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Why Java Is So Hard To Learn

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Title :  Why Java Is So Hard To Learn
Lasting :   4.13
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Description Why Java Is So Hard To Learn

Comments Why Java Is So Hard To Learn

When it comes fo Java Embrace the suck
Comment from : @HoldFast-r7g

want to learn java? let's seebrJava is a backend languagebrwhich means you need to additionally learn xml, yaml, json, sqlbrpopular frameworks and build systems, maven/gradle, hibernate/postgres, spring boot/mvs/security, dockerbrThe backend will in any case interact with the frontend, which means that you need at least basic html, css, jsbrand all this just to become a beginnerbrbrstill want to learn Java??😂😂😂
Comment from : @Яго-ж2в

Yes I do struggling a lot brAnd now failed my midexam
Comment from : @andylittlebird5402

I actually haven't struggled with public static void main(String[] args)brIn the beggining there was a question about it, but because I already knew C, I understood why "main", and why "args", the only issue was with "void", because in C it was intbrBut I haven't struggle with typing it, just psvm, and it creates the main method
Comment from : @davidblbulyan3077

Im new to java because of Minecraft modding and i berley know anything about how to code in java when i put something in correctly and i still get a error i get vary angry
Comment from : @tobyzilla

3:46 Literally the arch linux experience
Comment from : @flerov01

nice shirt! this was a great video, thanks
Comment from : @microbrews9388

There are two issues that make Java difficult in my opinion Firstly, there is too much redundancy You try to find out how to do something and there so many ways to do it Being a novice, you have no way of determining which options are best practice or better Secondly, Maven and Gradle lack simplicity
Comment from : @ericmclean4291

Great video
Comment from : @Mindphaser1

Java isn’t hard I learned Java for the first time back in 2003 at Ole Miss
Comment from : @sephiroth7818

Java Is Tough😂Its Most Easy Languages Ever Learn Since KindergartenRun C# Code Under Java Based Containers🥳 None Can Beat Java And Its Abstraction And Sandboxing
Comment from : @PersianDastaan

I don't feel java is hard to learn, what is hard is to memorise oop patterns if you have a university exam like I do at the end of the semester
Comment from : @ricardomartinhodacruz

in my 7 yr of coding 2yr java and 2yr of python i can say java is a more robust language than python sure also in ml area and data science but for me java is more clear to understand language; and also after learning touch typing i don't find any difficulty in writing java code 😅
Comment from : @rajarshibiswas9424

I feel this video is a little dramatic, Java is one of the slightly easier languages to learn Starting with the premis that its hard because its more verbose than some other languages is largley a little misleading, at least from a educational perspective, Programming itself has a degree of complexity for all beginners, however, most languages have common rules, some merely hide them from implementation from the user This can mean basic principles are lost or omitted for beginnersbrbr Java is a C based language as is Python, Python implements the same machine led interpretation and byte code creation, at a low level , it just wraps it up better for the user, in my opinion, not great for a broader understanding of the lnaguae If you learn Java well, languages such as Python will be more facile to learn Conversley, beginnning with Python, would render a steeper learning curve if moving to Java or similar These days, only ever focusing on one language, will not get you far in a career
Comment from : @stefumies

I learned it so easily after learning python for 4 years
Comment from : @jjophoven

it starts with hello world, ends with goodbye world
Comment from : @ZaiTheDragon

i cant even open the java control panel😭😭😭
Comment from : @justcasuallygaming9680

Comment from : @abdulbasit9126

I hate java i would rather code in kotlin than java but i have no choice but to learn it if I want to reverse engineering an android apps
Comment from : @ameera999

im at 0 knowledge in java your videos helped me up my game a bit thnx
Comment from : @rexelcier8768

Comment from : @alextumirihuanca9299

Or, you can be thrown into a java project with no java experience because the lead java coder left the project pissed off and there's only 4 months before everything goes into production We all learn faster with a gun to our head Thanks for the video!
Comment from : @howardbetts9133

