from : @DHSCERT

pls make video on filing 1099-K for small eBay sellers do we really need a receipt for every sale to show profit and loss?
Comment from : @HiFiInsider

Those tax laws are not leagal,but your name is written in capital letters that makes you property of the state
Comment from : @andrewpattison3716

Sorry i just noticed on my tax papers that are filed one of the line item balances in clear english says something to the effect of an agreed payment or a VOLUNTARY amount sent to the feds I will check and post afterwards
Comment from : @carolynklestinec8589

Only if you’re an illegal
Comment from : @buccanaquarter

First of all, I commend you for making this video! This is a very professional, video in regards to its production Excellent lighting, video transitions, and presentation! Also, I have never seen a CPA on Youtube show interest in the subject of tackling and addressing the idea of "opting out of taxes" or giving considerable time to why many Americans legitimately resist to paying income taxes brbrNow, here are some points I want to address in this video There is no "legal way to opt out of paying income taxes" Either an income tax is imposed on you by law, or there is not In other words, you cannot "opt-out" of a tax that is not imposed on your income in the first place brbrSo is there a law in the Internal Revenue Code that imposes an income tax on the domestic income of Americans? Noel did not provide any such code section in his video Isn't that strange? One would think that if a CPA would make a video addressing whether one could "opt-out" of paying income taxes, the CPA would cite the law requiring Americans to pay the federal income tax in the first place But he did not Why? Because no such law exists!brbrNoel says in his video that anyone with income meets the definition of a taxpayer Not true First of all, the word "income" is not even defined in the Internal Revenue Code Secondly, the word "taxpayer" is defined in the Internal Revenue code It is found in 26 USC 7701(a) (14) and is described here: "The term “taxpayer” means any person subject to any internal revenue tax" So according to the law, a person has to be SUBJECT to any internal revenue tax in order to be a "taxpayer" Again, who is subject to the federal income tax? Noel doesn't cite that code section brbrNoel claims in his video that "according to the Tax Code, INCOME means all income from any source derived" Did you notice that Noel failed to provide the code section that he was describing? That is because there is not a code section in the Internal Revenue Code that describes income in the way that Noel presented it brbrNoel says that he encourages us to do our research I totally agree with that! And I am going to recommend that he does the same Noel clearly has some work to do on his research regarding this income tax issue At least he has tried to make a video about this issue, so I will give him credit for that brbrNoel, I am going to recommend that you read Larken Rose's Taxable Income report It shows what the tax laws actually say regarding "income" and what is taxable That is something that you failed to do You can read the report here larkenrosecom/pdf/TaxableIncome2007pdf also, here is a good website regarding this tax issue wwwtruth-attackcombrbrIn any case, interesting video!
Comment from : @Liberty-fi7mg

No one should be incarcerated for debt that included IRS taxes & interest etc ,, that's unconstitutional bill of rights , that unlawful ,,Rico act violation federal trade commission act ,,, deceptive practices on made up law democracy,, ucc method loop hole
Comment from : @AA-zm4ow

Taxes are unlawful unconstitutional & not by the constitution republic,, the mafia democratic politicians in the 1960s wars debts of wars,,violation of Rico act violation , federal trade act ,,,, Irs is a international agency mainly represent America's & Caribbean islands ,, debts & repayments ,, tax & charge for services the force & con USA people,, the people human beings American national , the con is the birth certificate , or naturalize contract law ,,,& there could be documents that contract that ,,
Comment from : @AA-zm4ow

No confusion here: Federal judges & CPAs like to GET PAID!!
Comment from : @darktimesatrockymountainhi4046

Ok what about 18 USC 8?
Comment from : @rickw4850

Opting out of things there are contract agreements amongst things in the federal is a contract agreement the state is not federal you wouldn't pay state you would
Comment from : @ljsmooth69

They have the power to seize your assets for what reason to force you to pay them for payments you don't know them wait a minute how can I just take your property oh that's right it's not your property see there's a bunch of shit this guy ain't telling you people
Comment from : @ljsmooth69

If you couldn't claim exempt on your taxes why is there a spot to claim exempt on your taxes
Comment from : @ljsmooth69