I came to java from COBOL and was writing software in 5 days Maybe its a skill issue I learnt to code in assembly
Comment from : @KangoV

i think that java is easy to learn, the hard part its th OOP thats heavily attached to java the multilevels os abstractions are hard to learn, how to use them correctly much harder
Comment from : @williamsilveira6853

I felt like Java came crazy easy to me But I have trouble with “easier”languages like Lua It really all just comes down to preference and what makes sense to you
Comment from : @blue__9281

As a python programmer had to say I can learn Java within a week in the interview Sadly I have to follow what I said
Comment from : @alonerpro

if you think java is hard, youre just dumb
Comment from : @akshatjaiswal

Java's syntax is really verbose and sometimes are a real mess, but eventuallt you'll get used to
Comment from : @souquark1

Let me correct your thumbnail brJava is not hard it's trash 🗑🚮
Comment from : @CourierSix01

Young Dorothy Anderson Brian Wilson Amy
Comment from : @PiersYves-k2z

The java universe is 🔥🔥🔥
Comment from : @jonathanndawula8584

Subscribed just in case
Comment from : @Жестокий-Новый-Мир

This didn't actually explain anything about why Java might be uniquely difficult (as the title implies), it was just about what could make programming difficult for self-taught beginners who have elected to start with an object-oriented programming language The only possible takeaway as such is that Java bisn't/b actually hard to learn which is nice to know, but I expected a video with more/any substance :/
Comment from : @Theoreticaly

Java isn't hard, you need to just level up
Comment from : @weho_brian

Why is everyone using Java, why can't I just write everything one does in Java; in Swift? Optionals, Extensions, Concurrency, optional unwrapping, all this with the language being multi-paradigm seems so much more elegant way of doing stuff, compared to being stuck in oop with the filename and classname being the same and all the constraints Java need?brbrWhat decides the "business decision" of a project in a company, is it technical debt, is it programmers sticking to the language they know, are programmers bounded to a language because of the community they joined during college? I have SOOO many questions
Comment from : @anataone1967

I don’t believe Java is hard to learn though it’s just a lot It’s pie walk not cake walk
Comment from : @glitchmasterskits941

Multithreading, mutex, semaphore, Monitor, inner thread communication, dead lock -> my brain crying 😭😭😭
Comment from : @deepaktechk

First language, really was not that hard I preferred the boilerplate as it made it more clear as to how things worked
Comment from : @joshnicholson6194

Java has a lot of inconsistencies, blunders in its original concepts and other problems due to the lack of proper research during its creation stage Only because of Sun Microsystems and the money behind it it has gained an overwhelming support and multiple fixes to work mostly flawlessly
Comment from : @trevoro9731

OK, gonna be nice, You’re from the older generation, You learned the easier way, Static, Public, Object oriented programming All that stuff you were rhyming off is just a part of programming It allows you be more flexible and do more and How are you talking about There’s a lot to Remember in the syntax text editors with add on’s Helps with that issue a lot it pre-writes things for you repetitively!… but it is good to get used to writing your Scripts In notepad to get used to it to memorize everything overtime it’s fun that way anyways
Comment from : @kylelewis2122

I have to argue Java isn't that hard to learn
Comment from : @Christopher_Samaan

It’s not as bad as it sounds Hang in there
Comment from : @StarDust_2077

Java is not hard, but there's just a lot to it that's all
Comment from : @nanonkay5669

Java is one of the easiest language to learn If you feel hard to learn that? I would recommend you to just quit learning programming
Comment from : @Mistoffeleess

First time honest lol
Comment from : @afanahayahazam7083

You just gave me hope
Comment from : @Apo458

Much Love John Thank You For This Video ❤ brbrYou have earned my sub
Comment from : @julianneedsblood7091

Is java even still relevant 4 anything nowadays
Comment from : @Midnight3mc

Honestly i've been stuck on libraries, framworks idk bruh 💀
Comment from : @esbatu13

Wants to learn Java to develop Android apps Everyone uses Kotlin :/
Comment from : @PurpleWarlock