There's no such thing as a sovereign citizen Cuz Americans aren't citizens not to the state nor the federal government US Federal citizens are This is the aspect of the consent of the governed you don't have our consent therefore you can't govern us therefore we don't sign and commit to a consensual contract agreement with that said government therefore they cannot charge us for their services no taxes buddy so there ain't no tax out option on that one you just simply not in business with them to begin with so you're not paying them the money that they charge in the form of taxes for what's supposed to be a secure border when they don't keep that contract agreement the consent of the government is null and void because they broke the contract agreement
Comment from : @ljsmooth69

We don't care what they say their law is that they want to be we care about the truth
Comment from : @ljsmooth69

Just because some quartz has ruled in one side of the favor or another doesn't mean it's true in the aspect of it being right correct people throughout our government in a hole has been there since the day it was created just because they say they can don't mean they can just because they passed it into law I don't mean it's law because it they say so
Comment from : @ljsmooth69

Laws aren't made to be reinterpreted they meant what they meant when they were made
Comment from : @ljsmooth69

It's a natural born person not a human
Comment from : @ljsmooth69

Taxing is a jokebrTrillions of tax payer dollars going overseas, yet say the hurricane victims from September and October getting no ad is just one point of proof we are being taxed without representation
Comment from : @zidedeikery7224

In the federal code of regulations it uses the phrase “one required” Some people realize that if some are one required, maybe they are not one required I know of several people who legally do not have to pay taxes One issue under Public Law, that congress writes, they have defined a US citizen as a tax payer Under operation of law if you‘re a US citizen you owe a tax The United States is a title of a corporation and not the name of the country (United States of America) There are a lot of clues written in law concerning taxes but you have to find them, piece the together and understand how to interpret thembrbr28 US Code § 3002 - DefinitionsbrThe United States Titles and Code under 28 US Code § 3002 - Definitions, (15) states that “United States” means (A) a Federal corporation, (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or (C) an instrumentality of the United StatesbrbrCongress also defined what a person is back in 1862:br26 US Code § 7701 - Definitionsbrbr(1) PersonbrThe term “person” shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, company or corporationbrbrThese are business structure and have nothing to do with live human beings They’re all dealing with a fiction They first placed you in a category you don’t belong in to be able to tax youbrbrPublic law is a type of law that governs relationships between the government and “legal persons” (look up Public Law) A power never granted to congress before the Civil WarbrbrAlthough these so called taxes are unlawful based on the Constitution, I don’t suggest anyone attempting to not pay the government’s extortion fees called taxes Wait for President Trump to abolish taxes and the IRS!
Comment from : @TheseusTitan

When you have people that owe $300 and up that make minimum wage with no exemptions there is a huge problem
Comment from : @TheOfficial_CommanderShepherd

Does the death of chevron have any bearing on this?
Comment from : @jedsmith1348

Use of the term Sovereign Citizen tells me all I need to know
Comment from : @carleecash241S8

What if people haave a mutual agreement of donation/gift?
Comment from : @vonettawilliams3754

I haven't filed income tax for decadesbrThe IRS is a contracted private corporation, based in Puerto Rico brI owe them nothingbr" No taxes or tariffs shall be assessed against monies earned by the sweat of the brow"
Comment from : @fredziffel3443

The biggest hole I see in the IRS'es standing is that Knox LIED when he said that the 16th? addmendment was ratified!
Comment from : @billyboy969

The IRS is a foreign collection agency working for the "federal reserve" a foreign banking system that has no place in our republic Andrew Jackson had it right kick them out
Comment from : @westbranchgrassman7004

During the Boston tea party, were they making a “legal argument” or just saying no we’re not going to do this anymore GTFO?
Comment from : @graymatters6155

Why don’t they ever just use the word human?
Comment from : @graymatters6155

Look at your name on any credit card or legal document It’s an all capital letters That’s a corporation, that’s not you, they just want you to admit that the corporation is you It’s all word salad and the government is the fraudulent one trying to steal everyone’s money when all of this is corporate policy and corporate law and corporate personhood
Comment from : @graymatters6155

At the three minute 53 second mark My response is that the fact that you were pronounced deceased, upon birth and a corporate entity created for you backed by a birth certificate, and Social Security contract, of which you were not a party to makes everything from there andunconscionable bargain A bargain that no honest person with Mack, and no honest person would accept Your parents registered you unwittingly before you could have been a party to the contract, therefore every presumption there after is null & void, because involuntary servitude is exactly what that was when your parents signed you away to the state unwittingly, violating the 14th amendment, Aka the government commits fraud
Comment from : @graymatters6155

Income taxes were predominately started as temporary measures to pay for war Thus we now are in a nonstop war status in order to justify income taxes Income Tax continuation is the biggest reason America keeps being involved in military conflicts around the world
Comment from : @craigwinans1948

It's a game and if you know how to play it, you do not need to file Whatever laws the author cited, there is a bunch of others that show it is voluntary I sent my paperwork to revoke my election to pay taxes and have been playing ping ping with irs for about a year Not once they said that i must pay, cited any lawd, or objected to my claims, With every new response the send me a new coupon and new address to send it to, which i do There is also plenty of case law that support "theory" that taxes are voluntary In legalese everything is about a definition and their definitions, even though sound like English like words, carry completely different meanings Any so called modern law is pretty much fraud and legal is not lawful And section 26 is not a law Irs just established it's own authority Wow, how convenientbrbrI know a number of people who had not filed for years and that includes w2 employees I'm working on mine
Comment from : @igory8698

What can a citizen do that the fed and state have not paid the due return is there any laws or court cases that stand up for the individual has had their return with held
Comment from : @NoName-qk9ic

Taxation is this theft If people come to your house with the guns if you don't pay it is theft Judges are paid with tax money they are completely biased And should recuse themselves of any tax case
Comment from : @davidbehrman4920

I stopped paying under we the people class action law suit back when government cancelled our meeting on 09/10/2001 the day before 9/11 long story short, i was 8,000 behind over several years and ended up paying back over $21,000 as the IRS went after my 401k, the only chance we have today is to have the congress redefine income to not include wages or labor all other arguments fail in court
Comment from : @dataatqcontinuumdejavu9954

What is the actual law that says anyone has to pay income tax
Comment from : @TheIrishdriven

Tax s are on profit correct ? There is no profit on labor profits acrue from commodities
Comment from : @TheIrishdriven

So for corporation, our people, why don’t they pay taxes?
Comment from : @eriklindaas8045

Taxes are slavery ,slavery has not been abolished in America Of course the slave masters are going to tell you is not slavery
Comment from : @airpower7692

Ok y not cover the fact that income tax was nonexistent in the 20s 30s and 40s? Why not point out that the constitution states :No man should pay tax for work off thebsqest of his brow" let's also point out that we pay tax on income to get double tax on unemployment thanks to Ronald Reagan tax on social security Tax on money we make tax on money we spend tax on when we die tax on money we invest tax on money we save This is 10000x worse than hey long shakes from the midevil times Tax on what we own Taxed to death Don't forget about the exit tax they hit us with when we wise up and leave this place
Comment from : @harrylafountaine5764

I would love to see this person call into Usef El's high frequency radio's podcast What are taxes? There is no money The united states has been operating in bankruptcy since 1933, the private bank AKA the federal reserve was enacted in 1913 when the 12 banker met up on jekyll Island Look up the creature from jekyll Island I do believe there is a way out by becoming a private person by living in the private Usef El gives you knowledge of how to do that
Comment from : @Whooboy400

ALSO, they are censoring your comments
Comment from : @chrisrain7925

I quit working 😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @Aly-z9h

1913 YR IRS -1933 YR Bankrupt America -1935 SSN# 1940 temporarily taxed pay check until war end What happens when you go bankrupt? The creditors take control Fiat money you use, an interest charge on it they deceptively called it taxes But they have to give you a remedy and brainwash you to believe otherwise How is it you pledge allegiance to a Republic in school and have served under a Democracy? I don't pay taxes I rebuttal them and don't contract with those 1040 Study common law😮 A people that don't know their rights don't have any or they don't know how to enforce them
Comment from : @chrisrain7925

Correct your status, submit RoE by Registered Mail Also learn the USC, UCC, CFR amongst others things to study n learn and Discharge Debt brI removed my tax liability and therefore i have NO tax obligation Been over 25 yrs since I've "paid" taxes
Comment from : @TheDrifter250

This person is offering misinformation
Comment from : @Gargamoth

Taxes Are Theft
Comment from : @Gargamoth

If i were to argue against paying taxes, it would be based on what the government is spending my tax dollars on, and that congress is only allowed to spend money on behalf of the "good of all citizens"
Comment from : @timothyhorrick2204

Fun fact, the IRS is NOT the government they are simply a bureaucracy that have no grounds in "governing" we the people
Comment from : @charchark365

Those people go to prison
Comment from : @smoothdahustla9729

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