What does programming help with on a computer?
Comment from : @JSL-t4j

Comment from : @mryoloTHEgreek

Comment from : @Doomslayer151

Java produces instant lecacy code - fireship channel 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Comment from : @leocondoric2391

Good point
Comment from : @tesukim4338

Its my first langage in collage
Comment from : @chilidogjudgesyou

You nailed it lol! Which is why I dropped the language
Comment from : @Volluble

bro, people saying java is hard are just python programmers who never touched another REAL language (python is not a programming language, and u cant convince me otherwise, and its not up for argument), i lately started learning rust and GOD, THATS what a hard language is
Comment from : @mnlog9074

that peanut butter sandwich analogy was epic xd
Comment from : @ensarthewicked

Java isn't hard Java is just bloody garbage
Comment from : @matylkafunialska5884

Java need game with AI thats simple
Comment from : @AlmazKojaxmet

I used to think why we don't have as many inventions these days may be because people are giving up their lives learning programming languages like Java which doesn't have an end to it and finally dies
Comment from : @rakeshranjan4972

cool video)
Comment from : @ВасилийЧижов-э6ю

Life is too short to code in Java
Comment from : @Ivan-g2u3u

cool video)
Comment from : @NurjigitAbzalov

The irony in the fact that its so utterly confusing is because of people jumping over all the details Your language is a tool, not a science Explain what your tool was made to do, why that tool was needed, and how it will do what its meant to do brbrInstead we get " NO NO dont worry about all this it will just confuse you!"brbrMy theory is most programmers just pull the ladder up behind them for job securityor they learbed to use a language through just pattern recognition and dont understand the "why" themselvesbrbrAt this point your only hope is textbooks the old fashion way
Comment from : @jacob9583

The peanut butter and jelly sandwich analogy was perfect
Comment from : @DragonPop64

java was the first language i learned in uni
Comment from : @xperwar

When you say's that java really really make sense I feel like the line you have spoken was epic!!
Comment from : @64aashishchaudhary5

the only thing I pulled from this video was, Python is better
Comment from : @bingus9984

Java is not hard but Mind doesn't accept
Comment from : @dhawalparmar7117

Hello Thank you How can we practice? Is there any exercises to do?
Comment from : @fkhamoushi

haha yess, thank god there is chat gpt now
Comment from : @kathrinm2420

just need simple ide
Comment from : @KOl-xj4jt

Fxck Java I'm not letting go of this feeling
Comment from : @labreynth

I've been learning Java lately and the thing that bothers me the most is THINKING WHAT THE CLASS REPRESENTS as if I have a chess pawn,it's not the same the pawn in itself as it is in the game so there should be two classes that when you are in the game class you combine the two pawn classes to make a full pawn because one represents the pawn (without thinking of it as part of the game) and the other represents the pawn but in the game Fking hard for me to think of that ngl
Comment from : @MetAlan100

Like for the "Metallica" t-shirt
Comment from : @karenmelikyan377

In case anyone doesn't know what that args array is for When you go to run a basic bytecode file like HelloWorldclass: java -cp HelloWorld arg1 arg2 arg3 those three arg values are going to be elements in the args array This can be checked logically within the main method; this can help with setting certain modes for your program, or execute a totally different version of your program depending on the value of arg1, or arg2
Comment from : @SpiritVector

johhny bhai in glasses
Comment from : @BharatGupta-h8d

Very interesting
Comment from : @alyxgurr755

A lot of these problems are easily solved if you are learning java as your first language, and learning it through a long period of timebrMy school has been teaching java, and we have been learning it from 9th grade for almost 2 years now, and now just completed OOPs brIts mind numbingly slow, but goddamn they teach every topic rigorously brI bthink/b my coding skill is personally at the level of a 1st/2nd year college student despite being just a 10th grader
Comment from : @soumickdas9674

I'd rather stay with my Linux, shell scripting, and Bash/GIT And thank you for saying "Programming is Hard"
Comment from : @hassanmeraj8037

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